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For my use cases at workstation level, Manjaro makes it really easy to work with whatever tooling I need - but I’m comfortable on CLI and aware of the risks/benefits.

Wouldn’t suggest it to a noob, ofc, but for me it’s a good middle ground where I can get things done, and also easily work with edge cases.

Not that I can’t build whatever I need to in the deb world, but I prefer to work with instead of against a distro’s packaging.


CVS and Walgreens.

Walgreens pulled out of selling certain reproductive health items in numerous states even though they would have been an ideal test case and certainly could have absorbed the costs of litigation.

CVS fucked up my meds years ago during a period i was cash pay, and then doubled down on the error and expected me to pay for it. Basically, extended vs immediate release, and $100 va $1.

Never did get an apology, or even an admission that the paper scrip said immediate release.

My employer unfortunately insists on using them as a PBM but that doesn’t mean i need to buy drugs from them.

They did another thing a few years prior that angered me deeply, but that’s neither here nor there. Something something “the law requires…” and the law verifiably did not require that behavior or process.

Also, you can bet your ass that I will never give one unnecessary dime to Express Scripts. Without disclosing too much, they have a monopoly on a thing that’s got some regulations around it, and I’m stuck with them for fulfilment. Doesn’t mean I’ll ever give them a penny voluntarily.

Seriously considered switching to a different formulation of the same long term med just to avoid them, but it didn’t make sense for my use case. Doing so would just have put me back in Come Visit Satan’s clutches anyway.


First, Roger Rabbit in a theatre. I was probably fourish.

More interestingly, at maybe eight, Pet Semetary. Kid me didn’t sleep for a good long time after…


Two very pissed off cats.


How about a headline that’s not pure clickbait.


Fuckin beautiful sight.


I love that you’re making a difference in both a social and a tangible way. We write off far too many people because it’s just too difficult to integrate them, basically. Yes, more complex than that, but…

Thank you for what you do.


IIRC, Thomas Edison was considered slow/addled. But with the right support…

Screw realistic. It might take a hundred false starts, but hope is literally all any of us have. Thank you for doing work that many of us just aren’t cut out for, and for making a difference.


Hilarious. People like her are why people like me paid two hundred fucking dollars for a pack of TP at the height of the crazy.

There was none to be found within several hours drive, and Sears doesn’t make catalogs that double for the purpose anymore.


Well played.


Good news, slow cookers are not expensive.

Bad news, you’re going to need several of them - and a good understanding of your home’s wiring so you can spread them out across circuits.

See other posts re time and cutting it up. You want to get the temp part right, because food borne illness.


Or you’ll get murdered because now that evil song is stuck in their head until next June…

What are your experiences with polyamory, first or second hand?

I personally am in a phenomenally stable polyamorous relationship. I’ve been married to my wife for 12 years, and she has had the same boyfriend for about half of that time. It’s a really fulfilling arrangement for all of us in various ways. We’re all genuinely happy and satisfied. I’m kind of casually looking for a...


Married 13 yrs as of the end of October. We’ve played with others, and have standing permission to “get things going,” but I find the wedding ring to (understandably) be a turnoff. My personal preferences mean that it’s difficult to meet people I’m interested in and who are likely to believe any reasonable explanation for ‘even though I’m wearing a ring, we are all on the same page.’

It is by definition much easier for my wife / both of us, to find a man who is both interested and dealing in good faith than for me to approach a woman successfully.

I don’t harbor any jealousy or concern with regards to my wife, she simply has an easier time with it. One can blame that on the lies that cheating men have told over many centuries, I’m sure.

I’ve encountered a number of women in whom I’d be interested, but… I refuse to take my ring off just to have a chance at meeting someone. Not just because “reasons” and “ethics,” but also because I know for a fact that up-front disclosure is the better path.

“No, I wasn’t wearing a ring when I met you, but I’m married,” is not the way to start off a poly relationship from where I sit. It is, however, an excellent way to scare off the folks who are open to the same.

Neither of us is looking for threesomes per se, and neither of us is willing to dissemble and then later ask forgiveness of the third party.

Haven’t posted all that much on the topic, so… Fuckit. We’ve been married for almost fifteen years. We found a play partner around the five-year mark. That lasted as long as it lasted, and was a great deal of fun - both in person and via internet, subject to collective needs. That person could have handled things better, and I could have handled their less than ideal behavior better. I own my part, there. It wasn’t intended to be long term, and that’s fine - it introduced us to both the lifestyle and the risks, and I am cognizant of what I did right and what I did wrong at the tine.

We’re in a more liberal town than where we spent much of our marriage, but it’s still tough to meet people. Some of that is due to my WFH arrangement, as I don’t get out as much as ‘normal’ folks, but I would absolutely not sleep with someone I worked with anyway - I’m a professional, it has the potential to get really ugly, and could very well ruin my reputation.

Dating sites have proven unhelpful, though much of that was while living in “Kettlecorn, KS” where my wife grew up. Trying to do this in the midwest is ‘hard mode’ to say the least.

I’m not even looking for women a fraction of my age (and I’m not that damn old to begin with), but any introduction brings with it the risk of judgement / ‘If you weren’t married…’

I consider it a damn shame that consensual poly is not more mainstream - people will meet people, and have chemistry, and have sex as a result. Advance consent, in whatever form the couple finds appropriate, prevents literally all of the unpleasantness, feelings of betrayal, etc.

Not an expert at this stuff, but also fairly sure my experience is not incredibly outside the norm.


Thanks for the input - I agree that poly isn’t the problem, people are the problem.

This particular person had to learn the hard way how to say ‘I love you, I will not leave you, and with that in mind, I’d like to fuck _____’ More difficult than it seems, but hardly a torpedo to the relationship - barring a random announcement out of nowhere.


If you were to judge monogamy by the shit that pops up in relationship advice threads, people would have a bad impression of it as well!

That’s the truth.

My day job is FinTech/tax adjacent, so I have to give you collectively (and your collective web of relationships) credit for making the home ownership work. The overwhelming majority of humans can’t make tenants in common between two people work.

Personally, I’'m not particularly close with my family for other reasons, so being ‘out’ isn’t a real concern - given a wife and girlfriend in that long-term context, I’d write the requisite will / medical POA to be fair, and to ensure that blood relatives aren’t executing either.

I’m somewhat close with folks at work, but I WFH for a company that’s fairly progressive. One of the people I started with recently asked us to address them in a specific way, and I couldn’t be happier for them. If I called my boss “Joe,” and they asked me to call them “Mr. Smith”, that’s no different.

I very much like your strategy of “truthful but no obvious” There isn’t a need at work for a full-fledged explanation of my home life, but I also work with good people who don’t blink at the miscellaneous terms I (or they) use to describe the people who are important to us. That’s how it’s supposed to work - we all share what we feel comfortable with, and other people share in our joys/sorrows regarding the same. Only the level of detail changes, really.


That sounds like someone who was exploring, and I offer my sympathy / empathy.

Poly is a choice. Handling disagreement/drama is a choice. Hell, which issues I choose to lose my mind over is a choice.

My model is disclosure and honesty, unfortunately, not everyone behaves that way / is sincere.

I sincerely hope that you’ve found the right types of connections for you and yours.


While I wouldn’t necessarily go to bed with all of them, there are a number of people who have deeply impacted my life in distinct ways, and from whom I have learned a great deal. Hell, I don’t even like all of them, but that doesn’t mean they’re not a meaningful part of my life.

Agree with your take on adding another person to solve problems - always a terrible idea.

My idea of ‘consenting adults’ has morphed significantly between, say, 21 and… my current age. Even the subsets of ‘consent’ and ‘adult’ have morphed. But at the end of the day, honesty is all that we have.

I adore spending time with my wife - whether we’re ‘doing’ something’ together, or doing individual things we can talk about later.

Poly means never running out of topics of conversation, or ways to understand each other.

‘Why her?’ really means 'Our relationship evolves, as all relationship should, what interest you about her and how can I support you?"

That “how can I support you?” question is critical, and we’ve been married long enough that I never doubt the legitimacy of the question.


I’m a bit older than my wife, but your point rings true - we also met fairly young, and went through some stuff. That’s probably a meaningful part of how and why we are who we are.

Meeting my wife fairly young meant that I got the raw, unfiltered version of her feelings and was able to compare/contrast that with my behavior - and improve it. That led to trust allowing discussion of involving others, and an understanding that neither of us is going anywhere / associated trust.


I can’t help but think that this sort of mutual celebration would solve a variety of problems that humans experience.

“I love this person, and I commit not only to them, but to those important to them.”

That makes a great deal of sense to me


Not per se necessary to prevent it - either listen to the on-site rep from MT, who raised concerns in OTL that were disregarded, or make that day warmer. All other things being equal, without the crisis, we would have learned a great deal - but not at the cost of several lives.

It haunts me to this day that an improved version of STS would likely still be an option for launches, if only McDonald had been listened to.

I can fault the company, but he made a good faith effort to stop it because testing hadn’t been done at the current temperatures, AIUI.

On the ohter hand, those lives vs [GHWB | Dukakis | anyone else] directly impacts OTL - Arguably, we’d never have a Trump presidency, but Duke is simply a gentler, faster version of the same.

Not sure we wouldn’t still get Bushes, or Gulf War, but certainly what we ended up with would be more tempered, and there’s a real benefit to that. All these years on, perhaps we’d still have the ‘old school’ Republican party instead of the “I’m not a fascist, I swear!” Republican party.


I appreciate the separation between those two concepts, and find that too few people look at it that way.

Every last one of them needs to be booted off Ukrainian soil, of course - that also goes without saying - but the Russian Army has a long history of lying to their citizens, promising money that never appears, and pulling small numbers of people from e.g., remote villages so that surviving families believe they’re one of the few and don’t see the larger losses at scale.

I can’t locate my well-thumbed copy of Grau at the moment, but I’m reasonably sure he substantiates the above at least as far back as Afghanistan.




Lord, don’t even get me started on NC property insurance. Their solution to increasing rates for many years was to mandate that rates couldn’t exceed x, based on what they believed was appropriate.

Protip: It wasn’t appropriate. I’ve been out of that game for long enough now that I don’t know if they ever fixed it, but it was bad - basically if you couldn’t write a policy within x% of the expected rate, the risk had to be ceded to the state’s reinsurance facility, which drastically limited the available coverage.


Was wondering what the actual hell was up with his string of vetoes lately.

Maybe he sees himself as the 2028 Dem nominee and wants to demonstrate he’s not an evil socialist to the non-crazy Republicans…

I certainly hope not - any D is better than none, but he’s one of those who least align with the collective interests of most.

Seeking to understand speaker phone use in public

I’m traveling with family this weekend in a touristy place and have been out in public in crowded areas. I am really shocked by the number of people who have loud, personal conversations on the phone in speaker mode. This ranges from walking down the sidewalk, to in line for washrooms, to seated restaurant dining....


People do that to me at work frequently - I know you have me on speaker, that’s fine, but you’re in your little private office so no worries…

Nope, Jerry from Billing is sitting there listening to every word, and will jump in and offer “assistance” on topics he knows fuck all about. The person I’m actually trying to assist will of course take Jerry’s input over mine… So why didn’t you just ask him in the first place?

People who have been through tough timew, how did you keep moving?

I’m a week late on rent due, I only paid half, I had to call all my credit card companies and utilities to tell them what’s going on. And now my check engine light turned on because the bastard is misfiring. My wife lost her dad which fucked us both up due to missing a ton of work, and I don’t know what to do. I’m tired...


The “good” news - and your landlord might benefit from hearing this in advance - is that as I understand it, you’ll be paid salary for any shutdown period, after it’s resolved. Could be a meaningful amount of money depending on how long. Making sure the ll understands that could buy you some time, but depends on them.

I’ll assume you don’t qualify for any assistance programs given a gov salary and a second job plus your wife’s income. But…. Check anyway. Some states are rather more generous.

I THINK you might be eligible for unemployment during any shutdown, but generally there’s a waiting period of a week, it’s max 2/3 of income with a hard cap, and I cannot cite a source that says you do qualify. Worth diggging into, very state specific.

I’ve taken to gig work, so that the misc money I spend on myself doesn’t come off “rea” income. With a second job that might not be practical, but might be for your wife if you live in or near a relatively safe city. I ignore gigs in my hometown entirely, I make more in the nearest major city and they have “hourly” pay there so I make something worthwhile even without a tip (25% of orders don’t tip, roughly, from my experience).

As far as your mental health, which is the real focus here…. A couple things come to mind.

It’s short term hardship, you need to get through days or weeks - not a way of life. Understanding and actually internalizing that has helped me through some significant rough patches.

If at all possible, don’t short groceries or the miscellaneous money your wife spends on little stuff, including her. You don’t function well without decent food. Aldi is one possibility, can be cheaper for some things.

I’d expect family to be sympathetic to the potential shutdown, but I understand feeling like you shouldn’t ask for more. Guess what, though - they know the position you’re in already, and the potential shutdown is public knowledge as well. OTOH, that’s assuming they are decent humans and that they have the money in the first place. I don’t and can’t know if either are true.

Gotta be honest, selling stuff is a) getting ripped off, b) depressing af, and c) you’ll have to spend money to replace it down the road. It’s to be avoided if at all possible, for all of those reasons.

You’ve already rented a room, that’s more than I’d be able to do - I WFH so the spare room is my office, and the only place I can maintain some confidentiality of data, which is a base expectation of the field.

Don’t know how far behind you are on utilities, but most states make it fairly easy to find just how far you can push “past due”, and what arrangements can be made.

Some states require reasonable payment arrangements to split the bill across future months, some don’t. Worth exploring. You want to keep the lights on, at nearly any cost, because usually they’ll expect entire past due amount plus deposit to reconnect. Same for gas/water, as applicable.

Comcast has offered 10 day extensions to me,for internet only. Have to chat and ask for it, though that may vary by state as well

Also…. Remember there’s no guarantee a shutdown will occur, or last a long time. As we saw, last minute action is very possible. Also, if I remember the timeline correctly, we passed a 45 day CR and there are still 30 ish days left before that happens.

Food pantries if needed - no one there is judging, they wouldn’t volunteer if they did. You almost certainly will walk out with way more stuff than you expected. You’ll need to fill in holes, but that’s a short term way to reduce your grocery bill by a meaningful amount, since most staples are there.

Take care of yourself, it matters. The mental health side of this creates a slippery slope that’s easy to descend into and hard to get out of. Even if that just means sometimes buying a thing you particularly like as a reward for getting through the week. Compare the cost of me making a crab cake once a month, with the cost of additional therapy because I tried to live with zero extras. Silly example, but total self-denial is positively brutal to your brain, and tends to turn desire into cravings.

Wish I had more advice, but I hope something in there helps. You probably took a gov job at least partially because it (generally) offers stability, I’m sorry that our leg branch can’t seem to maintain that.

One more thing - unless you’re likely to get a giant pay bump, now is probably not the time to look for a new job. That takes time to spin up and find the right one, and the long term hit to eg any pension is significant. It also doesn’t solve immediate issues, since generally checks are delayed a pay cycle or so for processing.

Again, I’m sorry this is happening to you, and I wish I could do more for you and your colleagues. You have no dog in this fight, and neither your nor the military’s paychecks should be impacted.


A handful of good fountain pens, a few inks that I really love, and good paper. Those are fairly small amounts of money, and ongoing purchases, but good tools that just work and make me happy when I use them are highly valuable to me.

The priciest pen - which writes amazingly - is not necessarily the one I value most. I get the most use out of a $17 pen, and a $25 pen - multiple of each, really, because i must have allllllll of the inks.

Doesn’t take much - or much money spent - to make me happy, really, and I consider that to be one of the few positive aspects of adulting. Once I figured that out and started focusing on quality over quantity in general, life improved dramatically.


Login passwords are not something your pw manager can type.


The thought process is…. Convoluted, at best.

Switching platforms annually also is a) worthless, because if adopted at large scale, it’s a wash…. And b) Quite a bit of work mentally readjusting annually.

I can’t even.


You are but one “make && make install” away from happiness. Libidevice actually works well for me and it’s free in both senses.

If you’re not already on Linux, spin up a Manjarp VM - offhand, I believe it’s in the AUR.

I expect there are other non itunes solutions, havent needed to find them.


That would be a client side issue - your browser is using Google Docs to display the pdf. What’s in the repo is a pdf only, that works equally well in Foxit or whatever you like.


That would be a combination of your settings, and headers coming from GitHub.

OP finds vulnerability where a forum sends you your password in plaintext over email and everyone misses the forest for the trees (

This thread is frustrating. Everyone seems more interested in nitpicking the specifics of what OP is saying and are ignoring that a forum sends you your password (not an automatically generated one) in an email on registration.


Ouch… This should never be possible, in any world. If the password can be emailed, it can be seen. If it can be seen, it can be stolen.


I agree - I don’t even sub to all that many communities, and just had to move instances this week - it was a clunky process to say the least.


The asshole who invented the “reply all” button…


Fountain pens. They hold up incredibly well, but…

…Then again, I keep buying them, and inks, and etc., so I’m not sure it qualifies as BIFL.

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