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Is it possible to clone and replace an SD card and make the device think nothing changed?

I’m considering updating from a 128GB to 512GB card. Normally, the procedure would to be create a disk image and restore it to the new card. I’m a bit skeptical of this process being this straightforward; in fact, I think this will simply break stuff for many apps....

@aard@kyu.de avatar

it’s an 8 character code of mostly digits and two upper score letters.

That’s the UUID of the VFAT filesystem on the card, so if you clone the card and then resize the partition you’ll keep the same filesystem UUID on the new card.

Idea / Question about tiling window managers (discuss.tchncs.de)

First of all: Please don’t tell me how impractically this might be or confusing or whatever. This is like a thought experiment and let’s be honest: We don’t JUST want efficiency when modding our desktops – we also want it to look sick and individual and have people watch in admiration – or something like that. So keep...

@aard@kyu.de avatar

The bit where you have a small view on a large virtual display exists in xorg (I assume it is still there - when I used that it was XFree86).

You’d configure a virtual screen with whatever resolution you want, and your physical resolution generates a view on that which is moving with the mouse focus. I used to run a 1200x1600 desktop on a 640x480 screen until my girlfriend said she got sick watching me and bought me a large screen.

Might be useful if you quickly want to prototype the general idea.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

This is an Xorg thing - for wayland you’d have to implement that kind of functionality yourself.

Just checked, it seems to be still there, and exposed via xrandr, see the --panning option in xrandr manpage. So you should be able to somewhat dynamically resize the virtual desktop used via xrandr nowadays. The maximum virtual desktop size supported is determined by your graphics card - so if you’d want that some infinity thing you’d have to do that yourself and just throw a small part of the screen in the graphics buffer for rendering.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Hinter dem Kreis wird ein Sechskant sein.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Springerle sind das beste Weihnachtsgebaeck, solange sie mit Anis und nicht mit Kuemmel gemacht wurden.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

… die ein Plätzchen halten?


@aard@kyu.de avatar

Laut meiner Mutter weil der Hersteller Kuemmel in das Anispaeckchen gefuellt hat.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Ein Backofen in der Wohnung ist nicht Vorraussetzung zum backen. Wobei das mit Rauchmeldern ueberall heute vermutlich mehr Planung erfordert als zu meiner Miniwohnungszeit vor 20 Jahren.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Big problem here is that Microsoft seems to have given up on sleep states, and just does S5 and then hibernates (which is horribly slow), so S3 on newer machines is often horribly broken in the firmware and can’t really be used. I’m not really interested in my system going to S5 - I want it in S3.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Ich hab mich mal schnell fertig gemacht weil verschlafen, mich dann darueber gewundert dass es in der U-Bahn so leer ist - klar ist 11 nicht mehr normale Pendelzeit, aber sollte doch etwas voller sein. Bis mir klar wurde dass es 23:00 ist.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Ich fands etwas eigenartig dass der Tag so dunkel war, hab mir aber nichts weiter dabei gedacht.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Brauchst du Nachhilfe?

Ich bin ITler, unerwartete Sonnenfinsternis oder sowas ist der eher weniger kuriose Teil meines Arbeitstages.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Kommt der Request auf dem Zielserver korrekt an? Ggf. brauchst du ein / nach filebrowser.

Generell wuerde ich empfehlen reverse proxy mit was zu machen das explizit dafuer entwickelt wurde, so wie nginx. Apache war toll in den 90ern und fruehen 00ern, inzwischen ist das ausserhalb von Nischenanwendungen wie “ich will ne PHP-Anwendung reinwerfen, und Upstream testet nur mit Apache” meistens die schlechteste Loesung.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Apache wird immer dann schwer zu debuggen wenn man versucht mehrere verschiedene Anwendungen/Seiten in einem Apachen zu haben. nginx hat nix wie mod_php, PHP und aehnliches wird da via fastcgi angebunden, was bei der Ersteinrichtung etwas komplexer ist als mod_php.

Ein “modernes” Setup bei dem Apache die PHP-Anwendung ausliefert haette einen nginx nach draussen der Reverseproxy auf den Apache und andere Server macht, und ggf. selber ein bisschen statisches Zeug ausliefert, und den Apache (oder mehrere davon, wenn mehrere Anwendungen) nur fuer die jeweilige Anwendung konfiguriert. Hat dann auch den zusaetzlichen Vorteil dass man die einzelnen Teile ordentlich isolieren kann (docker, podman, lxc, KVM, wenns richtig fett ist einen eigenen Server) - was zum einen debuggen erleichtert, zum anderen auch das Updaten spaeter, da du maximal immer nur eine Anwendung kaputtmachen kannst.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Auch hier gilt weiterhin: Je einfacher die Konfiguration, desto besser. nginx ist zwar meistens einfacher zu debuggen als Apache - noch einfacher wirds aber wenn die Konfiguration keine Seiteneffekte von anderen Anwendungen haben kann.

Falls du das noch nicht machst, wirf Konfigurationsdateien in git. Docker oder Podman ist fuer Heimsetups ganz nuetzlich weil du da jeweils einen Container pro Anwendung bauen kannst, und die Containerconfig dann komplett in git werfen kannst. Update waere dann einfach ein Austausch des Containers. Ich selber benutz das eher weniger - ich hab einen wilden mix aus lxc, kvm und bare metal die mit Ansible verwaltet werden, aber bei Kleinsetups ist das erstmal einfacher das ueber Docker/Podman zu erschlagen.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Problem is that it not really is “just a store”. By using the google store you get access to the google play APIs, which are upgraded separately from the device OS - which is sensible from a security perspective, but they also were created by google specifically for regaining control over what goes on on Android devices.

A lot of applications are needlessly tied to play APIs - either because that way is a bit easier, or just because google is good at marketing them, and the developer didn’t think twice about it. Some relatively basic APIs are part of google play - for example maps, which needlessly is tied to google maps. Unlike Android itself the play APIs are not opensource.

Yandex tried about a decade ago to re-implement the play APIs to keep such applications working without the play store, by utilizing other services providing the same functionality, and tried to get other companies to join them. I’ve visited the Yandex office in Saint Petersburg a few times to discuss that back then (just checked, most of that seems to have been 2014 - that year Yandex was sponsoring my Russian visa). The effort failed for various reasons, unfortunately - the big one being that doing this required reverse engineering API changes on every play update google was pushing to stay compatible. There’s the microG project around now, but it seems to be less ambitious than what Yandex was trying to do back then.

My point is, as long as at least the API for play services isn’t maintained in a way that allows full open source reimplementations - or better, google releases parts as open source where we can plug different backends in - “use a different store” is not really a possible solution for many.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

At least in the EU Apple app store is considered a monopoly, and Apple is expected to allow third party stores during next year.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Yeah, things are getting to the point where just having a mobile device running Linux and using Waydroid for some useful Android applications is less painful than trying to make Android work.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

You’ve replaced the whole operating system - in which case they obviously are in control. It is equivalent to a rooted stock Android device.

But if you just install their app installer on a stock Android device you’ll have the same problems.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Ich hab seit ueber 10 Jahren kein Linkedin mehr (drecks Spammer/Datenverkaeufer), daher seh ich nicht was gerade da abgeht.

Ich hab aber im letzten Jahr mehrfach gehoert dass wir (kleines Unternehmen mit 6 Personen) mit “Kunden fragen nach deutlich mehr Stunden als wir liefern koennen”, und keiner Aenderung in Sicht gerade eher die Ausnahme sind.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Ich hab jetzt keine Ahnung ob die Fritzbox das kann (ich nehm denen immer noch ihr Verhalten bezgl. der Fritzcardtreiber fuer Linux von vor etwas ueber 20 Jahren uebel) - aber das ist in etwa das was ich daheim habe:

Im WLAN gibts nur eine v4-Adresse, und damit kommt man nur ins Internet. Fuer den Rest haben sowohl Telefone als auch Notebooks wireguard - via v4 kommt man da dann an die ganzen internen Sachen, und es gibt eine v6-IP. Fuer Notebooks route ich da dann noch je ein /64 drueber.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Der wireguard-server ist mein Heimrouter - daher daheim praktisch keine Geschwindigkeits- oder Latenzeinbussen.

Tailscale ist mir bekannt - seh ich aber keinen Nutzen fuer.

Why I need extra kernel modules to be able to run Wayland on nvidia?

If i run X.org i dont need to modify my kernel or its configs, it just works well (well, well for X.org) out of box. With wayland its the other story. I need to enable nvidia-dkms module and much other stuff to should be configured. There is a whole page about enabling hyprland on nvidia....

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Almost a decade ago there was a discussion how to draw into display buffers for Wayland. Everybody agreed on using Mesa GBM, nvidia wasn’t really interested, but said they’d do EGLstreams.

As nvidia wasn’t interested, and generally is a dick to everybody anyway Wayland development just progressed ignoring nvidia, and now they have to catch up to where all the other graphics driver were at already years ago. While ignoring most of the things those others learned, because they want to keep their own tiny proprietary island.

Just avoid supporting nvidias dickish behaviour by not giving them money, and eventually they might learn and change.

Wie viel Geld gebt ihr fürs Rasieren aus?

Vor etwa 10 Jahren hatte Gillette mal einen Werbeslogan “Rasieren für nur 1€ pro Tag”. Was ich sehr teuer fand. Schnellvorwärts auf heute und Rasierinfluencer auf Youtube sind nicht nur real, sondern sie erzählen mir auch, dass man mit ihrem superteuren Rasierhobel im Affiliatelink 75€ im Jahr spart, weil die Klingen...

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Zum Vergleich: Ich hab extrem dicke Haare, und einige davon. Ich kann mich mit einer Klinge von Gilette etwa zwei mal rasieren bevor das unschoen wird. Ich hab daher das Ding nur fuer Feinarbeiten, und mach das grobe mit nem Rasiermesser.

Ueber die Jahre ist die Frequenz fuers rasieren aber auch massiv runtergegangen, aktuell kommt alle 2-3 Wochen - wenns zu lang wird - der Bart wieder runter.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

A surprising amount of services (including Azure last I tried) can only handle RSA keys, so after trying ecdsa only for a while I ended up adding a RSA key again.

With that said - it’s 2023, in almost all cases you should have your keys in a hardware module nowadays, in which case you’d use a different command for keygeneration.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Easiest and most affordable is probably a security key like the Nitrokey or the https://www.yubico.com/. I personally don’t like the company behind yubikey much, but if you want something small you can always leave in the device that’s pretty much your only option.

For “cheaper, but a bit more effort” would be just getting a smartcard blank, a card reader (if you’re not lucky enough to have a notebook or computer with one built in), and then either write your own applet, or use one of the available opensource ones, and upload it to the card. A variant of that would be the Fidesmo card, where you get a card and their applet.

Or you just use the TPM you may have in your system - though you’ll need to be careful with that: Typically one reason for using a hardware token is to make sure keys can’t get extracted, while TPMs often do allow key extraction. Software to make that work would be opencryptoki.

Generally you’d use PKCS#11 to have the various components talk to each other. On your average Linux pretty much everything but GnuPG place nice. with PKCS#11. Typically you end up with pcscd to interface with the smartcard (the above USB tokens are technically also just USB smartcards), OpenSC as layer to provide PKCS#11 on top, and software (like OpenSSH) then talks to that.

All of that should be available as packages in any Linux distribution nowadays - and typically will also provide p11-kit configured to use a proxy library to make multiple token sources easily available, and avoid blocking on concurrent access.

ssh-add supports adding keys from pkcs#11 providers to the SSH agent (search pkcs11 in ssh-add manpage), with some distribution (like RedHat) also carrying patches allowing you to only select individual tokens for adding.

If you’re also using GnuPG it gets more complicated - you pretty much have two options: Stick with PKCS#11, in which case you’d replace GPGs own smartcard agent with gnupg-pkcs11-scd, or you use GPGs own card implementation, in which case you can forget pretty much everything I wrote above, and just follow the security key manual for setting up a GPG card, enable SSH agent support in the GPG agent, and just use that for SSH authentication.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Laut finnischen Nachrichten hatten die Athleten bewusst auf mehr Kleidung verzichtet um beweglicher zu sein.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

No, they can rejoin. They just need to take the same route any new applicant needs to take.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

A Siemens S55. After that I moved to a Treo 270, and stayed with Palm until Nokia gave me an N900

@aard@kyu.de avatar

It did, but note that the linked picture is the full resolution of the camera. Also, the phone had very limited storage space, and the display was in no way suitable for displaying the pictures taken, so you just hoped for the best until you managed to check them on your computer.

The S55 got lost eventually, but the camera module should still be around here somewhere.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

I guess we can give GIMP a pass to be a bit slower in migrating to new versions of the _G_IMP _T_ool_K_it than others…

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Battery replacement on the old Sony readers is trivial.

I relatively recently checked out some other ebook readers, mainly as the Sony isn’t too responsive with a big library on it, and I prefer just having everything on there - but turns out neither Kindle nor Kobo perform that well with a big library either. The UI of the old Sony reader is still way better than any of the other ebook readers I’ve tried.

I’m currently carrying a kindle in flight mode, filled via calibre - in the night the backlight is nicer than the clip on light I’ve been using with the Sony, but I still keep the Sony charged and use now and then.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

The whole reader series is just such an un-Sony thing, it’s almost a miracle it survived as long as it did. You’d never expect Sony to have an easy to use device, without forcing DRM or custom software, utilizing open standards, while also being easily repairable by the user. Or if it existed you’d think it was a fluke, and will be “fixed” in the next iteration.

@aard@kyu.de avatar


Das ist nicht im Modlog da der Ersteller der Community das selber geloescht hat.

Auf meiner Instanz ist noch eine Kopie vorhanden, falls du was nachschauen/sichern willst: kyu.de/c/[email protected]

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Interessant, gerade ohne Login geschaut, da ist das tatsaechlich weg. Mit meinem Admin-Account seh ich die Inhalte aber noch. Brauchst du was bestimmtes?

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Ich hab mal die Hauptseite einfach komplett gespeichert und hier (m.aard.fi/dump/wasser/Alles rund ums Wasser.html) hingeworfen, einmal direkt zum anschauen, einmal als zip.

Ich kann da auch durchgehen und jedes Posting separat so speichern, sind jetzt nicht so viele.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Unklar, ich werd das mal beobachten.

Geloescht ist bei Lemmy oft “als geloescht markieren, und dann ein paar Tage bis Wochen spaeter aufraeumen”. In Einzelfaellen bleibt auch nur die Markierung, und der Content bleibt in der Datenbank.

Fuer vom Benutzer geloeschte eigene Beitraege oder Profile wurde die Zeit bis zur kompletten Loeschung vor ein paar Monaten korrigiert, das ist jetzt ziemlich schnell weg. Was bei einer Community-Loeschung passiert hab ich mir aber noch nicht angeschaut.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Es ging mir hier um “Adminzugriff”. Sollten zumindest von Benutzern geloeschte eigene Profile/Kommentare inzwischen nach einiger Zeit auch aus der Datenbank verschwinden?

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Pretty much everybody pushing fingerprints as a sensible thing for accessing a device is fucking up. It is way too easy to obtain a persons fingerprints suitable for device unlocking without them knowing - and that’s ignoring that using fingerprints enables device unlocking with a persons finger against their will.

Spending a few days with Hyprland made me realize how awesome Gnome is

Don’t get me wrong. Hyprland is great. I like it a lot. It looks fresh, it’s easy to configure and the keybindings are super easy to implement, but it’s also very barebones. Most of the functionality expected from a DE come from external software. Be it a top bar, an app launcher, a notification daemon or anything else....

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Instead of rofi I’d recommend using anyrun.

I made a quick plugin to also run stuff from path, and am currently working on a proper ssh plugin for that - extending them is a bit more involved than the simple rofi/wofi scripts, but there’s a lot more things an anyrun plugin can do.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

I’ve been using (or, in some cases, trying to use) that when it was brand new. Kernel side was relatively easy - but there was a lot of compiling custom versions of XFree86 trying to get acceleration working properly.

On the one hand a bit sad to see that kind of history I’ve experienced myself go - on the other hand, it’s probably been a decade since I’ve last used something without KMS, and the ease of use of modern KMS drivers is way ahead of all the older stuff.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

I’m still angry at nvidia for buying their remains, and not doing anything useful with it.

3dfx had multi GPU support back then, it took quite a while afterwards until somebody else tried that.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

A few years before Ubuntu quite a few companies tried doing their own distributions. Back then it still was common to sell them in a proper software box - CDs or DVDs, manuals and some swag, at minimum stickers, but quite often also pins or some other stuff.

On exhibitions they’d often give away full boxes to get people to try - sometimes the current version, sometimes the last release. I still have a bunch of those in the garage - I think Corel (yes, the painting program guys) should be one of them.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

They were interesting, but only good for a very narrow purpose - not really a good thing when the trend back then was going away from special purpose machines toward general purpose.

intel didn’t plan it to be just a special purpose CPU - but it just ended up that way. That they gave their first customers free Alpha workstations for crosscompiling code as that was faster than native compilation should tell you everything you need to know about suitability of itanic as general purpose system.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Yeah, but x86 was relatively cheap. Alpha and Itanium were in a similar price range.

At that time Alpha belonged to Compaq - and they stopped Alpha development (and canned quite a few good designs which were pretty much ready to go), expecting they’ll be able to replace it with Itanium.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Du solltest auch schreiben welche Art von Rotlichtverstoss dir vorgeworfen wird.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Additionally there’s not really a good way to enter them, especially when using physical keyboards.

@aard@kyu.de avatar

Koennten sie zum Flughafen bauen. Dann startet man im Grunde genommen am Flughafen am Hauptbahnhof startet man zum Flug.

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