@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar


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atx_aquarian, (edited )
@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

This interpretation is valid. But I recently learned to see it a different way.

If you’ll humor me, please consider this. Since Santa knows if you’ve been “bad or good,” he knows the other reindeer have been bullies to poor Rudolph. And, while a red glowing nose is cool, it’s not a useful fog light. It’s just not.

So Santa “uh oh!” had an emergency where, for the first time ever, the fog was going to be too thick all over the world to deliver presents?

Nope, he set up Rudolph in a position to “lead” his peers in a situation that maybe needed a little help but was not, in any way, a true, worldwide magic-assed Santa emergency. Santa knew how to guide his reindeer to accept each other. The story of Rudolph was not about Rudolph doing something to prove himself. It was about recognizing a Rudolph in need and helping him rise to the occasion to bring him closer to his peers in a way that could heal division.

Rudolph isn’t about how to triumph as a Rudolph. It’s about how to be a good Santa.

(Edit: For everyone who already thought this was obvious in the story, thanks for letting this Rudolph have his epiphany anyway.)

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

Title is “no longer transmitting data.” If it’s repeating a pattern, then data is no longer being transmitted.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

There’s one restaurant in my area that has some tables for one. I noticed that, for me, those do feel more complete when I’m dining alone. Instead of extra, conspicuously empty seats around the rest of the table, there’s a table clearly designed for one diner to just enjoy a good meal.

And it’s not enough to have tables with only one chair. If such a table is amidst larger-party tables, I think it still makes the other usual places at the table feel abnormally empty. What makes tables for one feel “right” has something to do with their placement in the restaurant (so as not to feel odd or exceptional), their orientation (so as not to face the diner towards someone else’s gaze–unless mingling is the goal), and then the size and number of seats.

It’s probably difficult for some restaurants to accommodate solo diners due to a need for density, but when a restaurant might have some space that would otherwise not be all that useful (like a little extra space between a planter divider and a walkway, where larger tables just wouldn’t fit), it is an opportunity to attract solo diners who want to enjoy the solo experience of focusing on the meal and their own thoughts rather than bar seating. (And, on that topic, I think it’s becoming more normal for people to not want alcohol displayed prominently in front of them when they’re really just looking for a nice meal.)

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

But, in EST and similar time zones, it’s December 11, not 12, right? The headline says 12th; the article says Monday the 11th. And based on a different article I previously read, I set myself a calendar reminder for the 11th, so I’m leaning that way. Maybe they meant the 12th UTC?

Edit: Yep, in EST and other Western TZs, I’m reading the 11th–Monday night.


Around 1:17 UTC (8:17 p.m. EST December 11th), the main-belt asteroid 319 Leona…


So, for example, in Cordoba, Spain, the mid-point of the event will be at about 1:15:45 UTC, or 2:15:45 a.m. local time, on December 12, 2023. And in Miami, Florida, the mid-point of the event will be at about 8:24:54 p.m. local time on December 11, 2023. That’s the same as 1:24:54 UTC on December 12, 2023. Find the exact timing for your location here.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

If you time it right and if the rushy dweebs don’t block all the lanes, you’ll fly right by them, coasting.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

This is purely a snapshot of what young people perceive their lives to be like compared to their parents


(Yes, there are metrics that reveal some things are objectively worse, like income vs. property cost. This article is all about perception, and I just think the headline should reflect that instead of concluding that everything is harder based on subjective data.)

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

Here’s my attempt to de-dangle it.

1M followers for 13-year-old gamer who was killed in Israeli attack

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

Lights have to get smarter. Right on red is half the traffic flow in my area.* I always see so many situations where a green turn arrow would be appropriate, and yet the intersection is relying on the right-on-red rule instead, causing each car to pause when it should be flowing through. And even more situations where a light always stops the majority direction of traffic on what must be a fixed timer that poorly syncs with some upstream lights, because it always seems to turn red as a clump of cars arrives, even when there’s almost always no cross traffic. Maybe right on red is more dangerous in some places, and we can get rid of it, but we have to replace it with some actual civil engineering instead of making traffic even worse.

*±100% margin of error, sample size 1

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

I hear it feels better than getting kidney stones.

Go forth, drink water, and pee clear.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

Deadpool dress-audition for Dethklok.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

Cat and bread attached to generator: not falling.

Not falling: not flipping.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

And we can all at least understand when it doesn’t get closed after someone takes a slice. Maybe the last person thought someone else was going to get a slice? But a box remaining open with zero slices removed… that’s not human.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

Many places around me have banned Jake braking.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

But where does the poo heat go?!

atx_aquarian, (edited )
@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

I did this for years. Yep, it works enoughish, but I’m so much happier on a password manager now, and it’s pretty fun to see the managed passwords having so much more entropy than even the most obscure things I was algorithmically generating. Also, the speed of using a manager is great. Somehow I ended up with multiple Ticketmaster accounts (from using a different email address for some one-off season tickets that migrated into TM later). I think the moment I realized I wanted to change to a manager was when I was walking up to a concert and realized I hadn’t downloaded my ticket. I got into TM and realized I needed to switch accounts. So then I’m trying to walk and type my big fucky nerd-assed brain-generated password on mobile, fat-fingering the touchscreen keyboard, almost locking myself out of the account when I just want to get into the venue and relax. Later, that first moment trying an integrated pass manager and effortlessly switching between accounts, each with far stronger passes than I would have remembered, limited only by the loading speed of the site and with virtually zero chance of locking myself out… that really made me feel like fancy Pooh meme.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

In my Austin neighborhood, AT&T ran the fiber, and then Google was the ISP that showed up on it. It made me wonder if fiber follows the same ILEC/CLEC relationship that copper did.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

That’s quite a long way of saying Grindr may have made a poor design choice to allow accounts to be reused after deleting, a situation that dodges blocks. What’s the point of a block feature if people can so easily abuse it?

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

I think it will never not blow my mind that south Texas is a legit space port. (That’s assuming it plays out as planned, of course. I think we still have to see if environmental concerns outweigh the development opportunity?)

Well, there’s a balloon launch site further up the coast in Wharton, I think, that they were calling a space port, but I always thought that was a little bit of humor. It’s different for me to imagine driving down to the valley to see a monster rocket go to Mars.

Donald Trump fined $10,000 for second gag order violation in civil fraud case (www.reuters.com)

Justice Arthur Engoron on Oct. 3 barred Trump from disparaging court staff after Trump shared on social media a photo of the judge’s top clerk posing with U.S. Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat, and falsely called her Schumer’s “girlfriend.”...

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

Be the razor.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

“Don’t make me get HR to count to ten again!”

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

But hang on, there’s an interesting topic. Is consciousness the current processing, or is it the memory (and perhaps something additional)? Since not all nerve signals arrive in the brain at the same time, consciousness provably isn’t immediate. Perhaps it’s the recent memory of what just happened?

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

From my understanding of the article, it’s more about associating misleading terms with images to confuse the associations learned by the model. I didn’t see anything in the article about some sneaky way of tainting images themselves unless it means a server is serving bogus images when a client fails the “are you a robot” test.

Curious to learn if anyone knows more about what it’s actually doing.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

hdtracks.com and Bandcamp are some sources.

BBC Confirm Policy Change On Describing Hamas In Meeting With Jewish Leaders (www.mediaite.com)

Following weeks of backlash the BBC will reportedly no longer refer to Hamas as “militants” opting instead to describe them as "a proscribed terrorist organisation" or simply "Hamas." This shift in policy by the public service broadcaster was announced by the Board of Deputies of British Jews in a press release on Friday,...

atx_aquarian, (edited )
@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

I agree with the sentiment, but I don’t see the facts aligning with BBC’s claim of abstaining from using the label.


The level was raised to severe … after two terror attacks late last year.


At the High Court, listening to evidence about a notorious terrorist organisation, you don’t expect to hear about Legoland.


A terror attack might have been stopped …


Three men who assisted the perpetrators of jihadist terrorist attacks in and around Barcelona that killed 16 people in 2017 have been jailed in Spain.


The attacks were carried out by the terrorist group al-Qaeda.


It was the worst single terrorist atrocity on British soil.


Terrorists are people who use violent methods, or violent threats, to achieve their demands. (Followed by a list of terrorist organizations.)

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

Help me see if I’m missing something, but I don’t think they generally were avoiding using a loaded term.

I linked below a handful of examples of them describing, in their own words, acts as terror acts and even people and organizations as terrorists.


It seems to me like they’ve probably made sure to only use the term when a conviction or official designation has been made, but, as I understand from BBC’s own words, Hamas is already in that boat, too.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

Shouldn’t this be in politics, not news? It’s an opinion piece about politics. Maybe I don’t see things the way everyone else does?

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

I’m nowhere near an expert, but this seems like a great example of using light. I still see details in the shadows and in the highlights, and yet there’s still enough contrast to make me feel the warm sunlight coming through the cold surroundings. The textures in the snow and trees put me in the environment and make me feel the air and hear the gentle quiet sounds of leaves and breezes and distant animals. I don’t know if this really is a great photo or whether I’m just fooled by it, but I particularly love this one.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

Some evangelical pastors who regularly deliver sermons in support of school prayer have recently added a new twist — preaching that Christian traditions are needed in classrooms to stop children from identifying as transgender.

Or, in other words, without cult brainwashing, people might enjoy more freedom to be themselves.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

🎶 my looney bun is fine Benny Lava 🎶

🎶 minor bun engine made Benny Lava 🎶

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

Glad I came back to read this one after passing over it earlier.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

** record scratches, music stops **

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

Let me know when it’s gonna be May.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

I run it on a Synology Diskstation for plenty of storage and enough “oomph” for transcoding all in one gizmo. That also paired up nicely with an HD Homerun network TV tuner running up to an attic antenna to add local broadcast channels. It does a great job wrapping that with a cable-style menu and DVR.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

In some clips, the park staff can be heard through a megaphone asking, “Is everyone doing OK up there?” The crowd of riders shouts back “No!” in near-unison.

“I don’t know what I expected” meme

atx_aquarian, (edited )
@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

Not arguing about the merits of blockchain, but if your money is in a bank, it is on a computer that depends on cryptography (TLS) for controlling access.

edit: Well, ok, at least then it’s not just crypto standing between your assets and someone else. Then there’s going to be at least another layer, like multifactor authentication, VPN/MPLS, etc., depending on the point being attacked.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

Is the joke that they didn’t waste any time arming with the new tech?

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

Is this the Weasleys’ flying ice cream van?

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

I just want to end misspelling “avocado” .

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

I never came back after the protests. I don’t understand the people who said “why should I care if I don’t use 3rd party apps”. After seeing reddit’s true colors on full display, I didn’t want anything more to do with that company.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

I also have to assume the actual law used was not the two examples cited by the article, as 41 applies to disciplining children (and murder is not discipline but punishment) and 409 is about adultery. Those examples still highlight the problem, but all this it leaves me wondering whether the law even mattered here.

A judge orders Texas to move a floating barrier used to deter migrants to the bank of the Rio Grande (apnews.com)

A federal judge on Wednesday ordered Texas to move a large floating barrier to the bank of the Rio Grande after protests from the the U.S. and Mexican governments over Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s latest tactic to stop migrants from crossing America’s southern border....

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

I’m all about “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” but I think it’s a mistake to assume the “strong border” people’s motivation is hatred. Some people will hate, but, living around plenty of the people who support it, it’s clear to me that selfishness, fear, and ignorance are far more common elements.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

I’m still happy for a meme that ridicules bright screens at night.

@atx_aquarian@lemmy.world avatar

If you’re drunk enough, it’ll happen naturally.

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