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@aard@kyu.de avatar

It wasn’t really a replacement - Ethernet was never tied to specific media, and various cabling standards coexisted for a long time. For about a decade you had 10baseT, 10base2, 10base5 and 10baseF deployments in parallel.

I guess when you mention coax you’re thinking about 10base2 - the thin black cables with T-pieces end terminator plugs common in home setups - which only arrived shortly before 10baseT. The first commercially available cabling was 10base5 - those thick yellow cables you’d attach a system to with AUI transceivers. Which still were around as backbone cables in some places until the early 00s.

The really big change in network infrastructure was the introduction of switches instead of hubs - before that you had a collision domain spanning the complete network, now the collision domain was reduced to two devices. Which improved responsiveness of loaded networks to the point where many started switching over from token ring - which in later years also commonly was run over twisted pair, so in many cases switching was possible without touching the cables.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Ethernet is awesome. Super fast, doesn’t matter how many people are using it,

You wanted to say “Switched Ethernet is awesome”. The big problem of Etherpad before that was the large collision domain, which made things miserable with high load. What Ethernet had going for it before that was the low price - which is why you’ve seen 10base2 setups commonly in homes, while companies often preferred something like Token Ring.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Und das sollte man VOR der Einstellung von Leuten schon mal ansprechen.

Tut man doch. Gibt genug Leute aus dem linken Umfeld die bei der Verbeamtung probleme hatten.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Ist hier in Finnland auch kostenlos. Als ich die Frau damals zur Geburt beigleitet habe war die Begruessung “dass wir wlan haben wisst ihr?”, gefolgt von einer Einweisung welche Steckdosen im Kreissaal am besten zum Laden geeignet sind.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Der Zeitpunkt den die da planen ist etwas spaet um da korrigierend einzugreifen.

Mal zum Vergleich wie das hier in Finnland laeuft: Ab 5 (das sind hier noch zwei Jahre Kindergarten, Schule ist ein Jahr spaeter als in Deutschland) bekommen die Auslaenderkinder im Kindergarten jede Woche Sprachunterricht. Die Lehrerin die dazu die Kindergaerten abklappert geht aber auch regelmaessig zu den kleineren Kindern, und schaut ob es da Foerderbedarf gibt - wir haben bei unseren Kindern ab 3 immer Rueckmeldungen bekommen wie das mit der Sprachentwicklung aussieht.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Ich hab nach den diversen Kommentaren ueber das “falsch geparkte Fahrrad” etwas gesucht, gibt dazu einiges interessantes.

Halteverbotsschilder untersagen nicht das Abstellen von Fahrraedern auf dem Gehweg. Fuer Parkplaetze gibt es keine Regelung was da jetzt parken darf - man muss aber platzsparend parken. Mit einem Fahrrad den kompletten Parkplatz blockieren kann wohl 10 EUR Bussgeld kosten. So wie auf dem obigen Bild abgestellt waere aber OK.

Die naechste Frage waere dann ob man einen Parkschein braucht - Berlin hat das wohl jetzt geregelt, und erlaubt kostenloses Parken fuer Fahrraeder. In anderen Staedten ist die Frage offen, hier ist ein interessanter Artikel mit Kommentaren dazu - beim Fahrrad kann der Parkschein nicht Diebstahlsicher aufbewahrt werden, und mangels Kennzeichen ist das mit dem Bussgeld auch nicht so einfach, daher Tendenz zu “evtl. muss man nicht loesen, falls doch unklar wie das durchgesetzt wird”

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Ich hab compose auf l_ctrl, aber Tippgeschwindigkeit geht zu weit nach unten mit den schlecht erreichbaren Tasten, daher nutz ich das selten.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

As a shortsighted person - reading with an ebook reader in bed after removing glasses is significantly easier than reading an actual book.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Because it isn’t. This impacts when the scheduler kicks in, not on how many cores stuff is running on. With fewer cores scheduler is faster triggered again, and and at 8 cores the adjustment for that stops. Which may be an intentional decision to avoid high latency issues.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

You have a list of systems you’ve connected to in known_hosts, though. And the config file is easy enough to parse - throwing away the stuff you don’t care about - to expand on that list.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

I assume you mean “lookup”, as import doesn’t really make much sense.

I’m currently using this with wofi, though I’ll eventually rewrite it as anyrun plugin, which provides a bit more control:

<span style="color:#323232;">#!/usr/bin/env python3
</span><span style="color:#323232;">from argparse import ArgumentParser
</span><span style="color:#323232;">import subprocess
</span><span style="color:#323232;">import json
</span><span style="color:#323232;">import os
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">ssh_config_file = "~/.ssh/config"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">ssh_known_hosts_file = "~/.ssh/known_hosts"
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;"># Returns a list of all hosts
</span><span style="color:#323232;">def get_hosts():
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    hosts = []
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    with open(os.path.expanduser(ssh_config_file)) as f:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        content = f.readlines()
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    for line in content:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        line = line.lstrip()
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        # Ignore wildcards
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        if line.startswith('Host ') and not '*' in line:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">            for host in line.split()[1:]:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">                hosts.append(host)
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    # Removes duplicate entries
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    hosts = sorted(set(hosts))
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    return hosts
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">def get_known_hosts():
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    hosts = []
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    with open(os.path.expanduser(ssh_known_hosts_file)) as f:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        content = f.readlines()
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    for line in content:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        line = line.lstrip()
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        host_entry = line.partition(" ")[0]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        hosts.append(host_entry.partition(",")[0])
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    # Removes duplicate entries
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    hosts = sorted(set(hosts))
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    return hosts
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;"># Returns a newline seperated UFT-8 encoded string of all ssh hosts
</span><span style="color:#323232;">def parse_hosts(hosts):
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    return "n".join(hosts).encode("UTF-8")
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;"># Executes wofi with the given input string
</span><span style="color:#323232;">def show_wofi(command, hosts):
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    process = subprocess.Popen(command,shell=True,stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    ret = process.communicate(input=hosts)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    host, rest = ret
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    return host
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;"># Switches the focus to the given id
</span><span style="color:#323232;">def ssh_to_host(host, terminal, ssh_command):
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    if "]:" in host:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        host, port = host[1:].split("]:")
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        command = "{terminal} '{ssh_command} {host} -p {port}'".format(terminal=terminal, ssh_command=ssh_command, host=host, port=port)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    else:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        command = "{terminal} '{ssh_command} {host}'".format(terminal=terminal, ssh_command=ssh_command, host=host)
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    process = subprocess.Popen(command,shell=True)
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;"># Entry point
</span><span style="color:#323232;">if __name__ == "__main__":
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    parser = ArgumentParser(description="Wofi based ssh launcher")
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    parser.add_argument("terminal", help='Terminal command to use')
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    parser.add_argument("--ssh-command", dest='ssh_command', default='ssh', help='ssh command to use (default=ssh)')
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    parser.add_argument("--mode", dest='mode', default='known_hosts', help='where to read from (default=known_hosts)')
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    parser.add_argument("--command", default='wofi -p "SSH hosts: " -d -i --hide-scroll', help='launcher command to use')
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    args = parser.parse_args()
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    if (args.mode == "config"):
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        hosts = get_hosts()
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    elif (args.mode == "known_hosts"):
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        hosts = get_known_hosts()
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    parsed_hosts = parse_hosts(hosts)
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    selected = show_wofi(args.command, parsed_hosts)
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    selected_host = selected.decode('utf-8').rstrip()
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    if selected_host != "":
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        ssh_to_host(selected_host, args.terminal, args.ssh_command)
@aard@kyu.de avatar

There’s a lot of other stuff where Wayland improves the experience. Pretty much everything hotplug works to some extend on X, but it’s all stuff that got bolted on later. Hotplugging an input device with a custom keymap? You probably can get it working somewhat reliably by having udev triggers call your xmodmap scripts - or just use a Wayland compositor handling that.

Similar with xrandr - works a lot of the time nowadays, but still a compositor just dealing with that provides a nicer experience.

Plus it stops clients from doing stupid things - changing resolutions, moving windows around or messing up what is focused is also a thing of the past.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Ich hatte mal nen Nachbarn der sich immer wahnsinnig ueber Glutamat in verschiedenen Restaurants aufgeregt hat.

Er hat mir dann irgendwann zum Kochen ein Einmachglas mit so einem tollen Gewuerz das er immer von den Philippinen mitbringt gegeben. Total natuerlich, wird dort aus Algen hergestellt.

Fast 20 Jahre spaeter fuelle ich in seinem Andenken mein Glutamat immer noch in das Glas.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

It’s getting better. I recently removed a bunch of AIX and Solaris specific dotfiles/directories that haven’t been of use for years.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

I just googled that, assuming it must be something from the 50s or maybe 60s - but 2008? What the fuck is wrong with you guys over there?

@aard@kyu.de avatar

You’re describing a shitty password manager.

In my case I have a local copy of the encrypted password database, and my master password unlocks the encryption key for that, which is stored in a hardware dongle. Browsers and other high risk software are running isolated and have no access to the encrypted password database or the hardware dongle.

I mainly see two factor authentication as a way for service providers to be lazy about account protection on their side, which they try to outsource to me.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Yeah, I assumed you meant the master password to the password manager.

Still, that falls under the duty of the page I’m visiting to keep their stuff secure - and while I’m very unhappy about some recent practices¹ I’d more for documenting and battling it out in court, if necessary.

¹ My browser configuration used to prevent 3rd party iframes or similar constructs for entering passwords - unfortunately in recent years some idiots decided that’s good design, so more and more often you nowadays have to allow embedding third party components without it being visible where it comes from.

Even worse, quite often credit card verification or other payment forms get embedded the same way. Until a few years ago my bank was throwing errors in their forms when they got embedded this way, but unfortunately they caved in to the general idiocy out there, and allow that nowadays.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

A lot of current “best industry practices” - including the ones described - are grossly negligent. It also moves the burden of proof of responsibility for a security incident more in my direction - while providing me less and less means to prevent it.

With the iframe example - I nowadays typically can’t see if I enter my credentials (including potential 2FA to unlock a session) into a form belonging to my bank, or some malicious 3rd party without going into developer settings. That’s not acceptable.

There’s no good reason for a modern browser even allow this - just as there’s no good reason for allowing to load script files from arbitrary domains. But we now have the situation where the business model of the main browser developer depends on not stopping that kind of behaviour.

So what I want is that putting design over sensible security choices gets expensive for companies - and I’m not interested in adding some band-aid reducing their risk while this is not the case.

The only online accounts I care about are my bank accounts - for those I’m using hardware dongles for TAN generation instead of the shitty Android app their pushing (which would allow transactions without external auth, due to some “trusted device” nonsense). Everything else can either be replaced, or is on my own infrastructure.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

And if you do, do you intentionally not use MFA (if it’s available) because you believe it should be those services making sure you are secure instead of you taking steps to make it harder to compromise your accounts?

Yep. We can discuss me using a second factor once they start designing their services better.

Payment on such sites is set to require approval via my bank (hardware token), I don’t care about the purchase history - so if somebody manages to breach the account and order something it’s entirely their problem, not mine. I’m aware they might close my account when confronted with that attitude, but I’m also fine with that.

so both sides have to take steps to secure a transaction

My passwords are stored locally encrypted, with the encryption key stored in a hardware token. The browser doesn’t have access to that. That’s already more than a lot of sites are doing for their security…

yet the minute you need to use a third party service, you let go and put everything on the service, KNOWING they are not doing a good job with it.

That’s exactly why I treat any 3rd party service as throwaway.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Is Arch really that popular nowadays?

I mainly know it from the colleague who switched to it back in 2006, and then we made fun of him over the next year for all the stuff that was broken on his system, and worked on ours. He only was let off because a new hire went for Gentoo, and had stuff even more broken.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

It’s pretty clear from all the responses here that the view is massively different depending on if you’re from the US, or not.

I’m not from the US - and Bush massively and irrevocably messed up a lot of things for me. And I’m just in the EU, not directly getting bombed by US military.

With Trump the consequences were pretty much all inside of the US, any fallout we felt over here were still from the Bush era, or to some extent Obama. Given all the damage that was done by those two maybe the structure of your government over there is shit and should be attacked - my hope from over here was that the whole Trump situation would lead to finally stuff getting fixed. It won’t be pretty for you guys - but from the outside I’d rather have someone incompetent like Trump mess up your stuff until the pain is big enough to actually do something than someone halfway competent break things on a global scale again.

I run a homelab and have no trouble finding enthusiasts who go super in-depth about how to use the hardware and software. Where are the good Apple ecosystem enthusiasts?

So as the title says, I run a homelab with various technologies — Proxmox, Home Assistant, a reverse proxy, lots of Ubiquiti equipment, and so on. Over the years I’ve consumed countless hours of articles, stack overflow posts, youtube channels, and knowledge bases to keep myself up to speed on how to use this equipment and...

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Problem with Apple is that they’re trying very hard to control use of their stuff - so working with their stuff is very annoying. I only recently looked into it again as it was required for work projects where acquiring relevant hardware wasn’t a problem - and even then it still is very annoying to manage, compared to Linux and even Windows.

I used to run cross compile setups for a bunch of open source projects 10-15 years ago, including MacOS. Back then they were using a gcc based toolchain, and thanks to GPL had to publish the base toolchain - yet they still tried very hard to break things between releases, which eventually got so bad that we decided to first drop MacOS builds, and later just completely drop MacOS support as you can’t really do that without proper hardware access.

The situation has gotten a lot worse since LLVM - which Apple was pushing in big part as it allowed them to publish their SDKs under their licenses only. So nowadays you still can download their SDK - but using it on non-Apple-silicon is against their TOS.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Das bringt auch nichts gegen Wehatsapps Martkmacht - 1:1 bekommt man immer irgendwie hin. Es sind die Gruppenchats die geoeffnet werden muessten.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Israel geht zunehmend auch am Boden gegen die Hamas vor. Das wird die humanitäre Lage im Gazastreifen weiter verschlechtern.

Das ist aktuell die einzige Chance die Lage irgendwann zu verbessern. Es gibt da grob drei Optionen:

  1. Israel hoert auf, und laesst sich ohne eigene Reaktion von Hamas aus dem Gazastreifen beschiessen. Nach dem Hamasangriff und der politischen Situation wo sich seit zwei Jahrzehnten auf beiden Seiten die radikalen Lager gegenseitig hochgeschaukelt haben wird das nicht passieren.
  2. Israel beschraenkt sich auf Luftangriffe. Das ist die Variante mit dem groessten Kollateralschaden - da Hamas in und unter zivilen Einrichtungen agiert haette das nur Erfolg wenn Israel aus dem kompletten Gazastreifen einen grossen Parkplatz machen will. Die Option kann niemand wollen - ausser vielleicht israelischen Bodentruppen.
  3. Israel geht mit Bodentruppen rein. Das wird hohe Verluste auch auf israelischer Seite haben - aber ist die einzige Moeglichkeit den Kollateralschaden wenigstens halbwegs kontrollieren zu koennen.
@aard@kyu.de avatar

They have, and in my experience it works nicer than Rosetta.

Windows 10 had it limited to 32bit binaries (but Windows 10 on ARM is generally very broken). Windows 11 can handle both 32 and 64bit emulation.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Don’t want to go into too much details - from a high level perspective the Windows version integrates better into the overall system. In Rosetta, once you’re in the emulation layer it can be rather complicated to execute native components from there. In Windows - with some exceptions - that’s not a problem.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Das mit den Postfilialen muss arg beschoenigt sein.

Das Dorf aus dem ich komme hat seit den 90ern keine Filiale mehr, bei knapp unter 3000 Einwohnern. Die Nachbarstaedte haben keine vollwertigen Fillialen, nur Agenturen.

Die naechste richtige Filiale ist 15km weg in der Kreisstadt - wobei ich nicht weiss ob es die noch gibt, sollte auch durch eine Agentur ersetzt werden.

Briefzustellung ist auch je nach Region sehr variabel.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Wieso hast du bisher Excel benutzt wenn es fuer deinen Zweck unbrauchbar war?

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Der relevante Teil ist eher “wer nicht eingezogen werden will kann das ohne Flucht aus Russland tun” - was auch heisst dass wir in Europa nur in Ausnahmefaellen russischen Wehrdienstverweigerern Asyl gewaehren sollten.

Das wurde schon mehrfach heiss diskutiert - und ich seh auch aus meiner russischen Verwandtschaft dass das kein Problem ist. Wer nicht mit dem Krieg einverstanden war oder eben einfach nicht selber mitmachen wollte hatte sofort nachdem die Mobilisierungsgeruechte kamen einen systemrelevanten Zweitjob. Wollen viele hier halt nicht glauben dass der Grund fuer russische Wehrdienstverweigerer die in die EU kommen in den meisten Faellen nicht die Sicherheit vor Verfolgung in Russland ist.

(Das gerade gesagte trifft jetzt nicht auf diverse arme Gegenden weit im Osten zu - aber die haetten eh praktisch keine Chance es nach Europa zu schaffen, wenn sie denn ueberhaupt wuessten dass das eine Moeglichkeit waere, und sind daher fuer diese Diskussion irrelevant)

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Du brauchst dafuer nicht wirklich Geld - in meiner Verwandtschaft in Russland gibt es sehr wenige die ich zur Mittelschicht zaehlen wuerde. Nicht zur Armee zu gehen - was sehr ueblich ist - ist deutlich teurer als jetzt sicherzustellen nicht einberufen zu werden.

Und im Gegensatz zu keinen Wehrdienst ableisten geht das auch durchaus komplett ohne Korruption.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Wie sprichst du China aus?

@aard@kyu.de avatar

For me personally the shitty UI of discord causes so much friction that I’ll never interact with discord ever again, unless I can reach it via some gateway from some of the messaging systems I use - which so far doesn’t happen as I’d need to log in to discord to configure the gateway. I tried that once, never again.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

It is a web designers masturbation phantasy - fancy looking, but convoluted and impractical.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

It’s been a few years since I gave it a try - so I don’t remember specifics, just the impression I described above, and that it put me off from using it.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

At least HP and Lenovo have arm64 notebooks with Windows.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

I do have a bunch of the HPs for work related projects - they are pretty nice, and the x86 emulation works pretty good (and at least feels better than the x86 emulation in MacOS) - but a lot of other stuff is problematic, like pretty much no support in Microsofts deployment/imaging tools. So far I haven’t managed to create answer files for unattended installation.

As for Linux - they do at least offer disabling secure boot, so you can boot other stuff. It’d have been nicer to be able to load custom keys, though. It is nice (yet still feeling a bit strange) to have an ARM system with UEFI. A lot of the bits required to make it working either have made it, or are on the way to upstream kernels, so I hope it’ll be usable soon.

Currently for the most stable setup I need to run it from an external SSD as that specific kernel does not have support for the internal NVME devices, and booting that thing is a bit annoying as I couldn’t get the grub on the SSD to play nice with UEFI, so I boot from a different grub, and then chainload the grub on SSD.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

User space is not breaking often enough for nvidia users. If it’d break regularly maybe users would either buy something with proper support, or force nvidia to open their stuff so it can be maintained like the rest, and no longer is a roadblock for progress.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Ich haette ja gerne Autozuege mit ordentlichem Schlafwagen zwischen Nord- und Sueddeutschland. Gibts praktisch nicht mehr, und bei dem bisschen was es noch gibt ist man dann fuer Auto+Kabine gut 4-stellig dabei - in Finnland bekommt man vergleichbares fuer die Fahrt in den Norden unter 500 EUR hin, und die Kabine ist da komfortabler (Einzelkabine mit eigener Dusche/WC).

Koennte man vielleicht zusammen mit Tempolimit angehen - wir sind so etwa einmal im Jahr im Deutschlandurlaub von Travemuende bis hinter Stuttgart, und spaeter zurueck unterwegs - da merkt man schon ob man da jetzt 160 oder 130 fahren darf.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Wenn man im Ausland wohnt bewegt man beim Heimatbesuch regelmaessig groessere Gegenstaende, in beide Richtungen.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Travemuende hat nen grossen Faehrhafen.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Flug+Mietauto fuer eine Familie ist teurer als Faehre+Benzin+eine Nacht Hotel auf dem Hin/Rueckweg, falls noetig.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Damit hab ich dann wieder das Transportproblem, und spaeter Mietwagenbedarf - was immer noch teurer ist als einfach das Auto direkt mitzunehmen.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Not Op, but:

  • Firefox works perfectly fine natively
  • chrome/chromium work perfectly fine natively when started with --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland
  • emacs since version 29 has the pgtk backend, which works without issues. I’ve been running emacs from git for about a year before the 29 release for pgtk already
  • anything Qt does wayland natively, unless they’re doing some weird stuff
  • same for GTK, only one I can remember right now with problems would me GIMP, but I’m typically using Krita nowadays
@aard@kyu.de avatar

My 9yo daughter has a tablet with family link, so I can monitor what apps she wants to install. As the garbage games are mostly at the top free, she keeps asking for games that I reject, in most cases because it’s riddled with ads.

Did you ever consider using this as opportunity to educate your daughter about ads in general, how some games try to push adds to get you to do something, and also how some games have game mechanics trying to push you to do specific things, and then just let her figure out if those games are worth playing, or not?

She’s definitely old enough - I had that discussion with my daughter when she was 5, we have an agreement that we limit the number of games installed on her phone - and the kind of shitty game you’re talking about typically gets uninstalled again pretty quickly.

In a few years she’ll be able to install stuff by herself - if you never explained to her what and why games/apps are doing she’ll not be ready to deal with that, and it’ll be out of your control.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Wayland got rid of a lot of the stupidity of apps thinking they know better what to do than the user, fortunately.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

On X11 much of the window management was considered a hint, but the application could just ignore it and do whatever it wanted.

On Wayland applications can’t do stuff like self position - they can send some hints, but the compostior is in full control of what to do with them.

I use tiling window managers, and applications doing whatever has become more and more of an issue with ion3 over the last years - together with stuff changing the display resolution (they can’t do that on wayland). Now with Hyprland on wayland pretty much all issues are gone.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

I’m aware of that - but I think when you’re marketing as Linux / open source friendly you shouldn’t be selling those systems.

I might get interested if they ever have a modern AMD system with proper coreboot support - but until then they don’t do anything special.

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