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Israeli rightists are trying to reframe a Gaza population transfer as a 'moral act' (

The idea of expelling Arabs to other countries was once linked to Meir Kahane and other far-right radicals, and thus considered anathema by most Israelis. Now, to the delight of right-wingers, the idea is gaining traction as a ‘moral' solution to the war.


It’s not even ‘floated’, Israel has been pressuring Europe for over a month now to force Egypt to open up their borders.


*Nov 19 (Reuters) - A humanitarian assessment team visited Al Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza and saw signs of shelling and gunfire in what was described as a “death zone,” the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Sunday.

The WHO-led team, which included public health experts, logistics officers and security staff from various U.N. departments, was able to spend only an hour inside the hospital on Saturday due to security concerns, WHO said in a statement.

The team described the hospital as a “death zone” and said the situation was “desperate,” with the hospital basically not functioning as a medical facility due to scarcity of clean water, fuel, medicine and other essentials.

“Signs of shelling and gunfire were evident. The team saw a mass grave at the entrance of the hospital and were told more than 80 people were buried there,” the WHO statement said.

The hallways and hospital grounds were filled with medical and solid waste, and patients and health staff expressed fear for their health and safety, it said. There were 25 health workers and 291 patients, including 32 babies in critical condition, remaining in Al Shifa, WHO said.*

“WHO and partners are urgently developing plans for the immediate evacuation of the remaining patients, staff and their families,” it said.


He took a page from the Belgian elections. Every time there are roadworks everywhere, I know next year is an election year.


Key point here is ‘produce’.


This has been happening all over Europe. Sorry Dutch link:…/israel-overspoelt-sociale-media-met-adve…

The campaign was mainly aimed at European countries. “Nearly 50 video ads in English were targeted at EU countries, while viewers in the US and UK were served 10 and 13 ads respectively. One of the videos had been viewed more than 3 million times,” it said on October 17.

Question to those not in the USA, and who have lived outside the USA.

I’ve been thinking about something and want to check an assumption I have. I only hear directly from other people in the USA, and interract with the global community through memes. How are the gun regulations/laws different from yours in terms of strictness, and do you wish there was more or less where you live?...


Also Belgium. The only time I had a gun was when I joined the Police for a few years. After that, nope. In my 5 years, I’ve never even had the thought that I should pull out my gun. I’ve served in Brussels and rural areas.

It was just emphasized so much during our 12 months of training to ‘never ever use it unless it’s your last resort, only pull out your gun when you’re ready to pull the trigger’ that it simply didn’t cross my mind. We were more trained with the stick thing, ‘job?’ and judo, hand to hand combat.

Also, as a civilian you have to take an exam to own a firearm. If you have mental health problems or a record of criminal behaviour forget it. Even if you do get a license, you can only use it in a shooting range and specific situations. And never transport your gun and ammo together.

If you have a burglar, even then you’re only allowed to use appropriate force. If he has a knife, you’re not allowed to shoot him.


It’s cool. I come from a religious background that I questioned all the time, even when my family focused only on teaching us the wholesome beautiful stuff, it’s still hard to be on board with the rest or how other people interpret it.

So I’ve decided to quit. It’s still hard, but I do still believe in a higher power. All the rest… I don’t think God cares about head scarves or sex or alcohol,… Just live your life the way you want to and you’ll be okay.


That’s interesting, do you have some reading/listening recommendations about it? I would love that. (Trying to figure shit out)


I thought that too. But when my atheist friend lost her child, the only thing I could talk about was ‘energy never gets destroyed and shit’, just to keep her away from organised religion. Because her local priest already has made an appointment to speak to her and her partner.

Sometimes it is really about giving them comfort that their loved ones will be alive as long as they remember them. That’s what I told her but I still feel shitty about it, because I hope there’s something more for the innocents, but I don’t think so.


It’s better if they don’t exist. Just believe that you are energy that can’t be destroyed. That way, you’ll live forever, like molecules or whatever. I try to think of it that way? Just cruising around the globe or visiting other galaxies? Onward to the next adventure? (Sorry drunkish)


That’s a good take. It offers hope in times of desperation. A mental health solution would be better, but I’m told constantly that there’s a waiting list of 2 years, even though my GP is trying his very best to get me into a program, sometimes a higher power is all we have.

That said, f*ck all the religious rules. Live your life and hang on, even if you have to believe in a unicorn.


Same, 44, but Muslim background :) I don’t know why but your view makes me so happy, like I’m not the only one… Let’s just live our lives in peace and I agree. We have to figure out who we are and what we stand for as a ‘human’ without interference, so keeping that to ourselves (offline) makes it easier in this timeline. Let’s figure it out first and then we can go from there.


Thanks for this. I’ve read some Plato but it was so long ago, I have to look into it again.

I’m hoping for a nice overall entity, so that makes me an Agnostic theist for now.

I severed myself completely from a major religion. Never again for me.


There is a site with all the RSS feeds from major news outlets. If you download the app Feeder you can add them and have an overall view. Problem is, there are more newspapers that don’t support RSS anymore and it’s a shame.

Thanks for these btw.


You really get it lol. Also, hope you don’t wake up on the first day of the periods. Or the 3 days before. Or the 5 days during the period and 2 days after :)


I can only describe my periods this way: like someone is twisting a serrated knife constantly in your belly (uterus). Up and down, left, right, up and down… It doesn’t stop for 3 days straight…I’m really looking forward to menopause…no amount of painkillers help. But the chocolate and nice people does :)




Their statement would have been fine if they left the god and religion part out of it…

*The following statement was released, “In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful. With the help of God Almighty, our air defenses were able to shoot down an American MQ9 aircraft. The aircraft was conducting hostile, monitoring, and spying activities within Yemeni territorial waters. These activities were carried out within the framework of American military support for the Israeli entity.

The Yemeni Armed Forces affirm their legitimate right to defend the country and confront all hostile threats with the appropriate weapons, with God’s help. Yemen’s armed forces vow to continue military operations against Israel to support Palestine.” *

Also, here’s a backstory to the Houthis in short:…/who-are-yemens-houthis-why-did-they…

I’m all for the Palestinian cause, but I don’t like the Houthis’ slogan. Or they should get a better PR firm.


I’ve been cleaning with vinegar and dish soap for a year (mostly for my cats) and the last few weeks I’ve decided to ditch it.

I’m a clean freak and have never had so much trouble keeping spiders, fruitflies and insects out of the house. I’m back to buying specific cleaners for specific things and my god does it make a difference. Never again.


Yes, those work very well. But after a month or two, they always came back. So this time I used the trap for weeks, in the meantime using specific agents to clean and I’ve noticed they die faster.

I don’t know, maybe they’re attracted to the vinegar afterwards when used for cleaning? That’s my only guess. It’s weird, but I’ll see the results in a few months.

Are there r/WorldNews Israel bots or am I hallucinating

I just noticed that there are quite a few users on Reddit from r/WorldNews who are defending Israel unequivocally and when I checked some of the users they seemed to be engaging on topics only about Israel/Palestine and they seem to be extremely active, so I have checked the Internet and there are even some older BBC article and...


There are. In the first week of the attacks, the Israel Times had a blog post about Act 2 of the war. Here’s the blog post: …

My country’s news outlet even has a section that informs us about the disinformation campaigns going on on both sides and addressing/correcting what’s probably the truth.

Edit: they’re on Lemmy too.


Belgium’s VRT. I’ve seen other countries’ outlets starting to do it too.


The only thing those voters ask from Biden is to represent them too in this conflict. He doesn’t, so putting the blame on them if he loses the elections, is not fair.

Also he made it clear he doesn’t care about their voices, so all he has to do is replace those votes with Jewish voters I guess? Muslims and Jews make up 1% each of the entire US population (census 2020), so it’ll straighten itself out.


Also, biden’s biggest problems right now are that more black and Latino voters are moving to the republican side. The polling today was really worrying.


Thanks that’s insightful.


Read this about what they’re planning to do in the first 180 days:…/project-2025

Wiki link:

Someone made a very good post recapping, but I can’t find it. Even as a non American, this scares the shit out of me. Democrats need to pull their heads out of their asses now or be ready for a real life Gilead.


Yes, imagine being so deluded you even proudly make a website to proudly announce your fucked up plans and think people will be okay with it.

The vanishing of the small high-end smartphone (

Manufacturers don’t make displays under 6 inches available for purchase, with special cases (such as the iPhone Mini) being made under exclusive contracts. The best lead they have so far is to try to use displays designed for the front part of a foldable phone, but they’re yet to strike an agreement....


I have small hands and I hate that I have to jerry rig my phone with shit to just reach the upper part of it.


I have a gut feeling that something really nasty is going to come out about this guy. I mean worse than we all think he already is.

Dozens of health organizations pledge ‘full support’ for federal ban on menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars (

Eighty national public health groups, including the American Heart Association, the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Preventative Medicine, placed a full-page ad in Sunday’s edition of the Washington Post in support of a federal ban on menthol in cigarettes and all...


This is hypocrisy. Let people smoke whatever they want. We’re not living in the fifties, everybody and their mother knows nicotine kills.

What they don’t get is that not everybody has a wonderful life and wants to live forever.

There are bans in place for kids, and adults should have the right to decide what they want. Ban flavoured alcohol too then.


Sorry but it’s a witch hunt at this point. And don’t get me started about drunk people wanting to grope me every time I go out.

Where I live, every workplace has a designated area where you can smoke. Indoor smoking is forbidden.

The drinking age here is 16, so is buying tobacco. There really aren’t that many smokers anymore. Most kids vape or smoke pot.

Also if your friend has asthma, I don’t know, stay away from smoking people you see? It can’t be that hard.

Also, I started smoking because I was bored. Now I keep smoking because I want to. I’ve actively stopped kids in my family from starting with it, so I’m not trying to say smoking is ok. Just leave us be.


Me. I never even attempted to quit smoking. I know it kills. And I want to be left alone and not harassed by other people as if they’re saving my life or something.

It is my choice.


Because this time it really could lead to WWIII. The middle east has always been a powder keg, but this time, both sides have committed such atrocities that there’s no coming back from it, unless they sit back at the negotiation table. (They won’t).

For the Israeli side, it’s the 1400 dead and mutilated bodies and the 200 hostages they somehow forgot about. For Hamas, the last decades of living in an open air prison, harassment and dehumanising of their people. Also they have nothing to lose at this point. And the violence is not letting up.

If Israel continues with this bloodlust thing they’re doing by bombing civilians, journalists and UN workers indiscriminately to death, chances are the Hezbollah’s will get involved in Lebanon. They’re much more organised and subsidized. When they get seriously in, it means the US will be obliged to counter attack. When the US counterattacks, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Egypt, all the Arab countries (with A SHIT TON OF MONEY) will get involved too in this war. This means more death and a war that no one will win, only more dead civilians as usual.

The more I think about it, the more I think this is Netanyahu’s end goal. Forcing the US to join in on the war is their only way of winning this genocidal war. And to do that they have to antagonise all the regional players to a point that they can no longer look away from all the kids dying and start a real war on them so the Israeli can play the victim and be supported by the US and some (not all!) EU countries. This can break the world, divide the unity of the EU and pit them against the US. Africa will get involved too. Actually pit everyone against everyone…

And then we have China and Russia…this is literally their wet dream. They’ll swoop in and take over after everyone of importance dies.

Sorry, just very drunk and it is still a worst case scenario…


Give it to her you monster. She deserves everything and more just by being soo cute :)


I’m so tired of this shit. Not everyone was dancing in the streets. You act as if it was a national holiday. Every society has it’s outliers and extremists, just like Israeli settlers who are killing West bank palestinians right now and/or torturing them, even going as far as trying to rape them. So don’t make comparisons, especially when you’re the aggressor here.

Also, if what Israel is doing is so right, why is there so much pushback, despite their disinformation and propaganda campaign? Let that sink in. What they did was bad, what you’re doing right now has overshadowed that.


Depending on the narrator, they’re either freedom fighters or terrorists. The question should be why and how does Hamas exist? They didn’t pop up one moment and started killing people.

If you’re really interested, read some different sources or listen to some podcasts from both sides and you’ll have a bigger sense of things.


Yes, I have Podcast addict and just subscribed to various news podcasts, some European, some American, British, middle eastern, …

I still have to find one Israeli source to see their point of view and one Palestinian or pro Palestinian.


Gizmo is going to be soooo spoiled and he deserves every bit of it. And that one black toe on every paw :)

I have a tuxedo too and he has a Hitler moustache and a beard and I actively have to remind myself not to give him everything he wants and usually fail because he’s so cute, funny and even taught my orange boy a few tricks. Enjoy him and give him some love from me.


Same. They literally changed her Asian features into that? And it’s not like the changed face is prettier than her. Disgusting.


I know Belfius still has a few ATMs inside the building, they do show your balance. During the day you can enter without swiping your card, but after certain hours you have to your card to get in.

Also, they have the banking app so you can always check your balance and do payments as long as you have a debit or credit card. Unless you have a special expenses card when in debt collection I think.


The ridiculous thing is, Africa is doing way better now, I would like to visit myself one day.

Did American History X foreshadow the resurgence of white nationalism in the US? (

A brilliant film emerged from these skirmishes – but its core insight still takes work to unpack. For generations, a persistent myth that black families were irreparably broken by sloth and hedonism had been perpetuated by US culture. Congress’s landmark 1965 Moynihan Report, for example, blamed persistent racial inequality...


Yes and the handmaid’s tale solidified it.


Edith Eger, The Choice. I was really depressed at the time and didn’t want to read about the Holocaust. Although it was gruesome at some points, it really touched me how much she’s made of her life and how positive her message still is.


Yes, Belgium in Europe. Come on over!


There’s always a need for architects. For such a small country, people here are always building and renovating. Maybe try it out first with an architect firm here? You can always send your CV to a few firms and explain you’d like the experience.

But really do your homework on where exactly you want to live. Flemish/Wallon/urban Brussels, the coast or Limburg? If you’ve already experienced Germany, it’s a bit the same here.


Oh, we have sooo many more sauces. And our fries are really the best. Right across the border, in the Netherlands, they even have peanut sauce for fries. I tried it and it was shit.


Trust me, I moved to a rural region and understand half of what these people say and I was born here :) it’s a tough language to learn, but you’ll get there. Also Belgians are exposed to other nationalities since the 60’s and know how to communicate non-verbally if they have to. Most of them have learned Dutch, French, German and know English.

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