@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar


@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Well a good reason could be that it brings federation to the masses. You know, like everyone who uses federated networks wants it to be. This isn’t some exclusive club and wider adoption is a good thing.

If only to prove that it can work.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

If you have a large USB stick you can even install Ventoy and put multiple distros on it so you can try out several live distros one after another!

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Booting from a completely powered off state to a full desktop takes very little time, on a modern system with an SSD.

Ahh I see you haven’t had the pleasure of dealing with a DDR5 system.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

It’s fairly common to give a (sense of) a good deal to new people while raising a bit more money roght now than you would with a traditional subscription.

Then later when you start getting more users quicker you cancel that offer and nee users have to use a subscription (which will make you more money over time).

Protonmail did something similar originally, giving out Visionary for life for a (large) one-time fee. It’s a decent strategy to raise money from people who believe in your product.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

“WHY IS THIS ALLOWED?” is the question I have asked for many years now.

Because people want to have features in their web browsers and originally no one really designed the web with security in mind.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Because while you do have control (and “copies”) of the source code repository, that’s not really true for the ecosystem around it - tickets, pull requests, …

If Microsoft decided to fuck you over you’d have a hard time migrating the “community” around that source code somewhere else.

Obviously depends on what features you are using, but for example losing all tickets would be problematic for any projects.

Apparently Mozilla won’t be even accepting PRs there so it doesn’t matter much.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Or, you know, Gitea or such.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Noone would care if they only had a monopoly in the search engine market. But they are also the biggest ad network, email provider and browser maker, and they also own the (effectively only) video platform.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Ehh it’s not that simple either way.

Like, platforms don’t actually own your data and usually explicitly state so; if for no reason other than not having liability for what you post.

If they did actually own the data (beyond having the very broad license to use it) they’d also have to curate 100% of it, otherwise they’d get sued to oblivion by copyright holders and whatnot.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Realistically this is the biggest overall advantage.

Sure, there are minor advantages to people already using password managers, but that’s such a tiny minority of people…

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Your system is most likely way less secure than you think. I mean, possibly not since you’re here, but most schemes are trivial to solve even automatically.

…and that doesn’t really matter either, because so many people have such shitty passwords (and use the same ones everywhere) that noone really bothers checking for permutations when they have thousands of valid accounts.

But if truly enough people are convinced to be more secure your scheme may eventually become a target, too.

With passkeys (and password managers in general) the security gets so good that the vast majority of current attacks on passeord protection get obsolete.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

No Telegram chats are end-to-end encrypted by default. And I don’t know anyone who’d use the feature regularly (it’s a hassle).

And, to be fair, it’s not really necessary for most day to day messaging.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Indeed. That’s literally what I said.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Ideally, yeah. Practically, shit like stickers or media sharing is way more important to the vast majority of people.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

You’re completely wrong.

This means that they will implement it, and then it’s only a tiny change to make it available everywhere if they decide to do so later.

The option alone also now also allows people to build stuff that will only work in those WebViews, rejecting to work without the integrity check, which is already a huge loss.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Yes, this would be possible (and not too hard technically either). But all instances would have to agree to link this instance as canonical.

You’d also want to add a feature where you can set you home instance where this canonical instance would redirect you (perhaps even automatically). Home Assistant does something like that.

What pisses me most about Lemmy is that each instance has its own post IDs which means that crosslinking and switching instances based purely on URLs is impossible.

IMO posts should have random GUIDs for IDs; that would help a ton with these kinds of issues. It’d then be trivial for Google to detect same content (if they wish) this way

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

The point of random GUIDs is that there are so many that it’s effectively impossible to generate duplicates just by random chance. They’d be perfect for this.

The initial instance picks it, and then the federated instances use it.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Didn’t know that’s the case, that’s neat though it doesn’t solve the redirect back to your home instance.

It’ll also probably lead to centralization because if you’re more likely to find a particular instance through search and decide to join Lemmy you’re probably going to do so on that instance.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Well that makes it reason number 4379 to not use Chrome.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

That’s pretty likely, but there are plenty of crappy developers who are proud working on stuff that makes peoples’ lives shittier.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

I mean if you train a model on porn with adult actors and on regular photos with children, it shouldn’t be hard to generate the combination.

You probably wouldn’t even need any fancy training data but if you really wanted you could pick adult actors that look young or in other ways similar to the children to help the process.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

I mean you could also go with a more sane model that still represses the idea while allowing some controlled environment for people whom it can really help.

You could start by not prosecuting posession, only distribution. So it would still be effectively “blocked” everywhere like it’s (attempted to be) now, but distributing models for generation would be fine.

Or you could create “known safe” (AI generated) ‘datasets’ to distribute to people, while knowing it was ethically created.

is used as both a currency within those circles to incentivize additional distribution, which means there is a demand for ongoing and new actual abuse of victims

A huge part of the idea is that if you create a surplus of supply it cannot work as a currency and actual abuse material will be drowned out and not wort it to create for the vast majority of people - too risky and irrelevant if you have a good enough alternative.

You’re definitely right though that there would have to be more considerations.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

There is an argument to be made that allowing people with unhealthy desires a safe and harmless outlet, they will be less compelled to go with the harmful option.

And, actually, I kinda want to disagree with the premise too. Even if it was provably true that noone gets hurt if there wasn’t porn, you can flip the question; why should it be banned if it doesn’t hurt anyone? Do you want to live in a world where anything that’s perceived as bad is just outright banned without much thought?

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

I see where you’re coming from but that’s a technical issue that will probably be solved in time.

It’s also really not a black and white; sure maybe you can see it isn’t perfect but you’d still prefer it to content where you know no one was actually harmed.

Despite what reputation people like that have (due to the simple fact of how reporting works), most are harmless like me and you and don’t actually want to see innocent people suffer and would never act on their desires. So having a safe and harmless outlet might help.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

A “weird fetish” is, quite literally a paraphilia, just like pedophilia. We only care about the latter because it has the potential to hurt people if acted upon. There’s no difference, medically speaking.

A lot of the comments in here seem a little bit too sympathetic.

When you want to solve an issue you need to understand the people having it and have some compassion, which tends to include stuff like defending people who didn’t actually do anything harmful from being grouped with the kind who do act on their urges.

amju_wolf, (edited )
@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Artificial or not, this isn’t really a new idea. A similar argument can be made for existing CSAM and providing it under controlled conditions.

And yeah, “nobody knows”, in huge part because doing such a study would be highly illegal under current CSAM laws in most parts of the world. So, paradoxically, you can’t even legally study how to help those people, even if they actively want to be helped and want to help you do research on it.

Edit: Also, I’m not really making any assumptions; I literally said “there is an argument to be made”. I’m not making that argument because I don’t actually know enough. Just saying that it’s an option that should be explored.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

You cannot create information from nothing.

Arguably that’s exactly what generative AIs do. Which is not what you meant, but yeah. I was going more for like “given current progress and advancements in how we curate datasets and whatnot, there is no reason to believe that we won’t have 100% undistinguishable AI-generated pictures eventually”.

We already know that you don’t need to have stuff in the training dataset to have it show up meaningfully in the output.

Psychologists/Psychiatrists are still on the fence on that one, I wouldn’t be surprised if it depends on the person. And yes the external harm produced by AI images is definitely lower than that produced from actual CSAM, doubly so newly produced CSAM, but that doesn’t mean that therapy, even in its current early stages, couldn’t do even better.

100% agree there. What I would like to see is more research, but that’s currently kinda impossible with CSAM being as criminalized as it is. Which is kinda sad.

Therapy seems to work on most help-seeking people (and there are studies proving that), so this should be a last ditch effort.

The rest of your post I don’t agree with. It isn’t really (definitely not exclusively) a societal problem - some people’s brains are simply wired in a way that’s just bad and there isn’t much you can do with it, and either these people suffer by living with it, or they cause harm to others because of it. Both is bad.

The vast majority of paedophiles are not exclusive paedophiles, often they’re not even really attracted to kids at all beyond having developed a fetish, they’re rapists focussing on the most vulnerable, often due to having been victims of sexual abuse themselves.

Do you have any statistics proving this? It’s exactly the bias that already makes non-acting pedophiles unlikely to seek help. Obviously these kinds of people are the ones you hear most about, but I wouldn’t be so sure that they’re the majority (even if they’re most of the problem).

My point is that if you take it as people who need help and actually manage to provide it, you should be able to get the number of abuse down overall except for the people who truly can’t be helped. And it really doesn’t matter much how you provide that help, even if it’s morally questionable like using artificially generated CSAM.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Some of my most favorite games were fairly short experiences.

In fact I value when a game doesn’t waste my time and is 100% fun, great content without fillers and stuff to just give you FOMO that ends up being boring and underwhelming when you actually try to do it. Even worse when you can’t tell what is and isn’t the filler.

Like, I’ve bought Outer Wilds for maybe 20€ or so and it is probably my favorite game of all time. I wouldn’t have bought it for 60€ (and it’s especially a hard sell because you can’t really entice anyone to play it without spoiling some part of the game to them which really sucks; like, I’d argue even the Steam description already spoils some of the magic). But it would be 100% worth it even if I 100% the game after maybe 10 hours (and there is no way to replay it, unfortunately).

Similarly, I’ve gotten A Short Hike for free with a Humble Bundle subscription (and not like free to own as part of the monthly bundle but just free in their “trove”) and I also completely loved it - was maybe 5 hours.

Meanwhile I played, say, Cyberpunk 2077 for free, finished it, and I am still kinda disappointed? Like there was good stuff in the game but I’m really glad I didn’t pay for it - it’s enough that I paid by putting the time in it. It left me with a feeling of wasted potential and like “surely there has to be something more” and then I finished the game and there wasn’t more. It’s so hard to explain… Like yeah, I enjoyed many hours of it, I think. But in the end it doesn’t feel good overall.

So yeah, these are the extremes, but I really don’t think you can put value on a game like that. Games by their very nature vary a lot and length isn’t (or shouldn’t) really be the main criteria. And enjoyment varies a lot as well. It can be so good that a few hours of it is enough, and it can be so mild that it’s not really worth playing. Oh and that also completely ignores the fact that some games are made to be played for hundreds of hours by design (Factorio, Rimworld), while purely story games can hardly be stretched for dozens of hours and still be fun/interesting. And games with balanced narrative and gameplay can reach a few dozen hours but even for the larger ones going 50-100 hours is usually a stretch.

Twitter's lost 13% of its daily users and its rebrand has failed (www.bigtechnology.com)

The new data — comprehensive and definitive — should put to rest the countervailing narratives over Musk’s management of the app. Under his stewardship, X’s daily user base has declined from an estimated 140 million users to 121 million, with a widening gap between people who check the app daily vs. monthly. X’s...

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

It might never truly “die”, but losing 10%+ of active users is massive. Twitter got decimated. Literally.

Well, Cities: Skylines 2 is here, and it's another broken game release.

I don’t really understand how people make the review threads, but we’re sitting at a 77 on OpenCritic right now. Many were worried about game performance after the recommended specs were released, but it looks like it’s even worse than we expected. It sounds like the game is mostly a solid release except for the...

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

…which makes it pretty terrible. What did they change/improve if not the graphics? It should be so ahead that you don’t even have to think what looks better.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

He had a sound reason why that’s not the case, and that’s to keep control over what people do to it. Namely they want to prevent redistribution with added trackers/ads/malware.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

You want an Xperia. No removable battery (there are almost no “normal” phones with removable batteries) and instead of a popup camera you get a regular front camera in a tiny bezel (so assuming you don’t want a stupid hole/notch in the display that’s what you want). But they are overall solid phones with excellent DACs and very clean Android. And it’s still a mainstream, non-Chinese brand.

The only disadvantage is price, but they target a niche audience. If you can take a deal with headphones or such it’s very much worth it.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Because it has significantly more features than IRC and it’s dead simple to spin up your own “server” where you aren’t beholden much to “admins” or whatever.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Ehh not really; at least if you care about your own anonymity. Sure the communication is as private as the weakest link (or less because now you have to trust the bot relaying it, too), but nobody from Discord would be able to easily look up your identity.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Technically it’s from “Google Play Protect” that got triggered during the install but yeah.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Yeah the only difference between expensive and “cheap” brands is that the expensive brands somehow managed to convince you to buy the exact same crap while extracting way more money from you.

Quality products can be relatively cheap. Not the cheapest, but not overly expensive either.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Quality clothes (not to be confused with expensive brands which is something completely different and probably not quality) is usually much cheaper in the long term while providing more value.

Especially stuff like footwear can be “buy it for life” as long as you can find a quality product and take some care of it.

Unfortunately most people are also lazy and don’t really want the “hassle” of taking care of their stuff because it’s easier to just throw stuff away and buy new things.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

That sounds really stupid.

I totally forgot how terrible a non-ad-free YouTube experience is

So I’ve been using youtube ad blockers since pretty much when ad blocker extensions were first available. Lately though I’ve been getting hit more and more with these messages that YT was sending out every 5 or so videos telling me that adblockers aren’t allowed. No problem, just gotta wait 5 seconds to x it out and then...

amju_wolf, (edited )
@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Yes. You need to not use any other content blocker (including potentially browser tracking protection) and keep uBo up to date. Occasionally it might not be up to date with latest YT changes but that’s pretty rare.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

With an ad (content) blocker, specifically uBlock Origin. Do not use Adblock( anything).

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

uBlock Origin can reliably block YouTube ads. You don’t need any other extension (in fact it can trigger the detection).

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

You can use options to create a shortcut that immediately opens a specific profile, which is great (you also need -no-remote though). I have a main profile as default but when WFH I use a shortcut to open a work profile (which has a separate sync profile, different addons, etc).

amju_wolf, (edited )
@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Ehh there is only so much a single person can care about. If you have a life and aren’t effectively an activist/lobbyis by profession you can’t care about politics both local and global, preserving nature and ecolody, world hunger & disease, and a million other things like which software company is less evil all at once and follow through 100%, supporting all of the causes meaningfully.

Not to mention we have to make compromises, too.

There’s one and literally only one browser that actually stands for all the things the most vocal people around here claim to care about.

Hard disagree. Firefox had its fair share of controversies, it’s still technically funded by Google (while not accepting donations), and Mozilla Foundation as a nonprofit is pretty questionable too.

The leadership of Mozilla Corporation is shit too like any other corp; they lay off engineers and give themselves huge bonuses.

It takes them years to even acknowledge simple bugs, let alone actually getting to fix them.

A huge part of why Firefox lost the “browser wars” is also that they failed to make it easy to build into other apps so it could work more like Electron, while also pissing off users with surface changes that break their workflow.

Overall it’s better than Chrome especially if you care about privacy, but it’s not a huge win.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

When someone builds a skyscraper and then you take one small unit in it and paint the walls a color you like and change the light fixtures, would you say that you built the skyscraper?

Because that’s what Brave (and everyone else who builds on top of Chrome codebase) does.

When the builders then decide to remake the wiring in the whole building so it doesn’t work with your new light fixtures you bend over and take it because you don’t have a choice - you have nowhere near close enough resources to remake the whole wiring for yourself.

That’s Google’s power over the forks.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

I mean that has been their business model for some time now, just like with most other software nowadays. But unlike most other software their prices are extremely reasonable; when you buy it consecutively for years you get progressive discounts. I actually *need * only one editor but I pay for them all because the cost of the full package is just slightly higher and their IDEs are amazing. A few times a year I use one of the “other” editors for personal projects and such.

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

How do you network with zero or close to zero initial “connections”?

Sure it’s easy to get jobs when you already have a dozen happy clients who recommend you to others. But how do you start initially? Through friends and their connections?

@amju_wolf@pawb.social avatar

Have you heard about pass phrases ?

Also, none of those is a sane reason to limit password length. A huge point of hashing is having short, constant length strings on output no matter the input. There’s no limitation or database issue there.

The only reason to limit password length is actually security (for bad algorithms) and DoS, but that requires a limit in the thousands.

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