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Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is" (

apparently this is in response to a few threads on Reddit flaming Starfield—in general, it’s been rather interesting to see Bethesda take what i can only describe as a “try to debate Starfield to popularity” approach with the game’s skeptics in the past month or two. not entirely sure it’s a winning strategy,...


Not only that, but their blindness is the result of developers choices on what they share. If you don’t want people making incorrect assumptions, give them more info. Don’t tell them to just forego having any opinion on the matter.

If it looks like a decision was made cynically, prove otherwise, don’t just say ‘No, you’re wrong, you just don’t know!’


That’s gorgeous!


Hey, use whatever creativity you’ve got and it’ll grow. I’m sure this isn’t OP’s first try.

Do Israeli Politicians' adult children get conscripted just like the average adult Israeli citizen as part of mandatory service?

I was just reading about how a current Israeli war minister’s son died in combat and it made me wonder that if Israeli’s politicians who make these decisions know their family will be affected by it personally and directly, does that lend towards the suggestion that it is more likely they are making genuinely ethically and...


I’m not an expert, but my understanding is that military service is mandatory for all, with a few exceptions.

The ultra religious communities are exempt, which has become increasingly unpopular over time.

Also, the head of Israel’s domestic police force, Itmar Ben Givir was rejected for mandatory service in his teens because of his extremism.

Generally, though, leaders children serve.

Do you want to go on adventures in a Solarpunk world?? Do you want to write your own story?

It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. Nowhere is this more visible than on the shelves of game shops, where our choices for the future are dystopia, apocalypse, and space. Fully Automated is an open source tabletop RPG project developing a free game meant to provide for solarpunk what Dungeons...




Well, you’ve got the docs, which is all you really need to play. If you have any questions or feedback, message me. I’ll share updates here as we get close to launch.

Would you recommend any alternative or additional tools for helping build a community? I’d like players to be able to find each other and GMs for online games.


Awesome. Thanks for joining the Discord!

andrewrgross, (edited )

Thanks for the intro. I just followed @theEllamo on Mastadon!

I’m excited to check out your podcast. The subjects really appeal to me. I hope you find something you like in the game. I think we have some overlap in our goals.

While being fun is a key goal, that goal is meant to serve the larger purpose of enabling people to experience intuitively what kind of positive future we can aim for that recognizes that physics won’t allow us to live as consumptively as we’re used to, but that doesn’t mean we all need to return to a primitive lifestyle. And the way we’re trying to do that is by letting players interact with a mixture of physical technologies (such as micromobility solutions and low-carbon building materials) and social technologies (such as broadening our understanding of personhood to the animals and natural features of the world around us).

I’m looking forward to listening to your podcast on my commute next week!


I’m interested to use element and matrix. Our community isn’t large enough to operate across multiple platforms right now, but hopefully in the future we might be, and we can set up on one of the ones you mentioned.


That’s a good idea. We still need a website for the game, but after that a Lemmy community is a good next step.


Can you elaborate? Because I’ve never really considered the games too constrained.

They’re narrative games. Ultimately, regardless of what you do, you’ll see a similar story. But that doesn’t feel any more confining to me than it is in cinema or literature.


That’s interesting and makes sense. Thanks!


That’s very interesting. I haven’t played these more recent games, and that should like a real pain

Who's winning the war in Ukraine?

The media won’t give me great answers to this question and I think this I trust this community more, thus I want to know from you. Also, I have heard reports that Russia was winning the war, if that’s true, did the west miscalculate the situation by allowing diplomacy to take a backseat and allowing Ukraine to a large...


Came here to say “Raytheon”.


I like roll under checks, but I disagree that they’re better for most people. People are too acculturated to roll-over, so it’s unintuitive to try and change them.

Should there should be a new term, "age fluid" or "trans-age? I was reading the CNN article from 3/30/23 about the Nashville shooter and it seemed to imply that age confusion may have been a factor. (

When they try minor defendants in the USA as “adults,” aren’t they saying the kids aren’t what the seem to be, that they aren’t actually their chronological age? “Young at heart,” an “old soul,” saying the same thing....


The words you’re looking for are “immature” and “mature”.


The content is a bit down, but it feels stable and if pretty good quality, and the experience is better than it was in the summer.

I’m optimistic that the next time a major platform has bad news, more people will come and more will stick around.

Until then, the feel is somewhat more intimate. A small forum feel isn’t necessarily bad.

Categorizing themes and visions of solarpunk fiction [from Solarpunk Stories] (

I saw an effort at trying to systematize solarpunk elsewhere that felt a bit confused, but it reminded me of this. I’m not typically inclined to try to taxonamize everything, but I’ll admit that the appeal definitely isn’t lost on me. This felt useful.


“Metropolis” in this context isn’t referring specifically to the Fritz Lang film. That’s one of the categories of solarpunk art and fiction in the article. It’s essentially solarpunk set in a large city.


If you’re looking for a thoughtful legal analysis, you should check this out:…/harvard-law-review-gaza-israel-ge…

To summarize it, human rights attorney Rabea Eghbariah makes the case that Israel’s efforts to eliminate the political agency and national identity of Palestinians should be viewed as a novel atrocity which she suggests calling a “Nakba”. She argues that using formal definitions, one can create a compelling case that Israel is guilty of at least attempting genocide in numerous discrete places and points in time, however the contours of their actions are very different structurally from past genocides, and don’t extend well when trying to characterize the broader devastation brought against the Palestinian people even when bombs aren’t falling.

She points out that our concept of apartheid emerged from a system by that name in South Africa, and our concept of genocide emerged after witnessing the industrialization of ethnic murder by the Nazis. In this vein, rather than insisting on trying to examine the Israeli model using the tools and benchmarks of past forms of ethnic suppression, she argues that we may find it more instructive to examine it as a series of innovations in control, particularly focusing on the legal systems used to carefully segment the managed subclass into a complex hierarchy selective in its conferral of rights to movement, occupancy, and legal protection.

I think this is a good framework. I’m very comfortable calling the campaign against Gaza in the last few weeks genocide, but many people call what has happened since 1948, or 1968 or since 2006 a genocide, and it’s understandably harder to pin down. But it starts to become easier to think about and talk about if we tie the intermittent bombing campaigns into a larger picture with the systems of work permits and building permits and water rights and so on that are used to dispossess Palestinians and render them powerless.


I don’t get any of this. It’s this a music lyric?


It was funny for a while, but I’d really like him to hit rock bottom. The guy has a lot of power, and this is really kinda worrying me now.


Weird naming. I think this should be a commission on child safety or something. I initially thought, “wow, does France really have an epidemic of sibling relationships?”


They do. It’s contextual, but very efficient.


Honestly, that sounds like unusually unpursuasive propaganda for Israel. They’re usually very shrewd, but those should terrible.




Honestly – and I before I say this, Free Palestine – if you want to be a person who tears down a poster looking for a missing person, I think you should be prepared to live your life as a someone who everyone knows tears down posters of missing persons.

I think people have a right to privacy in the ways that don’t affect other people, but when you do things that affect others – whether that’s not cleaning up after your dog or anonymously harassing whoever hung a poster of a loved one by tearing it down – I don’t feel you’re exercising a right that I have some obligation to defend. Live with the reputation of who you are.

Again, I say this as a critic of the genocide in Gaza. Bibi Netanyahu deserves to be dragged into the Hague to face the International Criminal Court. At the same time, I still hope as many of the Israeli hostages are returned safely as possible, and I have no sympathy for people who are inclined to tear down a missing person poster and want anonymity. That’s not liberating Palestine, that’s just anonymously terrorizing whatever grieving person hung the poster when they discover it’s been torn down.


JFK supports Israel unconditionally but also repeats the conspiracy that COVID was engineered to spare Jewish and Chinese people. He’s truly full of terrible ideas.


I don’t really understand the question. Normally, I think of a story as emerging out of an idea, and a genre emerging out of a group of related stories.

I don’t really know what you’re looking for. I think most solarpunk already has decentralized social media in it.


The main stuff I’m reading is unpublished, unfortunately. It was shared with me in a private group. I think one or two of the stories in the Solarpunk Summers anthology has decentralized social media.


This is a little long-winded, but I think a shorter summary might be this: we should look for ways to set goals, then draw from the largest possible toolkit to meet those goals, and avoid assigning assumptions that a given tool is universally good or universally bad.

I would agree with that. I’ll add that I have criticisms of capitalism, but I feel like I need to go out of my way to explain to people that they’re not some blanket rejection of the concept whole-cloth. They’re based on its utility for the set of conditions we’re in. I’m fully willing to acknowledge the circumstances in which capitalism is effective. It’s just that those circumstances don’t match our present situation well.


I didn’t watch the show (because I don’t have Apple+) but I’m still really disappointed because he had a podcast companion that I listened to, and the man and his writers and researchers are sharp as fuck. It was so incisive, and I really admired how he was bringing what felt like Eugene Debbs and Studs Terkel levels of socialism but without ever using those words.

I also liked how the show clearly had diverse voices, but it didn’t seem to pander or brag about it.


Can someone tell me what specifically got defederated? Was there a particular post or community or a pattern of behavior?


Can you elaborate? I don’t know what this is in reference to.


Someone can have a big impact on history and not be worth celebrating.

The thing I think about all the time is that I think our holidays should have a point. Labor day celebrates the accomplishments of workers and encourages us to adopt their best traits: industriousness, teamwork, determination.

Independence Day is supposed to inspire us to be grateful for the courage showed by the founders who seceded from Great Britain, and model their (supposed) virtues, such as liberty.

Thanksgiving is supposed to celebrate harvests, gratitude, the kindness of strangers, etc. There are certainly problems with the history it exhalts, but it makes sense.

Juneteenth is a celebration of diversity, the achievements of black Americans and of abolitionists, Memorial day is about military valor and sacrifice, etc.

Columbus Day just makes no sense. Even if we ignore that Columbus was a monstrous person hated even by his peers,… what exactly is the point of the holiday? Columbus isn’t known for any particular virtue at all, and the discovery of inhabited Caribbean islands by a Spanish-financed Italian explorer has no clear meaning for us as Americans. It barely has anything to do with us.


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  • andrewrgross,

    Firstly, I have yet to see anyone say that they support Hamas’ actions. What they’ve recognized is that this was an entirely anticipated outcome from Israeli policy.

    The reason that people make this observation is because it’s clear that Israel has meaningful agency here, and it’s not clear that Palestinians do. Israel has the option to pursue a genuine peace process or continue ethnically cleansing occupied territory. Conversely, Palestinians largely have the option to die quietly or violently.

    I am entirely aware why people find criticism of Israel to be tasteless during an attack against Israel. That said, these attacks aren’t really a security failure or a policy failure in Israel. Periodic outbreaks of Palestinian violence are a part of an ongoing project of genocide. Restrict food and medicine > Face violence > Use it to justify culling young men and destroying basically all infrastructure assembled since last culling until the resistance is exhausted > Return to baseline abuse until enough Palestinian kids reach suitable age to launch a new attack and repeat the process.

    As I said, the Israeli government – and by extension, the US government – have the power to interrupt this cycle. And if we really care about the lives of Israeli victims, we have a moral obligation to.

    Robert Heinlein's idea of the perfect crowd control drug- would you take Happiness daily?

    In Robert Heinlein’s novel “Farnham’s Freehold”, the protagonists accidentally end up in a very technologically advanced feudal society that depends on a drug called “Happiness” to control things and keep social classes rigidly separated. The hypothesis of this question: the drug is a pleasant tasting drink you take...



    First, I think we should consider the question from two angles. First is if I’d take it if I was a character in the story, and second is whether I’d take it as the person I am now.

    If I grew up in the story, yes, I think I would almost certainly take it, because I’d start taking it in my youth, and if I grew up in those circumstances those would be my social norms. Just like how most of us grow up accepting things like sweatshop labor, factory farmed meat, and produce picked by exploited migrants. Really, without some system to challenge these things, not doing them is almost inconceivable.

    Now, if I were suddenly in that world? It would depend on what my options are. I’d like to advocate for political equality. I’m assuming that the drug demotivates me from advocating for such things. If so, I think I’d resist taking it for some time to get a sense for how things are, then I’d try it for context, and make an informed decision.


    Not only do I agree on the basis of everyone’s safety, but I WANT to see crowded bike lanes. Because eventually, I’d like bike lanes to replace cars, and outgrowing infrastructure is a basic part of expanding and changing it.


    It’s not ideological or personal. Cars are just a terribly inefficient mode of transit with a lot of negatives. They cause a lot of preventable deaths, they take up an excess of land, and they limit our ability to move around and enjoy cities.


    I would guess so. I pressed “Crosspost” and this is what happened. If someone knows more, let us know.


    There’s no law of the universe that prevents it.


    Boy, that’s hard to read. Hearing of that level of isolation and torture feels like reading that the government has a Department of Canine Abuse that just keeps pens off scared puppies that it hits with golf clubs every day. You know: to protect our freedoms or something.


    My point is that the suffering is wildly unnecessary. It’s not a statement endorsing their life choices.

    These notions aren’t wild. Christians have been asserting that everyone is of the same worth in god’s eyes for 2000 years, and the folks who founded the United States went out of their way to ban punishments that were cruel in the 8th amendment to the bill of rights. I’m just saying that hearing anyone could be legally locked in a room for weeks at a time feels about as deranged as animal abuse. It’s just nuts, Our reaction shouldn’t depend in any way on what the targets of torture did beforehand.


    I saw this without the overlay text before I scrolled down, and it’s actually funnier imo without the text.

    The image looks like someone is trying to secretly poison kids candy with drugs, but just kind of got confused and possibly stoned and gave up.

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