@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar


@[email protected]
  • The real problem with humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology.
  • Falling feels like flying, for a little while

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@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

My employer has both a technical and a non technical route, but even the technical route will include some small amount of team/project leading.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

I have both currently. Only reason I’ve kept Plex around is bc the jellyfin Roku and android apps need a bit of polish.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Ok here’s my personal gripes/nitpicks


  • overlay band name on band tile. I know the name is up top, but I don’t recognize a lot of those tile pics and have to go one by one trying to find the right one.
  • when I click a band tile, the “Albums” icon is too small. Ideally have album tiles horizontal along the bottom, but at least make the icon bigger and put next to Instant Mix, also a “all songs” next to “albums”.
  • Instant Mix is confusing, it seems to be shuffle just name it shuffle, and if you hit shuffle from a band details I’d expect it to shuffle just that band, vs “Shuffle All” from main screen, or Shuffle album from album details, etc.
  • when playing and play/pause is focused, if I could push “up” to focus the progress bar, and then left/right to fast fwd/rewind, or “ok” btn to enter a time to skip to (think, where I left off in this 20 hour long audiobook)

Movies section had some nitpicks too. Like wishing there was a quick bar when you focus a movie, or at least putting “un/mark watched” in the asterisk menu instead of having to drill into it. The rest is probably just me needing to get used to the playback button design, like pushing up I’d expect to see progress bar and some quick functions but instead I see file info which doesn’t seem like a common thing I’d care to look at. Similarly, being able to click the progress bar and skip to a time would be wonderful vs hitting “right” a hundred times on my crappy Roku remote 🙂

Hope you found my complaining useful!

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Some of us are sensitive to SLS, (the micro-abrations they create in the gums cause canker sores in some people), and it’s not easy finding a toothpaste that has flouride but doesn’t have SLS, so i buy the natural stuff then have a separate flouride rinse I use.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Teenagers: “I wish I was never born!”

Parents: “World’s not fair. Don’t complain, could be worse.”

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

I believe the thank you was regarding the mod-friendly mindset of early valve. A section in the game menu for loading new mods and it shipped with a mod (TFC, which was based off a community mod for Quake)

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

When you’re juggling too many interrelated tangents in your brains RAM and start getting cache misses like crazy and go full core dump

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Reminder that Facebook hates you and pays people to develop ways to manipulate and control your behavior. Request to download your account data, delete your account, and go outside. It’s less scary than you’re making it and you’ll feel better in the end.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Still babying my 8 y/o oneplus w/aux port. still not settling

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

I would think if someone’s up to some actual shady shit that they don’t want to draw the attention of any authorities, they’d be better off using a combination of several of the most popular web mail accounts, like Gmail, and manually encrypting the message before pasting it in or something I dunno, just bc it seems like surveillance systems become less effective with more collection volume, and Gmail has a lot of users

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

I remember being in school back in like 97,98 the teacher would turn on the news in first period. All I remember was everyday that school year there was coverage of Israel and Gaza blowing each other up.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

I have this huge fear that working for an actual good cause that I admire would make me feel constantly guilty that I’m not doing enough, or doing a good enough job. I find a lot of comfort in knowing I work for a soulsucking for profit corporation.

And yes, I also hate that I feel this way

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Because people have been more and more conditioned to obey year after year. To be absolute pushovers who never fight against the grain, never question groupthink, etc. Grandfathering the criminalization (using violent enforcement) of something like smoking a cigarette is a shining example of what’s to come.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Sure are a lot of authoritarian apologists up in here today

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

You ironically found yourself pointing out something valid. Banning companies from putting addictive substances into everyday products has always been a good idea (Meth in Cheerios, no thx). Banning an individual from choosing, by their own free will, to make a bad decision that doesn’t do any great harm to anyone else… is oppression my guy.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Add in the danger of having the following mentality: “what are these rights laying around that I’m not utilizing? What, that person over there enjoys having these rights? Well, I don’t like that person, so I don’t care about their rights fuck em”

This ladies and gentlemen, is how you Nazi 101 (but with rainbow flags and affirmative action this go-around)

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s not shoving down their neck if they’re educated about the danger and choose to do it anyway. That’s called free will. Your job isn’t to sculpt or control your kids (bc that doesn’t ever work), your job is just to show them the ropes and hope they don’t fall down too much/too badly.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Many of us do it for sport tbh. A healthier way to gamify life sorta. I’ve been vegan since 2015/16 and it does increase the difficulty setting somewhat, but also it’s unlocked a million fun mini games for me along the way and provided much needed community.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Give it a shot, can’t hurt. You won’t become Buddha overnight, but it can certainly put you on a path toward much different ways of seeing yourself and everything around you.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

What on earth happened to all the small businesses in my “poor” rural village? Oh right, that pedestrian unfriendly stroad next to the freeway with the Walmart and all the fast food restaurants sucking up the village’s life force happened.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Seize people’s grass lawns and tear out 2/3 of roadways and convert the land into community gardens and ponds, grow food where the people are. Probably some form of population control.

Pie in the sky though. We’ll probably just start eating bugs by the container ship load and then go extinct instead

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

No you’re right, but it would be one of the more difficult things to convince people to do, so in this pie in the sky scenario where people actually give a crap about anything they’d also be doing a lot of other stuff that together would make a larger whole.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Nah def not. Imo, from the evidence I’ve gathered so far about how the universe works, silver bullets don’t exist. Every solution has warts somewhere. Things we call “good” tend to require good old fashioned struggle and discomfort, so people need to stop pleasure seeking and chasing imaginary silver bullets. But they probably won’t, bc they’re conditioned to pleasure seek by capitalism and advertising and pop culture. Blah blah negative blah blah /rant

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Depends I guess how you define “getting” something. We’re constantly getting things, viruses and small infections, and having no idea about them. Especially if you’re in a cubicle at work near somebody with young kids, oh meh gerd. I wouldn’t want to know about everything my body is fighting off on a daily basis.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Lawful neutral until the last 2-4 slices then neutral evil

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

I actually enjoyed ad personalization when it first started. I got shown ads for things that were actually interesting to me, video games hardware etc, but at this point it resembles what cable TV ads were when I stopped watching TV: car commercials, prescription drugs, baby and feminine products (am not parent, am not female). So now they just spying your behavior to learn the best way to trick you into buying crap you don’t need and don’t supply any sort of reach around.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Breakfast: Black tea with oat milk, oatmeal with peanut butter blueberries, and a touch of cinnamon and sugar.

Lunch: water, and a bunch of frozen fried garbage that I tossed in the oven and smothered in ketchup and ranch dressing.

Dinner: water, a microwave rice and lentil packet, and all the following separately sauteed, seasoned, then combined: lions mane mushrooms, zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes, and broccoli. Produce was from farmers market except tomatoes from my garden.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Thanks for the tips! I never knew about the carrot lentils thing

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

There’s definitely been a sort of… new flavor of conservatism spring up on the left. I would say it was more mid and late era millennials who started really demanding people fall in line though. Gen-Z just sorta inherited the mess. I expect there to be a rebound effect here soon, as this over-sensitivity/over-accommodation/censorship culture is unworkable long term. We’re monkeys wearing business suits inside a violent exploitive natural world. Everything we do harms someone somewhere.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

General social dysfunction leading to people being scared of each other, or just giving up on human interaction because of the risks or frustrations we’re creating.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

I would guess a person’s life circumstances. Humans tend to reflect pain they’re experiencing onto others. If you’re hungry, that’s a form of pain. If you’re neglected, that’s a form of pain. Even the sons of billionaires experience pain, probably in a way that’s hard for reg folks to grasp.

Also, I think your dopamine regulation being all messed up might also contribute. Those people who seem to flail and rage because nothing can seem to satisfy them.

Also, everyone does terrible things and hurts others. You can be charitable and kind from one perspective and an oppressor in ways you won’t allow yourself to see. We all do it.

artaxthehappyhorse, (edited )
@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

I disagree. You can’t be against abortion and we should stop normalizing it as a rational stance.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

I edited my post because the last bit was counter productive. Most people are not against abortion in theory. They are socially engineered into supporting shit like abortion bans. Much of the world has fallen into authoritarian “order”. There will be an eventual fall of that order, even if it takes several hundred years. Maybe it won’t though. Maybe the order only lasts 10 more years, who knows.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m assuming Discuit is a private company using proprietary software? If that’s the case, may as well just crawl back to Reddit and gently place the boot back on your neck.

The ex-reddit users who choose to not let sociopath scumbags golden shower them can still be found here.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Is it causing performance issues? I believe Firefox tends to cache a lot of stuff in memory if there’s unused memory lying around to give itself a speed boost. You can configure it in about:memory


@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s encrypted over Firefox Sync though, regardless of if you set a master password.

The master password is only needed if you don’t have complete physical security (or your machine is hacked)

Curious if OP was more interested in how secure the Sync feature is vs the manager itself. Sync requires trusting that Mozilla aren’t the bad guys.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Trillions of dollars were appropriated through slave labor.

Welcome to the entirety of human civilization. We’re all descendants of slaves from one point in history or another, and there are still slaves today.

We should see if human civilization is even capable of existing without slavery before wasting breath arguing about reparations (that we know will never happen)

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

No culture has a monopoly on greed.

Humans are gonna cornhole one another until the earth gets swallowed by the Sun.

One thing’s for certain though: if your political movement includes reparations, then be prepared for fascists to win against you, bc people just won’t go for it. Not when they’re more debt saddled every year and their children’s future looks ever dim.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

I’ll be honest, arguing with people on the left feels exactly like arguing with people on the right, and that’s why I guarantee we’re headed for the worst of all possible scenarios.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

I’ve always wondered, in the colder regions of the world in winter, what do motorcycle gangs do?

I guess the answer is sell drugs and punch people?

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

You must not have experienced a Chicago/New York winter before

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

It makes me angry when I see the sort of stuff that trends on popular services. It’s like the vast majority of humans have zero standards. We’re all just human centipadding, groveling to our Hollywood and RIAA overlords, worshipping celebrity idols. It’s really sad and pathetic.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

People still voluntarily using Chrome

People ever leaving Firefox for Chrome

They get the abuse they deserve

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar
  • Stop declining when people invite you to stuff.
  • Stop being picky about activities/food/music/etc.
  • Be vigilant/safe, yet open minded, open to new experiences, spontaneous.
  • Plan trips and events, both budget friendly and splurgy, then actually commit to doing them.
  • Smile and laugh n shit.
  • Compliment people, thank people, be considerate to others even if it’s not always reciprocated.
  • When it is reciprocated, gravitate more towards that person, and gravitate slowly away from people who don’t seem to appreciate you.
@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

That’s maybe a part, but not the whole story.

Your (and your parents’, and your peers’) real and perceived economic circumstances and opportunities have a lot to do with what you’ll value and prioritize as an adult - how invested and loyal you’ll be in society. Every poor person we generate due to greedy decisions has a very high likelihood of being a destructive force back to us.

Now consider how many poor people were generated by black slavery, segregation, and explicit racism in America, and how, in a society, we all just swim around in the same trauma soup, deflecting pain towards one another.

@artaxthehappyhorse@lemmy.ml avatar

Unless it’s meat synthesized in a lab, it requires the forced breeding, enslavement, abuse, and eventually murder of sentient animals which don’t jive too well with the golden rule.

I personally could give a hoot about it’s negative impacts on environment. Gd bacon memes, humanity can go extinct good riddance

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