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‘So it goes’.


You might misremembering it, as it’s more akin to Kurt Vonegut. This phrase is frequently used in his Slaughterhouse-Five, one of my favorite pieces of fiction.


Just like logs. The time would tell if they’d be desperate enough to carry the survived ammo now, with a big chance of a sudden malfunction after such an impact.


Guess it was loud, a typical moped sound, since they heard it 3-5 seconds before the hit while looking in the opposite direction. It didn’t help them. Guess, some flaws can be neglected if speed is enough to deny timely reaction.


Even disliking it, I still saw how stylish and imaginative it was, akin to the OG MGS. The last half and parts of gameplay were very unferwhelming thanks to Konami. I wonder how it could’ve ended if MGS5 have been given the time wasted on that zombie survival flick.


Yeah. It ended up as a Pokemon Go with soviet solders, kek, istead off a full flashed masterpiece. And it’s depressing.

I’m happy tho that MG:R happened. Platinum Games did it in their own way, but they didn’t hold any punches. Unlike Kojima, they had time to do what they wanted to achieve, and even though it’s a niche game, it was a delight.


David is a very talkative and honest person on his accounts. No wonder he says it straight. Dusk, then Iron Lung did bring him a reputation, he can’t be confused for a random greedy dummy, as he does deliver as a dev and I can’t remember him causing frustration in his fans.


I love your optimism, and you are somehow right that they still don’t plan on this war to last years, but at the same time I don’t see any resistence to conscription living here, soldiers’s moms got shut up quick when they wanted to start askjng questions. They can grab as much people as they want, use them just to fill holes in defences, trained or not. There are some red lines the regime doesn’t want to cross, but since it was allowed to sign in for a contract service since day one, and there were cases of conscripted being bullied into signing into that, there’s always a way to find more meat. My region is kinda calm in that, but I can’t count nights I woke up in sweat thinking they came to take me. I hate it here.



And the harsh thought - maybe it shouldnt? Maybe all these people still believing that it’s OK to conquer another country should just die off? Or, at least, have a hard lesson of why it’s wrong?

Two years into this war I’m feeling lost, can’t even find what to think about it, finding my own relatives being all for murder.


It was unsustinable even before war with rising death, emmigration. All eastern Europe suffers from that, and what Cosovo conflict caused to ex-Chechoslovakia (did you ever wonder why so many pornstars came from here?), would happen to Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. And it would be particularly damaging to Russia, a country that spans across 8 timezones yet having half the people US have. There’s many ghost cities already, and I can imagine a lot more would die off, and with them the last industry this country inherited from USSR would die too. It’s a national sepuku. In ten years this place would resemble New Vegas, with everything concentrated in the capital and nothing everywhere else.


My personal belief is that most pedophiles can be put into two groups:

Those developmentally stunted, who can’t see themselves as adults and therefore lust for people of their own ‘mental age’.

And those who have a thing for power, and having an erection over controlling a minor, guiding them through everything and having full control over them.

There may be a third option - these people who try hard to argue that pedophilia and ephebophilia aren’t the same thing, but I just write them off as idiots.


I can reserve a forth option just for him. Imagine a classification of pedoes, and a category being just ‘Yudkowsky’. I feel that many jews sharing the same surename wouldn’t be pleased.


It is a registered anomaly, a disorder, that deserves counseling. It just so seems we don’t hear much from people legitly strugling from it, but from rich people not knowing what to do with their free time besides fucking kids.




Fuvk that shit. Being awake with horror and a running heart, in a sweat, having your hands and feet bang the bed like you did indeed fell. It’s so uncomfortable.


Thank you. As a non-parisian dude, I wanted to ask that, and your comment was just in time to answer my curiosity.


Oh no, how would small dick rich parisians even compensate with that law in place?!


TES6 lore Q&A gonna be like:

Don’t fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is

How often to you bail on a half-written post or response?

I have had a tendency since my earliest days on social media where I will get halfway or more through a response, and end up just cancelling it. Sometimes I feel like I’m just being to over the top with snark or otherwise don’t want to be that kind of person, but a lot of the time I’ll decide I just really don’t care...


Something akin to 10% of unwritten comments here. 5% are shared between cases when I write it for too long and still can’t see it as a complete thought, or when I get distracted half-way through and can’t care to continue. Other 5% is my stupid phone optimi… pushing apps from memory when I switch to something else (even if it’s for fact-checking this exact comment), so I lose whatever I wrote and the thread itself.


I wonder if they have a simulated Voyager 1 they test their solutions on first. Having two full days between patch and response from the real one is hard to imagine.


This midi Avenged Sevenfold song on the background lol. Def worth a check.


It doesn’t cost much to provide this first ‘1’ to someone else. It’s kinda nice to share a thing you yourself like, even if indirectly, especially if you happens to be the only seeder. I purposedly left my PC a couple of times when I saw that and that peer is hanging wirh an incomplete download.

'Shocking' Discovery: Electricity from Electric Eels May Transfer Genetic Material to Nearby Animals (

The electric eel is the biggest power-making creature on Earth. It can release up to 860 volts, which is enough to run a machine. In a recent study, a research group from Nagoya University in Japan found electric eels can release enough electricity to genetically modify small fish larvae. They published their findings in PeerJ -...


It can release up to 860 volts, which is enough to run a machine.

A glass EV with fishtanks for eels drives into a purple sunset.


It’s happens differently for people. I sometimes notice it when packing presents or riding home in a public transport when the streets are covered in snow. Maybe it needs some special moment.


I guess there’s some international framework to catch them, so they can follow on leads and maybe forward it to other agencies.


I loved it and I’ve never heard the sequel was even in the making. What a great surprise, right for coming holidays. The first one needed a free, unbothered mind to get along with it’s pacing and atmosphere.

Issue Comments Disappear as soon as screen goes black

Very very frustrating and keeps happening to every time I use the app. I type full paragraphs that disaapear if I look away from the screen 10 seconds and it dims black (did not even lock phone or exit app). It haapened this time while I was reading the comment I typed before posting it. I cannot stress how awful that is and it...

andrew_bidlaw, (edited )

I don’t have anything like that and I have drafts set to off. Do your apps get unloaded from memory when you switch to something else? And what version do you use, did you encounter this with previous releases?


Drafts (Connect’s feature) are saved as long as you don’t leave a thread.

Individual upvotes and downvotes aren’t shown on Lemmy as a whole. I only know you can see them under posts and comments on (another network), but I don’t know if they have them collected somewhere on a profile page. Guess it puts more strain on servers hosted by volonteurs.

Visited posts are tracked cleint-side. Afaik it isn’t implemented anywhere.

Saved posts work tho.


Right sidebar —> Settings —> Hide read posts switch.

See if it’s your case.

If I’m to think long about some answers, I put them in a different notes app and save post\comment, or just add edits to the end of my comments after posting it.


Translated meme picture could fly better, even if done by google lense. Thus it can be shared, as any meme needs in order to be. That’s their main quality.

For those confused, the joke’s about generic essays ex-soviet middleschoolers write when they start another year after a summer break. Meduza and Rain are banned news medias, rainbow is obvious, Memorial is a society for studying soviet repressions that was liquidated a year ago.

andrew_bidlaw, (edited )

Нас трое да ОП*, вот и вся перекличка (:

Я бы указал на украинское новостное комьюнити, но там как и на реддите большая часть может быть просто из интереса к ситуации. Я не видел, чтобы люди сильно жаловались на изменения Реддита в русскоязычных сабреддитах, обсуждали переезд, все как пришли туда так и привыкли по большей части - что в аскарашен, что в рекабу, что в тж, что на либерте - и там их было так немного, что ты начинаешь узнавать отдельные ники и чувствовать свою сложившуюся атмосферу. Здесь этого пока нет.

А что ещё может предложить федеративная вселенная сейчас? Везде английский и контента пока немного (= нечем делиться с другими ИРЛ), он весьма специфичен, ничего не понятно с федерацией этой загадочной, инстанс уходят в оффлайн и ломают совместимость с приложениями при апдейте, разгоняемые слухи о ддосах и цп, да даже с клубничкой пока больше репостов с Реддита и ОС постеров можно пересчитать по пальцам той руки которой выказываешь им восхищение. Нужно иметь особенный интерес, чтобы это игнорировать и получать удовольствие. Почти как с бордами и современным жж. Ниша.

Подозреваю, что вот та пара тысяч с Реддита здесь стала парой сотен, может тысячей из двух миллионов леммингов. Напоминаю, что с массой военного гуро и открытой критикой, он в РФ забанен или замедлен не был (только раз, когда они перепили и ебанули всё по маске it целясь в Твиттер, положив всё подряд). Значит, он не был достаточно крупным, чтобы давить его как Мету - а они, к слову, банят отдельные ссылки на скачку VPN-клиентов. Вот. И Лемми это лишь часть от этого меньшинства, на которую власти РФ похуй. Настолько, что тут вероятно пока нет никаких наблюдателей и пятнадцатирублёвых, все идейные, и контент отсюда может попасть в папочку только из выдачи гугла, где Лемми на пиццотой странице.

Я не перестаю повторять это самому себе. Потому что улететь на нары за коммент, который увидит 3,5 иностранных анонимуса было бы пиком этой жизни. Прохождением сука на платину.

Посему заключаю, что процент не выше, чем в безалкогольном пиве. Добро пожаловать в пределы погрешности, интернет пёрсон. Тэйк зыс.

протягивает думерский грим, пачку Беломора и Балтику

  • Уже пятеро.

В твоём случае могла бы быть уместнее Оболонь (:

Расчеловечивание и гуро, думаю, даже не к самим идеологиям относятся, а к тому, как всё стало интенсивно и мрачно вокруг. Смотришь старые шоу и фильмы, они все такие медленные и аккуратные, как театр. Сейчас никто не ходит вокруг да около, та же Игра в Кальмара становится международным хитом, дураки в разных городах даже устраивают тематические конкурсы с аниматорами. Сцены убийства там показаны с минимальной отдачей, подбор цвета там невозможно холодный и насыщенный - всё выкручено на 11 баллов, и это не артхаус, а мейнстрим. И современные тиктоки, шортсы, да даже новости - всё такое, нарезано коротко, громко, с кучей информации, чтобы завладеть вниманием, перегрузить человека, погрузить его в какую-то гиперреальность. Потому реальные события уже не кажутся такими яркими и ты не успеваешь их по-настоящему воспринять, даже если они кромешный пиздец. Особенно, когда ты смотришь на них откуда-то из Европы, и сам нарратив превращает это в подобие увлекательного спортивного соревнования. Это было наиболее заметно с контрнаступлением: ещё нет или уже да, а что так медленно? - будто стрим игры смотрят. Может, после какой-то отметки сам разум отстраняется от восприятия реальности которую не может вынести, и всё скатывается в подобное мракобесие. Люди выбирают ярлыки, сторону, и только ставки разве что не делают, а самые страшные видео попадаются им в ленте между мемами и котами. Мне кажется, мы все прогрессивно сходим с ума, и социальные сети только поощряют такое поведение, потому что могут его монетизировать. Но, увы, куда теперь от них деться?


There’re thousands of less painful ways to quit. It’s for people who are both suicidal and adventurous lol.


Huge? UAE’s blood is oil. It’s a capital of eastern luxury and one of remaining monarchies because they sell oil. They are still a partner to everyone in spite of murdering journalists and whoever they dislike - because they sell oil. They build these absurd skyscapers, ski resorts in a desert, all their places are extremely air-conditioned to be tourists-friendly, all thanks to selling oil. Even including them there is an embarassment, because they grew up that vulgarly unsustainable thanks to oil money. It reads like an Onion article.


I wasn’t arguing with you, but adding to your point (:


The latest case I recall is them helping Saudis to kill Jamal Khashoggi. While the killing was on Saudis, AUE put Pegasus on their phones and later detained a lawyer on this case, an american citizen.


I remembered this catchy d’n’b track from Coldcut&Qemists: Atomic Moog.


Is it oldschool and ‘was’ already? Seems like I’ve missed the mark when I got old.

Anyway, here’s another one, both were featured in the co-op racing game Blur:


These commercial, proprietary games are one of the things that pushes forward the capabilities of personal computers. They are unreasonable, unoptimized resource-hogs. If a Linux system is as capable of running them as a proprietary OS (that has a deck stacked in it’s favor), it means they lose one another advantage over Linux. And it also means that your hardware now is more productive at less bs tasks, especially consumer-grade nvidia cards, who are better supported now than years ago.


I upvote for visibility, downvote for being rude. It’s not entirely me agreeing or disagreeing. Sometimes I upvote a person I argue with because I see this argument and their effort valuable to the community and want others ro see it, same with posts.


And C:S 2 sparked the interest to revist the first game in many.

andrew_bidlaw, (edited )

Can’t be on a bad side to this poster. c/murderedbymemes


That’s why I pull off.

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