
I accumulate lots of knowledge to counteract my lack of self-confidence.

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@apemint@kbin.social avatar

This is a huge opportunity for Unreal as well. I'm surprised they haven't announced some flashy on-boarding campaign.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

Pretty much this.

I was asked to help mod a new community, and things were going pretty well for a year or so, but then the sub owner and the other mods gradually disappeared until it was just me and another guy left.

Well, turns out they were moderating/owning 30+ subs on average. We both quit that day.

I just can't understand what kind of ego boost they get out of being useless cunts in 30 places. How can such little power be so tantalizing to some people?

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

Unity is so ubiquitous that it would have unimaginable consequences.
For example, 90% of vr games are made in Unity. So that's one segment of gaming completely wiped off the map.

Things are not much better in desktop and mobile gaming either, as Unity has close to 50% market share.
It would be a literal Thanos snap.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

Most of these issues come down to insufficiently advanced tech.
We're just now getting to the point where advancements in display and lens technology make it possible to get rid of the screen-door effect at no cost of clarity or FOV, for instance. (Varjo XR-3)

I think 2 major things need to happen for VR to be truly mainstream;
-Size needs to decrease, which increases comfort, so it no longer feels like strapping a toaster to your face. (Bigscreen Beyond)
-More quality content needs to be developed for VR.

PC gaming is mainstream as hell, and people easily spend over $2K on hardware, so I think price is kind of irrelevant (to a point) if people can shift the majority of their desktop gaming, and comfortably spend 10+ hours in VR.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

Ditto. Except I use an old Nokia from 2007.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

"might"?! A person with this mentality should never even be allowed near firearms!
This is the kind of asshole who shoots someone at a routine stop for coughing.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

freedom fighters vs terrorists
Media really had a field day with these over the last 20 years.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

I played HL2 in VR and the original (but upscaled) textures still looked good.
It would be great to play the RTX version in VR as well because it adds so much to the atmosphere. Baked in lighting is only good up to a point.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

"Forbidden knowledge" my ass. You can just Google these things.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

Really? Because as far as I know it's a pyramid scheme.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

Has the site really changed that much since the Muskification, or are people just exposed to more negative stuff because the Elon hate-bandwagon is amplifying everything?

I don't use twitter at all, so I have no frame of reference.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

Bold of you to assume they even went to business school.
All the big wigs I've met were "self-made millionaires" -meaning assholes that used, manipulated and fucked over enough people to reach their current positions.

Also, tax evasion.

Pastor alarmed after Trump-loving congregants deride Jesus' teachings as 'weak' (www.rawstory.com)

Evangelical Christian leader Russell Moore revealed this week that many evangelical pastors have become alarmed that their Trump-loving congregants have become so militant that they are even rejecting the teachings of Jesus Christ.In an interview with NPR, Moore said that multiple pastors had told h...

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

Can you imagine the sheer weight of cognitive dissonance they would experience if it their mind wasn't slathered with industrial-grade denial?

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

It's infuriatingly stupid. It makes me read the same sentence 2-3 times before I understand what they're trying to say.

We have a well established and clear distinction between 'streaming service' and 'streamer', why fuck with it?

What's more, it's double stupid because now both 'streamer' and 'streaming service' means "a company" AND we don't have a word for individuals streaming on the web.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

Photoshop has been around for over quarter of a century but you don't need a forensic team to tell something has been photoshopped.
Tools to detect image (and video) modifications have been around and will continue to be developed alongside these technologies. We're simply entering a new era of media creation.

When Photoshop became mainstream, people said the exact same thing, but somehow the world didn't end up on its head.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

The entire story surrounding this discovery is a scientific rollercoaster ride, with rogue scientists, updated papers, plus cloudy definitions and process descriptions within the paper that make replication efforts more difficult, and even a Russian soil scientist (and anime catgirl) deconstructing the original Korean paper to unveil the trademark levitation of the Meissner effect over her own kitchen counter.

I can't believe they just dropped all this without any explanation. XD

Antarctica is missing an Argentina-sized amount of sea ice -- and scientists are scrambling to figure out why | CNN (www.cnn.com)

As the Northern Hemisphere swelters under a record-breaking summer heat wave, much further south, in the depths of winter, another terrifying climate record is being broken. Antarctic sea ice has fallen to unprecedented lows for this time of year.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

The article actually provides it in feedom units.

That is an area nearly as large as Argentina or the combined areas of Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

People still don't understand that AI is an all encompassing term like "tool" and not a single thing.

Just like we use thousands of vastly different and specialized tools, in a decade we'll be surrounded by medical AI, engineering AI, accounting AI, design AI, research AI, life coaching AI, etc.

Right now we have a few LLMs and generative AIs, but that's like having a pen and a spray gun.
Of course you wouldn't ask any of them for a medical diagnosis.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

Hey, a loophole is a loophole!

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

That only works if you don't alienate the user base.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar


Few years ago I was invited to mod a small but growing community.
About a year later the sub founder (and other mods) just gradually disappeared.
When I brought this up, the top mod (a month later and without warning) removed everyone and asked to DM him if we wanted to continue being mods.

Every single person re-applied, but the inactivity continued.

When I looked at their profile, it turned out they were moderating dozens of subs, and according to the moderation log, I was the only one who actually performed any mod actions in the last 6 months.

This was when I took my leave.
Again, we're talking about a small ~20k community.
I can't even imagine the kind of clout chasing that goes around in large subs.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

I see this mentality all the time for industrial applications.

At work we have Stratasys 3d printers that cost upwards of $150k per machine, yet the "professional" slicer they come with is the most user hostile piece of software I've ever had the misfortune of handling.

They haven't spent a single dime on UI design since '95 and the workflow feels like I'm in a wrestling match with the software.
The only reason these companies can get away with such blatant laziness is because they have no competition in their respective fields.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

Just last week someone retorted to me with "I've been using the official app for 2 years and I'm happy".

I'm still not sure whether I was talking to an AI...

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

I was thinking about asking them what alternatives they tried, but in the end decided it was not worth the effort.
It was either an AI, or I already knew the answer.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

I feel your rant, I really do.
You have no idea how disappointed I was after the Wikipedia redesign until I found the full width button in the bottom corner.

Most sites are optimized for mobile and are completely asinine looking on a monitor.
Especially text heavy sites where even a single sentence is broken into 2 or more lines, meanwhile 70% of the screen is empty.
And it's not like it's hard to implement a button like Wikipedia did, web designers just don't give a crap.
I payed for a full monitor, let me use the full monitor!

Deleting my Reddit comments was a strange experience. (kbin.social)

It wasn't the fact that there was a limit to see 1000 comments but what they were. The vast majority of my 12 years on Reddit I spent talking about dungeon and dragons 5th edition (DnD 5e) which I started playing early in is lifestyle. It was my first role playing game and I got sucked into the Internet to learn more. Before my...

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

The good news is that we are on the verge of building something that we own on Lemmy, where corporations won’t be able to fuck with us as much.

Yeah, about that...
Let's see what happens when Meta decides to federate Threads with the rest of us.

I really hope you're right because I love this place right now. It's much smaller than other platforms but there's enough content for hours of browsing and the community is leagues above the rest of the internet in terms of quality of discourse.

Outside of the fedi, I don't remember the last time I saw opposing views coexist in the same thread without one being brigaded.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

No. The guy who was in charge of implementing new "features" probably got laid off.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

What is this magic? And why the hell isn't direct file sharing built into every device?!

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

You'd still need "gas stations" to recharge this battery in 10 minutes.

The charging current required for a battery like this would be in the high hundreds of Amps. Not something you can pull out of your wall.

Another thing with at-home charging that I don't see much discussion around;
In 2035 the EU will stop the sale of combustion engines, but when everyone drives electric, how will the electric grid handle millions of cars suddenly being plugged in at the end of each day?

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

It was more fucked up than a simple rug pull.
Autodesk used the hobby community for years as free resource to develop Fusion and when they deemed the product finished, and sufficient amount of people hooked, the company put up a paywall. Then another one. And another one.

This is some Nestle milk formula level of bullshit.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

This is Microsoft we're talking about.
It takes you their website where you can read 2 paragraphs of bullshit that will in no way clarify anything.

Encryption With A Back Door Is NOT Encryption (ktetch.co.uk)

There’s been an increasing call in recent weeks and months for encryption to have government ‘backdoors’ put into them. This is a bad idea. No really, it’s an incredibly bad idea. Even if we took the assumption that it is a push that’s made with only the purest of intentions, and the government universal key is kept...

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

Does this also apply to keys lost in boating accidents?

Muometric navigation system - GPS alternative that penetrates underground, indoors, and underwater (www.nature.com)

While satellite-based global navigation systems have become essential tools in our daily lives, their effectiveness is often hampered by the fact that the signals cannot be accessed in underground, indoor, or underwater environments. Recently, a novel navigation system has been invented to address this issue by utilizing the...

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

A wireless master-detector connection is bound by the same limitation: radio waves don't propagate well in water and rock.

This could work underground for commercial operations via a combination of wired or wireless relays, but not for submarines or in other recreational situations, like spelunking.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

Has there really been more, or are we just biased because the media decided to pick up every train related incident?

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

No they should absolutely not.
The really disturbing thing is that they're not simply crashing, but because the infrastructure is so dilapidated, they're literally just falling off the tracks.

And that is not something you fix in a week.

Are lots of websites really going downhill and/or closing or does it just seem like it to me? (kbin.social)

Like many people I'm here because of reddit going to shit. Twitter has increasingly been shit. gycat is shutting down in September. To me it seems like lots of bastions of social media are crumpling, but as a previous active reddit user, I've been personally effected. Is this just a frequency illusion or has something changed in...

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

This makes me wonder whether decentralized social media is actually immune to enshittification, or will it just take a different form we can't even imagine at this moment in time.

What I think kbin needs to do to survive, and why I think it has a better chance than any other Reddit alternative I've seen yet. (kbin.social)

I’m a Reddit refugee who was on that platform for 10+ years. I saw not just a tremendous amount of controversies, but attempts at introducing alternatives to Reddit during all of them. The 2015 blackout saw a ton of alternatives suggested, and if you go back and look at them many have either not survived or never achieved...

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

Cool, then spammers and tolls can be called bin chickens, right?!

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

Both PLA and PET are food safe but I wouldn't use them for long-term food related stuff.
The surface of a print contains thousands of valleys, nooks and crannies and other hard to reach spots that serve as ideal breeding grounds for bacteria.

apemint, (edited )
@apemint@kbin.social avatar

I'm actually jealous of all of our laid off employees.

They might do more layoffs so hang in there

This is pure gold. XD
The whole internal structure of the company is a raging dumpster fire.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

That “blackout” movement, which briefly caused Reddit to go down, dropped daily traffic by about 7%

I wouldn't call single digit percentages a plunge.
But who knows, maybe they will continue to bleed users and the protest was just the first crack in dam wall:

Experts are unsure if the current protest will significantly impact Reddit or if it will just be another controversial moment in the platform’s history.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

I agree. While a visible point system CAN be useful, in this context, it will just ultimately lead to farming and the subsequent degradation of post/comment quality.

Hot take: 18 years of user contributions to reddit will serve as a base model for an AI that generates content and conversations. the reddit experience continues as a simulation, to harvest clicks, sales and ad revenue. (kbin.social)

most of the time you'll be talking to a bot there without even realizing. they're gonna feed you products and ads interwoven into conversations, and the AI can be controlled so its output reflects corporate interests. advertisers are gonna be able to buy access and run campaigns. based on their input, the AI can generate...

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

It's not immune but until the fediverse reaches a critical mass, we're safe... probably.
After that, it will be the same whac-a-mole game we're used to and somehow I don't think we'll win.

@apemint@kbin.social avatar

Yup, the same thing happened when we moved from Digg to reddit.
There were 2-3 weeks where the death of digg was every other thread but then it tapered off quickly.

That being said, I think this whole reddit fiasco will drag out longer.

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