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Using our world as a template, it probably would be illegal to revive a convict, but itd be an open secret that a few well placed bribes and a bit of influence is all it’d take to bend the rules


With your current phone, go ahead and take two pictures - one normal, the other a picture of a picture of that thing

Now look at the two, and tell me you can’t tell in a split second that one is a picture of a picture. There’s a reason that it’s a running joke on the internet that people need to learn to take real screenshot instead of taking a picture of the monitor - there’s always annoying and obvious artifacts.


Except smart phone cameras will also improve - if anything, I’d say that over the last decade, the average smart phone camera has improved at a much faster rate than your average computer monitor.

Combine what I said with all the other Metadata that will be collected, and I’m quite skeptical that you could fool an actual professional with your scheme.


I don’t even know if I agree with that tbh - I’ve yet to see anything that actually shows that AI voiceovers can replace human ones. Oh they can make realistic speech, but they can’t voice act. A voice actor isn’t just a person who reads a script in a monotone, they’re an actor.

AI will probably eventually get good enough to understand the context of the dialogue and add the appropriate inflections and such - but nothing today comes even close


Yup, they do the same for half marathons, 10ks and 5ks

Sometimes the first 3 will get special medals, but but everyone else gets the same one


Just did a 5k for cancer research this weekend and we got a medal for it 🤷🏼‍♂️ hell, my wife and dog (yes, my dog got her own medal, it was adorable) got one for one walking it 😅

Ultimately it’s just a piece of cheap metal, not like it’s impractical to give them out willy nilly


Yeah, remember the reaction when that one post got popular about lemmy being boring for anyone that wasn’t a SWE/Linux user?

People got so pissed off, one of the top posts on lemmy that day was something to the affect of “fuck you, we’re not obligated to post things you like”. Which, yeah, you’re not - but you also can’t blame people for losing interest in your platform when you only have active discussion on one or two relatively niche topics.

The fact is that Lemmy is garbage for discussing hobbys or interests outside of a few niche areas. On reddit my feed was filled with woodworking, 3d printing, Astronomy, and other topics that get very little traffic on lemmy.

My lemmy feed is mostly politics, then SWE stuff, then memes


Some people will worship anything Bethesda puts out, even when it’s mid at best


Some other people really let Apple live rent free in their heads lol


I’m kind of the same, I rarely wear deodorant, and it’s basically never an issue (believe me, my wife would tell me if it was)

But some days even I’m like “holy fuck I reek” - I think it’s probably a diet thing


Finally we can join Grace in enjoying a MeBurger


they have the power and wealth to affect a lot of day to day life regardless if you’re ignoring it or not.

This is true, but my opinion of both of them is already rock bottom, so why spend time listening to something that’s just going to make me frustrated, while not actually giving me any new info?


Thanks for the suggestion, but pass - it’ll just make me mad at both of them for no reason. I don’t need insight on their ego, I already know they’re both narcissistic pieces of shit who think they’re saving the world as they burn it down


When I was in college for a CS degree, just about every single classmate I asked said they were planning on going into game dev, when you have entire graduating classes all gunning for the same positions in a relatively niche field, you can pay peanuts and still fill roles



Forward? Yes

Backward? Maybe (but probably not)


I’m terrified for our next junior dev hire if this is common among beginners now lol


How would you know? You don’t actually understand the code. It could be making shit up, and you’d never have any idea

Seriously dude, if you run into code you don’t understand, take the time to actually understand it, or else you’ll never actually improve


Can you elaborate for those of us who don’t know shit about Judaism?


That’s really interesting given how it’s an important aspect of most other popular faiths


Yeah honestly hearing it describes as being full of neo Nazis is wild lol, it’s almost more left leaning than Lemmy


100% agree, without it, the decentralization aspect is severely weakened


Also, if the story is true, that’s a fucking terrible nurse (and person) for not reporting it - dude could be in a domestic abuse situation getting stitches and she’s just like “yeah whatever”


I’ve always wondered if this is actually true, or if it just gets spread around as true because no sane person would actually test it with all their might lol

Or maybe it’s true in the sense that “a normal person can’t stab themselves in the face with a knife because the body has things in place to prevent that”

bitsplease, (edited )

At least for my wife and I, the practical conversations all came before, by the time I proposed, we were already both in agreement about how we would handle finances, kids, etc. The actually proposal absolutely should be romantic, because it’s not “I have suddenly decided we will marry, we’ll figure it out from here” it’s “I’m now ready to take the big step in going from planning to spend our lives together, to actually committing to do it”

There’s plenty of room for both romance and practicality, and having a romantic proposal certainly doesn’t exclude having practical sober conversations before hand


calling themselves life coaches teach other people to be life coaches so they can teach more life coaches?

This accounts for a lot of it - the rest is mostly just getting hired by people who are too broke to afford someone actually qualified, and drastically overstating your success up until that point (E.G. Say you were an Entrepreneur when you really just lost money on an MLM)


The first handheld that shipped with the ability to suspend was a gamechanger for me as a kid


Was the point to make money? I figured it was just a publicity stunt/tourism draw


I too would like context on that comment lol


Ultimately this is the core problem as I see it - a hierarchical society will always be militarily stronger, practically by definition - and if history has taught us anything, it’s that weak neighbors get eaten by their stronger neighbors.

Additionally I think most of these idealized community structures are overly optimistic about the likelihood of a charismatic leader coming along and getting people to follow them, and then not letting them withdraw that power. Anarchists talk about hierarchies without formal power structures, but what is actually stopping someone whose already effectively in charge from turning that power into something more permanent, especially if they’ve convinced the populace that they want that?

Its happened an endless amount of times all throughout history, and I really don’t see why it wouldn’t here. Ultimately it just seems like a fragile system that relies mostly on every single individual being perfectly rational and immune to the draw of populist leaders. Aka - completely unlike actual humans


The less centralised things are the less vulnerable they are

I’m sorry, but how do you arrive at that conclusion? If I roll in with a giant, powerful military from my centralized state, how does being less centralized make your position easier to defend? The less centralized you are, the less capable of a coordinated defense you are, and the more likely it is that your territory will be conquered without being able to present a meaningful resistance.

And if you were referring to an internal threat from a populist leader, then that’s assuming that the individuals involved don’t let said populist leader make them more centralized for easier control - if you’re just relying on the individuals always making the right decisions, then frankly you’re doomed.

they’re guaranteed to hold on to it for very long

Absolutely, and judging by history the typically dont. But a wannabe tyrant can do a lot of damage through their rise and fall, and tyrants have descendants.

, if you’re interested then there is a lot of ink spilled on the subject. Either from the perspective of actually existing anarchists or theoretical books.

And I’m sorry but “just devoted weeks/months of your life to read anarchist literature” isn’t a replacement for an actual rebuttal to my points, I have done some reading on anarchism, hence why I understand the concepts well enough to talk about them, but of course I’m not going to spend huge amounts of time reading up on a political system that I think is fundamentally flawed, and I’ve yet to come across any argument in your comments or others that actually negates any of what I’ve already said, most of it boils down to “we’ll just figure it out bro, trust us”

The history of the Spanish civil war might be quite interesting to you, as the anarchists had to fight the strongly backed fascists, obviously eventually they lost but they did pretty damn well! lots to learn there.

Completely irrelavent scenario (and if it was relavent, the fact that they lost would support my point), the Republicans of the Spanish Civil War weren’t from an anarchist society (nor were they all anarchists). They were residents of a non anarchist society who rebelled, using existing infrastructure created by the existing non-anarchist society.

The closest real analogue is what happened to the native Americans during the colonization (though even that is a very loose analogue, as many tribes were very very far from anarchic, though some were very very close to it), and we all know how that ended from our history books.


It’s going to be basically impossible impossible to address this. You’ve asked incredibly broad questions and I’m typing on my phone with arthritic thumbs. Anything I miss or can’t exhaustively lay out convincingly you’ll just say “well what about that thing”.

Well, yeah - when you’re advocating for a very radical change in societal structure, with potential downsides ranging as far as actual genocide, I feel like it’d be irresponsible to not point out flaws perceived in the proposed structure (or - lack of structure - as the case may be). You’ll forgive me for not just taking your word when you say “we’ve got it figure out bro”.

why if you want detailed answers you can really only find them in books

The trouble with reading an argument in a book is that it’s a one way conversation. It’s easy to present an idea in a way that seems totally sensible, when you’re the only voice speaking. I don’t doubt that you’ve ready many anarchic books that make sense when you read them, but the fact that you and others are having trouble distilling those arguments in a comprehensive fashion here shows that the arguments made in those books were probably not as compelling as you perceived them to be when you read them, but were just presented well (likely with a bit of confirmation bias sprinkled in).

I would say I’m not sure why you seem to think centralisation leads to superior manufacturing capabilities or agility in decision making

History and modern economics? Can you point to a modern nation that is heavily decentralized with a greater industrial base than it’s centralized peers such as China and the US? As for decision making, I’ll grant you that on small scales a lack of centralization works in your favor. Trying to get 100 people to decide on something is a lot easier than 100 million, but when dealing with a military or economic threat from a centralized power, 1 million separate decisions made by groups of 100 don’t actually help.

It’s not as simple as big military beats small military, look how badly the usa failed in its various wars since ww2

True, though guerilla warfare certainly wouldn’t be unique to anarchism. And while I agree the USA has failed in pretty much all of it’s military goals since WW2, I’d point out that the targets of those military campaigns were completely decimated by the time they withdrew. Small comfort to your anarchic society that they weren’t completely conquered when every village has been drone striked into rubble.

I’d also point out that the failings of the US military since WW2 has infinitely more to do with the fact that none of our wars have actually had meaningful objectives. During the cold war, each one had the dubious unofficial objective of “embarrass the SU”, the wars in the middle east were fought for purely economic reasons (whatever might have been stated publicly), which is a goal they did actually succeed in.

As to not having an exact answer for every conceivable problem: it’s not like our society has one either. It’s not designed, we’re making this shit up and it is failing catastrophically to address challenges like power and wealth concentration due to technology, ecosystem collapse (we are in a mass extinction ffs), and climate change. Further it almost ended the world several times over during the cold war!

I don’t disagree with this at all - but the fact that the current systems aren’t working well doesn’t mean we should just ignore problems in proposed alternatives.And ultimately i don’t see how implementing anarchism actually fixes any of the problems you describe, given that all the problems you describe are fundamentally rooted in the flaws of human nature.

Hell, Climate Change in particular is one that would be basically impossible to actually solve in an Anarchic society. Say I wanted to build a super-polluting factory in our anarchic society, I go out where there aren’t any people currently living, use my own resources to build said factory, and start polluting. Whose to say I can’t? Who would even know what I’m polluting? I don’t disagree that our current society is fucked - but just because the current system is broken, doesn’t mean we should toss it out for a half-baked one just because it’s different.


Ah yes, another “we’ve already figured it out, just trust me bro - no I can’t explain it, just read this mountain of books - no, I can’t point you to an actual source to address your specific point, just spend the next year reading every piece of anarchic literature you can find”

Just as well you’re done, because this convo hasn’t gone anywhere productive since the first one or two exchanges.


What exactly is the process for a complete replacement in the constitution in Ukraine? Is it something that can feasibly be accomplished during wartime?

Edit: apparently the process is “you can’t” (Article 19 Section 1)

So basically there is no way for Zelensky to change anything about the situation without just fraglantly breaking the law (or declaring an end to martial law during wartime, which would be beyond stupid). Pretty hard to argue he’s a “dictator” when literally all he’s doing is following the law that was out in place well before he was elected.

Now, if the war ends and he still refuses to hold a election, I’ll be right with you in calling for action, but I fail to see any fault with his current course on this specific issue


So, in your opinion - in order for Zelensky to not be a dictator, he has to break all the existing rules of law in order to completely replace the existing constitution? And he should be allowed to do this unilaterally? And this would make him not a dictator? He’s not a fucking monarch dude, he’s the elected head of state - he doesn’t have supreme authority to do whatever the fuck he feels like.

The foundation of democracy is the idea that our elected officials have to abide by the rules of law that are already in place, including (and especially) those laws that concern how other laws are made. Otherwise any elected official could just declare themselves the new supreme ruler and toss out every law that limits their power.

And that’s all putting aside the question of how you would even hold an election in war ravaged Ukraine right now, a significant portion of which is under hostile occupation lol


Irrelevant, since my critique actually has nothing to do with Ukraine, but about constitutions in general.

So you’re advocating for him to break the constitution he was elected to uphold, to hold an election that would have to be incomplete and unfair - all so that you, a person who isn’t even a Ukrainian can feel better about the situation? Despite the fact that there’s no call for this from the actual Ukranian public?

That’s certainly an opinion to have lol


Yeah something like the Steam Deck, but where the dock has a beefy eGPU so you can play in 4k on the big screen would be 🔥


You really don’t need any AI (assuming you mean LLMs like ChatGPT) to bot the shit out of Eve - the way the game fundamentally functions makes it dead simple to bot (it’s not like WoW where you have to deal with pathfinding or positioning for combat) - you could write a mining bot in a weekend, and it’s dead hard to catch because “normal” mining basically looks indistinguishable from botting


Back in the day when they were actually focused on putting features into phones instead of stripping them out…


Swappable batteries was the big one for me


Or dunning Kruger depending on how accurate the first sentence actually is lol


Might also want to prioritize areas of low military significance - even if there are no commercial ships, you don’t want areas where spy satellites are likely to be looking around for unknown vessels


Yeah even with the expensive ones it’s hard to find a good one. Last time I got a pillow, I just ordered like 6 from Amazon, and tried each for a night before deciding which to keep - only one ended up being remotely good, and they were all “nice” pillows (highly rated, over $100)

Love the one I ended with though


Eating healthy

For some reason the general consensus is that eating healthy is expensive - probably because when people think about eating healthy, they’re often thinking about Whole Foods type shit.

My wife and I have been losing weight over these last few months (40lbs down!) and one of the biggest things I noticed besides the number on the scale was how much less we were spending on food.

For one, you’ll generally eat out less, because most of the really tempting restaurant options aren’t that healthy

For another veggies, legumes, etc are cheap af, and those make up a huge part of a healthy diet. We buy our veggies in bulk from costco each week save a ton compared to when we’d be loading our carts with butter/cheese, fatty/sugary snack foods, and other r junk

We also just plain eat less, what we used to eat in a night now stretches to two nights, which means fewer trips to the grocery store.

We do eat more lean proteins (mainly chicken and fish) to bump our protein ratios up, and we buy protein powders and whatnot, but even accounting for all that, we’re still saving a lot of money compared to our old habits


I’ve definetely saved myself many purchases with my 3d printer, but I definetely think I’ve spent more on filament for dumb/fun prints than I’ve saved with practical ones lol - especially when I’m designing my own shit and need to prototype, I’ve gone through entire rolls just iterating on a single design until I get something I’m happy with…

That being said, it’s all in how you use it!


I started during COVID for practical reasons, but it’s so simple and quick I don’t think I’ll ever go back - I just grabbed a $40 pair of plug in Wahl clippers and I’ve probably saved myself at least a grand by now in haircuts


Unironically this is a pretty good piece of “evidence” - don’t get me wrong rapturing isn’t real, but we’re talking about internal consistency here, not reality - if rapturing is real, then the Shroud of Turin is real, which means that the marks left on it must be typical for divine dissappearing acts 🤷🏼‍♂️


I exclusively wear Exo Foccio Give n Go boxer briefs

Expensive as hell, but soo worth it - a pair lasts me years before the elastic gives out, and they’re so comfortable


Poor people don’t really want things - you need a certain level of cash flow to qualify as a proper person with dreams and feelings, haven’t you heard?

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