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It is not a public place. It is a private establishment that allows some of the public in.


I will go against everyone here. You should buy a drink. Is polite. And it may make your friends bit uncomfortable.

That being said, while it is not a public place, not sure why they would care much considering others are purchasing something. Maybe your group should locate other location.


Most of developed world are pretty fed up with Hamas. Lemmy is not the norm.


A great number of countries on that list as those the likes of Russia, Saudia Arabia, North Korea… Not nations known for human rights or security.


No wonder depression and suicide rates are increasing.


I have never worn out a pair of shoes that way. Not against what you suggest but if they takes say 20 percent more energy but only 5 percent of people will take any advantage of it, that is a fifteen percent hit to the environment.

I just took those numbers out of my ass but there is a good chance that if you force companies to build say a product like this more durable, it could end up costing the consumer and the environment more than less. It is near impossible to legislate.

Chevron Plans to Spend $14 Billion on Oil and Natural Gas Production in 2024 (

Chevron’s ambitious plans reflect its optimistic outlook on the industry and its confidence in the future of oil and natural gas. The $14 billion investment will be focused on various projects worldwide, including exploration, drilling, and infrastructure development. These projects will contribute to Chevron’s overall...


Pretty much zero. They won’t be getting any real funding other then from investors or organic. About the only subsidies are in renewables.


Which is a pretty legitimate write-off considering they are an expense. To expand what you mean is that in some cases they can be expensed entirely in one or two years instead of 5 or 6 years that most capital assets will be mostly written down. In the end, the government gets the same amount of taxes and the company will pay a similar amount of taxe. It is pretty hard to call that a subsidy. But this is always the one that comes up because typically there is no tax dollars provided and little to no other benefits oil and gas receive.

But secondly, and why it is pretty much a legitimate write off is that often, especially with exploration, the well value does not provide returns. When that is the case, all the capital spent on said well pretty much has zero value. It makes sense and is fair to write it off. You can do that on any business if you can justify that the item is no longer viable and you can’t sell it.

There are a number of reasons we should limit our fossil fuel consumption but it certainly is not for the tax benefits it provides.


So is solar and wind. Compared to fossil fuels that is. But it is worth it all the same.


Well we got new world records in oil and gas consumption. Wait till China, India and South Africa decide they want to use even a fraction of what we use in developed nations…

Train manufacturer intentionally bricks trains serviced by independent service providers (

Polish train manufacturer that lost servicing tender programmed train controller to brick itself after train stays for some time in 6 ISP facilities or in 1 their faculity(for testing?) until undocumented button combination is pressed. Some controller versions brick itself after train is idle for 10 days. After news about this...


I would not take this as proof. A third party company was being penalized significant fees because they were not meeting their contractual requirements to keep the trains running. Newag completely denies it suggesting maintenance makes up only 5 percent of their revenue. Also stated was that they controls have no connection to the internet which is a likely design requirement. Negating some of the claims.

Not suggesting they are not at fault but it appears multiple companies have a stake in this. There likely is no digital fingerprint on the PLC software modifications so if some devious code is found, would be hard to show who did it and when. There is possibilities to check all trains and if for example no faulty code was found on trains that were never maintained by company xyz, then that may create some suspicion on a different company. If code found on every train…

I wouldn’t discount anything. Even Newag.


This is Russia and China, if you read the article, increased control of the middle East and locking down additional world energy control.


When will an AI be ready for my phone so that it can completely remove all injected non relevant content and stitch back articles into the original form? Only get precisely what you ask for.

I know. Pipe dream.


Every country pretty much. Lawsuit. Don’t pay taxes. Owe money to someone personally. You don’t get to hide your assets behind a home and get into financial trouble in other areas.

This is also why homeowners typically live within the law. Too much to loose.

If you had a one-way ticket to Jan 1, 1999 that departs on Jan 1, 2024, and you are allowed to bring whatever fits into a backpack with you, what would you bring to use to take over the world, and how would you use it? (

Assume that the future can change based on your actions, so any historical information that you bring along with you from the intervening 25 years may quickly drift out of the new realities history....


Win the Powerball more than once and someone will be doing an investigation.


What term do you use for gasoline? Has Europe assigned petrol for gasoline?

Petrol or petroleum is diesel or gasoline by definition. If you say or petrol in you tank you are basically saying put fuel in your tank without specifying what it is.


Ya both terms are a bit confusing. I think the refining levels are about the same other then diesel is done at a higher temp among other process. For automotive anyhow. There is a less refined process for bunker fuel or some off road applications but mostly shipping.


I wouldn’t use Wiki as an official designation for terms but ya most people know what you mean. Diesel and gasoline are both petroleum products. Gas is short for gasoline but alone it can mean something else. Petro is slang for gasoline and most would know what you mean as well but anytime in the industry would not be sure if you said that.


There is a massive drive to legalize weed. How is banning this any different than banning marijuana?

Do not like smoking myself but not sure how to justify the hypocrisy of thinking we should ban this vice over the other.


I would call most plumbing as hoses as they are using flexible plastics in most installations. Pipes are generally referred to as rigid items. But that is selective even. Hoses under some definitions are pipes with multiple layers. Ie. Rubber and a metal mesh grid for strength.

Think the definitions are quite interchangeable. We simply use the cheapest most dependable option available that adheres to code.


One of my first bosses noticed me doing a job in a particular laborish way when there were power tools available that would make it much easier. I remember him taking me aside and suggesting that it is better to use all the tools available if it makes the work easier. Better for me and better for him.

I have since become the boss and I often repeat similar advice to employees. I tell them I appreciate when they are working hard but I even appreciate it more when they work smarter but less hard. If there is a hole to dig, don’t grab a shovel when there is an excavator nearby. I am more impressed by the work you get done and even more so if you do it with minimal labor.


Don’t think there is any ambiguity on Hamas policy. Think it is time to take them out entirely.


Hamas has been building bunkers under some locations at these camps. Israel did give warning.


No but the celebration of Hamas here is embarrassing. Most of the world knows of the reality in the ground. Lemmy is not typical of most views.

Zippy, (edited )

Curious here. Just moved to a large acreage and have some 5 bears and about 10 wolfs that pose a risk to my dogs mainly. I grew up with guns so comfortable around them but had not really used one in twenty years. Now the laws require them locked up at all times but I literally need access in seconds. Have a few times have had to scare of the bears but it is the wolves that are my biggest concerns.

I can’t really lock them up or more to the point is that they would have near zero value locked up. I can’t imagine most farmers lock them up. What is the general idea around this?

Edit. Coyotes not wolfs.


Well I am deploying other options but not working that well. Just more curious what the ranch type guy that is using a rifle weekly if not daily does. Seperate lock up are not practical when you need them rapidly and at random times. I personally am for heavy gun regulation. Hand guns seem completely unneeded except for certain jobs and having more than say three rifles does not seem necessary. But in a farm or ranch situation, having them easily accessible is pretty important.


They might not have 5 bears and 10 Coyotes in a small area. Not sure what you are getting at? I suspect some of them, particularly the ones with cattle and large area often travel around with rifles. They are a bit of a necessity but I don’t suspect your much of an expert in that field. Looking for those that actually have more dangerous animals around they are dealing with daily or weekly.


I thought about poison but too likely a dog might get into it. Live traps are next best bet then they can be taken somewhere and shot safely. For bears the live traps are quite large so not so easy. Mind you not so worried about the bears. They run from even if small dogs. I am more concerned in the event where you need immediate access such as an attack. The Coyotes will come right up to the house but lucky the dogs have not been around or inside. They are crafty buggers so you pretty much need to be ready right then if you want to shoot them. Might just have to hunt them. We live right next to town and I know they have killed a few pets to date.

I suspect many with real wild animal issues do not lock their guns away although they may tell people they do. Curious how many people don’t.


To be sure there are ways to defend animals and large animals usually will protect their young. The majority of farmers with livestock have guns in Canada and few have any qualms of using them. We are not living in the stone age. Not sure what your problem is as I am curious what most are doing overall. I suspect most don’t lock up not do I see it as a significant safety issue surrounding gun culture like there is in the US. I have never heard of a rancher going postal. Nearly all the mass shootings I can recall are from gun happy people that having nothing to do with ranch or farm type lifestyles. So not sure what your problem is unless you just like to be silly or argumentative or just a dink. Whatever. I am more worried about my smaller dogs. If I can kill them will do so but might have to hunt them down I suspect. Was hoping I could just take it the ones that approach the main yard but if hunting them, likely will have to kill them all as won’t know who the nuisance ones are.


Well that is why I would rather just kill the ones that are aggressive and less fearful and would approach people houses. Now I understand why you were being goofy. Is not about gun safety as I was asking but think any killing of nuisance animals it’s unwarranted. Not what I was asking but thanks for your input.

If it comes to the death of one of my dogs or some coyote that hangs around, my dogs will always come first. Sorry if you think that is not normal.


I don’t think the skyscraper would be rectangular but likely more circular which would make them extremely strong. Our current technologies could easily build them and with compartments, they would be relatively safe. Building them would be quite difficult.

A comparable dome on the other hand would be subject to incredible forces if it was to be a single unit but hold that of a skyscraper. A dome of say 1000 foot diameter, would experience some 2 billion pounds of force at sea level atmosphere. It scales up bad and for anything large it is not practical nor do we have the technology or materials. Small domes on the other hand are quite practical and make a great deal of sense and we could build that.

In reality, a skyscraper would just be a tube with a pressure dome on top.


The larger the dome the exponential the forces become. A thousand foot dome has 2 billion pounds of force acting on it. We don’t have materials to handle those kinds of forces.


Not allowing foreign investment is reducing capital for construction. Living in Canada this is not helping like you think.


What economic reality results in more houses being built with less investment.

We have a lack of houses. Lowering the price will not make houses materialize or do you think some magic will happen?


I think WhatsApp is still fantastic. Just a matter of time till Facebook incorporates it fully in. That is what worries me.


Likely would be difficult to get those messages in front of the right person at said company. Also bit hard to for them to verify it is not some scam. I wouldn’t bother but it is a nice thought.


This is a real bizarre thing for him to do. You are definately in his head. Congrats on that. Did you fuck his girlfriend… Wife… Dog? If not, you should.


Would you work harder or longer at your current job if you were paid say an unconditional 1000 per month and if not, how would productively increase to pay for it?

I will get down voted but no one will have a good answer for this.


So if 5 percent of the workforce pursues other endeavors such as the arts or retirees sooner, and certainly people will retire sooner, where do you find the people to take out your garbage when 5 percent of them quit?


So your ok if your garbage does not get taken out or if that many less people want to be doctors and nurses?


Actually Manitoba Canada did one of the biggest experiments and the best that came out of it was productivity fell less than expected. So no your statement does not support that.

More so this post suggest more people would do things like art which is absolutely suggesting productivity will fall.

And seriously are you telling me you wouldn’t retire earlier if you were paid a significant amount over your lifetime? I can bs on people working just as hard if they didn’t have to.


You could be wrong. People may have thought what you thought 100 years ago thinking it could not get much better.

But you are right on that we live in one of the most prosperous times in history. Was said well. Possibly the next big change will be the ability to control our DNA evolution or discover a real understanding of the human brain in ways that may result in a change to humanity that would be completely foreign to us. They might think that is the pinnacle.


Absolutely. The wavelengths would be significantly increased or decreased depending if viewed from the outside standing standing still in respect to the spacecrafts motion.

From inside the spacecraft it would appear normal. What would seem weird is that objects you are traveling towards would appear much closer than if you were stationary to said objects. Objects behind you would appear much farther away.


I think you might be incorrect. To a stationary person on the ground, the light they emit would be red or blue shifted depending on the direction they are going. Red or Blue shifting is the same as saying your wave length is changing.

What I think you meant to say is that the speed of light does not change at all. Which is correct. That has nothing to do with the wave length which can change in frequency.

Edit. Will clarify. Only the stationary person will see the wavelength or other term, frequency change. The person in the spaceship will not notice any changes in the light they emit as it will be entirely cancelled out by the time dilation.


Bit meh but I hate that song. Then again I hate most songs that are over played.

If I have a combination smoke, CO and flammable gas detector, how do I test each component separately?

The fire alarm system at my house is handled entirely by our property manager as it is semi-attached housing, so we have a centralised fire panel for all the houses. We only have two hockey puck shaped sensors on the ceiling of our house, one on each floor, and that’s it in terms of safety sensors. We have gas fired appliances...


Honestly just buy your own detectors. Then you are double protected.

Working parallel to that industry, those likely are just smoke detectors. CO2 typically you want low down close to the floor. I any seen gas detectors in motorhomes but also been low to the floor.


Why would that be likely? Wouldn’t that only be the case of the brain you are eating already has it?


They can open the doors slowly via some hydraulic method. I do not suspect during tests they use the rocket opening option which can open the door in two seconds.

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