
@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


Feddupedia! Cause we’re fed up from centralized… I dunno. Sorry lol


I believe it is, it’s not entirely uncommon to see both described. I’m in the U.S. and been working with audio my whole life, 1/4" is for sure the named standard but 6.5mm is often referenced due to the headphone size of 3.5mm often being called that size instead of the 1/8". Especially if you’re looking to buy online,

Why headphones are referred to by 3.5mm and the rest (basically) is 1/4" is a silly thing but hey, I don’t make the colloquialisms.

The only thing you’d want to watch out for is whether your cable is mono or stereo, which is independent from the barrel size, but does need the barrel to have 2 rings (TRRS vs. TRS), to complete the Tip Ring Sleeve connection.

But yeah, if you need 1/4" and can only find 6.5mm you’ll be fine


That’s awesome, you’re lucky. That is not the standard.


IIRC theirs are set to 2.5mm at the headphone with 3.5mm as for the device connector. This is pretty common for companies that want to make some form of proprietary connection.

Usually these decisions are media because proprietary connections make them more money selling three or four components of 0.02c cables turned into $5-$25 sales per cable. From a consumer perspective, the only upside to it is that having a replaceable cable can increase longevity, and I suppose from a company perspective in order to ensure 100% compatibility, best to sell your version. That way any 3rd party cables can be the problem.

I think 2.5mm used to be used more commonly on old dumb phones for those headsets and stuff like that. I still see them sometimes but these days it’s mostly present on dual plugs like walkies, which is pretty much for mic and audio with a locking mechanism to keep it in place.

Currently I don’t have any suggestions for wired/wireless headphones, I wish I did. At the moment my set is the Beyerdynamics DT 990 Pro, I was looking into a version with detachable cables but none that I came across also had wireless - though they’re surely out there. It would be nice to have a set to swap between Bluetooth and plugged in.


That’s unfortunate! I haven’t heard about this nor luckily experienced it. Did you recalibrate first?

My immediate thought is of course, warranty, but it is the type of machine that you could theoretically open and try reseating the trackpad for. They did change the trackpad mechanism IIRC it is a separate piece connected by a ribbon.

I would suggest researching your issue and seeing if it is something that could be fixed by a teardown/rebuild and a recalibration - if someone else has done it then you may save yourself a week or two in shipping. However I also understand not wanting that hassle - even though I’m comfortable with that stuff I’d probably warranty it since it’s still new.

Sorry to hear about that! Good luck, though I’m sure the replacement process won’t be too bad. Still, sucks to have that issue and downtime :(

averyminya, (edited )

I still use both, but yes I have. I’ve talked about this a bit before elsewhere, but I think the most noticeable difference for me is the difference in weight.

I have the 512gb and the LE OLED. The 512gb is heavy. When I would bring it to appointments where I know I’ll just be in the waiting room, I would consistently use the case as a prop to hold it on. Same for use at home, I’ve talked with my friend about how we are always looking for something to prop it up on. I was already planning to, but I am glad I got the DeckMate and a VESA mount by the bed.

The OLED is significantly lighter when picking it up by the center and holding it with 2 hands. They feel about the same otherwise, like when holding with one hand on the controller, or inside the case where OG is a bit heavier but not as noticeable. I still get surprised when I pick it up sometimes. Not nearly as light as a Switch, but its heft feels good.

Outside of the weight difference though, I’d say I do notice and take advantage of the gains. I’ve found that a lot of indie games get a strong 100+ FPS boost - for example Revita goes from about 150-200FPS on OG to 250-400 FPS on OLED. The slightly larger screen is nice but hard to tell even side by size, but the OLED difference is quite noticeable.

The touchscreen does feel noticeably improved as well, it’s hard to explain the difference but it’s kind of like the OLED needs less pressure for the capacitive function. Obviously that’s not actually the case, that’s just how I’d describe the feeling.

The battery is definitely a strong 2 hours more, depending on the game of course but for Revita as the same example I remember seeing about that much of a difference.

Okay but all told, where I think the OLED performs most differently is when docked, with a caveat.

The OG Deck with MH Rise is a fairly stable 60FPS on low-medium 1920*1080. It dips when there are 3 monsters on the screen, but otherwise it’s pretty solid.

The OLED is rock solid at 75FPS on medium 1920*1080. I have not noticed dips, even with the multiple monsters on screen.

The difference is quite impressive. I’ve yet to try other harder games like MH:W or 2077, but this alone was pretty surprising to me.

The caveat however, is that I find the OLED has more hiccups in docked mode? My OG Docked just pops right up on the display, but the OLED tends to have its fans go full blast and the device restarts. Not entirely sure what that’s about. Takes a minute or two longer and doesn’t happen every time, but it does happen. That said, I haven’t noticed it in a while so it may have been the early release of the software/ironed out with updates.

The only other issue I have in docked mode:

Currently I’m finding that after a few hours my Steam Controller will stop the haptics. The control scheme still works, but no haptics and no steam overlay. The game will freeze for a minute and lose internet connection if the controller turns off, and upon turning it back on the control scheme is gone. The Deck controller also is bugged by this point.

I have to suspend the Deck, that gets Deck controls back, then I go to Bluetooth, forget the Steam Controller and re-pair it. Then it works just fine.

Alongside all this, there’s an occasional Internet issue where starting up a game it may not recognize it’s connected to the Internet? But it seems linked to Bluetooth issues I’ve been having here as well. In any case, at this point if the network settings getting reconnected doesn’t solve the issue (sometimes it does but not always) I have to restart the Deck.

Issue tl;dr Steam Controller disconnects from Steam Deck OLED in docked mode, controller works sans haptics until the controller turns off, then game freeze and wifi disconnect. Can remedy without full restart but often helps solve it faster. Both models.

That issue occurs maybe every other session? And usually after extended periods of time, rarely within a single hour or two. I wonder if it’s the Controller or the communication with the Deck or Bluetooth or what.

But that issue aside, my experience with both Decks has been stellar. Even including that issue, it’s consistent enough in how it happens and is remedied that it doesn’t bother me much, and only takes a couple minutes at most. My friend goes to take a hit and I’m back in the lobby by the time he’s ready again.

These days my OG model stays docked on the TV downstairs, picked up by my partner sometimes, the OLED moves around with me and is occasionally docked to a monitor.

Big fan of the offerings of the Steam Deck. It’s been so nice going from my PC upstairs, saving and edit: POPPING pooping downstairs to continue where I left off. No poo in the Steam Deck please. Big fan of being able to play a game online and have a Steam Deck with WiFi off to play another game during the downtime between hunts or missions.

I haven’t yet customized my OLED with Decky plugins, but I’ll likely get a few when I feel the need. I like having the theme music, Steamgrid DB can really beautify a library, and between theming and OS tweaks (Bluetooth devices right in the quick access menu). One day it’ll get to the OG status lol.

Oh, I forgot to mention - 90hz feels significantly different in the games that support it. Spiritfarer is absolutely gorgeous.

Final say: if you have the LCD and are on the fence, I would base your decision on 1) weight, 2) potential performance gains, and 3) how much you prefer OLED.

The weight is what remains with me the most. The performance gains are noticeable but “how necessary” depending on your games - 60fps locked games will get better response times but won’t take advantage of the 90hz. Finally, it’s an OLED screen.


Regarding outside food/drink, if it were like going to X place then always sitting at the bar I’d agree but a water bottle is a right lol


Ah I missed the snacks part :)


It seems the idea is that it gets so big that it either can’t exist without it or leeches the userbase. I’ve not really seen any explanation either, but I’ve come up with an idea around it. For example, in my experience Lemmy.World is filled with the type of people who would use Threads (from responses I’ve gotten about corporations like Spotify and Apple - heavily praised and no negativity about them). As threads and .world users interact, over time there becomes a dependency between those instances due to the community connections that are made. At a certain point, one or the other does something to encourage usage - that would be Extending.

For how long would something like activitypub be able to hold out? If Meta begins making contributions to it? Or if after that dependency, Meta makes a chance to how their federation works internally and fractures the point of activitypub by making instance runners/users pick one or the other. Or worse, Meta flat out buys Automatic. There goes the Fediverse.

FWIW - I’m not informed or have any idea what I’m talking about in this regard. I’m fully guessing and postulating, I don’t even think I’m parroting what I’ve read somebody else say about it because, like I said, I’ve yet to see an explanation how the extinguish would function in this example. Historically I have an idea, but the circumstances here are different, ish.

But, this is Meta we’re talking about. I don’t think we’d be any happier federating with Reddit if the opportunity arose because these companies have historically shown they will pull teeth to get what they want, no matter how many people’s teeth they have to pull.

“Well can they?”

I don’t know. Maybe not? Do you want to let them try? Why let them? By defederating, it’s like having a glass wall where yes, they can see everything looking in, but the interaction is mitigated. Ifnthe example I brought up is accurate, any changes .World decided to make with Meta in mind would not affect the rest of the instances that have defederated, since we don’t even see that stuff from them in the first place.

Comparatively, slrpnk.net currently is federated with .World but not Threads, so if .World makes changes, those may be seen from instances that are federated with it?

From my understanding, a specific post on .World that has interaction from Threads and slrpnk.net. Threads and .World would see everything while Slrpnk.Net would only see federated instances and .World comments.

We are about 1.5m here in the Fediverse. Threads is already 100m. That’s quite a large number of things to be missing, so it’s possible that there’s a large number of conversations that defederated users are only seeing half of? That could be another example that pushes Extinguish.

Anyway, sorry for any confusion or nonsense - I wrote this in a hurry on my phone, but I also wanted to lay out my thoughts and understand to see if it’s at all in the ballpark. Shit, just use me as Cunningham’s Law.


Yeah this is the one, and it seems easy to see exactly that process taking place. I don’t think it’s so much the data concerns, alone at least, nor even the potential for content. I think many would agree that, to some extent having a larger user base available could be a good thing. It just so happens that 1) the user base is “more accessible” at best and potentially dangerous at its worst (not all of threads is friendly) and 2) it’s Meta. There couldn’t possibly be a reason for them to pursue this other than not having their grasp on it. I see no reason to trust it.

Someone you like on Threads and nowhere else. Use it there then. You can view them if it’s federated? Will that still be the case in 1, 2, 3 years? At which point you’ve integrated so much of your instance into Threads that when support for ActivityPub is dropped or whatever change gets made, well, you may as well stick with Threads…

There’s just no good outcome. I am an optimist, for the right perspective and reason devil’s advocate is always worth a glance… and this? This has no good causes behind it. Man, what is it with all the big corps and apps trying to tie everything into one single spot like WeChat. Can’t people just scroll Mastodon then X then Threads then Lemmy then Kbin then Facebook all separately like a normal mass consumer?


Moonring is made by a dev of Fable right?


Void Terrarium is quite cute, I don’t know how combat heavy it gets later in the game though.


Yeah he’s a good one. Left the studio over his convictions, can’t get much better than that.

Except of course when you follow up with what you mentioned - didn’t know that part. Even more awesome than I thought!


I think the chances for the fediverse having this are generally lower. I saw a rough estimate that puts our bubble at 1.5 million. By comparison, reddit is 500 million and YouTube is 2.5bn.

Yes, we are a bunch of nerds in that 1.5m number but we also value human input and generally seem to only use practical bots - and some people don’t even like those. We also have the bot account option, which should inspire more trust, though we have to trust that people actually use it.

Compared to reddit or YouTube, which I’ve personally seen as testing grounds for rolling out bot accounts. Whole subs dedicated to it. It’s not that it doesn’t, can’t, or won’t happen here, I know we have a number of repost bots from various instances - I’m moreso just saying that I think being so small helps. When the dead Internet arrives, the fediverse will have been one of the last bastions of human interaction on the Internet.

Except for mastodon. I see a lot of bots there compared to lemmy/Kbin


It really depends on the image. Some AI generated images of people really seem indistinguishable from a photograph. Not all, but it’s definitely going to become more common. At this point it seems like every month has a new breakthrough for some aspect AI regarding consistency and realism. As people work to bring stable diffusion video to a more reliable state the images themselves are only going to get better.

There’s a number of models out there right now that don’t have hand issues as much. There are other methods like using a pose to force hide the hands. We’re getting to the point where we just need metadata viewers on every image because the eye alone isn’t reliable for this. How many artists have already been accused of being “AI art like” and they were not.

Stopping it? I don’t know if you can stop Pandora’s box. Personally, I’m of the opinion that flooding AI images is the only way to “stop” it, simply by making people not care about it. At a certain point, you can only make so many variations of gollum as a playing card /ninja turtle/movie star before they get boring to the public. I also have doubts that the people using this are overall the type of people who would have paid artists for commissions, or that that would even stop a sale from happening in the first place (my partner makes mushroom forest scenes with Stable Diffusion but she also buys about $300 of art from our friends and local artists through the year). Like, Stable Diffusion doesn’t make oil paintings.

Little Jimmy in his room or the 60 hour week worker? They pose no harm making these images and it makes them happy, so why take that away from them? And regarding the nefarious aspect of it - that one is much harder but it’s in part societal shame as well. Explicit images made by AI may make the process easier, but if it’s something nefarious the people will find a way to do it regardless. Video sex scams and catfish were around long before AI. I’m not certain that these will inherently become more prevalent as the tech becomes more accessible. It’s the people posting them. Which to me comes down to more of a societal issue than a technological one.

However, in terms of trying to stop it maybe there could be a hash similar to the CASM that gets used here. Maybe the image uploader can look for metadata markers that come with generated images and deny those ones? That’s an easy workaround though, since metadata can be stripped.

I dunno. I think we’ve gotta EEE AI. Embrace AI images by flooding society with their presence, Extend AI images by getting the ability to use it into the hands of everyone, and then Extinguish the power that generated images hold over people because fake pictures don’t matter in the slightest.


We haven’t been alone since 2013 man, we’ve all had agents assigned to us. In the future, we’ll be glad to have 15 minutes of anonymity!

@doleo recognition is what people want right now

(I don’t believe this, I’m just explaining my interpretation of the graffiti)


Bonus if there are any photo editing alternatives to Adobe stuff!


How about this perspective? You are being tracked regardless. Do you have friends? Do they have your number? You have a tracking ID. Have you ever used the Internet at home not on a VPN and not on a fingerprint-preventing browser (i.e. JavaScript off)? You have a tracking ID.

This tracking ID is surrounded by data it gathers from your interactions with others, regardless of whether you want it to or not. Your lack of presence here is far more telling than actually existing. Unless you literally live off the grid no contact, there’s no getting away from it.

On the bright side, guess what? These tracking IDs are practically solely for advertising metrics. The chances of any of this data being meaningful beyond “vestmoria likes vintage cheeses after” is pretty much nil. I would even go so far as to say by having a presence in this space you are likely to be less targeted by prying eyes that actually matter, as opposed to right now where you are a clearly visible dark spot in a sea of lit beacons.

To put it another way - privacy now is through obfuscation, not lack of existence. Google solved the dumb-phone problem in 2013 and they have had advertising IDs on these from the moment they get used. They have had your data already for a long, long time now. Your advertising ID is better used clicking on every ad you come across using AdNauseam than it is trying to de-google a smartphone or avoid carrier data. Make the data on you inaccurate and worthless.

If you really want to avoid using tracking aspects of a smartphone, your best bet is convincing your people to download signal or matrix and use them exclusively, with notifications turned off on the phone. You’ll want to run a VPN you trust. Others suggested custom ROMs to get away from Google, though I’m personally no fan of MicroG either.

I think it’s worth considering accepting that unless you are very specific in how you use it, there is no real feasible way to not be tracked. Even if you take all precautions, even then, you are still being tracked by other peoples phones. With that in mind, your mental health should be put at ease knowing that rather than trying to avoid it, there are ways of feeding it dirty data to make you look like everyone else.

Using Linux you probably already are aware of quite a bit of this, but I’ve always felt that being off the grid or off the radar of adver-govs is a false hope and while there may be measures against it there’s nothing that actually prevents it in full and it’s so much more effort than allowing it to happen but lying about yourself. So what if they have data on you if it’s irrelevant! On top of that, what does it matter if your calls have data on them (date/length). The content of the calls is a different story of course, I don’t have a solution for that.

Maybe you can fake phone calls by spoofing phone models and locations and having their conversations spoken via AI.


It’s Meta. Why even attempt to let them? What event in their history makes anyone go, “oh, yeah, that would be good.”


Law dictates you make a bong while recreating the scene from Ghost.

However if you cannot accomplish this, an acceptable alternative is to watch S1 E19 of Community and make something alongside the students.


I like it but don’t use it often.


I think this may actually be the case though? Think back to the early 2000’s where video game symphonic concerts were getting played on G4, and Tommy Tallarico made claims of the largest audience for a symphony.

Video game symphonies just weren’t popular after that from the end of 2009, honestly even 2008 maybe, all the way through just a couple years ago. The numbers for symphonies are starting to grow again, but far beyond and in much wider breadth of what it once was because of how much good music games have now.

I think it may actually be quite accurate, it’s just an already niche subject. If you didn’t know about them in the early 2000’s then it’s easy to think this is the first time they’re getting recognized, but that’s not the case. It’s just been a couple decades.

Edit: to clarify - I do think video game music has mostly been popular, I more mean specifically about video game concerts/symphony performances. They were big, really big (for the relatively new medium of video games). Then they died for 15 years. Now they’re coming back.


Is this the “install” option from the settings drop down in Firefox Mobile? I accidentally pressed the button for Kbin the other day, didn’t go through with it but it was interesting.

I haven’t used these since… Man, the iPod 3G?

Personally, my Internet usage these days is mostly just the fediverse and what I find through them. I’d be interested if there were any particularly good ones though.

I guess it could be useful for game information websites, but I’d want to avoid the awful conglomerate one for that, and I tend to just use the information as a text search and it pops up. I feel like if I’m directly on the site I never find what I need as quickly, so maybe not.

Maybe some of the music websites I’ve come across would be good.


I remember a Star Trek MMO that I think was web based, but it may have been a preference I downloaded.

Anyway, I remember really wanting to like it but I was partly too young and the game either had a lot of locked content or needed to be paid. I think I gave it a couple hours total in the front room and never played it again.

Would have been 2003-2008 I think

Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is" (www.gamesradar.com)

apparently this is in response to a few threads on Reddit flaming Starfield—in general, it’s been rather interesting to see Bethesda take what i can only describe as a “try to debate Starfield to popularity” approach with the game’s skeptics in the past month or two. not entirely sure it’s a winning strategy,...


And moreover, did they not play their own game?

I feel like the core complaint that every person has regardless of liking the game or not is that the travel system is just absurd and inconsistent. It is so weird how I go to my ship, pull up to orbit a planet, can see the planet from my ship but I cannot select it. Sometimes, you can! But most of the time, you cannot. This means the player then has to pull up the map and land on the planet from there, even though a simple interact to land would be much more seamless and immersive.

The map issue goes deeper, literally. Opening the map on a planet brings you to the ground-view of it, so you have to pull up one or two sub-menu levels to go from ground-view to planet view to solar system to galaxy. Literally, consistently navigating through menus - heaven forbid you pull up one menu too far because you’ll have to start over.

It shouldn’t feel quite so bad, but each interaction of these takes like 5-7 seconds. Doing that over, and over, and over again? That’s a symptom of the game as well, have you ever been in a space fight and held down E? Then you have experienced the pain of leaving the cockpit for that insanely long animation, only to have immediately sit through the insanely long sit back down animation while your ship is being shot up.

The game is full of little hold ups like this that compound into something that just feels awful to navigate.

Don’t get me wrong; I liked my first playthrough of Starfield. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit, despite these issues. But I was working through these issues. And then NG+ came around and stole everything from me (understandably with the lore). I just couldn’t bring myself to do it again. Philosophy wise, the game has some great decisions that are impactful and raise. Gameplay wise these are pretty terrible decisions.

I did everything my first playthrough, I checked out every planet every quest every follower (not the dialogue for those quests, obviously). For the most part I liked my time but the base building and the homestead quests since those seem mostly broken (gas vents were never discoverable for me). A number of hours in on NG+ for the main quests having to recollect everything… What was the point?

No, I didn’t get lucky with a crazy NG+. I shouldn’t have to replay a game 12 times to “get to the fun stuff”


I like trotus and the Gameboy


Seems like there’s already accounts that repost content in an interactable way.


It had some pretty good aspects to it, but their reasoning behind cancelling (would need to “shift to a live service model”) it is pretty unfortunate and telling of the industry.

The game solely exists as a multiplayer team death match with the gameplay mechanics of The Last of Us. It was like Max Payne 3 meets Gears of War.

It was fun for PS3, I could see it faring well enough today but if their plan was to monetize it then it’s better off dead. Especially considering the state of the PC release, it just wasn’t the type of game to feasibly monetize. What can you do, skins? So any fun free unlocks are now paid or locked behind a battle pass, nice. What else is there, game enhancements? There were consumables so, we could have been paying for packs of those! Truly, we’re missing out.


Nope, nuclear waste in the water.

averyminya, (edited )

This thread that you just now found, yet Beehaw has a history of this?


Edit: I was scrolling all and came across another thread, and happened to respond to them. Forgive me for participating on the Internet.

Too late for them to see this. Oh well.


A lot of “weird” TLDs are just automatically blocked for security.

Like, realistically what site would your business/work utilize utilitytoolsales(.)xyz? Chances seem higher that would be a bogus site to harvest information.

Unfortunately fun social networks get affected lol


VR, online gaming, HD media consumption if you use subscriptions. Rocksmith. Personally I have an easier time spinning up AI programs on Windows over Linux. I find that video editing programs in Windows tend to be better, as well as music production especially with VSTs. Also my my music equipment, some just have not worked at all.

Progress is being made but it’s still a bit of a pain if you want most things to just open and, for the most part, mostly just works. In the last decade the Steam Deck is the only Linux install that I’ve felt actually comfortable using long term, next to Tails (for random fun, it was extremely stable for me).

I don’t mind tinkering once in a while for some things, but it’s not how I want to spend the majority of my time, which is often how I feel trying to use Linux for the same thing another OS can do. Like right now for example, a few years ago I gave up on the RasPi server and moved Plex to my gaming rig. It was far easier and less fiddling than the whole time using the Pi. But I’ve finally just transitioned my Plex server from that rig to its own server. In this case I couldn’t get a software plugin (DizqueTV) to work in Windows and I’d been wanting a separate media server again anyway.

I got DizqueTV working just fine, and Docker made it easy to scale it to beyond just media, but pretty much the rest of the server is just kicking my ass with basic things. Hardware acceleration? I’ve never seen this GPU before in my life! SSL Certs? It would be a shame if they never worked. Accessing your content outside your network? Hope you’re a network engineer that knows what you’re doing! /s a little bit but even as a tech savvy person this is how it feels sometimes. And now I’m back to fiddling with the server all the time again.

It’s genuinely so frustrating sometimes because of how extensive the knowledge is with so many ways of accomplishing the same task and so many people saying each one is more correct than the last. That’s not even to mention trying to find help about something, the only answer worth a sock is “rtfm” or the software documentation because heaven forbid you try and follow a guide online an infer based on your needs. (it can work, I also often have it simply refuse to work at a random step and the task is dead in the water).

I just want a bit of middleground between the OS needing me to tell it absolutely everything and the OS assuming it knows what I want more than I do. I’ve always wanted to like Linux more than I do but just every time I try and use it for an extended period of time I end up hating it more than I did before, just trying to get extremely basic things like permissions, or setting network settings without destroying the computer when there’s a mistake. Yes, it’s a skill issue on my part. That in itself is problematic as someone who is fairly adept at adapting.

I’m relatively tech savvy, I’m not against learning and being taught, I enjoy many of the results. But inevitably I end up despising the process it takes to get the result. Trying to get something simple done often feels like it takes more steps with less consistency. I feel like I never type as angrily as I do when I’m trying to solve an issue I come across in Linux. But despite all this I don’t actually dislike or hate Linux nor do I think that Windows is better or anything like that. Far from it. I’m at the point where I’m only using Windows because it consistently breaks less for the things I use it for.

I think that’s a big part of it too. When I use Linux I tend to push the boundaries and end up having issues. In Windows, if it works it works and if it doesn’t it doesn’t and that’s kind of the end of it. You can’t really push past it, whereas in Linux you can change the entire OS to make that one thing work. So for me I’ll tend to use Linux for projects. (I will say, another downside is that if something doesn’t work in Linux the chances of that becoming a project become very high. In my experience, until the Steam Deck at least, it was never a simple 1-3 step solution).

I mostly just am venting. I get so, so annoyed working in this damn OS lol. I tell ya, the day Linux can be used without asking a question on a forum is the year Linux gets adopted. If an open minded learner like myself wants to toss my laptop into the meat grinder I feel like the average person will not even consider the OS.

Anyway I started rambling, my point overall is that the tools for the job tend to dictate the project. I think since Windows is simpler the end results are more consistent, whereas my projects in Linux are more complicated and thus the results are less consistent. That’s not so much a Linux thing alone but a combination of it and my capabilities, but I never feel like what I learn in Linux is really effective or encouraged.

In short - if it were possible for me to only use Linux I would. If it were possible for Linux to be as simple to use as it is for web browsing and email, it’s all I would use. Alas, Linux is complicated I inevitably take on projects inside it, which I inevitably struggle with. I don’t mind not succeeding, but it can be disheartening to repeatedly hit walls preventing you from doing what you want. Ironic, since that’s how people tend to feel about Windows.


Kbin core is first priority still last I saw. Which is more important IMO since then devs can use the API.

I always felt that Artemis was doomed from the start given that it was working around not having an API and seemed to be more focused on Kbin support over lemmy. Not that that’s a bad thing, Kbin is the only fedisite I use other than this one. But for example, I’m on Boost for Lemmy right now and the dev has mentioned Kbin support, but there’s been no mention of it until some comments about the API releasing, then again nothing.

Idk, it just seems like modding an early access game. You can make your own fork and spin it up and it can make great, incredible strides until the maintainer loses interest. That’s not to say that it shouldn’t be done or no one should ever make and maintain a fork, but I was just always confused as to why I was always seeing posts on Artemis alpha releases but the subject matter revolved around Kbin if the app also supported lemmy. Have compatibility be the focus until you don’t have to maintain the instance fork and the app development at the same time.

Moreover it’s just unfortunate that the instance is gone, hopefully there was an account merge available if anyone wanted that. I also certainly don’t have the full picture by any means, just the development posts and then the moderator goodbye post.

I’m personally happy with Kbin on Firefox until the account is supported in Boost. Yes, I have noticed a bug or two that has been mentioned but they are consistent in how they appear in my experience and I tend to not interact with how they often pop up. (I comment less on Kbin so scrolling up isn’t often an issue.) The bug I get most commonly is trying to view the bottom of the page with infinite scroll turned on. If it’s styling that’s an issue, Firefox Nightly or Fennec to play with CSS to your liking with something like Stylus.

I feel bad for the Artemis community, hopefully everyone finds something that works for them soon.


I’ve been using my OLED a lot more than my original, I think mainly because it’s just significantly lighter. It’s been a bit but even now I pick it up and still am surprised.

And that definitely makes it feel more accessible for playing on the go. I brought my original Deck out and about but it wasn’t always comfortable and I often used the case as a prop stand, the OLED I’ve yet to even consider using the case to rest the device on.

Everything else, the battery life, performance, it makes a difference too, but man. I’ve been most surprised by its weight.


Oh gosh, the fading “nooo!” When someone falls is too funny!

One of our best stories was from the delivery planet where we were exploring the area. We went down the ladder to check out the ocean and that walkway down there. We’re all talking and one of our friends goes, “hey guys wanna see something cool?”

We kinda ignore him for a minute and finish our conversation, then we go over to him to hear what he found.

We found his dead body. He fell from the stairs right after he said that and died! We were all stunned, it had been a couple minutes so we just kind of laughed. Decided his sister should give him a sailors funeral and drop his body off into the sea.

So she picks him up and tosses him over. Well, the railing got in the way and stopped him from falling, so she went over the raining and jumped on the pipe. Giving her eulogy, she took a step forward and disappears, dying to the ocean! Gosh we were cackling for hours about that one, sheer gold!

what is a skill you wish you had, and why?

Ok, I might as well go first: I wish I could draw. Not at the level where I could make photorealistic portraits, but I’ve always been envious of those who are able to scetch something together in a few minutes that perfectly captures what they want to convey. Sometimes words aren’t enough to express what I want to say, and...


Wow, this was cool to read! I definitely use the goal of the project to motivate myself to learn how to complete it, but I never realized it until you laid it out. I understand what OP says about the skill “sliding off” but the project is usually complete before that happens and only becomes an issue on revisiting it later. Like my Magic Mirror project that I completed but it’s using the Pi and some software that I don’t remember now. But the mirror is still great, hooked up to a PC with wallpaper engine running.

enzoesco, to fediverse Italian

Are you curious about Mastodon? Mammoth, the Google-funded app*, could be the app that will use all of you to destroy the Fediverse

I would like to know what you think of this post published here in Italian: is it exaggerated or is there a grain of truth?


Are you curious about Mastodon? Mammoth, the Google-funded app, could be the app that will use all of you to destroy the Fediverse*

Dear friends of decentralization, welcome to the end of the world!

One of the most serious limitations of Mastodon (not to mention other obscene software, such as the cumbersome Friendica or the toy Misskey) is that... it sucks!

No it's not true, it doesn't suck, in fact it has improved the ergonomics a lot, but compared to commercial social networks it still seems to be several years behind.

At the moment only Bluesky seems to do worse, but in that case we are actually talking about a dead fetus kept artificially alive by American journalists, so it's a bit out of competition...

** Did you want to know why I titled it “funded by Google”?*

The app is definitely well made and has some interesting new features.

The updated app will introduce a number of features designed to appeal to former X users, including personalized suggestions of accounts to follow, to help you rebuild your network on Mastodon, as well as curated “smart lists” that help you find interesting conversations that take place on Mastodon.

Mammoth will also integrate with the editorial staff of Flipboard, the social magazine app for curating news on topics from across the web through accounts such as News , Tech , Culture and Science. And it is a partner with Newsmast , another curator of news and communities on Mastodon, as well as Press.coop, which imports feeds from popular news websites into Mastodon. These integrations allow Mammoth 2 to create a number of other “smart lists,” including those for News, World News, Business, Tech, Environment, and Nature.

From Sarah Perez's article published December 7 on TechCrunch

In short, to use Mastodon more easily, users will give up the most important aspect offered by Mastodon: decentralization!

That's how: following other people's lists, integrating rubbish like Newsmast (one of the projects most oriented towards the Anglospheric centralization of news which is starting to have some singers even in the Italian Fediverse), everything we always wanted to avoid by migrating from Twitter to Mastodon!

I won't hide from you that seeing Mammoth become so popular in some way in the last few days is truly disheartening: a campaign of a few thousand dollars is enough to infest the entire Fediverse with the editorials of a small US company.

By the way, many of Mammoth's features had already been implemented by IceCubes . Not to mention, IceCubes has always been free and open source!

Mammoth has also become open source. But when you launch it, the first thing it does (how horrible!) is make you automatically follow their account (I got visual messages on the new features screen, but I wasn't able to stop the following on that screen) and they a very shitty icon similar to that of Threads.

Most concerning though is their SmartLists feature: send your handle to their official moth.social instance, which uses a Mastodon fork that serves the “Smart Lists” feature. One can reasonably see how this undermines decentralization…

In the photo, Hänsel and Gretel appreciating the ergonomics of the apps financed by BigTech

A final bitter consideration? It's not true that we always want to ruin the beautiful things we have. But unfortunately it is true that we always have this overwhelming desire to help anyone who wants to ruin what we have. As long as he is rich, beautiful and powerful…

cc @aral @Gargron @pluralistic @fediverse


I was assuming they meant the end of the fediverse world, but yeah it’s quite grandiose.


Legend has it xX-1337_gnu_h4x0r-Xx once stalked Tim Sweeny in Unreal 2004. That led to the development of Unreal 2: The Liandri Conflict, where that same Linux user hacked Tim Sweeny’s character model to his own grandmother. It was Xbox only, but still somehow the Linux user killed him, at Tim Sweeny’s own video game! He just couldn’t handle that so he took 2 years to develop the technology to block all Linux users out of sheer spite. He accomplished his goal in 2007 when finally, Sweeny’s mission was completed with Unreal Tournament 3. It was so successful that no game from Epic since Unreal Tournament 2004 has had a Linux release.

But that wasn’t enough for Tim Sweeny. He needed more, he needed… Control. Afterall, we all know Gears of War 1 sales for PC were terrible because of pirating, which only Linux users do. Time passed and in June 2012 an opportunity arose, an offer that he could not refuse. Tencent, a multibillion dollar investment company purchases just under half of the shares of Epic Games. His own words, “Tencent’s directors are super valuable contributors whose advice and participation helped make Epic what it is today.” And thus, the adoption of the live service model arrives with Fortnite: Battle Royale.

Unfortunately for Tim, Beijing’s gaming laws culled any revenue from Fortnite China, but that doesn’t matter. Tim Sweeny’s goal was complete, being able to now buy out any game he desires and kill Linux support for it before it can even begin, even going so far as to actively remove support for it from existing games. With gamers faith in Epic now Dauntless from free games and their image as pioneers of developer first PC gaming, we can finally go to today.

The release of LEGO Fortnite and the other modes. See, there was a competitor to Epic Games that inspired Tim Sweeny deeply. Roblox. The game where you spend money to play games people have made, all without ever leaving the store. A concept that Tencent has successfully established elsewhere, but one that hasn’t quite fully succeeded in the United States (except of course for Steam, the actual anti-christ of PC gamers). But no longer, now gamers of all ages, young and younger can see the value of Epic Games all-in-one game, Fortnite. Soon, Tim Sweeny’s goal will be complete by extinguishing all games on Linux. But the Pariah Valve ruined that plan by releasing… the Steam Deck. The Linux device that steals candy from babies and money from developers.

Linux. Not even once. It turns your children into striped sock wearers who will grow up to not understand why having everything centrally located in one account is actually a good thing.


Lmao how long until something like the ROG Ally tries to partner with Epic and claim that it’s the only handheld that can play Fortnite


It’s not about it happening, it’s about the results of those who leave.

Basically, if in the U.S. voters leave to another country based on a political choice, they are now removing their political choice meaning any dissent there may have been is now gone.

So, with Linux being like Canada, Windows refugees are removing any option of OS improvement for Windows.


I didn’t say I believed it! Lol


It’s a bit sweet. Not to the full extent of 3D printing PLA but it’s in the area.

Interestingly, the Valve Index scent is almost exactly the same as the Steam Deck vent scent, just the Deck’s air is heated. I remember the Steam Controller box also smelling like this.


I was going to contest, but I actually emulated the game and didn’t have the framerate issues. Everything else held up for me though. In terms of the civiskyzation, it has been thousands of years. They all dead. I don’t disagree with the underground being empty, but it is an unknown underground. It made sense for the POI’s to mostly match up with the overworld elements.

I think these are fair lore reasons when it’s like this because of the hardware the game runs on. Maybe there could have been more underground but it affected the performance.

Disagree on the DLC though. It was a pretty fully fledged game. I also agree that it shouldn’t have been $70, though lol.


I see it. Though, I think it’s a bit of survival-syndrome.

The building looks a lot like the LEGO Fortnite build mechanics too, so I think it’s just a symptom of the genre.

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