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What an awful and painful process

Yeah… that’s why almost nobody uses Xamarin. The fast approaching train if you’re invested in Xamarin (for others, the light at the end of the tunnel) is SwiftUI which is the first good SDK designed to create cross platform user interfaces.

SwiftUI isn’t on Windows yet - but it’s coming.

Just got my first iPhone since the 3G, now what?

I’ve been using Google Pixels since they were Nexus phones and just activated my new 14 yesterday. It’s a little weird but I like it so far. I do miss twire instead of twitch, YouTube re-Vance’d, and Firefox with Adblock. What does a long term android user like me need to know/install/settings tweak/etc?


You’ll want to spend some time learning how notifications work as they’re quite different.

Also - seriously consider buying an Apple Watch - doesn’t have to be the most expensive model. iPhone and Apple Watch are good products on their own, but combined they are amazing.

What to learn next, Swift or Rust

I’ve been programming for decades, though usually for myself, not as a profession. My current go-to language is Python, but I’m thinking of learning either Swift (I’m currently on the Apple ecosystem), or Rust. Which one do you think will be the best in terms of machine learning support in a couple of years and how easy is...


Note libdispatch runs on older versions of Apple Platforms than those version numbers. The backwards compatible code paths aren’t just for other operating systems - that’s how it works on older Apple platforms too.


LLama2 and Llama are basically excatly the same model, except the “2” version has a more permissive license and was trained with a larger source data set. Nobody should use the old one ever, and I expect the noncommercial license is part of a contract Meta signed with someone who provided source material.

This is “CodeLlama” which was built on Llama2 and allows commercial use.


Please - while connecting the cable to the bottom is less than ideal, it’s still var better than swapping out batteries.

It’s not like they need to be plugged in all day - if it dies on you, fill up your glass of water and you’ll be fine. Also low battery warnings appear weeks before it goes flat.


Do they block outside sound though? AirPods do and the trouble with that is you’re also trapping air in with your ears.

And the air being trapped close to your skin will inevitably be a different temperature to the air on the other side of the material. The temperature gradient creates condensation. It’s inevitable.

Assuming you want good sound isolation* the solution isn’t to avoid condensation, it’s to design it so the condensation forms somewhere that it doesn’t matter.

(* AirPods sound isolation is so good they have a microphone on the outside which, if it detects a fire/eathquake/etc evacuation siren, will replay that sound with the headphone speaker)


AFAIK “near” means “in a minute’s time, you might be within a thousand feet of another aircraft”.

Which means 99.99% of the time they didn’t “need” to divert course, but they did out of an abundance of caution.


Apple has only advertised the starting price. I bet that price has less storage.

If I had one of these, I wouldn’t do any design work on it. It’d just be a fancy display for my Mac, and just like I’m fine with having no storage on any of my displays I’d be fine if the headset had none either.


Uh no, the worst is a tie between XML and JSON.

XML because the syntax is hard to read and even harder to write, and JSON because you can’t do comments. WTF.


You don’t need an $800 phone to be rescued - there are cheaper devices with the same capability (in fact, they often have larger antennas and are much more reliable in low signal situations).

The thing is though - most people don’t even know Personal Locator Beacons are a thing, let alone own one, let alone have one on their person when they need it. People do, however, take their phone everywhere.

Hopefully soon this feature will be free and mandatory on all phones, just like the ability to call 911 even if it means roaming on another network for the call.


What are you talking about? This isn’t an ad.


when you try to log in again your iPhone compares your face by repeating step 1 and 2 (but not storing the map this time) and comparing it to the map created in step 2.

It stores the map every time. That way if, for example, you grow a beard or gain/lose weight the stored data will be kept up to date.

abhibeckert, (edited )

AFAIK the “action button” is going to replace the “mute” switch which is rumoured to be the most common component failure on recent model iPhones. Pocket lint/etc is can be forced into the switch every time you operate it and eventually that leads to failure (normally long after the warranty runs out and when repairing the button would cost more than the device is worth).

Apple is on a long running effort to increase device longevity and that switch is the biggest barrier right now.

The mute switch is also prone to accidental input, and it’s the only exterior button where accidentally triggering it is potentially a problem (you could miss an important call/etc).

On top of all that - it’s a bit silly to have a slider on/off button for a feature that is already triggered in software and/or on a schedule. So the state of the slider button already doesn’t necessarily match the current mute status which is confusing. And with intelligent notifications why do you need a button anyway? You will surely be able to use the “Action” button to toggle the mute switch, but that won’t be the default button assignment. I’d bet it will be a camera button by default.

It’s expected to be a solid state pressure sensitive capacitive button with haptic feedback. Apple uses those in a bunch of other devices (the whole screen was one on older iPhones) and they are cheap, almost indistinguishable from a regular button, more reliable long term, and can only be activated deliberately (they might not work with gloves on…)


Sure - how else do you do video calls or take selfies? At least on iPhone apps cannot activate the camera unless you give them permission. I generally never do (except for video calls and selfies).


Is that a real example, or a contrived one?

I don’t think it’s normal to write a test for IShape.Area() in your example. You’d only write tests for Rectangle.Area() and Triangle.Area().

Wether or not all of that is in the same file should, in my opinion, depend how many tests there are. If there are “too many” lines of code, split it into multiple files.

abhibeckert, (edited )

I didn’t downvote, but my understanding is Apple has already lost this particular battle and the company was ordered, a month ago, to stop rejecting apps that contain links to a website where you can buy stuff.

Apple has filed a petition with the supreme court but all of the analysis I’ve (by people more qualified than me) found the petition has zero merit.

Apple isn’t hoping to win the case, they are abusing the legal process so they can continue to violate antitrust law despite being found guilty in court. Chances are when those few months are over, they still won’t fully comply. They’ll make a minor change to bring the App Store policies a fingernail closer to compliance and Epic will have to go back to the court and complain, creating a whole new set of legal bickering and court decisions against Apple which they will again be able to appeal. It could drag on for another decade.

The lawsuit has already dragged on for three years and while Epic didn’t get everything they want (e.g. they can’t bring the Epic Games Store to iPhone), Epic did win one of the biggest things they were complaining about and Apple has been proven guilty of antitrust law. It’s time for Apple to start complying.


irrelevant to the point of the article

What are you talking about? Of course it’s relevant.

Hard drives are unreliable, they always have been and they probably always will be.

I’ve personally had three drives fail in the last 12 months - two HDDs and one SSD. And both of those were internal hard drives either in a data center or at least on a desk in a properly climate controlled office. All three of them were from far more reputable manufacturers than WD. I suspect none of those failures were the actual disk by the way pretty sure they were all chipset or firmware failures.

Your solution doesn’t have to be RAID, but it has to be something better than “I’ll just keep this file on a single drive”.

WD should absolutely do better - but at the same time even if they did do better it still wouldn’t be good enough. There shouldn’t be any data loss when (not if) a drive fails.


Second paragraph of the article: “My colleague Vjeran just lost 3TB of video”.

It’s not just the title, the entire article is about data loss. To be honest what really bothers me about the article is the whole thing points fingers at WD for making a mistake, while conveniently ignoring that fact that a Verge employee also made a mistake and I’d argue a worse one by failing to backup their data.

If the article was about “it’s annoying to have to wait for a replacement drive to be sent” then I’d be right on board. But that’s not what the article is about.


If you have an iPhone, it’s a good move.

There are a few small things Garmin watches are better at, but there’s a massive list of things Apple Watches do better than Garmin ones. It’s not even close.

I’m pretty sure the Series 9 is mostly unchanged because there’s basically nothing left Apple can do to improve the hardware… it’s just a waiting game for batteries that hold more power - which will allow more features.

On battery life… Garmin advertises “8 days” for the Vivoactive 4 but that’s only if you don’t use certain features. It’s exactly the same with an Apple Watch… real world battery life depends what is active, how many notifications you receive, how often you check the time, how often you are out of bluetooth range of your phone or a wifi network, etc etc.

Generally because Apple watches can do more than Garmin watches, you’re likely to get less real world battery life. But it’s easy enough to charge them once a day (20 minutes or so on the charger is enough. Doesn’t have to be overnight).

The lowest power mode an Apple Watch can run in (it will only tell you the time) will last a full month on a charge.


The accelerator curve is really cool. A lot of modern cars just have a sensor that detects your pedal position and a simple algorithm decides how much power to translate that into. It’s like adjusting the mouse speed on a computer. Feels like you’re driving a different car.

Having said that, the default curve is often the best curve. They put a lot more effort into getting it right than you would.


Yeah about those ‘premium connectivity features’… one of them is warning you that the road you’re about to drive on has a traffic jam. And no, you can’t have it use your phone’s internet connection and you also can’t do CarPlay or Android Auto.

For me real time traffic isn’t a premium feature or an ad on. It’s table stakes. And it should be free. Worse, not having it already almost makes your car hard to sell secondhand. Imagine what it’ll be like several years ago when people start selling Rivians?

abhibeckert, (edited )

Being “good at engineering” doesn’t change the laws of physics.

Those Nokia phones were not waterproof. Also, I’m pretty sure they were thicker.

An o-ring only works if the battery cover is rigid enough that it will not flex at all even if, for example, you drop the phone in cold water rapidly cooling the battery cover while the internals stay warm for a minute or two.

The battery cover will change size slightly with the temperature change and no screw can be strong enough to stop that. Covering the entire battery cover in glue and attaching it to the battery though… that will eliminate the movement.

Perhaps Apple can find a water proof battery. But there’s no way they can keep water out of the battery compartment while being user serviceable.


No, it can’t be done. The iPhone is as thin as it is because the battery cover is glued to the battery. Take away the glue and it just can’t be that thin (or at least, if it was that thin it would be too weak - you’d probably snap the logic board by just putting it in a pocket - sometimes phones get pressed against your leg and legs are round).

abhibeckert, (edited )

I get caught outside in the rain unexpectedly about a dozen times a year living in a tropical city where it can go from dry to raining so heavy you can’t see the other side of the street with about 30 seconds warning.

Those powerful storms are often very small and they might only rain for a minute or two. It’s impossible to predict when they will pass over, the city might be hit by 50 or so of them in a single day, but they’re so small most of the city won’t see any rain even though it technically rained 50 times somewhere in the city.

Despite being small they it can be heavy enough to cause flash flooding. The city has pumps that can force 70,000 litres of water per second out of the city and into the ocean (before that, it was near impossible to live here).

I carry a dry bag for my laptop and headphones everywhere I go, I guess I’d be putting my phone in there too, which will be annoying.

abhibeckert, (edited )

I wish the term used was “water resistance” and not “waterproof”. That semantic annoys me.

In my experience they are waterproof. I have AppleCare+ so if my phone were to suffer water damage it’d be relatively cheap to get it fixed, and I fairly frequently expose my phones to water. I’ve never lost one to water damage so far.

My understanding is the water proof glue can in theory be damaged if it’s exposed to extreme temperatures and the like - that’s why Apple doesn’t cover water damage for free. But I’ve done that too (I’ve had my phone shut down with a temperature error a few times - usually when it’s on my motorbike in the full sun for an extended period of time with a map open… it’s fine while riding with the windchill but if you park the bike or get stuck in traffic, then it can overheat). Mine still hasn’t died int he rain including 60mph driving rain (on the motorbike…) which it’s supposedly not designed to handle. Every time that’s happened I haven’t really had a choice. I’d rather get where I’m going than stand in the rain parked on the side of the road waiting how long, five minutes? three hours? for the rain to stop.

The one time I have lost a phone to the water damage it wasn’t water it was extreme humidity. So I suspect putting the phone in a backpack, and then riding a motorbike in the rain, will actually increase the risk. Proper water has surface tension that stops it entering microscopic gaps. Humidity doesn’t do that. And the inside of a backpack is never dry on a motorbike in the rain.


What makes you think that? Just yesterday I asked “how can I make an excel file in X language?”

GPT-4 suggested two libraries, one popular but not maintained, the other new(ish) and maintained. It told me how to install the latter and provided sample code for a simple hello world spreadsheet.

I was then able to ask for a few tweaks, like sending output to stdout instead of to a file on disk, and using 4,2 cell coordinates instead of D2 coordinates. It was able to tell me how to tell Excel that “4 Feb 2042” is a date value, not a string value, make the heading columns bold, make the column widths automatically calculated based on the content, etc etc.

The whole think was so one-of-a-kind I doubt you could find questions to all those answers (especially with a specific library) on the regular Stack Overflow and even if they are there it’d be a dozen separate questions that I’d need to piece together.

FBI Seizure of Mastodon Server is a Wakeup Call to Fediverse Users and Hosts to Protect their Users (www.eff.org)

**Synopsis:**The article discusses the FBI’s seizure of the Mastodon server and emphasizes the need for privacy protection in decentralized platforms like the Fediverse. It calls for hosts to implement basic security measures, adopt policies to protect users, and notify them of law enforcement actions. Users are encouraged to...


Passwords also shouldn’t be re-used, in which case if they are stolen it doesn’t matter as much - since whoever stole your password likely doesn’t need it to access your stuff.

abhibeckert, (edited )

Apple sold this feature as an alternative to captchas.

In order to sign up for Lemmy, I had to pass a captcha check to prove I’m human. Now that bots can trivially be better than any human at captchas we have to find something else. Is attestation a good option? We can debate that, but it’s definitely on the table. And I expect Firefox will implement it (even if only via a plugin) if it becomes widely adopted.


It was part of the same keynote speech where Apple announced their virtual reality headset… so the media largely didn’t cover it.

But Apple absolutely did announce it, and as loudly as they possibly could with a high profile executive standing on stage before a live (online live, but still live) audience of millions of people and every tech journalist in the world to demo the feature. There’s also extensive documentation and whitepapers covering how the crypto works, and I expect it was discussed on public mailing lists ahead of time (I don’t follow those mailing lists - they’re too busy, so not sure about that one).


Well, for starters, the fall started six months before ChatGPT launched. And there was a brief uptick in traffic after ChatGPT’s launch.

For me the real problem with Stack Overflow, as someone who was one of the earliest users of the service, is when you ask a question now you don’t actually get a good answer anymore. Often your question just gets deleted by moderators. And even when I’ve answered someone’s perfectly good question, the question (and my answer) have been deleted by mods.

All I can say is thank god ChatGPT came when it did, because we needed something to replace Stack Overflow.


It might not be much of a loss. The average quality of answers there has been mediocre for as long as I can remember.

Who cares what the average is? You only need one good answer. And even a shitty answer can often steer you in the right direction by pointing out a facet of the problem you missed by being too deep in the weeds. Bad answers can easily be edited to transform them into good answers or once the asker figures it out they can even answer it themselves, maybe a week later. Also it’s not just the person asking the question, but also every other person who stumbles across your question has a chance to be helped.

And on top of that, you could could add a bounty and you’d definitely get a good answer - as long as you have enough reputation to place a bounty, which was pretty trivial… just go answer other questions while waiting for yours to be answered and your your rep would climb high - doing that got me to the top 1% on the site.

Bad questions can also be edited to become good questions (often that’s as easy as marking it a duplicate, which then helps people who search with alternate phrases find what they’re looking for).

These days your question is likely to just be deleted. Even if it’s a good question… my rep is high enough that I see deleted stuff and it’s full of things that should not have been deleted - the fall of Stack Overflow is a travesty in my opinion.


It wouldn’t be very good.

Most people want answers, not questions, and with Stack Overflow the answers are usually already there and easy to find. Plus they are maintained and kept up to date, so if something was correct six years ago but isn’t anymore, that will usually be obvious before you try the solution.

Some kind of federated stack overflow alternative could be awesome, but Lemmy is not it and never will be.


Would be better to replace some of that office space with living space, that’s a more sensible use of the area

Who would want to live in the middle of a CBD?

The only possible reason I can think of is to avoid the hellish commute into/out of a CBD every day… but if there were less offices in the CBD then there wouldn’t be a hellish commute, and you’d be far happier living near the CBD instead of in the CBD.

Having “living space” doesn’t just mean somewhere to sleep, it also means somewhere to kick a ball around or read a book in peace under the shade of a tree. Space like that is in extremely short supply in any CBD - even where it exists someone else is already using it so you can’t.

Offices also don’t have enough water infrastructure for a bunch of people to have a shower at the same time, or enough gas/electricity for everyone to make a cup of coffee or cook at once. They’d need major infrastructure upgrades to support residential living and it usually makes more sense to find some other use until they are old enough to justify being demolished and rebuilt.


Not a lawyer, but I suspect where Apple could land in hot water is apparently 85% of iPhone App developers are only paying $100 per year. They don’t pay any commission to Apple at all, because the apps collect revenue via some other source.

So Apple is essentially singling out 15% of developers and forcing them to pay a extraordinarily more than what most of their competitors are paying.

I expect it will also hurt Apple’s case they are directly competing with millions of developers. You want to sell a note taking app for example? You’re competing directly with Apple. And Apple has various unfair advantages.


it’s x percent but you’re using our product and infrastructure and we have to invest people and resources to verifying apps getting published.

If Apple wanted, they could allow developers to supply their own infrastructure. It would cost a lot less than 30% of the developer’s gross revenue. Apple could also charge, say, ten thousand dollars per hour for the time the review team spends checking the app. That would also work out to astronomically less than 30% of the developer’s gross revenue.

The App Store is a great service and Apple is entitled to collect a fee. But the amount they’re charging is excessive. In a fair market with proper competition they could never get away with charging that much.


Just because it’s the industry standard rate doesn’t mean it’s acceptable. It used to cost $0.25 to send an SMS and $1.25 to send an international SMS. Mobile data on international roaming used to cost $10 per megabyte.

Those were standard prices. That didn’t make them “fair”. Eventually various forces came into effect in and the prices dropped down to where they are now, which is often pretty close to free.

With the monopoly control Apple has over the App Store, it isn’t possible for the natural market to push prices down to where they should be, which means the only way to get there is through lawsuits, regulation, fines, etc etc. This isn’t the first lawsuit, and it won’t be the last. Apple might win this battle but they’re not going to win the war.

abhibeckert, (edited )

What’s not true? It is absolutely true that the majority of apps on the App Store don’t pay (or at least pay very little). And it’s true that the ones that do pay are paying billions of dollars.

Antitrust law is all about ensuring competitors are on equal footing with each other. Apple’s walled garden makes equal footing impossible. Is it illegal? I don’t know. But I think it should be and I hope the laws are adjusted if necessary to make it illegal.

Fair competition is critical for a functioning economy. It’s fundamentally unfair that a select few app developers are forced to collectively pay billions of dollars in fees that nobody else has to pay.


As far as I know the main advantage is if something goes wrong, Microsoft’s support team will help you fix the problem (if you pay for support).


Mac laptops are the best hardware

That’s just not true. For example Macs don’t support touch input and none of them have cellular either.

the majority of business’ will always go the cheapest route.

In my experience most businesses care more about features than cost. Sure, if two products have an identical feature set they’ll pick the cheaper one. But a direct comparison like that is pretty rare - mostly only limited to tower PCs.

With most programs going web based, a polished Linux distro would win today.

I’m seeing more and more Android tablets and iPads, never Linux. Whenever possible I try to encourage iPads… mostly because I’ve never actually encountered an Android tablet that works well.


If a dev told me it was ‘easier’ to develop web on a Mac, I’d know they were inexperienced or just wanted a company paid Mac.

First of all, if they’re a good developer and they want a Mac. Fuck me just give them one yeah? Chances are they’ll look for a job somewhere else if you refuse, and you’ll spend how many hours interviewing / inducting / training potential candidates, rejecting most of them, and for what, to save a few hundred bucks?

Anyway you’re dead wrong about web development being the same on all three platforms. Docker in particular is a completely unique beast on all three, and Docker is currently the easiest way to do web development on all three platforms. It runs native on Linux, in WSL on Windows, and in a VM on a Mac.

Of the three, the Mac is by far the worst way to run Docker. But the Mac has other advantages, just to name one they have a proper debug environment for the iPhone version of Safari. I could name others, but the only one I’ll mention is the Apple Silicon chipsets are really nice.


Sure but if they chose a better publishing platform that time wasting overlay wouldn’t be there.

Maybe if the author chose better tools, they wouldn’t have to wait around so much? I don’t have to wait 1 second for a unit test to run for example - and I don’t have particularly fast hardware…


Apple has just recently transitioned to an entirely new CPU architecture and they did that because the old architecture was starting to get pretty shit especially for gaming.

So unfortunately I don’t recommend buying anything too old. You want an “M1” as a bare minimum and preferably with 16GB of RAM. It probably won’t be as cheap as you were hoping, since the M1 is a fairly recent model. Anything older is a waste of money in my opinion.

Apple has two laptop lines, “Pro” and “Air”. Both will run WOW perfectly fine (if they have an M1 or newer). The Air is going to be cheaper unless you find a really good deal on a secondhand Pro.

As for where to find them - I’d start with Facebook Marketplace.

There are anti-theft features built into all Apple products. The seller will need to unlock the laptop before selling it to you. DO NOT buy anything from Apple that hasn’t been unlocked. Aside from potentially being stolen, the lock cannot be bypassed. You’ll end up with a computer you cannot use.

The seller needs to follow these steps: support.apple.com/en-au/HT201065 and as a buyer you need to make sure they have been followed.

abhibeckert, (edited )

You can use Audio Hijack Pro to strip DRM from any audio format (there are other options, but that’s the one I use and the only one I have any experience with).

You will definitely need to strip the DRM. Alternatively you can “buy” the music in iTunes for 99c per song - those don’t have any DRM.

I don’t do any DJing, but in live theatre we use QLab for audio playback and I’m sure it would work fine for your use case even though it’s not specifically designed for DJ work. Basically put all your audio files in a folder, then create a playlist in QLab - (QLab calls them “Workspaces”).

By default, QLab is setup to hit spacebar (or the “GO” button) when you want to start playback on an individual audio file. You can configure it to start the next song when the first one is finished (and you can cross fade them). Read the manual… it’s a complex tool with features that can be a little overwhelming at first, but it really is simple and easy to use once you get your head around it.

QLab is free if all you need is stereo audio without any fancy effects/etc. If you want surround sound, video, special effects lighting, smoke machines, etc, then it costs a few dollars per performance (until you’ve used it 400 times - and then it’s free after that).


I don’t know of a project that does this, but if I was to tackle it I would convert the RSS to the Activity Streams standard - www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-core/.

Activity Streams are basically the new RSS and it’s a lot better than RSS.

Mastodon is built on Activity Pub, which is built on Activity Streams - so you shouldn’t even need to touch RSS at all. The AS already exists. You can access it via the API.

Under European laws all services are required to give you a copy of all data associated with your account if you ask for it. And Mastodon being a European product is of course fully compliant. Just go to your profile and hit the “Request your Archive” button. You could do that once a month or something.


If someone types the word “how are you?” into an SMS message box… chances are really high the other person will respond with “I’m good, how are you?” or something along those lines.

That’s how ChatGPT works. It’s essentially a database of likely responses to questions.

It’s not a fixed list of responses to every possible question, it’s a mathematical one that can handle arbitrary questions and deliver the most likely arbitrary response. So for example if you ask “how you are?” you’ll get the same answer as “how are you?”

ChatGPT is also programmed to behave a certain way - for example if you actually ask how it is, it will tell you it’s not a person and doesn’t have feelings/etc. That’s not part of the algorithm, that’s part of the “instructions” OpenAI has given to ChatGPT. They have specifically told it not to imply that it is human or alive.

Finally - it’s a little bit random, so if you ask the same question 20 times, you’ll get 20 slightly different responses.

ChatGPT is not “impressively smart” at all. It’s just responding with mathematically the most likely answer to every question you ask. It will often give the same answer as a smart person, but not always. For example I just asked it how far from my city to a nearby town, it said 50 miles that it’d take 2 hours to drive there. The correct answer is 40 miles / 1 hour.

I expect there’s probably a whole bunch of incorrect information in the training data set — it’s a popular tourist drive, and tourists probably would take longer, stop along the way, take detours, etc. For a tourist, ChatGPT’s answer might be correct. But it’s not because it’s smart, it’s just that’s what the algorithm produces.


Raycast has replaced BetterTouchTool for me. I own a license for BTT, have it installed, but it’s never running anymore.


Definitely check out the Contexts app.

It replaces some of the core window management features and can be configured to make Mac window management a bit more like what you’re used to on Windows/Linux.


The way Facetime works is extensively documented and thoroughly audited by third parties - many of whom publish their findings.

If China had a back door into Facetime, I suspect I’d know about it as someone who follows these things pretty closely.

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