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Should I just quit urban and social life for a rural and lonely life?

I’m majoring in CS related-field, and I used to have tons of passion for it and underlying tech, and worked as full stack dev, but my mind was very different in a good way (better at logical/cognitive demanding tasks, creative, productive, etc). Things happened, and I just can’t stand living in society, experiencing all this...


I would say you need a change. I suspect you have some level of depression and a change of direction can help. I think you will find living off the land not as peaceful as you think. Deciding to live a minimalist existence can be rewarding but doing so with zero basic amenities is brutal. Have no power and relying on your land for all your needs becomes tedious very fast. An extremely small percentage of people could successfully do that.

Possibly have you considered just moving to a small rural town and taking on more labor type of small work. Handyman stuff of your own comforts. Not sure of your skills but you would need to be a handyman if your thinking of becoming a hermit. Just one suggestion.


I can understand why a person has no interest in it and I personally don’t need to access it but I also don’t really care if it available. I do not become offended if it is available.

In reality I am far more uncomfortable with violent content yet they seem to get far less attention then porn.


You think a company should pay you even if you decide not to work? As much as I wish the universe rained down food, housing, and smart phone but the reality is that it cares not of you get a meal at the end of the day.

I have no idea what point you are trying to make.


And what is the stat in those countries?


You will have factors more dangerous levels of radiation if you spend much time in the sun.

Interesting there are cities in the US that have background levels of natural radiation, levels higher than that allowed at nuclear plants. Check out places in Colorado. Yet they have cancer rates no higher than the national average. Some lower.

The ocean alone has enough natural radiation that if we mined it out of the water, it could power the world for thousands of years. And actually there are ways to mine it for about 10c a kwh. That is economical but far higher than land based mining at about 2c per kwh thus no point in doing so.


From a guy that installed a 5kw system on my house in Mexico, Solar non base load systems are so inconsistent that they are a poor choice if you want to really help people. You need base load power generation otherwise you will have very unstable power grids.

Zippy, (edited )

I think the guy is pretty slimy but did he release any information that were lies?

Also does lying even constitute anything illegal?

Suggesting to lock someonen up for centuries because you don’t like his political position reminds me of someone.


Nothing illegal about that. Just slimy because he claimed to be the bastion of Truth.

Politicians are going to only release negative details about opposition’s as well. I don’t think there is some law you need to support a certain philosophy.


I do. I care about injustice. Even those that are fuck heads. I am not a Trump supporter that thinks justice for one but not others.

Do younger people go home earlier now? Or go out less? Is it since COVID?

Someone asked a question about how frequently young people have time to socialize and it made me think about what people do with their evenings. I recently asked my son to go to a concert (free ticket to see a band i know he likes) and he declined because it was an hour away on a weeknight. If we invite our kids or niece/nephew...


I think that has always been the case. Working that is.


All those words that are pronounce the same but have completely different meanings. Particularly the common words.

To two too

No know

Their there

By buy bye

Then there there ones spelt the same but two different meanings and silent letters to even be better.

Go right, you’re right.

Didn’t know how messed up English spelling/pronunciation is till I started to learn Spanish and nearly every word is pronounced exactly as spelled.


The only one they changed is the double l. ll to sounds like a y. But in some circles they consider that a seperate letter to the Spanish alphabet. Overall it is fairly consistent.

Even better, Spanish words are typically broken into two (or is it to or too) letter syllables.

How the fuck can I kill 20 hours?

My 13 hour flight just got delayed 7 hours, I’m stuck at my second airport, and I dont think I’m gonna make it. I have some movies and audio books on my phone, but really only anticipated having to burn the flight time via napping and some media, not 7 hours leading up to it, and I’m pretty sure I’m gonna mentally burn...


Drugs. Illegal ones preferably. Anything to make you catatonic. Airports are a certain type of hell.


Try audio books for sleeping. TV didn’t work at all but audio books work great. And I really enjoy then as well. Typically just set a timer so they shut down and if I wake and can’t turn off the brain, just start listening again.

Zippy, (edited )

They work well in moving vehicles but beyond that we could ditch them entirely. Edit. I should have said for most purposes. They do work well for kids or someone injured, hospitals etc.

Straws are a strawman argument to begin. That plastic drink cup has about 50 times the plastic of your typical straw.


Socialism into communism has been disapproval far worse from an environmental point of view. Well from nearly every metric.

Even with the best form of political and economic systems, people still will use every resource possible if it makes their life that much more comfortable.


Countries like China can certainly enact unpopular opinion with little opposition. That can get policy thru that may be beneficia at times. You can see this with their recent energy policy. They are bringing online coal power production at a rapid rate. I can understand how that will help them from an economic standpoint. It is certainly something democratic countries would have a tough time implementing where as they can do this with little opposition.


Are you a Trump supporter? That sounds like something that would come out of their camp.


I recall reading somewhere making new friends as an adult takes 200 hours (it some arbitrary number) if time together in some social aspect. This requires some level of common interests as you speak of. I also noticed this factors in a couple of friends I have made. Those hours together though must be due to mutual interests and this the reason you build hours.

I see this in my personal life and those around me. As a child you often have many good friends. I have noticed the ones that survived into adulthood are those that took similar work paths. The ones that work in different fields tend not to be so close anymore. It also factors if you move away for work. Like I did. You simply don’t see the people you had such strong ties to and that is difficult. You get busy and prioritization changes. Same if some have kids and others don’t it do it at different points in their lives.

Work then becomes your next place to find people with common interests and skills. Generally this applies to jobs that are more career oriented and not the temporary mcjobs. The risk is that people job shop much more now so that friend of yours may move away. As stated joining social groups are also possible. But it takes effort and you need to be engaged to keep going. That can be difficult.


North sea wind is ones of the most expensive energy options and now some major companies with fully operational production are suggesting they may go into bankruptcy.


Those months where three paychecks fall in them are pretty sweet.


I think you might be the only one that inferred that.


Two weeks (or weekly) is very common for people on hourly wages in most countries. Particularly those with overtime rules. It gets a bit confusing if you have a bi monthly pay and say overtime rate for any hours over 40 hour weeks. Your checks land on 14 to 15.5 days per monthly but your overtime may need to be calculated based on hours of a previous pay period.


In future we all expect you to list the average tax rate you are in and which two tax brackets that it lies between by calculating all the taxes paid and dividing by your gross wages then looking up the tax code to verify it has not changed. Please provide sources every time on your tax code.


I think most answered your question with one exception. Dollars? What else you expect it in? Cats?

(Ignoring you will want it in the country of your residence)

How do you deal with being broke?

I’m in my 30s so I should be used to this by now, but this shit is getting so stressful guys. I have no savings, my checking account is drained every month with rent, and if there’s ever a serious emergency I have no safety net, I’m legitimately fucked. I’m one unplanned expense away from absolute ruin. Those in the same...


Western countries possibly. Not most of the world population has near zero help. Safety nets are a very modern philosophy that has only emerged in about the last 50 years and mainly in in capitalistic societies that have created the excess wealth to support.

I am happy we have those extra resources to support people. But this is not some universal law that dictates the requirement. The universe cars not about our well behind. This is provided by those that work a few extra hours to cover those that can’t.


Do you have roommates? If not that is rather expected as a single guy with no family. Check you budgets but if you’re working a mcjob, likely will not see any real future. Mcjobs are for kids or those that just want some spare cash or don’t need the ‘responsible’ type of job. Job shop as many say here. Just do it. Keep in mind that real career type jobs that can eventually pay higher require you to take a real investment in what you want to do. Pick something that fits you in other words.

Sorry if it is kind of tough love advice. Most other posts have covered your typical suggestions but ultimately it comes down to solely the direction and effort you take.


One year is nothing. Even for crap work. It seems like a long time but when you look back it often was a breeze.

I recall signing up for the military that was going to be A 4 year stint. When your 19, that seems like a lifetime. It gave me 4 years to sort myself out. You can have a girlfriend and social life in that period but you do not start a family or great commitments. That year or few years is to get your life started.


I am never wrong. If God herself came down and told me I was wrong, he is wrong.

Should there be an "ALL OFF" button to instantly shut down all these new AI Defense bots that the Military in the US want to build and deploy in the thousands? (

The Pentagon Is Accelerating AI and Autonomous Technology America’s military leaders are racing to deploy thousands of autonomous weapons and an AI-powered air monitoring system for Washington D.C.

Zippy, (edited )

I don’t like it but I think we do. China and Russia will certainly have them and they will get ten times better in a same amount of years.

I watched the Ted talk on defense drivers. Scary shit. Thing is I work with commercial cameras and have, in hand, camera that can not only identify all kinds of objects such a human’s, they can recognize individual humans and put a name to them. They can recognize if people are loitering or if someone is being followed. They can reconsider a car from a truck from a bus from a bike. This is not done in a server but thru the power of the CPU in the camera alone. The cost. 500 dollars.

Point being the power available in such a low cost item is staggering. Combined with a weapons platform and it is scary. A terrorist group could distribute hundreds into bushes and they could just sit there for a week in low power mode, waiting to recognize a simple person and spring into action. This is stuff we have right now off the shelf.

What will be part of military arsenals in ten years will eclipse this current tech significantly. Troops won’t be ambushed by live human fire but by thousands of drones that care not for their survival.


It is not the world we live in unfortunately. Tell that you the Russians, to China or to some terrorist group with a few hundred thousand to spare.


Worse. They are taking about a program that has some sort of motivation or desires to disable the kill switch. It is quite silly yet. Worst case is a program bug that somehow disables. That would be highly unlikely. Particularly in such a way it would be dangerous.


Hikvision line mainly if you want the low cost ones.

They won’t do a ‘not me’ identification. Mainly because it can only identify you or any person if they get a decent view of you. Basically the first event will be ‘i see a human’ and if you look at the camera then it can also do an event and say basically ‘Jack black’ is here. It is two different kind of events you need to turn on. But the person recognition can only fire if it recognizes you.

I thought the same thing is you in that I could have it ignore known people. But it like you looking out a window. You see someone from a distance. To recognize them you need them to come closer. Thus as a person you don’t call the cops or create an event immediately but at some point you might. The cameras are not quite that smart yet but as said, ten years?


We still do have those real wild adversaries. Russia and China are only two that are of the conventional type.

The less obvious ones are the ones we don’t think about so much. Iran, Iraq, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Argentinian at one time and so fourth. Most of these countries stay in line predominately because they now understand the likelihood of Western nation military involvement it they act too aggressive.

Point being if all Western nations backed out of the arms race right from the beginning. From WW2, I suspect WW3 would have happened long ago. One or more of those other countries would be far more active in one way or another. If we backed out now, it also would not be long before those same countries realize they could act without impunity. Nothing has really changed. Just the military damage potential is far more serious.


I had mentioned that in an earlier post. It is pretty scary. They could sit in a bush for a month using extremely low power motion detection. See any motion turn on camera to look for human recognition.


It offsets government spending. Particularly wages. Russia gets far more rubles now for the oil and gas they sell. Wages are paid in rubles this everyone took a large wage cut. Imported goods would be much higher but much of the regular person’s daily spending is on local products. Of which prices have not changed significantly… Yet. Also while Russia is getting top dollar or more correct, top ruble for its oil and gas, it is not exporting as much. Nationally they are awash in energy and prices for the average person has dropped.

These gains are short lived though. They are rapidly wearing out items that require are imported. TV and electronics break. Then you have industry that is starting to hurt as supply chains cost more. Basically they are living in a house and ignoring to maintain it. In the short term they can maintain their habits but eventually you have big costs down the line.


They don’t have more power than the state. The state could easily legislate any demands they want. Do so though and you end up rapidly like Venezuela. Contacts matter. Unless you think the state should be able to take your house with little to no compensation as well? That is not capitalism. Don’t be obtuse.


Rather expected. Local production of ng is no longer increasing on the EU countries that produce it. Pretty much all EU producers have stopped any increases of production or CapEx with the introduction of windfall taxes. Pretty much the EU has sent all that investment into countries not so friendly and in the long term they are going to be very reliant on countries that produce LNG. Russia being one.

Good job ensuring these less friendly countries become energy giants. Worked well with Russia.

Is Twitter/X really going to shut down anytime soon?

As a disclaimer, I am a passive hater of Twitter/X ie I don’t like it as a toxic social media platform and haven’t used it but I am not asking the users to move to Threads or some other fediverse alternative as a paid promoter. Also I don’t really intend to keep a strict tab on its status since I get any related major...


I don’t think Musk is too happy with this purchase. The price was a significant premium and he knows it. I am not sure if he is cash positive or profitable yet. But if not, putting even more money into an expensive purchase is a hard pill to swallow. Even for someone of his wealth.

Most of his wealth is on paper. This was a pretty large purchase even by his standard.


Yet Argentina had destroyed their economy for 25 years because they won’t act responsible and institute policies of austerity. This just keeps happening to them.

Other countries in the same bed that have ignored austerity policy, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Sudan…

So ya it is actually a necessity unless your fine with triple digit inflation year after year.

EU imports record volumes of liquefied natural gas from Russia (

“It’s shocking that countries in the EU have worked so hard to wean themselves off piped Russian fossil gas only to replace it with the shipped equivalent. It doesn’t matter if it comes from a pipeline or a boat — it still means European companies are sending billions to [Vladimir] Putin’s war chest.”


I think the point is the LNG pretty much negates the sanctions. Why bother with sanctions if you simply skirt them and buy from Russia anyhow?

The record volumes are the increases month after month.


Not at all. The world LNG imports increased by an average of 6%. Europe increases it by 40%. What are the points of sanctions even as this article more or less points out.


I agree but it is a tough one to police. If your business is next to a road, can you advertise from there? What signage you allowed to put up? Only your own? What if you have two business on the same property? Both get a sign? What if you sell McDonalds a 5% stake in your land?

But they are an eyesore. Hate them.


You have to be licensed to drive manual? Never heard of that in North America. Honestly I never heard it being a problem or unsafe or that it ever caused an accident. Seems like another level of regulation that serves little purpose.


I read your posts. Interesting. I also find privacy to be an important desire on these platforms. That being said, being that anyone can open an instance and have access to the raw data, wouldn’t many of your features be logically impossible to implement under a distributed server philosophy.

Or maybe better said, individual servers could certainly implement certain features but they would no be able to share the raw anonymous data without breaking their security. Or they could anonymize their data but what server would allow this and not block them rapidly. Thus I would need an account on every platform to access all content.


Well it is called weed for a reason. Is definately therapeutic for me too. I started with MH lights. Without question they resulted in a better crop. I am now all LED but I had to double the specified wattage equivalence. In other words if you’re taking out a 1000 watt MH light, you need to put in 2000 watts of LED equivalence. More or less all the LED manufacturers lie when they state what the equivalence is for growing. Still worth it as you will save on power within two or three years and you are not dealing with excessive heat or burning your tops. I forgot about that full cost now that I think of it. Likely spent more than I said.


If you can grow indoor and force into flower (8 to 12 hours per day light and lower the temp a bit) that will give you the most consistent crops. Bugs are likely the number one problem particularly with normal soil grown plants. I recommend doing smaller shorter grows but more per year. The shorter grows time means less likely you will have an infestation problem. Well mean smaller harvests but you can do more per year. This kind of control requires a location you can entirely remove any light sources but your grow lights.

Overall it is really hard to kill a weed plant. They grow like a weed. Thus the name. In my case, I able leave them in the grow stage for a month then flip the lights to 10 hours days to force flowering. At that point they might be a foot high but even in flower they will grow another 3 feet over the next two months. Clean out any dead or crappy branches. Also at some point about half way thru I start to remove bottom leaves and thin out a bit. 90 percent of your harvest will be from the top. They will get super sticky if you do it right. Leaves on the bottom typically get little light and use up energy. Stressing your plant is part of the cycle. Basically the low light and leaves being cut off tells the plant fall is coming and I am struggling a bit so start to flower heavily to carry on my species.

And for God’s sake, don’t over fertilizer. Most soils are good by themself or only require a small amount of nutrients. I don’t know how many people grew but get these crappy returns as they over fertilizer and as it hurts their growth, they keep think even more will make it better.

Anyhow this is just part of a good crop advice. Lots of videos. Mostly keep a clean room and other than water and a bit of love, you will get good crops.

Forgot one thing. Get feminized seeds. You can’t have males. You don’t even want your neighbors to have males. Burn their house.

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