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This was maybe true 7 years ago or so. But I can’t name a single meme that has come out of 4chan since Soyjaks went out of fashion (and I honestly think Soyjaks directly killed 4chan’s relevance to wider internet culture.)


I think it’s a coin flip. You could point to ten reasons it’s “obvious” Trump will win and I could give you ten reasons it’s “obvious” he won’t.


Not true. So much of the US, including many cities is uninhabitable or at least extremely inconvenient without a car due to a lack of planning that supports a car free lifestyle.

Also, while the majority of Americans live in urban areas, the rural population is not so small as to be insignificant.

The long term solution is to improve infrastructure and zoning laws to reduce the car centrism of the majority of the USA, this is already being done in many cities, but for the time being most Americans need a car.

angstylittlecatboy, (edited )

Most Americans do not live nearly as well as it is portrayed on TV or in movies.

I think American TV in the last ten years has started to portray people as richer than it did in the 90s and 00s even. Is there anything like Everybody Hates Chris or My Name is Earl on? Shit, even Malcolm in the Middle they were clearly middle class but I feel like most American TV now is about upper middle class people or Hollywood. (I’ve heard of Abbot Elementary but haven’t watched it.)


Both Mario Odyssey and SMB Wonder are only innovative in a vacuum where Mario is the only platformer franchise. Which for a lot of people I imagine is the extent of their knowledge about platformers.

The things people call “innovative” about Mario Odyssey are just half Kirby and half Banjo-Kazooie. Yeah Odyssey’s biggest maps are way bigger than Banjo-Kazooie, but SMO runs on hardware that can emulate the N64, and it still has quite a few maps on the smaller side

SMB Wonder… I don’t actually know what people call “innovative” about SMB Wonder, but I’ve seen people call it “innovative.” It’s the best 2D Mario made in the 21st century and it has a pretty cool gimmick. What’s innovative about this?


Personally I think the idea that sapient aliens are likely to be better than us is pretentious.


Facebook and Elon Musk’s companies (both’s effects on global society are way more egregious than other tech companies,) pretty much any company that wears faith on their sleeve

when will be your last time to vote for the "lesser of two evils"?

When will be your “this is the last fucking time I’m voting for the ‘lesser of two evils’, then I don’t care after that, let this country burn to the ground”? For me, this is basically it. This is last election I’m going for that " lesser of two evils" bullshit. After that I’m done. It’s just pointless. Let’s...


Until it actually boils over or we get rid of first past the post (and you’ll need MASSIVE protests to do the latter.)

Fuck accelerationists. They’re either dumbfucks who think their Apocalypse Badass Man fantasies will come true (and contrary to popular belief this person absolutely exists on the left,) or yuppies who know they have an easy out in the form of either a work visa in somewhere like Canada or leeching from a developing country working remotely and not contributing to where they live at all (and so many of these yuppies are self-proclaimed collectivists.) The rest of us are getting out of here in a casket or a refugee boat if it boils over. So how about we take at least a modicum of effort to take care of our society. Voting is the bare minimum.

  1. A post scarcity society
  2. World peace
  3. The eradication of authoritarianism

Younger users of Lemmy: Did you ever love a game that you just really sucked at?

So I was watching a few youtubes and remembered how the vast majority (of like the ten) nes games me and my sister had were hard as all hell. I loved to play Little Nemo and Street Fighter 2010 but I am pretty sure I never made it past the third level of either. Let alone infamously hard games like The Lion King....


All rhythm games and fighting games.

Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?

2020 was… truly unique. It was so hard to stay away from doom scrolling, and I (and many others) were pretty disillusioned by the sad fact that so much of our country legitimately supported the Orange Man. I didn’t get a wink of sleep the night of the election because I genuinely considered it to be a make or break decision...


I’ll vote for a non-Zionist candidate in the primaries with no real expectation of them winning. But I will vote blue no matter who for national and state politics, and Working Families Party for local if any run.

Is “Genocide Joe” an accurate nickname? Yeah. But fuck that, it’s not like Trump will be any less zionist and third parties/independents don’t work in FPTP. I’m mixed race, I’m bisexual, I’m worried about worst case scenarios with a second Trump presidency (which is basically “what Trump is saying out loud” at this point,) and I am willing to vote in enlightened self-interest.


You don’t hear about American politicians farting because we decided you needed to, you hear about it because France Info, BBC, Sky News, etc. decided you did, or because you’re on English speaking parts of the internet and the USA represents the largest English speaking population in the world by far.


Internet drama.


I… don’t really know? I legit don’t know whether I’d feel dysphoria if I woke up in a female body unless it happened. I don’t feel dysphoria in my current body but I like crossdressing and I’m not really that attached to the notion that I’m a man.


Metaverse. People literally only ever cared because Mark Zuckerberg was talking about it.


I’m certain dense human populations are better for the environment than non-dense human populations, because dense human populations need to be moved around less.

You’re basically advocating for human extinction in this comment.


Does Encyclopedia Dramatica count as an internet meme?


It’s always the fuckin’ IQ tests with our friends in the “more civilized” world.

Those of us who don’t live in an “out of sight out of mind” fairytale and aren’t ignorant of the world enough to not realize the Internet has become an essential utility now, know that this would harm many of the groups negatively affected by hate speech probably more than hate speech does; many oppressed minority groups do not have access to quality education. Some of us are from countries or of ethnicities that have history with minimum IQ requirements for, say, voting. To say nothing of how IQ tests contain Western cultural biases and might not even actually be good at measuring intelligence.


I’m not actively mad about it but I agree it shouldn’t have been done and shouldn’t be normalized.


The overwhelming trend in non-US Westerner commentary on US politics is to is get the facts right…and then dilute it with exaggerations, stereotypes, not understanding the culture, not respecting the culture, not believing there is a culture, a general lack of empathy…


Yeah I wouldn’t accuse OP of this.

angstylittlecatboy, (edited )

As someone who is perhaps more worried about the state of the country than most (my predictions are “the Israel-Palestine conflict will lead to Republican victory” and “over half the population might have to flee” )…we just carry on I guess. What can you do? There’s rising labor power in the US, Biden’s been a net good for that, but that’s a small silver lining that would be completely meaningless in a worst case scenario. Won’t help the bigger problem of religious fascism. The Republican Party’s clear incompetence and the fact that most Americans want abortions legal could’ve saved us, but then the election became about Israel, and that splits the Democratic base. The government failed. Knew about Russian influence for years and completely failed to effectively combat it.

Hopefully one Trump court case or another makes him unable to run, but that does not mean the Republican Party doesn’t win.


This. I’d agree with the sentiment that Americans don’t protest enough. Most Europeans and Self-Hating Americans seem to think protests don’t happen here at all.


I remember one particular year (I want to say 2019???) I saw a huge presence of people taking NNN seriously and connecting it to NoFap, when in years past and years since I’ve only seen it as a joke.

That and a few other things (it was the same year the Unabomber was a huge meme) I can’t help but think was a psyop.


LMDE basically exists for such an event.


This sounds like the soundtrack to an action-cyberpunk reinterpretation of Ed Edd n Eddy that still maintains the slapstick element

Joe Biden Wants US Government Algorithms Tested for Potential Harm Against Citizens (

Highlights: The White House issued draft rules today that would require federal agencies to evaluate and constantly monitor algorithms used in health care, law enforcement, and housing for potential discrimination or other harmful effects on human rights....


I’d rather them not either, but don’t underestimate the harm bad management of other organizations can and has done.


They really need to unban kei trucks here at least because of how often they’re imported to this country.


Worst for the world was Bush (so you could say Bush was more immoral) but worst for America was Trump (so you could say Trump failed at his job harder.)

Bush’s actions killed a staggering number of people on flimsy evidence.

Trump changed phrases like “balkanization of the United States” and “Second US Civil War” from far-off possibilities and fun speculation to serious concerns.


Meta, Fox Corporation/News Corp, X


Green Day - Here Comes the Shock


Blend S. The theme song and associated meme is all this show has going for it. (In fact the theme song’s first few seconds contain the whole point honestly.)

Believe me, I’m not the kind of person who hates this kind of thing on a conceptual level. I watch more anime than any other type of TV show (granted I don’t watch much TV in general) and I’m not the kind of anime fan who acts “above” slice of life, wish fulfillment, or ecchi, I love shows way more “degen” than Blend S. But Blend S is just so boring I can’t actually think of anything to say. It’s the kind of show that is the reason why slice of life anime got shit on so much before isekai became oversaturated.

Why are we as humans obsessed with mass-extinction of our species?

I was having a conversation with my friend about this. We were discussing AI and she believes AI will destroy all of humanity just like so many others. I personally don’t believe that. I’m aware of all the theories and the multitude of ways that it could happen and I understand that with AI, in theory we wouldn’t...


It’s spectacle. Unfathomable situations are inherently interesting.

angstylittlecatboy, (edited )


Amazon I’d advocate for the nationalization of, at least of AWS. Meta caused a genocide and just needs to go. There’s nothing they can provide that another company can’t. Yeah WhatsApp is entrenched in much of the world, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.


JSRF should get a modern port. I’m not sure it’d qualify as a remaster (does the PS3/360/PC port of the original JSR count as a remaster?) but it shouldn’t be stuck on failure-prone 20 year old hardware.

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk… it’s a better game than the original JSR, but not nearly as good as JSRF IMO. Worse song selection and a lot more repetitive.


I mean, the original SMB quadrilogy was one of the first remasters ever (they messed up the brick breaking physics in SMB1/LL though, so I prefer the original or a fixed ROM hack of All Stars for those.)

angstylittlecatboy, (edited )

I don’t trust people who don’t like oatmeal raisin cookies. And they aren’t even really hard to tell from chocolate chip, the texture is completely and visibly different!

angstylittlecatboy, (edited )

Would maybe work in some places. I at least get the angle of encouraging people to order online less, if this were the situation I think more people would prefer to buy things from brick and mortar stores if they could find it. But in areas with car dependency problems it’d make life worse, particularly if the company decides it’s not profitable enough to put a package vault in a town or in reasonable distance of it, which I could absolutely see happening in rural areas of non-densely populated places.


Teslas and cars that are trying to copy Tesla (Mustang Mach-E for example.)


Most food items, minus vegetables.

Will the world ever stop being anti-intellectual?

One of the most aggravating things to me in this world has to be the absolutely rampant anti-intellectualism that dominates so many conversations and debates, and its influence just seems to be expanding. Do you think there will ever actually be a time when this ends? I'd hope so once people become more educated and cultural...

angstylittlecatboy, (edited )

Found the anti-intellectual.

angstylittlecatboy, (edited )

I am so sick of reading proposals like this from probably-white non-US Westerners who have probably never actually had to engage with the idea that racism exists. This might get some fascist groups off the internet, sure, but it would also likely push oppressed minority groups who do not necessarily have access to quality education out. That’s the history of minimum IQ requirements for voting, mind you.

Put this proposal in front of a Proud Boy and they’ll likely be in favor of it, because they believe whites are the only people smart enough to pass it. They’ll stop being in favor once it goes into effect and they’re included along with groups they hate in the “not allowed online” crowd, but the groups they hate, some of whom’s situations may be made direly worse by the lack of unrestricted internet access, will most likely be pushed out too.


Xenophobia is an anti-intellectual trait.

angstylittlecatboy, (edited )

The Simpsons. The current episodes are honestly a bigger fall from the quality of the show 10 years ago than the Simpsons 10 years ago was from it’s golden era. It’s been on eh for most of it’s existence but Plusaversary is when it died if you ask me. That short is borderline symbolism for why Simpsons sucks now.

South Park. I don’t watch the show anymore because it violates one of my non-negotiable values, but I also don’t subscribe to the “SOUTH PARK RUINED THE WORLD” mindset that much of media criticism circles does (largely because I think South Park was a symptom if anything, and also a lot of those articles describe bad South Park clones better than South Park) and I’m not above admitting media I disagree with is well-made (but still, South Park is transphobic and generally promotes a Libertarian [as in US Libertarian Party] mindset.) But before I stopped watching…it started to feel like the creators understood their show through what media (media that was positive about the show) built it up to be rather than what it was. Pretty much every episode became politics (when their pop culture criticism was often funnier honestly) and it started to feel like the characters were just pawns for political issues instead of real characters. It’s like they stopped writing an animated sitcom and started writing an edgier version of standup, and stopped being funny in the process. I think Stick of Truth was probably the last glimpse of what South Park was.


When have most Americans ever been able to afford to buy new?

angstylittlecatboy, (edited )

Luxury cars are notorious for not holding their value, unless by “luxury” you mean performance cars, so that’s normal.

I was born after the 90s so I wouldn’t know, but generally speaking I’d always heard the average car in America is ten years old.


Shiny new tools for what they’ve been doing for years.

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