@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar


@[email protected]

Instructor, author, developer. Creator of Beej’s Guides.


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@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I also run Arch and have this same problem. I dug in for a bit, but found nothing. :( Webcam works perfectly well in all other circumstances except Zoom.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

It does work better for me in general. The video is no longer slow… unless I start using a virtual background, then it gets really sluggish. (Firefox.)

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I learn more about a candidate in 5 minutes of talking to them about their existing code than I would looking at their solution to a take home problem.

It’s a crap interview technique, these assignments. IMHO.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Annnnnddd… right click.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

At least someone got the gag. No sense of humor around here. :)

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Disk is cheap. Always get a copy of whatever it is you “buy”. If that’s somehow not possible, consider the purchase a short-term rental.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

What’s the pay rate for artists?

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

The real problem with the internet isn’t Facebook or Twitter or Reddit, it’s the fact the entire experience is pretty much controlled by Microsoft and Google. As they shape your content, lock you out of areas and generally dictate what’s “legal” or even what gets found during your searches.

I agree the Google and MS are a problem, but Facebook, Twitter, Reddit are also a problem, albeit a different one.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Algorithm-free solves a lot of problems.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I mean, I have a BS and MS in computer science, so you can use that as guidance as to whether or not I know what an algorithm is. :)

In this context, though, it should be clear that “The Algorithm” refers to a specific social networking algorithm that chooses the content you see in order to maximize advertising revenue.

So yes, Lemmy has algorithms that show different content based on your input, but that’s a wildly different animal. Notably, I’m the one deciding, and also they’re not trying to maximize ad revenue.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Recommendation algorithms are great for discovering related information and new stuff.

I agree that open, controllable recommendation algorithms would be great. But right now using none of the currently widespread social media recommendation algorithms at all (and just matching keywords instead) makes for a less-abusive, more positive experience. IMHO.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Another option here is GitHub. I keep my markdown notes in a repo that I just clone from there to my various machines… And then I get to edit them in vim. 😂

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I’m typing this on an 8-or-9-year-old laptop that used to be a Windows machine years ago. Exact same experience–it got too sluggish so I wiped it and installed Linux and it’s been fine ever since.

I sure am eyeing that new Framework, though… :)

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Gmail’s easiest to replace if you have your own domain. I moved mine a couple years ago with no issues at all.

There are still various ways to watch YT ad-free and tracking-free. (And you can pay the creators directly on Patreon or through another service, and watch the videos ad-free on Patron. I pay a little more on Patreon than I was paying for YT Premium, but not much more, and I’m happier the creators are getting bigger cut and Google is getting no cut.)

I use FF basically exclusively except for the rare time a site doesn’t work with it. It was also an easy change. Google does degrade their stuff (whether or purpose or through ineptitude) but there are other options for the other main Google services, as well.

The only things I have left on there are photos, contacts, and calendars. Photos will probably be the next to go.

can I be a Free Software advocate but still use non-free software??

I’m asking this because one time, while browsing the GNU website, I noticed that some of the members’ emails had “gmail” on them!! And I asked myself how would that be possible?? And I think other members of the FSF had Gmail too. Why? Richard Stallman is against Gmail, so why would those memberse use it?? Would that...

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Using free software is the important part, IMO. Not using non-free software is a good wishlist item. But of course there are those who differ with me. :)

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

If you’re up on your bash coding skills: in the Firefox debugger, you can find the URL to the page images and see if there’s a usable pattern in the URLs. If there is, you could script it in bash and repeatedly call curl to download the images.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

the coveted green bubble messaging

I guess some people just have different priorities than I do. :)

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I’ve been using TB and K9 for about a year now. Not even wanting to look back.

How do y'all deal with programs not supported on Linux?

I’ve been seeing all these posts about Linux lately, and looking at them, I can honestly see the appeal. I’d love having so much autonomy over the OS I use, and customize it however I like, even having so many options to choose from when it comes to distros. The only thing holding me back, however, is incompatibility issues....

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

When I needed Windows for a piece of software, I ran Windows on another computer. Later I got into a position where I didn’t need to use that software. 😁

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Firefox does something else very important: provide another rendering engine for the web. When that landscape homogenizes, you get IE6 all over again. And we never want to go back there.

What are the recommended scripting languages for complex shell scripts beyond bash?

I’ve been struggling with a rather complex shell script, and it’s becoming apparent that Bash might not be the best choice for this particular task. While I usually gravitate towards statically typed languages like Go or Rust, I’ve noticed that many people recommend alternative languages such as Lua or Python for scripting...

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

A shell script can be more concise if you’re doing a lot of shell things. Keeps you from having os.system() all over the place.

Things like “diff the output of two programs” are just more complex in other languages.

I love rust, but replacing my shell scripts with rust is not something I would consider doing any more than I’d consider replacing rust with my shell scripts.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Some comedian, I don’t recall who, talking about his “job interview”:

“Are you good with the Microsoft Office suite?”

“I excel at it.”

“…Did you just make an Office pun?”


I’ve been using LibreOffice for ages. It’s been excellent–a most impressive project.

Just realized I can just use "..." to go back two directories! Is this a zsh feature?

I accidentally discovered that both “cd …” and “…” work, and moreover, I can add more dots to go back further! I’m using zsh on iTerm2 on macOS. I’m pretty sure this isn’t a cd feature. Is this specific to zsh or iTerm2? Are there other cool features I just never knew existed??...

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

This is my favorite cd feature by a large margin.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

It would be excellent if he could get fully funded through Patreon. I chipped in a bit, and I don’t even use it–looks like a cool approach, though. There have to be enough enthusiasts out there to pitch in enough cups of coffee to cover his dev time.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Even though librapay doesn’t take a cut, the providers they use do. Someone is taking a cut; I just try to make it smallest with the least-shitty company. :) But it’s tough, as a buyer, to find ways to pay people. I really wish creators would have obvious tip jars, and there was a standard way to tag them in HTML so search engines could find them.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

It would be nice if people finally reject the idea that X and FB are “The Internet”.

25 years since The Halloween Documents, the Microsoft vs. Linux and Open Source memos (www.catb.org)

“In the last week of October 1998, a confidential Microsoft memorandum on Redmond’s strategy against Linux and Open Source software was leaked to me by a source who shall remain nameless. I annotated this memorandum with explanation and commentary over Halloween Weekend and released it to the national press. Microsoft was...

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Yup! That “interoperability” Doctorow is rightly on about that all these large monopolistic companies hate.

[Solved] why local user.mail overrides global user.mail in git?

So, I have a GPG key with two noreply email addresses. One for codeberg.org and one email address for github.com. When using the [email protected] of codeberg as user.mail globally, I can make commits which show up as verified on codeberg.org. But if use the same mail as my git user.mail the commit on github will show up...

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

“The expert has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.” 😊👍

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Amen. This was what stopped me from paying Google anything. Canceled premium, moved off drive, off Gmail. It’s unethical to give them money or watch their ads. The company needs to fail.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I agree. Even though they’re just going to reconglomerate like Terminator 2/AT&T, we need to keep smashing them before they ruin it all.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Potential Microsoft power play if this happens: ban Chrome from Office 365 and gain a pile of market share in a day. 😅

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

This is a bummer to hear since I have the 4A and it’s out of support. (Google support terms suck, especially since the phone is still going strong.) I was going to buy a used 6 or 7–but that sounds like not a super-great plan. Or maybe… GrapheneOS?

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

As much as I hate ads and hate the concept that I would be forced to view them, these kind of legal wranglings freak me out. It seems quite possible that a ruling in my favor here would be used against me somewhere else. Courts and lawmakers don’t understand technology and don’t realize the effects laws have. And frankly, the rest of us don’t have much idea, either.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I love that this project is still going. I rarely use it, but it’s going to be instrumental in preserving tons of Windows abandonware.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Holy cow, this sounds like a moderation nightmare–glad I don’t have to do it! There’s no way you’re going to get through it without someone complaining about it.

In my mind, this is definitely something that individuals should address with blocks and filters. If those filters don’t exist, they should be written.

Has anyone checked out marginalia search? (search.marginalia.nu)

This is not an ad BTW, I literally stumbled upon it a few minutes ago. From what I can gather, however, this is a [DIY-ish] search engine that solely searches on text (no other forms of media, such as, … idk hypertext maybe), which allows users to have more control over queries (like including and excluding terms). I suppose...

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I think it’s just a different beast. He writes:

It’s perhaps not the greatest at finding what you already knew was there. Instead it is designed to help you find some things you didn’t even know you were looking for.

If you are looking for facts you can trust, this is almost certainly the wrong tool. If you are looking for serendipity, you’re on the right track. When was the last time you just stumbled onto something interesting, by the way?

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

“Unless you give us all your money to put in our new bank, we might be facing insolvency issues.”

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

So the page says:

And this does in fact happen - even though some of your data was still waiting to be sent, or had been sent but not acknowledged: the kernel can close the whole connection.

But Stevens says:

By default, close returns immediately, but if there is any data still remaining in the socket send buffer, the system will try to deliver the data to the peer.

The SO_LINGER socket option lets us change this default.

And, referring to the default close behavior:

We assume that when the client’s data arrives, the server is temporarily busy, so the data is added to the socket receive buffer by its TCP. Similarly, the next segment, the client’s FIN, is also added to the socket receive buffer (in whatever manner the implementation records that a FIN has been received on the connection). But by default, the client’s close returns immediately. As we show in this scenario, the client’s close can return before the server reads the remaining data in its socket receive buffer. Therefore, it is possible for the server host to crash before the server application reads this remaining data, and the client application will never know.


If l_onoff is nonzero and l_linger is zero, TCP aborts the connection when it is closed. That is, TCP discards any data still remaining in the socket send buffer and sends an RST to the peer, not the normal four-packet connection termination sequence.

I’m having trouble reconciling this with the article’s position that data will be discarded by the sender OS with a plain non-SO_LINGER close().

I can see how the sender might be blissfully unaware that the receiver program might have crashed after the data had been sent and the connection had been closed, but before the data had arrived at the receiver program. And that’s where some kind of application ACKing mechanism might be in order.

I can also see that the receiver OS might happily collect the data and shutdown the socket correctly and then the sender app thinks everything is fine, but the receiver app has crashed and will never see the data.

But neither of those conditions result in the receiver app in the example showing less than 1,000,000 bytes received unless there’s an error.

What am I missing?

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I used to give Google money for services (Drive and YouTube), but I’ve already stopped doing that because of their evil ways. This just hammers it home that much more.

Edit: The shitty part is what a cool company it used to be. And to watch it destroy itself like this is just sad.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I took my money from YouTube and started giving it to Kagi. 🙂👍

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Might get there. Right now I just have external SSH access (key only) to get to the files. I also need an offsite, so it’s all sent to a remote server with rsync and gocryptfs. I only have about 90 GB of stuff on there right now; I don’t do any media serving.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Depends on your definition of “evil”, I guess.

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

For sure–I just don’t tend to watch anything more than once. :) Most of my federated identity and offsites are at SDF, which is a solid place with a mission I respect and certainly don’t mind giving $36/year to. Grayjay for stupid vids (if I could just get it to work with FCast…)

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I’m a gray developer and nothing makes me more get-off-my-lawn than too many levels of abstractions. :)

@beejjorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I was a premium subscriber for a long time, and probably still would be if Google hadn’t turned so evil that I can no longer in good conscience pay them any money.

But what pushed me over the edge with an ad blocker was a page I got to where every paragraph had a video ad in between. That was it.

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