@andyburke@kbin.social avatar


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jerry, to random
@jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

I am almost done with the fedia. io database repairs. Not sure I’ll be able to finish tonight, but the end is in sight.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

@jerry Thank you for the hard work! We appreciate it.

Respect should extend to everyone. No exceptions.

The philosophical architects of liberalism made an exception for savages, people too backwards to appreciate liberty. Socialism made exceptions for the bourgeois, people too attached to their ownership of the means of production to be beyond saving. Conservatism is built upon the idea that some people are better than others....

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

Courtesy should always be given. Respect and trust are earned.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

this is how the fediverse starts to take over and I am here for it

Religious and superstitious beliefs should not be respected.

We’re in the 21st century, and the vast majority of us still believe in an utterly and obviously fictional creator deity. Plenty of people, even in developed countries with decent educational systems, still believe in ghosts or magic (e.g. voodoo). And I–an atheist and a skeptic–am told I need to respect these patently...

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

Here, let me rephrase what's written above:

Because an invisible pink sky elephant cannot be disproved or proved with any non-supernatural intervention, you must grapple with the imaginary to address the issue.


That's not how the world works. We don't spend any time grappling with things for which there is no evidence.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

Atheism isn't faith-based. If you show me reproducible evidence for the existence of a god, I'll change my tune no problem.

You are not clear on what faith is if you believe atheism to be faith-based. Atheism wouldn't even exist if religion did not. Because religion and unfounded beliefs are so common, there is an actual name for not believing in a god. There aren't a lot of specific terms for a lack of belief in other things without evidence.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

What you wrote doesn't even pass the mildest smell test: there is ample evidence that forming babies hear and react to stimuli from outside the womb, for just one example.

But even if there were no evidence of a world outside the womb, I wouldn't expect a baby to think one existed. Nor would I threaten that baby with damnation were they not to believe me without evidence.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

Am I religious if I say there isn't a marble at the table? Or a walnut? I don't see one, I have no reason to believe one is there, based on how the world works elsewhere there isn't anything there.

But you're telling me I need to faith to avoid these beliefs in small generally round objects. I say it is you who is using faith to assume the existence of one particular type of thing there and you're claiming I am the person operating without any evidence.

It's ridiculous.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

Did you skip the second sentence of my comment?

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

Not going to agree with the commenter above, but I want to point out that this happens a lot:

A person who holds views that are detrimental to others comes to a community of those people and cries "why, when I am not quite like other people who hold these views, but agree with them on the detrimental stuff about you, do you not accept me?"

The people in the community try repeatedly to explain why holding views that harm others is harmful and that the person asking may need to revaluate their own views.

The person then says they're being attacked. Everything they predicted about this community is coming true! They feel like they're being kicked out!

And they are! Because when they came to engage then didn't change, let alone evaluate, any of their own views, the community rightly showed them back to the door until they are ready to actually listen and put themselves in someone else's shoes.

I am sure you feel like you have been badly treated at this point. What you do with that now is up to you. I'll say this: I have no hate for you, I would like nothing more than to give you some feedback that might help change how you view some things. I hope there is enough food for thought here for everyone.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

For what it's worth, as a northeastern US liberal who has adopted y'all as an inclusive way to address people, this type of reaction is one of the things that has led to Trumpism.

A bit more temperance before you condemn tons of people based on something open for interpretation like this might be a worthwhile thing to consider going forward.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

At what point do we start to discuss how evil the Russian regime is? I mean, this is feeling like we are approaching the lines in the sand that we drew after WWII, if we haven't already blown past them.

I have no desire to lose more lives, but this is evil. How can any country support Russia in this?

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

FWIW: these types of password rules are discouraged by NIST -

  1. Eliminate Periodic Resets

Many companies ask their users to reset their passwords every few months, thinking that any unauthorized person who obtained a user’s password will soon be locked out. However, frequent password changes can actually make security worse.

It’s difficult enough to remember one good password a year. And since users often have numerous passwords to remember already, they often resort to changing their passwords in predictable patterns, such as adding a single character to the end of their last password or replacing a letter with a symbol that looks like it (such as $ instead of S).

So if an attacker already knows a user’s previous password, it won’t be difficult to crack the new one. The NIST guidelines state that periodic password-change requirements should be removed for this reason.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

I wasn't prepared for that. The views. Wow.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

I'm not an expert, but I think kbin could implement UI to allow you to view events (things) from those other instances.

I assume right now kbin is only looking at a handful of the types of stuff that can be shared in the fediverse.

At least, that's my layman's understanding right now.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

If Evergrande even actually built it.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

Yeah ... have we forgotten who JJ Abrams is?

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

I am an 80s child, my friend. I have seen Krull more than once. I understand what I am saying.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

... there's a chance he may have been Ferengi.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

Thinking about this more and it'd make more sense: a Ferengi that believed in giving gifts would certainly be banished, maybe he brought his message of giving to Earth....

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar
@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

One becomes a significant person in politics by writing things like this. This is a Russian politician who is saying the things you want. Was only trying to help make sure you are aware.

The only thing doing tech tests has taught me is that I'm too stupid to do the job I've been doing professionally for the better part of 2 decades.

Can’t just be me, can it? Currently 0 for 3 on interviews because I can’t seem to get past the technical interview/test. Usually because of some crazy complicated algorithm question that’s never been relevant to anything I’ve ever had to do on the job in all my years coding....

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

Why are you applying to that soulless shitshack??

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

There are millions of small companies and shops that need engineering help. Many will actually talk to you like a person because they haven't been enshuttified to death.


@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

This is why Ukraine is under immense pressure to get results out of the counteroffensive.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

Can you cite some studies for this, please? Preferably reproduced, peer reviewed ones?

I don't mean to be mean, but I have heard things like this and from everything I have been able to gather, there's no evidence for being able to tell how someone is thinking just from their movements or tics.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

Reasonableness on the Fediverse is so fucking refreshing.

FWIW: my only problem is the with the pseudoscience, your picking up his odd behavior is totally correct. I wouldn't trust this guy as far as I could throw him, just not sure what we can decide scientifically from clips like this.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

I know you don't want advice, but I want to share some information that may be important and helpful for you: recent studies have shown ulcers are essentially an infection and antibiotics have some success in treating them.

For too long doctors thought it had to do with stress or diet, but it's an infection.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

You're not alone, but maybe we are? Everyone else seems to understand.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

I watched Star Trek because my dad introduced me to it. I'm now a dad and I am sharing it with my kids.

I don't know you, and I don't know your family, but if your father liked Star Trek enough to introduce you to it, my guess is that he wouldn't want his death to take that away from you. If anything, my bet would be he'd hope it would bring you comfort and fond memories and hope for the future.

I hope you can get there when enough time has passed, and I hope this message might help it all hurt a little less.

Why doesn't the United Kingdom rejoin the European Union?

Admittedly, I don’t know much about Brexit, but from what I have been exposed to, it seems like a decisively economical and political impairment that made travel and business with the rest of Europe more difficult and costly. Since it is so highly criticized as a terrible move, why doesn’t the UK just rejoin the EU?

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

The sad truth is it will need to get much worse until conservatives will admit there is a problem and let progressives solve it.

It has always been this way. You either live in a progressive, upwardly moving state with improving quality of life or you get stuck in a conservative, stagnant or downward trending place where people are more concerned with "others" than they are with doing anything productive as a society. As a species, we seem to slowly wobble back and forth between these extremes. It's maddening.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

It wasn't an attempted coup, though, it was more keystone cops action from the Russian Federation.

I tend to agree with OC that these opinion polls don't matter. Putin is in control and until people closer to him change that, Russian citizens are along for the ride.

Is there a word in English to describe someone who wants to preserve a (minority) culture against erosion from a majority culture?

In Hong Kong there are many of us who want to preserve Hong Kong/Cantonese culture from erosion by CCP/mainland culture. For example, sometimes you can see a lot of mandarin around school kids rather than cantonese. The government is also pushing for schools to teach in mandarin rather than cantonese. Mandarin is the language...

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

As an outsider with no horse in the race, I thought this a good discussion.

In the end, I think maybe Quebec gets what it wants: I have no interest in visiting a place that tries to police its "culture" that much.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

The problem here is arguing on the Internet.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

"The West" is essentially the group of nations attempting to abide by a moral code. It is not always, or maybe even often, successful, but there is a vast gulf between their morality-based approach and what China, Russia, DPRK, and other fascist/semi-fascist nations are doing.

On Ukraine, Biden needs to listen to these US generals (thehill.com)

President Biden’s support for the Ukrainian war effort continues to be just enough for Ukraine to survive, but not enough for it to win. For Ukraine, this is like treading water wearing a 25 lb. life preserver. All your energy is required just to stay afloat; nothing is left to swim ashore....

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

Can someone explain how Biden is supposed to do this?

Republicans are tilting further and further toward Russia and away from Ukraine. Independents don't understand why we should be "spending" millions on another country.

Biden seems to be sending about as much as any current US president could hope to.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

I am sure I disagree with this man's politics, but I wish him well. He was also shot in the congressional shooting a number of years back. Respect to him for continuing to show up to work every day.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

Also vulnerable to those both influenced by and those actively working toward extra national interests.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

I thought I was gonna get to read about Wash or Solo, not TV pilots. 😭

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

I don't believe so. However, it seems to me like the fediverse, in general, is less bad about you getting access to your data. I would bet you could create software that could migrate a lot between instances.

Flash, Java (if they were open source and standardized) was better concept than most of today's web frameworks

At least there was a distinction between web of documents (WWW) and shipped apps with custom canvas. Rendering apps with web’s DOM is stupid. It makes websites a mess and relies on everyone using the same monoculture of browsers (like we now have Chromium, WebKit and Gecko, all nearly identical)....

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

My young friends are forgetting the days of IE where we really did almost lose the web. It's been a constant struggle, always, against the corporate interests who only see the internet as a money printer.

I am more excited about the web today, with the fediverse for example, than I have been in a long time. Maybe since those days, when the future of any browser but IE was in doubt.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

These people not being able to do the things they like to do anymore is why we have a growing Christian nationalist movement in this country. Don't let them fool you that what they want is righteous or just. What they want is continued power over others with no consequences for their actions.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

The pieces of wood shaped like slices of bread are disturbing.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

It feels like there should be an ActivityPub-enabled easy-to-deploy personal site setup, but I haven't been able to find one.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

No, thanks. The first comment, ok, I hear it. This one? No.

Until more of these start shaking out where the people get justice, the cops should not be given the benefit of the doubt. We gave it to them for centuries. Enough. Clearly they have abused and continue to abuse that trust. The default now should be that the cops are lying and trying to cover up their bad behavior: it is the most common thing we see in these situations.

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

Alternate take: look at these fucks trying their same old bullshit and now they're getting caught. Makes the other assholes doing this stuff start to worry a bit more. "There but for the grace of God..."

@andyburke@kbin.social avatar

The other people in this thread are arguing semantics - whether he is "guilty" or not. They may be correct.

Thing is, they're still trying to split hairs about a man who raped someone to make sure he gets the benefit of ... semantics or something.

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