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beefcat, avatar

disability benefits can’t be garnished. i think it’s ok to be mad at people for spreading misinformation even if they themselves are fighting a just cause. lies like this help nobody.

beefcat, avatar

if data has no value then why do people want it so bad?

beefcat, avatar

tell me you know nothing about the film without telling me you know nothing about the film

beefcat, (edited ) avatar

the fuck are you going on about? who is the “white savior” in this movie?

i just watched the trailer, and jesse plemmons isn’t even in it. he didn’t even show up in the film until near the very end.

go complain about something you actually understand instead of whining about the existence of a movie that very explicitly goes out of its way to not do the things you accuse it of doing.

I’m sick of that guy being in everything.

dicaprio has been in 5 movies over the last decade, i would hardly call that “being in everything”.

beefcat, avatar


beefcat, avatar

He co-stars with Lily Gladstone, he is also one of two main villains (the other being DeNiro).

beefcat, avatar

you still have to question why he was wearing it to an MRI appointment

beefcat, avatar

next summer at the earliest

StarCraft could return, according to Blizzard president, but not necessarily as an RTS (

While Blizzard is very much focussed on its big money-makers like its various Warcraft games, from WoW to Hearthstone to Warcraft Rumble, as well as Diablo and the much-maligned Overwatch 2, he’s still open to StarCraft making a comeback. That said, RTS fans shouldn’t get their hopes up. While the series might return, that...

beefcat, avatar

You can play the two “finished” levels from beginning to end, but the actual gameplay is very rough.

beefcat, avatar

I find this behavior annoying, I actually like to place windows in corners with a small margin

beefcat, (edited ) avatar

the 30% cut is brutal

This part always confuses me. When Steam started allowing non-Valve games on their storefront, 30% was considered a bargain compared to selling your games at retail. In fact, PC versions of games were often $10 cheaper than their console counterparts specifically because distribution and platform fees were lower. It wasn’t until MW2 came out that PC prices started reflecting console prices.

beefcat, (edited ) avatar

It’s confusing to you that manufacturing, shipping, and selling physical copies of a game was more expensive than digital distribution?

That is not what is confusing to me.

Digital distribution is the norm and everybody knows you don’t need 30% to make it sustainable.

I’m not sure I buy this. Epic’s 12% is the bare minimum just to cover basic infrastructure costs for distributing modern AAA games. It doesn’t even include transaction fees, which vary based on which payment method the user selects (whereas Steam and other storefronts eat these as part of their 30% cut).

Simply sustaining your existing platform is also not enough. Where Epic runs a barebones storefront and client with little in the way of useful features beyond “download game and keep it updated”, storefronts like GOG and Steam take their actual profit and re-invest it in improving their platform for everyone. Think of all the time and money that goes into making things like Steam Input, Proton, or even GOG themselves fixing up older games for modern PCs.

The fact that it has been 5 years and Epic still hasn’t been able to make their 12% cut break even speaks volumes.

beefcat, avatar

this is how we get companies like walmart and amazon.

they roll in, throwing bags of money into a bottomless pit as long as it takes to amass a large customer base and ruin existing competitors. Then they start enshittifying, and everyone wonders where all the competition went.

beefcat, avatar

Before Steam existed i would even crack games I had legitimate copies of solely because pre-Steam DRM was such an enormous pain in the ass to deal with.

Even today Denuvo is a veritable paradise compared to what DRM used to be like.

beefcat, avatar

Consumers also won when a Walmart would open up in their neighborhood and run the local stores out of business by selling everything at a loss.

Of course, once the competition was eliminated, Walmart stopped selling things at a loss.

beefcat, avatar

Well this is sure to piss off the snowflakes. Grab yer popcorn.

beefcat, avatar

The first thing I do on any new Windows install is turn web results off in search. This resolves the exact problem people are constantly complaining about.

beefcat, avatar

You shouldn’t have to, but it’s also something that you only have to do once and takes less than 30 seconds.

It’s a minor annoyance but people act like microsoft crashed an suv into their living room and killed their cat.

beefcat, avatar

I’ve never had this change reverted in an update.

And it does not take 5 minutes, I can do it in less than 30 seconds. It’s a single key in the registry.

beefcat, avatar

i’m not defending it. literally the first thing i said was that users shouldn’t have to do this.

and it’s not the tailored experiences, i’m talking about the “feature” that puts web results in the start menu search.

all i did was add some nuance to the conversation and you’re crucifying me over it because i didn’t pile on the circlejerk.

James McKinnon confirms creative differences likely a factor in Kelvin 4 failure to start production in 2022 (

As much as most of us have long had any remaining interest in a fourth Kelvin movie long exhausted by the endless repetition of hype and failure, there does seem to be more confirmation of significant creative differences on the script that was in development in 2022....

beefcat, avatar

i would love to get another one of the same quality as Beyond.

beefcat, avatar

NOLF is great but it’s pretty janky

beefcat, avatar

Plenty of great games aren’t janky, those are mostly older games in niche genres.

Fore example, I wouldn’t consider Super Mario World, Doom 2016, or Breath of the Wild to be janky.

Being janky doesn’t mean a game is bad, but it does stop a game from getting a 9 or 10 out of 10 in my book. A game needs to be nearly flawless to get those kinds of scores.

beefcat, avatar

it’s funny how this was a pretty long and nuanced discussion about modding, but social media is brewing a shitstorm over this one cherry-picked statement.

beefcat, (edited ) avatar

I think slurs are way more offensive than swear words.

Swear words are “offensive” arbitrarily. Some people don’t like “shit” because it is a more crude way to say “poop”. Most swearwords only became this way through classism. They were deemed offensive by the wealthy because they were initially used by the poor; using them was akin to associating yourself with the lesser classes.

Slurs are offensive by design. Their only purpose is to denigrate people based on their immutable personal characteristics (race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.)

beefcat, avatar

plenty of good games fail to meet revenue projections

beefcat, avatar

I can’t really comment on the current quality of the game in 2023, since I noped out about 4 years ago, but there are any number of explanations.

  • Lack of new content. I haven’t seen the game discussed much in the gaming press, which means there probably haven’t been any notable content drops for a while. It sounds like the game’s next expansion has been delayed, and the game is being maintained by a skeleton crew while the rest of the studio focuses on Marathon.
  • Competition. With few exceptions, good games always slowly bleed users as shiny new alternatives attract players. This is compounded if you’re running a live service game and have a long content drought.

My point isn’t “Destiny good”, I don’t really know that. My point is that we can’t really draw conclusions about the quality of the game based solely on missed revenue targets.

beefcat, avatar

I think there also just seems to be a general recoil of players at what games are costing these days. I’m personally fine with it, but I see what feels like infinite complaining about how greedy … basically every company that isn’t indie is being.

I think this is mostly just the fact that the people who spend the most time on social media are also basically kids with very little spending money. None of my millennial peers even blinked when AAA game prices went up to $70 with the new console generation. We have fairly mature careers and have paid off our student debt by now.

beefcat, avatar

except I’m not likely to spend much time in my local library if it is constantly filled with homeless people.

beefcat, avatar

I like that my new phone has USB-C, but yeah, I basically have a bunch of perfectly good lightning cables, some of them more than 10 years old, that are now e-waste. We spent $100 buying new cables, because we didn’t have enough to cover all the places we normally stash chargers away for convenience (cars, couch, home office, etc.)

It’s definitely better in the long run, but this felt more like ripping off a bandaid. The bigger deal for me is 10gbps speeds letting me shoot pro res footage straight to an attached SSD, but this is a pretty niche use case.

beefcat, avatar

The bigger problem with the trackpad is the low polling rate. It’s fine with a 60hz display but it feels choppy at 120hz (i.e. the native refresh rate of 14" and 16" MBPs). Hopefully the inevitable USB-C version brings this up to par.

beefcat, avatar

It’s not an issue 99.9% of the time, but I would be livid if I forgot to charge my mouse for whatever reason and needed to plug it in while in the middle of work.

But I also hate the general design and ergonomics of the mouse, so it was never going to be for me anyways.

beefcat, (edited ) avatar

Now you can join the rest of the world and pay much less for cables

The USB-C cables I just bought were not any cheaper than my lightning cables. In fact, I think they were actually a bit more expensive, because I only opted for cables that are certified for 100w power delivery and some of them for USB 3.1 speeds.

and chargers

This makes no sense, lightning cables always worked with ordinary usb chargers.

beefcat, (edited ) avatar

Those are 58% off right now, their regular price is $10. The regular price for the lightning version of these Monoprice cables is also $10. Right now i can see a three pack of 6 foot lightning cables on Amazon for $8.40, or $2.80 per cable. The benefit to switching is solely because of convenience and standardization, it is not saving me any money.

I also spent a lot more on some of my USB-C cables because i wanted them to support 3.1 speeds. That costs more if you go for USB-IF certified cables, which you probably should if you’re plugging them in to anything expensive.

beefcat, (edited ) avatar

I literally bought monoprice cables (because they are actually USB-IF certified, unlike most) and here you are saying i don’t know how to buy cables.

Those 6’ cables were not on sale when i bought them, and it’s totally unfair for you to compare their sale price to the non-sale price of monoprices lightning version of the exact same cable.

The purpose of the cables on amazon was to show that the lightning connector does not have a substantial impact on price. It’s easy to find cheap lightning cables, even ones that are MFi certified.

I’ve debunked your claims one by one, and you’re trying to weasel out of them on technicalities rather than actually addressing the points you can’t defend.

beefcat, avatar

it looks like the cheese in here is already in sauce form, so you do not need to provide milk and butter like with the kraft option. it’s also why this weighs 27 lbs.

beefcat, (edited ) avatar

i don’t think unreal is under the same pressure for three reasons:

  1. they already have a reasonable revenue sharing model. they make a lot more per licensee than unity does because they take a cut of your sales rather than charging a per-engineer license for the dev kit.
  2. epic’s headcount is not nearly as horrendously bloated, even before the recent layoffs.
  3. the company is still privately held with Tim Sweeney the majority owner.

points 1 and 2 mean epic is actually profitable, and has been for decades at this point. meanwhile, the publicly traded unity has struggled to break even for most of its existence

beefcat, (edited ) avatar

Yes, point 1 is the model they should have adopted in the first place. The whole problem with their original announcement was that it was a) retroactive, b) structured in a way that would significantly hurt f2p and indie games, and c) based on installs rather than sales, meaning you could get charged multiple times for the same sale. If Unity had come out and said “starting with Unity 2024, we will be switching to a revenue sharing model", a lot of people might have still been upset, but it would not have caused nearly the same shitstorm and they would have had a better path towards sustainability.

Point 3 is absolutely real, because when you own your company, you do not have legal obligations to throngs of faceless public stockholders. Companies turn to shit all the time when they go public, because the pressure for immediate quarterly returns outweighs the pressure to maintain long-term sustainability. I think it’s exactly why platforms like Steam have avoided enshittifying, because their owners know they can make more money long term by building a sustainable platform that people like rather than burning their users to make a quick buck and juice their next quarterly report.

beefcat, avatar

Scorcese’s problem with “marvel movies” is the lack of creative control afforded to the filmmakers rather than their derivative nature. These two concepts are often intertwined, but not mutually inclusive.

He was actually in talks to direct Joker a film highly derivative of his own work, but ended up turning it down because he did not want to have to answer to the studios demands for how this existing world and characters should be handled.

beefcat, (edited ) avatar

yes but we all know most lesbians are just two men in a trenchcoat

beefcat, avatar

the games/engines you cite as being “extremely well optimized” are both a lot older than UE5 and do a lot less than some of the “less optimized” games discussed (i.e. simpler lighting, no geometry virtualization, simplistic simulation, very static environments, etc.)

these are very apples and oranges comparisons

beefcat, avatar

anti-cheat and drm aren’t the same thing

complain all you want about anti-cheat, i would rather play a game that has it than one that does not

Which sequels/prequels/spinoffs made the originals somehow worse?

The Matrix is an often used example, but for me it’s the Alien Prequels - especially Alien: Covenant really makes the Original Alien much worse. When the original was released in 1979 it had the perfect Monster. A dangerous killing machine of unknown origin. The missing background of the alien is a big part of its scary mess....

beefcat, avatar

Why do writers feel that heroes don’t deserve a happy ending?!

why do movies always need a picture perfect “hollywood ending”? it’s hard to build tension when the audience expectation is that everyone will always get out ok and ride off into the sunset.

beefcat, avatar

there wouldn’t be much of a game left if they took out the guns

beefcat, avatar

are you really complaining about indie developers releasing a game into early access?

beefcat, (edited ) avatar

not having a picture on your id would defeat the purpose of your id.

making an exemption would create a loophole more nefarious actors could easily exploit. no sane dmv is going to get away with instituting religious purity tests to make sure everyone who says they are amish is actually amish.

beefcat, avatar

i find some movies more fun in a full theater too. there is a theater in my neighborhood that is also a full service bar (no kids allowed) and we always make a point of seeing comedies there.

beefcat, (edited ) avatar

not everybody who uses IMDB was born after 9/11.

this isn’t a dig at gen-z for being “uncultured” or whatever, just pointing out that a substantial chunk of the population was able to experience the film before it became as “cliche” as it is today.

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