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You’ve just made me realized this. In every hotel I have ever been in, even ones which have cost upwards of $600/night, I have never seen a bathroom with a window.


Just think that each one of those carts is at least one fewer person in line for checkout.


I’d guess it’s beside the others.


It was a bad pun on “parallel”

What phone do you sugest for your grandparents?

I got a task to buy a smart phone for my grandparents, they are not techsavy but they know how to use basic functions. Iam looking for an andoid because it has language pack i need. I dont need it to have lots of functions, onley a good camera and a big screen. Bonus points if it can be flashed with some kind of simplefied...


I’d double check that language you need isn’t already on iPhone. They’ve added pretty much every language spoken by at least 100k people.

iPhone is really the only choice for the computer/smartphone illiterate. You can’t easily put the device in an unrecognizable state, you can’t install a launcher that drastically changes the GUI from the app store. iPhone justifiably gets tons of shit, but this is the exact use case it’s designed for. They also have really good accessibility features, and they actually work in apps.

Android has tons of benefits, and I’ve had only android for the last 14 years. I think if you are planning on removing the settings app all together, you know it’s not a great choice for them.


I would personally bet a full paycheck that in two years, most of these trucks have hauled no more than like a few pieces of furniture, a couple 2x4s, and maybe some bags of potting soil or mulch.

Definitely justifies daily driving a 7000lb, bullet proof, pedestrian slicer.


I picked the best time to get into stardew.

_danny, (edited )

Are they fucking morons

Close, they are mormons fucking

_danny, (edited )

Technically it’d need to be:

mormon / 2m = oron


You’re right, that would be more technically correct.


the difference is so small you can barely tell

Guess you could say it’s pretty fucking close.


If you have a Sam’s or Costco in your area, you can get past the membership by using a gift card. You can also buy a gift card without a membership. Sometimes they’re sticklers about it if you’re there super early, because that’s apparently “special members hour” or some shit, but the worst that happens is they tell you to leave.

If you can save up $15-20 for a 25lb sack of rice, it’ll last about 100-150 meals, which means it’s about 10-20¢ per meal. Just keep it in a plastic container to keep bugs out.

Get some cheap frozen vegetables and bulk, dried beans and you can eat pretty good for like a dollar per day.

Honestly it’s kinda cruel that buying in bulk saves a ton of money, but the people that need it most can’t afford to.


Toss your incandescent and fluorescent lights. Get LED bulbs (not smart lights, just white LEDs). Where applicable, install timer switches.

It’s crazy how efficient LEDs are. They are a little bit more expensive but you’ll save it on your energy bill over time and you’ll have to replace them less.

People also don’t realize how much of their energy bill is heat & air conditioning. If you don’t have pets, turn your heat off or way down while you’re at work. Just make sure it stays above freezing and above the dewpoint. If you can get any smart thermostat for cheap, they’ll save you a ton of money over the long run if you’re like me and constantly forget to set the temperature before you leave for work.

Also, thick drapes work wonders at keeping the cold out of cheap windows. You can get them and the hardware to hang them pretty cheap from goodwill. You can also wrap them in Saran wrap if you really want to keep the cold out. They sell kits, but painters tape and a cling film are way cheaper if you can hide them behind some drapes.


I think they get around this by having the pharmacy hours be a few hours offset from their actual business hours. My local Sam’s opens at 8 for “plus” memberships and the pharmacy doesn’t open until 10 when the poor normal members can start shopping.


Excluding variable energy pricing, it’s much more energy efficient to only heat and cool your home while you’re actually at home.

Think of it like a tea kettle. It’s definitely not energy efficient to keep the water boiling for the hours when you’re not home just because you might want a cuppa when you get home. The only benefit keeping the water hot is to brew your next cup quicker. The water is cooling off at the same rate it would if the heater was off, but energy is being pumped into it to keep it hot and therefore it is constantly losing energy.

This is also assuming your HVAC’s coefficient of performance is constant, which it’s not, but it still generally is way better to avoid heating and cooling while you’re away from home, especially if you live in an older less insulated home.

If you do have variable energy pricing, that can change things, and that’s when a smart thermostat can really save you money. Instead of heating and cooling around your schedule, you do it around the pricing treating your house like a battery. See:

This video really only really works if your home is relatively well insulated (as he points out). If it’s not well insulated, you’ll be uncomfortable basically all the time.

Generally if you’re on a variable rate it’s better to set the thermostat closer to the outside temperature when you’re gone for more than 5 hours. If you’re not on a variable rate, that break even point is like 30 minutes.


It really depends on what you buy. Some stuff is crazy cheap, others are pretty much the same price. If you’re buying a single shirt from Sam’s you’re probably better off going to Walmart. Always check the per-unit price, and only buy what you’re sure you will use. My favorite brand of yogurt is cheaper per unit than the great value brand at Walmart, and is almost 50% lower compared to buying it in packs of 4… But it takes up half a shelf in the fridge. But generally meat is just as expensive at Walmart/Kroger, often you can get it cheaper on sale at Walmart/Kroger than you can get at Sam’s, and it’s already in packages that you can just toss in a freezer.

Also, I don’t know if Costco has it, but the Sam’s app lets you scan and pay with your phone, so there’s no lines for checkout or anything. That doesn’t work to use the gift card trick though.


Gotta say, I agree with your main point… But that is kinda the thing people point at when saying the government is inefficient. The large parts of the US infrastructure is decades past it’s expected lifespan, and the US government is not allocating enough funds to fix it quickly enough.


My understanding is that the more removed you are from the “top” of the government pyramid, the less you are affected by disruptions of that position. Largely when a new face or party takes over (by force or otherwise) very seldom do they want to rebuild everything from the ground up and will keep most of the bipartisan offices untouched.

If a very violent coup is successful and they’re planning punishments for all “government officials” the postman in a rural village is going to be pretty low on that list.


If you complain enough, adobe will let you cancel for free. But they are also on my blacklist, for making me work to cancel a service for free. Absolutely ridiculous.


I also eat at Chick-fil-A occasionally, but it’s mainly because there are so few places I actually like the food. I do feel bad each time because I know the profit from my meal is going to fund some pretty awful lobbyists. It’s not just giving money to a bigot, it’s giving money to a bigot who is very active in politics.

It’s increasingly hard to avoid that though. It seems like every single owner of each company in the fortune 500 is actively trying to drag us back into feudalism.


This doesn’t seem like a problem with public transportation, but a problem with your law enforcement.


If I could ditch them I would. I can’t fathom why people haven’t been in a constant state of outrage for them putting ads in Windows.


Why J&J? I can understand the others on your list.


The best thing you can do is bill by the hour, give a quote and get half of your quote up front. It works for pretty much anywhere customers suddenly disappear after the job is started.


Black queen teleports behind white queen. White queen says “nani‽”


Seems like an easy fix for a business, just change their prices so that they don’t have to use coins. Make everything an integer number of dollars. If the items are too cheap to round up, encourage a three for two deal or something like that.

Sales tax doesn’t change that frequently. It’s easy for a business to predict and account for it when setting their prices.

What is good to eat when you have no appetite?

I am super sick right now and haven’t eaten much in a few days. It’s getting to the point where I am gonna need to force myself to eat something to keep my strength up but everything just sounds terrible to me right now. I have been subsisting mostly on small glasses of milk and the occasional packet of instant oatmeal....

_danny, (edited )

My go to is plain white rice with plain chicken thighs if I can stomach meat if not I’ll make it with some chicken broth.

If you’re struggling to eat for more than like a week you probably should bite the bullet and see a doctor. A prolonged lack of appetite can be a sign of some pretty serious stuff.


What game is this? It sounds so messed up.


Kinda glosses over how these perks add a couple dozen extra dialogue options, many of which are unique ways to solve a problem.

Honestly my favorite type of rpg “perk”, one that gives a slight gameplay boost but also affects the story and/or dialogue in a meaningful way.

Having 25% more “luck” is cool and all, but I’d choose a perk that gave me 5% more luck and more ways to solve problems any day of the week.

It’s one of the reasons I loved Prey. It seemed like every perk you got added new ways to get around, dialogue, and/or new combat techniques.


The lack of praise that game got is practically criminal


I think a large part of people’s issues with the recent trend of adapting/recreating existing media is how the director changed the intent or “soul” of the work.

A story is more than its plot points. It’s how The Lion King and Hamlet have the same story bones, but have wildly different morals and audiences. So when a work is adapted for a different medium, stripping it down to its plot points kinda kills the soul of the work. The Avatar animated series and the movie (that doesn’t exist) share a lot of plot points, but the movie is clearly soulless because they didn’t understand what made the show great, and just retold the story with a slight spin.

The Last of Us worked so well because they understood why it was good, and only made changes “in the spirit” of the original work. They didn’t try to put a spin on the story, they just adapted it for the new medium.

That’s why understanding the work is so important when you are adapting it to a different medium. If you just transplant the plot points without understanding what makes it good, it’s going to be soulless. If you try to just use the characters and setting to tell a different story, it’s also going to be soulless because those characters aren’t made to tell that story. Make your own characters and tell your own story if you don’t want to stick to the spirit of the original work.


I started writing an “here’s why I disagree” reply, but I slowly realized that I kinda agree. Sword Art Online was a pretty bad anime, but SAO Abridged used the same characters and plot points to tell a different type of story and was absolutely terrific

I think the main problem I have is with the scale. If you’re remaking something, and you’re expecting more people to see the new thing than saw the original, then you should stay faithful to the original (not shot for shot remake, but keep things as close as reasonable) I think I feel this way because if I were an author, I’d be crushed if more people saw the bastardized version of my life’s work than saw my original.

There is also the issue with a large majority of recent remakes being quick cash grabs. These do nothing but tarnish the original work by driving away people who may have eventually seen the original.


That’s how I’ve framed raising the minimum wage to some hard right co workers.

Why should my tax dollars subsidize Walmart, McDonald’s and these other companies that pay minimum wage knowing their workers will be on welfare? If your business has to pay a wage that has to be compensated by the government, it’s a failing business.


This is one of those things that sounds like it could be true… Until you think about it at all. Think about the words you used as a child compared to how your parents talked.

Go look at 70’s and 80’s slang and consider if people spoke that way because they were trying to be sneaky, or if they were just trying to sound “hip”.


This was a big problem during the 2016 election on reddit. There were armies of idiots who searched for comments containing ‘Trump’ and would brigade the shit out of it. But if you changed the ‘p’ to a ‘р’ (the Cyclic character) or changed the ‘u’ to a ‘ս’ (the Armenian character) miraculously you wouldn’t be brigaded.


The dude is 61, not even retirement age in the US. You don’t need to be dramatic just yet.


Before anyone gets their “um actually” comment in…

Yes, he would be eligible for retirement, but your average retirement eligible american isn’t expecting to retire until 65-70.


Ehh really depends on your boss. And honestly it depends on you also. If either of you can’t separate work from personal time then you really shouldn’t be hanging out. But for most of the bosses I’ve had, some lighthearted social time outside of work was perfectly fine.


Doesn’t help that Finland also has a lot of white supremacists.


That kinda goes back to what I said about you also needing to factor in how well you and the other people can separate the two environments. If that is a personal limitation, then it’s best to understand it and manage it as you suggest.

Personally I have no issue keeping work at work and home at home. There have been many times where my coworkers and I have had a tense week at work, full of disagreement and debates, only to hang out like bros on the weekend. There’s one coworkers who can’t make that separation, and that’s fine. They’ve realized it and I’ll respect that boundary.


IT side jobs don’t really exist, especially if you’re looking for cash. You’d almost be better off picking up a part time shift flipping burgers.


From what I’ve seen, your $/h for any type of part-time software work is going to be very low.

You know who has no idea what the going rate is for a decent website? Small business owners. That’s why they don’t have one to begin with.

I’ve found that if you’re going to freelance, you need to do it full time. Your going to be passed over if someone can do it twice as fast for the same rate, so you really have to slash your prices if you want any business.


First I’m seeing it. That’s the thing with reposts, the venn diagram of people who have seen it, and of people who have not seen it is rarely a circle.


Oh no! A statement which applies to the vast majority has some exceptions! Better break out the um-actually and technically-incorrect stamps.

As someone who has worked in IT, age has a strong negative correlation with tech literacy. Is every boomer tech illiterate? Of course not. Some boomers built the tech we use today. But most boomers are worse with tech than most ten year olds.


When you choose to use a word that can imply you are a pedo through its ambiguity, you might wanna choose a different word.

No one is “outraged”, just expressing the ick felt when an adult in their twenties says they “wanna fuck girls”. It’s gross enough that they’ve got “a list of pussies they want to fuck”, but to refer to that list with a term that often means juvenile is extra gross.

Using “girl” to describe an adult woman is going out of style, just like using “boy” to describe an adult man started going out of style like twenty years ago.


C# is .Net though. It’s only syntax without it.

I think it’s definitely a dig at windows, because that used to be the primary issue with c#, you could only really target windows and you could only write it using windows. You could run .net framework applications on Linux, but it was a lot of work and it really underperformed (which would fit the timeline of 2015, when this comic was first posted). Now with .net core you can make a self contained executable that can run on anything.


You absolutely can ask it for code you plan to use as long as you treat chatgpt like a beginner dev. Give it a small, very simple, self contained task and test it thoroughly.

Also, you can write unit tests while being quite unfamiliar with the syntax. For example, you could write a unit test for a function which utilizes a switch statement, without using a switch statement to test it. There’s a whole sect of “test driven development” where this kind of development would probably work pretty well.

I’ll agree that if you can’t test a piece of code, you have no business writing in the language in a professional capacity.

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