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Your friend loves your least favourite politician. What do you say?

This question’s on my mind because my coworker today mentioned they would vote for Trump if they could (mind you this is 2023, in Canada). I don’t generally have the talking points or the desire to fight about it, so I just deflected the conversation. But I often wish I was more strong-willed and could try to figure out why...


If they loved any of my least favorite politicians, we'd probably not be friends for much longer - they're "least favorite" for a reason, after all. Also loving a political figure is completely bonkers. People who are infinitely less passionate than that will still have so strong beliefs you'll never really (be allowed to) challenge them.

People are hard to persuade with just facts and logic. That's even when politics aren't involved ruining whatever tiny chance there was in the first place. Basically, everybody thinking they'd go Full Diplomat and convert the guy is 100% bullshitting themselves.

Also don't fuck with politics at work. Managing idiots is a crucial skill in every job, being right is not the same as "winning" an argument, and even if you "win" there could be reprisals. It's not right, but that's the way the world is.


It's not important to the joke.


It would've been the exact same gag if these were Italian or Japanese or whatever.


I've never had intense or frequent dreams (that I remember) anyway, but I can confirm that smoking seems to "block" dreaming for me.


I mostly found that dating apps made me want to eat a bullet. (I'm fine now... not being on dating apps)


That sounds reasonable. Thanks for not just slamming the door, frankly I wouldn't have blamed you if the reason is "hey, this adds a shitload of work". It's neat that this is an available workaround.


Judging by Starfield, they need all the time they can possibly get. It's gonna be a long'un.


Yeah, it absolutely is vague. I had reason to read some GDPR stuff a while back - that phrasing is just lifted from there. Article 6 is about what reasons you could have to store private info. 1f is, apparently... yeah, you're just "legitimately" interested. Wonder what that means? So do I.

(f) processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child. (Point (f) of the first subparagraph shall not apply to processing carried out by public authorities in the performance of their tasks.)


I know right? Now, I'm not a lawyer, but it seems interesting because of what it isn't. 1a through e are consent, needed for business, legal obligation, (your) vital interests or another being, or public interest/authority.

So after all that, you have to figure... what legitimacy's left?


It's extra weird because by definition, whatever they thought "legitimate interest" really meant, they wouldn't need your consent for. That's a different letter or clause or whatever.

Unity issue an apology on Twitter for "confusion and angst" over the runtime fee policy. (

We have heard you. We apologize for the confusion and angst the runtime fee policy we announced on Tuesday caused. We are listening, talking to our team members, community, customers, and partners, and will be making changes to the policy. We will share an update in a couple of days. Thank you for your honest and critical...


"Angst". Quite a choice of words.


they really only have themselves to blame [...] research your vendor’s financial strategy - that’s basic due diligence

Really? They really only have themselves to blame for Unity suddenly making a drastic and poorly thought out change to their pricing policies? Researching with what, a crystal ball?


That was my first impression. I suppose it could be an honest mistake (especially since they apparently fired all the PR people a while back, too, heh) but it doesn't look great.


Stallman has always had a bunch of good points. It's just that he's rigid and uncompromising enough about them, and a weird enough dude in general, to turn a lot of people off. "Weird dude" shouldn't matter, but basic human psychology says it does - every time.


Mostly it's chill - don't worry about it. If you make an honest mistake, no sane person will think less of you for it. The real faux pas people keep running into is usually just being a cock about this. It's reasonably easy to avoid.

You likely don't need to tell anyone IRL. You're a guy, so he/him is natural. Nobody's likely to even ask. Same applies if it's obvious online, otherwise feel free to add it in your profile or something.

And about respecting other people’s pronouns. How do i figure them out ? Is it a big faux pas if I don’t before I know them ? Is it a faux pas if I refer to someone I just met and I assumed to be male as he/him?

Most people are cis (etc) anyway, so the obvious guess is mostly safe. You rarely need to refer to anyone by a pronoun before they're introduced to you. In that case it's "they" - perfectly normal, native English for centuries, which people sometimes forget. Then, if someone's introduced as "Bob" he's probably fine with "he" etc.

If you're worried about getting it wrong, I'd just wait for a name or refer to them some other way.

I’ve never seen anyone referring to anyone irl by non conventional pronouns. Is it an actual thing or is it currently being pushed to make the world a more inclusive place?

IRL that's unlikely, neopronouns are pretty niche even on the internet. He/she/they will do in the vast majority of cases. People who insist on one of the other ones are fairly rare.


That's not a common idea of what's "normal", no. And I don't mean anything bad by that - people give so few shits about privacy/security it's ridiculous, and I empathize with that, but it is what it is. The point of the thread is that OP's reluctance to use all the data stealer apps is isolating them to some degree, or at least requiring significant workarounds.


Yes. I keep being surprised at how "fresh" 3 and 4 stay for me, given that the gameplay is not all that varied in the end. The gunplay is nice, the basic idea is nice, the execution works and I think Vaas and Pagan are interesting enough to sell the campaign for a good while. Hoyt is... also definitely one of the Far Cry villains of all time. 5 is fine if modified heavily, and 6... is undeniably a thing.

Atheists, is there anything religious that sticks with you to this day?

I am Ganesh, an Indian atheist and I don’t eat beef. It’s not like that I have a religious reason to do that, but after all those years seeing cows as peaceful animals and playing and growing up with them in a village, I doubt if I ever will be able to eat beef. I wasn’t raised very religious, I didn’t go to temple...


this goes against the grain here

What, an atheist on Lemmy? You're preaching to the choir, as it were.

Ever have one of those days?

Days that nothing catastrophic happens, but lots of moderate things happen all in the same day? You wake up not feeling great, so the morning plans are toast. Then afternoon plans fall through. The stuff you do in the meantime doesn’t work out well either. To add insult to injury, dinner just doesn’t come out right. You feel...


A significant proportion of them are that day, yeah.


Yeah, having that "he/she/they" toggle and calling sex "body type 1 and 2" instead of male/female sure is political. You know when it became political? When people saw them and went "REEEEEEEEEEEEE" because they're bigoted dumbfucks.

[I made] basic white bread ( came across this recipe for basic white bread (what the recipe called it), is a nice sandwich bread. Not to crumby and firm pain in taste. But it’s easy and cheap to make. I didn’t take pictures but used the dough from the other loaf to make cinnamon...


Looks very nice!

I accidentally made a loaf of white bread a while ago and have been meaning to do it again. Fresh white bread and butter is like crack, you can't ask for better toasting bread, and it's very good for a bunch of sandwiches,


Home of CHALLENGE PISSING! (How does it work?!) "If you can piss six feet into the air straight up and not get wet, you get no install fees!"


Call me a cynic, but I've seen a few dozen of this exact kind of thread... and I'm thinking that if you had an actual point, you'd be more specific.


Could you be more specific about what you want? E.g. building/basebuilding took off in a big way with Minecraft and is arguably creative, but if you wanna be a director, that narrows it down a lot. In fact I don't think I've heard of a game like that since 3D Movie Maker.

SFM is cool, but not really a game, per se. People have made some mindblowing shit in that.


I don't know the specific examples, but that sounds like it might be sort of niche. I don't know how old the kids would be, (or how motivated - makes a world of difference,) but they can be pretty quick if you help them along. It might be a good idea to give them a leg up on "real world" software.


Poor anon was just a st-oik.

Why is 60fps a big deal for games?

My background is in telecommunications (the technical side of video production), so I know that 30fps is (or was?) considered the standard for a lot of video. TV and movies don’t seem choppy when I watch them, so why does doubling the frame rate seem to matter so much when it comes to games? Reviewers mention it constantly,...


One thing is looks, the other thing is that input and processing may be tied to the FPS cycle. This means that games that run at e.g. 20fps could get an almost 50ms frame's worth of delay on any of your input, and game logic may also be limited to "inbetween" frames. At 20fps that's 50ms, at 60 it's less than 17ms.


There's no such thing as safe safe. While unlikely, even media/data files could contain exploits. They'd need to target specific issues in specific software, but that happens all the time.

WinRAR had a recent high publicity mistake earlier, where a "specially crafted" archive can make executables seem like other files so it's easy to accidentally run them. Big no.

I also recently saw an (old) exploit analysis: some Linux thing got wrecked specifically because of vulnerabilities in a media player/codec - in fact opening the folder was enough to trigger the exploit, which could give someone unrestricted access to your system. Very, very big no.

Back in the day, I think Windows Media Player had some idiotic license download thing that was also used as an attack vector.

Basically: executables are just a slam dunk malware delivery vector. Media files are safer in general but not safe.


No. It contains things that are temperature sensitive and can result in off flavors if overheated. A bit like butter, but in different ways.


Not an expert, I use a whetstone with quite a bit of water and aim to "cut the water": the edge pushes water along the stone if it's properly (or at least usably) angled. Once I have the angle in, I adjust my grip, or support the backside of the knife with my thumb, or whatever else lets me keep that angle consistent.

Bear in mind the angle might "change" on you as you sharpen a curved blade - or that's my shitty technique. I try to keep thinking about "the normal" or what's perpendicular to the edge where it's touching the stone.

Also, tip courtesy of Ethan Chlebowski on Youtube. You can use a permanent marker and color in the edge of the blade. Dye left on the edge means you're off and its distance from the... uh... edge of the edge will tell you if you're too shallow or too steep.

I can usually get my knives sharp enough that I haven't bothered with the marker trick. It's clever, though.


You think C# is a Unity thing?


Oh, VS is not "little", it's one of the bloatiest pieces of software on earth.

Also, Forms? How dare you. :p


No, C# is a general purpose language that Unity has a botched, outdated version of.


I'm so sorry.


I doubt they went away from VBA. While I do use C# any time I can, I can't say the same thing for Excel. I do know there are ways to do interop, and it's not great. Office file formats and interop have always been... awful.


In this case I'd get around to it too. I went through it a few months ago and it was not easy. They put a fucking idiotic time limit of 15 minutes on the email, which invariably arrived much later than that. I sat spamming the "send email" button out of frustration.

Morons. It's email.

Eventually one happened to actually arrive in time, but I'd leave some spare time to retry if you care at all.


I'm not a cannon designer but... why the fuck would you have separate barrels? Particularly when the timing is... sort of a big deal? Wasn't grapeshot already a thing? Couldn't you have packed the balls and chain into something that would fit the barrel?


Getting infuriated over this stupid prick's bullshit, mildly or otherwise, just isn't worth it.


I suppose it's real easy without any actual values or ethics whatsoever.

TIL that player behaviors to a software bug that created a pandemic in World of Warcraft had similarities to COVID-19 in the real world (

… researchers noted the similarities between the game and the real-world pandemics. Both had an immediate impact on dense urban areas, which limited the effectiveness of containment procedures in stopping the spread of disease, while air travel, like fast travel, allowed infections to spread across large parts of the world...


Would've been perfect if Arthas or whoever spread dangerous misinformation.

Star Trek transporters

Transporters work by de-assembling something (e.g. you) and re-assembling it somewhere else. What if, when you’re dis-assembled, you die, and the re-assembled version of you is essentially a copy? Then every time someone steps onto a transporter, their final thought before death is that they’ll end up beamed somewhere else....


Haven't watched Star Trek in any form, but I think I've heard of this thought experiment before anyway.

The way I see it: "the you" at the transmitter will die. There's no place for you to go as your body is torn into atoms, unless you start bringing in "souls" or something. The question in the more philosophical sense is that, suppose you can get a 100% identical clone down to (almost) continuity of consciousness... is that still you? Really you, whatever that means?

Speaking of which... what if you left out the "breaking down" part? Are there just two of you now?


I don't think that's quite the same. Sleeping (or intoxication) is a temporary effect clouding your "normal" consciousness. Once whatever caused it goes away - assuming nothing actually changed, as you say - you're back to your old self. While sleep is "discontinuity of consciousness" in one way, a tell is that you can still remember dreams. If you've ever had (deep) general anesthesia, that time you were under can seem like it's "missing" in a way that pure sleep doesn't.

In contrast, the teleporter sort of... obliterates you, shredding you into atoms and rebuilding you later (if the matter doesn't need to "travel", at least the information is limited to light speed). It'd be no different from any other catastrophic damage to the brain.

amio, (edited )

You can use C# (don't)

C# users are second-class citizens in Godot. Many features such as web exports don't work with C# projects, and C# often has bugs specific to it and often lacks tutorials/documentation

... welp. So... any more details on this? I'm not learning a single-purpose language.

Edit: yes, GDScript seems nice, I know. Please stop recommending it though :P


I'm sure you're right, and it looks serviceable. It's not really about that, though. I've done the "learn a new language" thing many, many times. It gets old and I'm sort of over it - it's not as fun as it once was, particularly now I have my favorite that I know well and am good at.


It's so vague it's hard to really say. Generally, what seems easy at first is often actually just lazy or poorly thought out. Putting in the effort to do things properly can save you a lot of headaches down the road.


I'm re-reading them again and quite like them, but OP might not - depending on what they consider bigotry and how sensitive they are. It was written in the 80s (Belgariad, anyway) and sensibilities have moved on a bit.

Especially ethnicity is very simplistic in the Belgariad - these races are mostly good, these races are mostly bad, each one has a pithy stereotype and people seem to behave more or less like theirs dictates. That seems unfortunate, but in-universe this is justified - the races really are significantly different through selection (7 gods each picked their people), breeding and religious pressure. One of the gods is the Big Bad, making for an "evil race". The story is not quite that black and white, but it's also only as complicated as needed.

I think taking it as commentary is a big mistake - at worst it's still just kinda lazy, IMO - but some people will likely get offended by it anyway. ("This will probably offend Polgara, but that's too bad. If it wasn't this, she'd just find something else.")

I would still recommend it to anyone who likes irreverent (for the 80s) High Fantasy - the story is bog standard YA Fantasy/coming-of-age etc., but then the story isn't really the point. While not Tolkien or Sanderson level worldbuilding, it certainly fits the lore part.

What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

The thought came to mind after reading a recent post about Baldurs Gate 3 here but it reminded me of the Japense only PSX game Mizzurna Falls where if you don’t perform a certain action early in the game you are prevented from getting a true ending. While this might not be a traditional soft lock because you can still progress...


The open world itself is not fake, but IMO the game is "No True Open World Game" as long as it keeps hijacking you all the time. The world itself is pretty deec. If you're on PC you can try the Resistance mod, it lets you customize the game a lot including how intrusive the main quest is.


Tons. I think some are included in Resistance, or at least you can tweak certain things to be less airsoft-y. Haven't played in a while. Nexus has a bunch of stuff anyway.

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