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No. The buttons don't bother me, and I like having options for when I misplace the remote.


highly corrosive and pyrophoric fuels and coolants that, following irradiation, will become highly radioactive

How true is this? Because a highly radioactive and highly corrosive material that like to catch fire spontaneously - well, that just doesn't sound like a good idea, yet obviously some people are considering it. What am I missing?


Is that like the whole "magic occurs here" thing that I also never quite got?


Anyone who did not successfully fight to keep their name out of the civil case could see their name become public -- including Epstein's victims, co-conspirators and innocent associates. Judge Loretta Preska set the release for Jan. 1, giving anyone who objects to their documents becoming public time to object.

Fax machine at the courthouse gonna be real busy this week.


Was his name Count Rugen, the Six-Fingered Man?


Do you pay cabs by the mile in Japan? It might be something that he commonly "misunderstands".


You are correct. I don't know why I said that. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

athos77, - episode lists for a lot of shows - dramas, sitcoms, science fiction, etc. - episode lists and guides for a bunch of Australian TV series as well.

athos77, (edited )

Variation: a soup bowl with a sculpted bottom so that you serve someone their soup and they slowly discover the lurking horror/humor as they eventually work their way down. Can also use for dips, nuts or small candies.

Also, we shall require pictures of your endeavors in a couple of days.


Heroes come in all ages and abilities.

"I'll Come Back": Ninth Doctor Actor Reveals Brutal Conditions For Doctor Who Return (

Ninth Doctor actor Christopher Eccleston reveals his brutal conditions for returning to Doctor Who. Eccleston was the first actor to portray the Doctor in its modern era following its revival in 2005. While he successfully brought the iconic Time Lord back to the screen, he abruptly departed the show after just one season,...


The thing was, Eccleston's Doctor, with his bleeding pain and anguish, set the stage for Tennant's Doctor to take off from. Tennant would've been brilliant regardless, but the setup from that first season let Tennant take off almost literally running.


Actually, the article that Screen Rant refers to at the very end, with a cute little "Source: The Direct", is a much better article. Here's that link.


Why do those little pieces of skin keep sticking up next to my fingernails. (Not cuticles / hangnails, the skin next to the nails)


So: I used to read gen fic. When I talked about fanfic with my fan friends, I always said I liked the characters and the relationships. They continually tried to get me to try slash fic, and I would, I really tried: I'd find stories in the fandoms I was in featuring 'my' pairing and I'd try them ... and honestly, they were crap. I could not believe my fan friends were reading such poor quality stories!!

Then a friend sent me a gen zine for my birthday. It had three big stories in it, two of which were my big fandoms, the third some show I'd never heard of before, but I read the story anyway. And if was fantastic. I immediately wrote everyone I knew asking if they knew of any other stories, and another friend loaned me a different gen zine. Another long story, really really good I immediately decided that I was a fan of this show, the fic was great!

So I wrote my friends again and it was at this point that I found out that, somehow or other, I had managed to read the only two gen stories in the entire fandom - absolutely everything else was slash.

But I loved my new fandom so I decided to "tolerate" the slash - but it was good too!

It was much later, after going through more fandoms than I care to think about, that I realized that for most fandoms (though not all!), but that the really good stories in many fandoms are either mostly slash or mostly gen. So the gen fandoms I loved the fic on - I loved the fic because the good writers in those fandoms were writing gen. And the slash fandoms I got into - I lived the fic there because the good writers were writing slash.

Nowadays I wander freely back and forth, depending on what shows attract my interest. And sometimes I'll be reading gen and sometimes slash, but I end up reading one or the other because that's where the good writers in that fandom are.

Which is a really long-winded way of saying that, maybe it's the fandoms you're in that you're ending up with stories that don't interest you. It does happen!


There was some era where teachers were telling students that the main thing was to get their stuff down on paper and they could work on format later. Which lead to a truly horrendous period where all the newbie writers were releasing stories full of mis-spellings, no punctuation or paragraphs, constantly shifting verbs and POVs, lack of plot, horrible characterization, etc etc etc. Think of every single writing crime you know of, and these stories were full of them.

And you'd very gently write them and suggest maybe punctuation would make it easier to read, or one sentence shouldn't take up two pages, or actually naming the character who was doing or saying something instead of just expecting the reader to pull it telepathically outv of the ether. And they'd get all defensive, "Well it's MY story and everyone else has liked it and doing all that stuff just slows me down and the important thing is just to get the thing down". You'd suggest maybe they could use a beta reader, but no that was too much work as well.

I had to give up on entire (small) fandoms because the writers simply. Could. Not. Write. I'm really glad that era seems to be over.


One thing I love about fanfic is that it's a shortcut to storytelling. So, like, you pick up a new novel, not part of a series or anything, and you start to read. And you have to map out the entire milieu in your brain: these are the main characters, these are their relationships, this is their backstory, these are the things you need to remember about the location or politics or whatever else there is.

You spend all this time absorbing all this information and learning to really care about the characters and following events as they unfold and then -- it just ends. And then you pick up another story and you have to do the whole thing all over again.

The nice thing about fanfic is that you can skip all the universe-setting stuff: you can (generally) assume that a reader will know the characters, relationships, back stories, etc etc etc. You can literally start a story with the line "Dudley chased Harry down the street" and not have to explain who Harry is, who Dudley is, why Dudley is chasing Harry, why Harry can't avoid or hide from Dudley's attention, why Harry's best option is to run, vaguely how old Harry and Dudley are, why Harry can't get someone to help him - hell, you even know it's summertime. Fanfic is a shortcut to storytelling, enabling both the reader and the writer to get to the meat of the story without (necessarily) needing to faff about explaining and trying to remember all sorts of details.

Tips on making your data less sellable?

A charity I’m volunteering for and a contractor I know insist I have a facebook account for contact reasons. Naturally I bought a separate device to use for that, but I was wondering if there were ways to make my data undesirable to potential buyers. So far I got the obvious tiennamen square posting and that gay putin pic, but...


Run a VPN on the device so it's harder to figure out where it connects to the Internet. Leave it at work or home or, if you must travel with it, keep it turned off.

See if you can friend or follow people in foreign countries and who don't speak English.


Fake pizza: Make toast. Drizzle toast with a little bit of olive oil. Smear tomato paste on toast. Sprinkle with garlic powder and oregano. Top with a slice of provolone.


For your fish, maybe try [email protected]


Well, the only way you'll know if it's too niche is by asking and seeing what the responses are. If posting on lemmy doesn't get you enough information, you might try posting on reddit, they bring the information back here tob possibly help others in similar situations. I mean, I've left reddit, but if my cat's health was potentially at risk, I'd ask anyplace I could get a decent answer.


"Embarrassing moment" + "no top on": OP is very likely a woman because men aren't likely to be embarrassed by being topless. I'd guess a bunch of other people* ran into the girls locker room while she was changing and either had just a bra on up top, or nothing on up top; and they grabbed her clothes and played keep away for a few minutes. But afterward, they told her she was pretty and mildly flirted with her.

  • 'other people' could be boys; but it feels like OP is from the Commonwealth, meaning it could also be a boarding school and thus a locker room raid by another house.

Water chestnuts. No idea why.


Media bias / fact check for Voice of Europe;

Bias: Extreme Right

Credibility: Low

.Notes: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Anti-Islam. Voice of Europe also has a poor track record with fact checkers.

Overall, this site is Questionable due to extreme right wing bias, promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories and poor sourcing. A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence.

Sure sounds like a source I want to line the litterbox with.

athos77, (edited )

I don't care. I'm tired of people submitting bullshit sources and then coming up with a reason as to why it's okay to listen to them just this one time. It drives attention and revenue to those sources, encourages their bad behavior, and normalizes the source as 'sometimes okay' in people's minds, eventually leading people to be less critical and and more susceptible to the bullshit the source wants to spread. Which is EXACTLY how propaganda outlets work.

athos77, (edited )

Our open office of five desks and 3-5 people was on the second floor; right outside our office was a short hall of 3 individual offices, but the people in the offices were often out of the office. We'd mostly all worked together for years by then, got along well, and were pretty informal.

We had an absolutely wonderful (if slightly ditzy) girl named Chrissy join the office one summer, fresh out of high school. She liked to dress up very stylishly - not like office wear, but like a popular cheerleader might wear to class, if that makes sense?

Anyway, we're in the office one day, and Chrissy ducks out, then comes back in like one minute later, face absolutely flaming red. We ask what's wrong and she could only stammer in response. She eventually got herself under control and said:

She'd stepped out to run some papers downstairs and, as she left the office, she felt her pantyhose start to sag, so she quickly ducked into one of the side offices, pulled up her skirt, and pulled her hose back up to the top of her thighs. When she looked up, there was a window-washer hanging off the side of the building, slowly and calmly wiping his squeegee back and forth across the window, looking directly at her and smiling kindly. She stared at him, mouth open, while he continued his slow, calm, almost meditative squgeeing across the window. As soon as her mind processed "unexpected man outside second floor window", she bolted back to us.

It was literally like something directly out of a sitcom.


What's the weather like where you live? And are you looking for things you can continue to wear?

If it's cold there, it should be easy to find pullover sweaters and cotton knits with any style neck you like (including turtlenecks), just go for the more subdued colors.

If you're not planning for this to be a permanent style change but still want to wear these clothes later, you might consider something like blouse inserts or women's Dickey's, which can be worn underneath a top that you wish was more modest (perhaps even one you own now), and which you can simply stop wearing when you decide it's time.

And obviously, I'm sorry for your loss.


The stock market is a mood ring for rich people, not anything to do with everyday Americans and everyday Americans are struggling more with food and rent, even car prices have skyrocketed. The Saudis and a bunch of other oil producing countries would really like to have their good buddy back in office and they've already said they plan to hike gas prices next summer to try to influence people away from Biden; his support for Israel is only going to exacerbate the situation. And Russia will spend lots of money to get their Russian puppet back in office, and to get more Russian puppets into Congress - not just for the chance to break the US, but also to break NATO, damage the UN and the EU, and finalize their Ukrainian land grab.


Napovointerco might be enacted.

I don't see how. According to Wikipedia, states with 203 electoral votes have passed legislation - but states with pending legislation only bring in another 65 votes, which is still short of the 270 votes needed - and that's only if all the states with pending legislation pass it instead of sending it back to committee, deferring it, or outright defeating it.

It may pass eventually, but I certainly don't see it happening before next year's elections.


I think it's more that they've increased the size of the drive from 10TB to 48TB.

athos77, (edited )

My old cat, when something was wrong with her world, she'd come and meow at me - she had a special "fix this!" meow - and then she'd lead me over to whatever was wrong: I'd like the litterbox cleaned, I want fresh water, I want the window open, top up my food please. Sometimes I couldn't fix it (rain, snow, dietary restrictions), but she'd accept it if I couldn't change it.

The new cat just screams for things to be fixed, but there's never any indication as to what's wrong. Plus she has serious chronic health conditions, so sometimes it's I'd like fresh water please and other times the exact same meow means we have to go to the 24-hour emergency vet right now. Which is really much less helpful and informative than I'd like it to be. Also, if it's something I can't fix, she just decides that I haven't understood and keeps meowing.


You can get timed cat food dispensers.


This Week in Virology
Serious Trouble
The Daily


Man's fucked up Venezuela so badly that the only thing he can think of is to steal from his neighbors.


Where else would one eat pie?!


I'm looking forward both to this and The Haunted Chocolatier, whenever either one gets released!


Media bias / fact check for The Gray Zone:

Overall, we rate The Grayzone Far-Left Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and consistent one-sided reporting.


Curse of the Fatal Death.

athos77, (edited )

Lots of food, to be honest. The one that comes to mind right at the moment is the Teriyaki Glazed Hen of the Woods Mushrooms with Tomato Polenta, Sweet Red Peppers, Roasted Rapini at Equinox in DC - it was really good!

Oh! and the vegetarian b'stella at the old Marrakesh restaurant, also in DC.

The chocolate suicide cake and the beer-cheese soup at the 93rd Aero Squadron in Philly.

The pretzel shortbreads at Lost Bread, also in Philly.


This shit, arracacia, is a root (kind of like cassava or potato) impossible to find.

Are you anywhere near San Jose or Martha's Vineyard?


I hope you can recreate your delicious memory!


I thought of people with locked-in syndrome.


The occupiers only installed windows and pipes.

You can hardly expect them to install toilets when all the Ukrainian toilets are needed in Russia. /s

Serious question: what's with the lines of nails sticking out of some of the walls?


I voted - thanks for asking us!

athos77, (edited )

Uhh, say, 20k? My sister died and I've been taking care of her 18-year-old cat with health issues. It's my only living link to my sister - and aside from a couple cousins I don't see much, she was my last living relative. I'm not ready for another loss right now, and it also kinda feels like letting go of the cat is also kinda letting go of my sister, so I'm trying to keep the cat as healthy and happy as she can be for as long as possible - it's just really expensive (extra special diet, multiple medications, periodic tests). But today the cat raced me down the stairs, then yelled at me for making it cold and wet outside, then complained that her food was late, then snuggled up next to me at the computer. It's all worth it.

Edit: I'm estimating it's been at least 10k so far, just for emergency treatments, getting her stabilized, then diagnosed, and then coming up with a set of food and medications that work. And then I'm estimating another 10k to care for the cat in the future. She's a good cat, even if she yells at me for letting her see the bottom of her food bowl ...


It really is!


It's a natural instinct for them to chew at plants, so I agree with the cat grass suggestion s. If there's one particular cat that's the problem, ask the vet to check it's teeth at it's next checkup: sometimes they chew more plants when there's buildup or something wrong with their teeth.

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