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They implemented the ribbon menu in ~2007 office iirc, somewhen around Vista. 2003 is the old WinXP styled one with all these little menus and buttons, fugly but usable. Is that the one you’ve meant?

andrew_bidlaw, (edited )

For me new Windows releases grow more annoying, slow and counter-intuitive. Switching PCs at work made it mandatory that I went through all ‘bad’ Windows, like Vista and 8, now on w10. Sure, XP-7-w10 weren’t\aren’t that bad, but they all feel worse than the previous one. Nevertheless, I could’ve sticked to one of them, get used to, no problem. But they all get outdated, can’t use X RAM, don’t have DirectX N, aren’t supported with security updates and are blocked from installing latest software.

Configuring it was very limited too. In W10 I can’t call TotalCMD or other file manager instead of win expoler from other apps. It eats RAM like candies for no reason. Touchscreen interfaces with empty spaces and no right click are everywhere. Undoing telemetry and defender requires know-how or executing scripts, otherwise it’s bloated. Start up times aren’t the best too.

Linux is a headache and it’s still far from a thing regular PC users would trust without a doubt to handle their usual tasks. The same state Windows slowly comes to, imho. But without being free and insanely customizable. The only things that I need to emulate are superproprietary DRMed products with no alternatives. They are a minority. Most users don’t need them, so they have one less argument against switching.

That’s my personal account tho. I’m a bit asurprised you like windows as a home system, so I’d want to hear about your positive experience with it if you have some outstanding moments with it.


Reddit is shit, no question, but what’s to the left of supporting Ukraine/NATO in this conflict in your opinion? Supporting Russia? Or something in the middle?

andrew_bidlaw, (edited )

As a russian native I don’t think you get the point. Let’s me speak it like no translator can replicate it.

Тебе, бляди (то есть, шлюхе), снаружи удобно выбирать коняшек в этих скачках в безопасности загнивающего капитализма, и мечтать о коммунизме с нефритовым хуем сзади, да по гланды, и ты почему-то охуенно так сильно игнорируешь, что ты отвергаешь одну центро-правую повестку чтобы подрочить свою бибу на открытую фашню, которая прямо заявляет об уничтожении людей по национальному признаку. Никаких тайных уйгуров, всё открыто, всё домтупно для тебя, слепошара. И люди, сука, гибнут. И они продолжат гибнуть пока фашистская пидрастическая гнида не подавится. И ты зовёшь себя леваком, поддерживая это?

Sorry for going too personal tho. That’s not what you are used to. I’m just tired of these arguments.


But better yet: how supporting BRICKS and Russia helps left ideas?


Hello, internet person. Why did you assume I support Navalny of all people? And which of my slur, a part of our usual local banter, offended you? Your google translate could’ve failed you big time.

I assume you don’t even understand what’s going there on a local grassroots level. But you can prove me wrong. Bonus points if you say what was wrong or right with Navalny in the early 10s. It feels you have a very particular vision on this person.


I answered this person before, Feel free to join. I’m no lib and I’m living here.


People fuck. Their granny fucked in order for their mother to fuck in order to born them. Dogs fuck in the park. Cats fuck. Everything fucks. Yet they behave like teens (the horniest creatures judging by my own past classmates and poor-written fanfics I sometimes encounter now) don’t know what sex is. Or don’t know kids have seen it everywhere before these offended snowflakes been born. Their ancestors were arranging the bull to inseminate cows on a farm, other domestic species too.

It’s all about power.


I agree with you.

The thing is… The game was fucked from the start.

– probably Benny, Fallout: New Vegas

Sex is the den of hypocriticism. It’s shamed, it’s not welcome anywhere, it’s included in popular products, it’s the biggest seller. Abscence from it and abundance of it were used as a tool to manipulate people up to the point it all get mixed up and makes no sense. It’s as natural as sneezing, yet it’s special status makes everything about it weird.


With what they don’t do to provide an affordable housing, many would have a first hand experience of that.

Exhibition no 1: A concrete cave, where three generations lived together before a bloodshed over picking the right sauce. Youth of a clan depicted beheading corpses of elderly, and cementing them unknown to anyone to still have their pension to support their living.


Greatly depends on where you live. More corrupt states’ officials sell it left and right. I recall cops bootlegging CDs with a base of driver licenses, registry info and what’s not. Guess most of them moved into darkweb\TG now. You may ask those whose life depends on it although they don’t naturally have access, like journos, private investigators or loan-sharks if you know any of those.


Most popular VPNs were getting blocked here at the same pace as in Iran, official websites to get them are banned too. Some editions claimed this move is about making Apple\Google restrict them on respective appstores by themselves because siloviki can’t deny getting these apps without fucking up the whole platform. And they don’t want to bring unnecessary discomfort to agreeable masses who use these markets to download apps daily.

Corporate and goverment networks won’t be affected, obviously. Troll farms too. Only a minority of those not invested enough to find other loopholes. I don’t see if it matters to those outside of Russia. For locals? Not a surprise, really, snd I don’t feel they’d block youtube and telegram, both are still availiable to get information if one wants it.

Timing of that act doesn’t say anything either. They want to sanitize the internet before presidential elections, and do it that way? It doesn’t make sense. It won’t affect those who already downloaded such apps, or those using other sources. Seems like a coincidence that this part of closing the iron dome happened to fall there, not the first, not the last. Or, equally possible, elderly officials don’t know how it works kek.


Fits 3d printed ass just fine.


They are still there in some chinese brand phones. I’m not sure it’s mentioned anywhere on the box tho.


Their replies are too long. Why aren’t they like two lines at max? They space out real conversations.


Sorry for being too explicit, but I can feel these pictures in my mouth. Nice slice of a fresh bread is so simple yet so enjoyable.


You can’t download a car, but you sure can brick it.


Is there a petition to undo that?


I loved Alien Swarm, although it’s like just one episode from a big game. It’s disheartening it’s still like that. This game has a potential, especially for coop gaming. Just no content to flesh it out.


Alien Shooter and Zombie Shooter series are direct inspirations to this Valve’s experiment. Idk if they are good on your platform or if they are meant to play together with others, but I liked some of these older entries playing solo. Maybe you’d like them too.


Is it terrorism in the law tho? Obviously keeping in mind who writes it and whose point of view is codified. That conversation may be more nuanced than you think. Especially if all other things we can call terrorism are considered.


It’s a problem of perceiving terror as something having a negative connotation by itself. It is a tool. Like a gun, or a knife. And having a moral high ground (like there, or in many more controversial cases) doesn’t erase the fact it is perceived as or is an act of terror.

Guerilla warfare against occupational forces is terrorism. Political assasinations of opressors are too. Taking kneecaps of an oil baron who levels forests and poisons nature is it as well.

And, you name it, there are even more ways of terrorism you’d see as dumb, senseless, inhumane. Take wrapping a civilian child in explosives to blow up a guarded checkpoint. It’s fucked up, right? And it’s not the act of terror itself that makes you puke at a thought of it, but this tool used for insane reasons and how fucking far they took it. If it was a croatian jew taking nazis with themselfes, it would be portrayed as a heroic self-sacrificing act. As a bystander, you see these extreme acts of violence through your lenses and judge reasoning behind it first. That’s why eco-terrorism doesn’t ring any bells. It’s an attack that is rationally justified to you, usually pretty victimless. And it’s relativism at it’s extremes.

At some point you see you can’t escape but thinking of terrorist tactics to achieve that one goal, because nothing else seems as effective. It is muddy waters. It needs slow and thoughtful consideration. If it means saving natives’ land, would you consider torching building equipment, an office or shooting a corporate shithead in their face? You probably can. But would you? And would it be better than whatever comes to mind when you hear the T-word? Would you take all responsibility and all the consequences of what you did on yourself? Wouldn’t you regret it?

On Lemmy we can speak like we are all super based, and there are just causes. Talk is cheap. What matters is if you even feel yourself applauding such acts, you need to be double sure you aren’t a dumbass hypocrite and you really know what are you after. Not mirroring ‘they are killing my world, so they are to be killed’, yada-yada, because kids upvote that shit like crazy, but really meaning it if you say so, being responsible about it.

I feel like I’d end up on some lists for speaking that out loud lmao, but a lot of historical figures we adore are terrorists. Gaining independence of USA was that to brits, Robin Hood myths were that to crown, revolutionaires weren’t shy from actually calling their actions a targeted terrorism against the state. By learning about good and bad terrorism, you can see where you yourself put it and how you relate to it. Usually, as I said, it ends up in deciding if the goal justifies the means, in a dissociated machiavellian way of thinking. Usually. But you are to form your own framework to handle it, obv.

It’s just, I mumble, why eco-terrorism isn’t terrorism because it’s somehow just? And why it can’t be called a justified terrorism instead? What’s the point of whitewashing it besides wining a public support, likely lying about what it really is? Does it change anything but media coverage? Why would it matter in the end?


Everything is political as it seems, even mere existence of our trans fellas, because it’s either needs to be changed via politics or can get weaponized by bad faith actors as a populist take. Survival is sometimes political. And as an old soviet saying goes, if you aren’t that interested in politics, politics may become interested in you.

As resource extractors use politics as a vehicle to lobby their interests, fucking with them is indeed political, even if it’s a universally accepted cause like a survival of humankind.


Where it comes from? I feel like I skipped a couple of your replies leading to that one.


It’s not what I’ve meant, sorry. It’s just you gone into doomerism from out of nowhere. Like something previously indicated there’re reasons to that.


Sweeney was involved with some good games back in the early days

Digital Extremes also did, since UT’99 I believe. And they are still okay. Their current f2p game feels better than UT3 ever did, if not for it’s own problems.


Didn’t Tencent invest into it? There were a lot of asian-targeting communities they could’ve been interested in besides affecting american\EU politics. I believe a lot of chinese expats and even chinese people over VPN frequented reddit.


Hating Reddit is the usual Reddit routine, the one you may be rewarded for with Reddit’s updoots.


IIRC stickies are also excluded from feed once they get this attribute.

But yeah, we don’t even understand what a barrier switching to fediverse sites is for regular joes, jemmas and jermas. Like, for many people the internet is suggested apps’ feed and, rarely, their browser’s default start page. They don’t choose anything, and why would they? And here we are, challenging them to do something on intent while they are pretty happy with what they have now.

Reddit is removing ability to opt out of ad personalization based on your activity on the platform (

Reddit said Wednesday that the platform is revamping its privacy settings with an aim to make ad personalization and account visibility toggles consistent. Most notably though, it is removing the ability to opt out of ad personalization based on Reddit activity....


Micky Mouse-themed gummies with chemical castration as a side-effect.


Is it used by a significant portion of redditors tho?


I was pointing to a giant mass of people on r/all. Reddit was a beacon to all us techies and weirdos who like this format and do care enough to untick tracking. But I doubt anyone I talked to there was ever subscribed to r/funny, r/memes or other top subs, and they were the most active subs, have most users. Scrolling it like Insta, that way.

Those who were curious about what they can change in preferences are power users, more likely to choose 3rd party apps, to create content, comment or mod. Those as you said more likely to leave to Lemmy. And I feel they are actually a small minority compared to those who didn’t know opt-out was even an option or why it matters.


♪ Close your eyes and see this site is falling ♪


Sweet. The first one was way more enjoyable than I initially thought. Wonder if they’d do a Sigils of Elohim-like app again.


Kept hot by friction doing 100 miles a minute.


This pseudoAI is a new kind of plastic: sometimes useful, misused to infest everything with it. As it rolls, there would be less and less genuine content in a sea of garbage. That few, it’d become a luxury.

Technological advance is in hands of those who own the means of production.


This ancient technology is long lost by now. Pictures on clay plates is not how we are used to read comments in code now.


It can’t be remaked for many reasons. The best they can do is fund OpenMW or give up their assets. Actually making anything from it is not only rebuilding it, but solving many ways Morrowind is fucking broken.

And I love it for how disfunctional it is.


Government has power to put it on trial.

  1. Revitalize public transportation, adjust timetables to usual starts\ends of shifts;
  2. Make dumb paycards to pay-per-ride, consequential rides counting as one (if one needs to jump them);
  3. Public sector employees, essential ones first, get 2 rides per working day monthly, to go there and back;
  4. After getting some stats, make it equal to N litres of gasoline in $, tax-free, promote paying with it on gas stations and for government’s services. No easy conversion to cash tho, not at the start at least, so it won’t be seen as free money, worthy a fraud.

As a public test, it’d show if it works. Then, it can be pushed onto students, then on other spheres.

Then, as a large amount of workers has this benefit, it’s not a wet dream but a real thing to consider and demand. One that private businesses would see.

I do find that not paying for commute has a good competitive value. It means I start to earn money right from the time I clock in, not spending my first minutes to compensate getting there – and that’s a bitch for low-paid workers. Compared to those working from home, I still wake up earlier and am trapped on company’s ground, but it’s a first step to bridge and accept this difference.

In some cities I visited (ex-socblock) some big factories provide their own transport to take workers from their district and then bring them back. Since they are based way out of cities’ limits due to health concerns, it’s an obvious solution to that. By managing the commute of workers, factory may also be sure everyone in production line gets there at the same time, reaching full efficiency.


May it be like miles in used cars? You’d see a big number and you’d be more likely to buy new instead. Or replace a battery if it even comes to that.


So he met with Netanyahu to prove he’s not an anti-semite. What other than being personally pissed can warrant an out of blue direct and public chat with a prime minister of Israel. Itsa man, nah, itsa child, no, its Elon Musk!

A Cuban teenager was offered a job doing 'construction work' in Russia. Instead he was sent to fight on the front lines in Ukraine. (

A Cuban teenager unwittingly found himself on the front lines of the war in Ukraine after accepting a job offer he received on WhatsApp to do “construction work” for the Russian military, according to Time magazine....


What 3rd world country? Monthly $2k + $1,5k bonus at signing, +other bonuses and priveleges, +compensations if hurt\dead in a first month making it one median yearly payment in Russia meaning half of the country earn less than that in 12 months, and it’s still not the worst country in the world economically speaking. You mean there’s a lack of poor and desperate people with no prospects in life? For Cubans it’s also a chance to settle overseas and drag their family here, so I do see why they’d pick that, especially if they are lied to about what it means. As one criminal saying goes, gullible people would never get extinct.


Is Andromeda Strain small enough? I love both the story and the movie. The combination of high stakes and routinously slow and boring procedures to scientifically-like contain\eradicate the unknown virus is hypnotyzing.


I didn’t know there is a remake, and now I don’t know about it as well.


Karnaukhov urged all Russians to proclaim that they don’t want to live the way they are currently living any longer: “Just say it, we don’t want to live this way any longer! We don’t need this savage capitalism!”

Socialism for his pest kin and feudalism for everyone else, just as usual.

Do you pirate? And do you justify pirating? i.e., what is your piracy philosophy?

Well, my friend, he’s kinda poor he can’t afford some books and some streaming services, so he pirates. He pirate books, audiobook and videos and other stuff. Sometimes he buys books he likes a lot out of loyalty to the author (yeah, I don’t understand it either), he likes to read physical books, but yeah, if he hates the...


Media in English language are either inaccessible or overpriced while translations vary in quality. I’m also a little fan of how individuals in seed-peer networks keep content alive just for the sake of it. I don’t see how piracy hurts artists as much as it’s said to.

Shifting Tides: new survey shows that fewer people in Kazakhstan view Russia “favorably” (

The consequences of Russia’s war in Ukraine could be subjectively observed in the lives of ordinary Kazakhstanis and their shifting attitude towards Russia. In general, public opinion polls showed that Kazakhstanis have become less favorable to Russia as “a powerful northern neighbor” compared to previous years....


Kazakhs keep their independence sitting between Russia and China and they want to have it that way. For them the current agression underlined by vocal threats to capture them next is sure a moodkiller. No wonder locals oppose war symbols and make immigrants fleeing Russia tear them off if they want to pass the border.

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