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Xel, avatar

There is quite a lot of organic interactions in most subs although some big subs and niche subs have Astroturfers

Xel, avatar

A British software firm, Threads Software Limited, has given Meta a 30-day ultimatum to cease using the name “Threads” in the UK, citing ownership of the trademark.

So it’s just a threat with no actual value or feasible legal repercussions?

Xel, avatar

Lego Fortnite (Minecraft) is super good and their Guitar Hero clone is also pretty decent for groups

Xel, avatar

Divinity 2 with only 3 characters on Honor Mode is pretty fun too

Xel, avatar

I’ll try to get at least 10 but I also want to try some audiobooks.

Lately I’ve been re-reading Asimov books and it’s been enjoyable but I would also like to read new things too.

Xel, avatar

I personally prefer kindle over traditional books just because I can read at night with the kindle and the kindle is lighter than books.

I think reading comprehension is the same, although my very weak arms get tired when reading the book while holding it up while I’m in bed and then I have to go to the next page, and sometimes accidentally go 2 pages forward so it does get distracting in that sense.

I know a lot of people really like physical books because of sentimental/ritualistic reasons though and setting up a kindle/nook is a hassle for them

Xel, avatar

He said he would do something abrupt to literally kill the Argentinian peso as he wants to “dollarize” the country

Xel, avatar

It must be really messed up seeing all sorts of fucked up content 40+ hours a week

Xel, avatar

All extremist sides are just everywhere because extremism tends to be the best way for populists to gather votes and attention. Democracy is completely useless when the population is uneducated and cannot choose what’s best for themselves in the long, and even in the short term.

Here in Mexico things are getting wilder every year, people choose influencers and tv/sports stars just because they are famous, the president from 2012-2018 was chosen by a big percent of the population just because he was handsome lol

But now the best selling point is extremism, blaming x because of y since you are a victim but we can do z, z being whatever nonsensical and irresponsible measure that would change things.

Xel, avatar

It’s somewhat better but heavily depends on what you play and how you play it. Empirically, it’s better as now I only find toxic players every 20 games or so, when before it was like 1/2. But I also recommend to just mute everything and everyone and stick to ARAM if you don’t like toxicity.

Xel, avatar

I recommend it a lot, it’s very entertaining for team fights and quick tactics, rather than waiting 20 mins for the fun to begin or waiting for your JG to do something in SR

Alright, I'm gonna "take one for the team" -- what is with the "downvote-happy" users lately?

Title. “lmao internet points” and all, but what is the point of participating in a community that sees assumptions and other commonly non-harmful commentaries/posts as “bad” this easily? Do folks in here are really that needy of self-validation, even if it means seeking such from something completely insignificant like...

Xel, avatar

Most of the time it’s the echo chamber needs that we all have, we want to see opinions that match our own at the top, and opinions that don’t match, at the bottom.

The issue is that social media is very aggressive on the trends. It’s easier for people to formulate a judgement (when the opinion is somewhat ambiguous, or not very strong) when someone else has done the actual judgement for you and upvoted/downvoted.

If votes where not shown at all, the comments would have wildly distinct amounts of support. It’s a pretty fun subject to study to be fair since it affects all of us very strongly so they are not just fake internet points in that sense. People’s days are sometimes dictated by the amount of validation or hate they get from strangers, we’ve been seeing this since Facebook and it will continue getting more relevant as we move more of our daily lives and activities to the digital world.

Xel, avatar

I think the main issue is the fact that learning about how every single component in a computer works, would take an enormous amount of time and dedication, you cannot just inspire the interest in people to learn about something they are completely uninterested about.

You may see others as blind, careless individuals that want to get their data milked, but we all have to make sacrifices for convenience. We just cannot be interested in every single thing.

At a societal level, we all cannot and shouldn’t be knowing what the Unix philosophy is and what it represents for software design.

That being said, I do agree with the main point of being taught inferior PC practice, education in the schools I attended was mostly done via rote learning rather than explaining the tools that we have created to solve which problems or situations.

Xel, avatar

I think the other user replied what I would have said as well, we have a finite amount of time and we are seeing things from a computer-centric perspective.

I do agree that computer literacy is incredibly important and people should have the means to know how to properly operate the things they use on a daily basis but we could make the exact same argument over a myriad of things, take for example interpersonal skills or even emotions, we barely go over them in most educational systems and something as simple as communication is one of the biggest bottlenecks you can find while working, I’ve personally seen big projects go down in a big ball of fire all because of people miscommunicating or because someone can’t control their emotions.

As a TL;DR, we have more pressing issues as a society.

Hopefully we can continue moving forward as a society though, and we can have better education in more aspects, I’ve been a teacher in the past and I can tell you some that students are really hungry for knowledge. So not all hope is lost in that sense.

Xel, avatar

Not quite a gadget but I bought a sleeping mask some years ago and it has definitely made sleeping much easier.

I used to struggle a lot to sleep and having total darkness helps a lot, so I recommend giving it a try.

Xel, avatar

They’ll likely charge a small amount for a subscription to access your free games.

Xel, avatar

We are social creatures and there’s also loneliness epidemics popping everywhere, people are interacting less with people and interacting more with their opinion on the ideas of others.

While opinions are important to develop your own character and critical thinking skills, there’s an inherent competitive nature on social platforms, where having a winning argument has become the main goal, and opinions that others identify with, lead to further divisions, instead of making like-minded people gather.

Things do look grim for the future now that you’ll have AI running your echo chambers, distancing you from objective reality and just further isolating you into a self indulging solipsism.

So you ask, why are we like this? The truth is that it’s more economical and rewarding to find self validation by dismissing others. It requires less effort as you only establish a connection to hurt and mock. You don’t have to go through the effort of learning, teaching, helping and being helped.

Coming back to your example, we usually have a set of values, whether found through life or imposed by others, that we identify with, if we see something going against them we get frustrated and we want to do something about it, since most of us realistically cannot do shit about things then we go on and rant, but when others do the exact same, we fight them, it’s cheap, it’s easy it’s perfect to fulfil our need for action.

What can we do to fight this?

To be honest, I’m not sure.

I just try to help others around me by listening to them and being interested in what they want to say.

Xel, avatar

choices don’t matter

It was a painful experience to have to murder everyone in the scarlet fleet station to continue with the quest. I couldn’t get rid of the bounty since it was in the millions by the time I was doing those quests.

It was just so bad…

Xel, avatar

I think it’s due to the stereotypes and the bad experiences, I’ve had pretty bad experiences with indians in gaming (racist, annoying, begging) and work (incompetent, corrupt, etc), but I’ve also seen that from other people with different backgrounds, more importantly though is that I’ve also seen some amazing tutorials in YouTube from Indian peeps and I’ve also found some great repos from Indian devs as well.

Xel, avatar

They had some amazing coupons a few years ago, I remember buying Jedi: Fallen Order for like $4 USD

Xel, avatar

That sucks, I really enjoy when apps have more data to show.

Xel, avatar

By having an upvote / downvote system it already has a censoring and ranking system.

If you look at most threads people downvote dissenting opinions regardless of the quality of their arguments, some instances become echo chambers that way.

You can easily control the narrative by upvoting someone that argues against you, most people will see your comment as

1 upvote 1 downvote

And the person arguing with you as


Therefore they will be biased to downvote you further and upvote the other person as their social calibration defaults to thinking you are in the wrong as someone else said so already, it’s more economical that way as you won’t really have to do that assessment.

It’s a very interesting phenomenon and I’d like to do some formal testing with it across multiple social media with upvote/downvote functions, but I believe it does censor opinions that do not adhere to the usual feelings of the majority.

Xel, avatar

Some clients have post and comment score across instances visible, see Voyager

Xel, avatar

Maybe if we flooded them with such tickets, they would finally see that it might be worth considering?

I’ve worked in customer support and most of the time these type of tickets just get a copy pasted response basically saying thanks for your feedback, kindly go fuck yourself.

If you want something that could be reviewed I’d suggest contacting their legal department or even their HR department. The other option is to look for individual employees emails and socials and just message them.

I recommend not doing any of these things though, because it can be quite annoying to deal with these types of requests, as you will likely not be the first person to suggest this.

Xel, avatar

There are multiple people falling prey to Nigerian/Philippines romance scams, thinking a celebrity/influencer/hot person is using an alt account to contact them because they fell in love with them at first sight.

They give thousands of dollars, millions even. They take out loans, sell their houses, lose all their inheritance, all because they think they are special, when in truth they are just lonely enough to believe the lies that make them think their life has any meaning at all.

The way these scams operate and how Trump manipulates people is virtually the same. It’s impressive what loneliness and egocentrism do to us and how vulnerable we can be to the most obvious lies.

Xel, avatar

Already uninstalled, Starfield was just entertaining for 80 hours, which is still great, but definitely not as Skyrim or Fallout4, I’ve got thousands of hours on those. Out of the people in my social circles, the ones that are still playing are doing so because they can only play very little due to work, but everyone else is already moving off with 40-60 hours in the game.

Xel, avatar

I’ve had a good experience with YouTube comments but I feel they are pretty pointless as:

  • there is no search function:Ctrl f only takes you so far as it just looks at what is currently present and sometimes even hidden by display more or within replies, it’s very annoying.
  • people spam a lot and comments only load in batches: 10k comments in popular videos saying shit like ‘sir thank you sir, excellent tutorial, I didn’t understand anything but I like using React’.
  • some comments get auto removed: if you want to post a workaround or some piece of code, it gets removed if there’s a link or link-looking structure.

I mostly comment on tech-related tutorials just to post a list of the issues I had and the solutions, from time to time I get pinged with more questions and people are generally grateful and sometimes other people mention better/easier workarounds.

Phishing Mails (

This will be a quick post. We have received a phishing mail to our [email protected] mail address telling that they are “ Security Team”, telling that they will “disconnect” your account from our instance. This is ofc, not us. Do not fall for it! The attached image is how the mail looks like....

Xel, avatar

I was curious too so I googled it:

Scam baiter Jim Browning bamboozled by scammers into deleting his own YouTube channel…/scam-baiter-jim-browning-bamboo…

From what I read, some scammer tricked him by impersonating YouTube Support and telling him he would lose all his adsense revenue, which prompted Browning to fall for it.

Xel, avatar

Your typical Lemming (for lack of a better term)

That’s the right term

Xel, avatar

Honestly, what were you expecting? There just can’t be any Utopic website or group that won’t fight at all. People moved over to Lemmy because they hated Spez’ decisions, not because they were these mythical, superior moral beings that only help others out of selfless reasons. Sure we all have values and principles but that does not excuse us of our faults.

Xel, avatar

The ruse began with Ballard and women in the organization taking cross-country trips to “practice” their “sexual chemistry” with tantric yoga, couple’s massages with escorts and performing lap dances on Ballard, the lawsuit claims.

While promotional materials portrayed the group’s overseas missions as “paramilitary drop-ins to arrest traffickers and rescue children,” they mostly involved “going to strip clubs and massage parlors across the world, after flying first class to get there, and staying at five-star hotels, on boats, and at VRBOs (vacation rentals by owner) across the globe,” the lawsuit alleges.

Several women, meanwhile, were eventually subjected to “coerced sexual contact,” including “several sexual acts with the exception of actual penetration, in various states of undress,” the lawsuit alleges.

So Ballard’s way to catch sex predators was to literally turn himself into one lol

Xel, (edited ) avatar

We found Astarion so annoying, it was nice to get rid of him right away.

Also, your wife shouldn’t be driving and texting that’s dangerous as fuck for everyone.

Xel, avatar

I’d go to universities all over the world and ask teachers and students to show me their projects and ideas to help society. There are some incredibly smart people out there that could change the world if we helped them.

Xel, avatar

I’ve had pretty much the same experience and social media is clearly engineered to be controversial for you to see the worst takes and then you feel the need to engage.

But this is not just a design in social media, it’s an actual part of our society. We all have had different experiences and this shapes our perception of things and wherever there is a group, there will be the need to establish status and differences between the constituents. Social Media is just the current platform we have to eventually show the worst of us.

Xel, avatar

Still, it’s still used as a measurement that only a small fraction of the world still uses.

That’s a lot of stills 🤔

But coming back to your point, yes, I have no idea why the US insists on keeping the imperial system, it’s outdated, ugly and inconsistent. Plus you cannot easily convert from one unit to another.

Xel, avatar

It’s funny and sad at the same time that career politicians are allowed to exist because they tend to be the ones voting for their own restrictions and benefits.

Term restrictions? Fuck that

Increase our own salary even though we haven’t passed any new laws actually helping society? Let’s goo


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  • Xel, avatar

    Israel is going full Pikachu meme after trying to commit genocide against Palestinians

    Xel, avatar

    It was incredibly disappointing when I was exploring a world and landed near a factory, killed everything then I pick a random spot and I land once more near a factory, to my surprise EVERY SINGLE THING was completely the same the same Vaa Run loot hidden in the vents, the exact same food in the living quarters, the same locked weapon rack and the same enemies at the same positions. This is the laziest fucking game I’ve seen in a while.

    Xel, avatar

    It’s funny how in most old scifi they showed a future where we as a society had AI working labor intensive jobs but art was a human-only activity. I guess we didn’t account for how bad capitalism was going to overpower our value.

    Xel, avatar

    Steam Spy is a website created by Sergey Galyonkin and launched in April 2015. The site uses an application programming interface (API) to the Steam software distribution service owned by Valve to estimate the number of sales of software titles offered on the service. Estimates are made based on the API polling user profiles from Steam to determine what software titles (primarily video games) they own and using statistics to estimate overall sales. Software developers have reported that Galyonkin’s algorithms can provide sales numbers that are accurate to within 10%, though Galyonkin cautions against using his estimates in financial projections and other business-critical decisions. Due to changes in Steam’s privacy features in April 2018, Galyonkin had anticipated he would need to shut down the service due to the inability to estimate accurate numbers from other sources, but later that month revealed a new algorithm using publicly available data, which, while having a larger number of outliers, he still believes has reasonable accuracy for use. - Wikipedia

    Xel, avatar

    The word choice is certainly crappy and clickbaity although the article does include all the factual information to inform you about the situation.

    Tbh I’d prefer if they just used the word criticises or better yet ‘President Andrés Manuel López Obrador issued a broad criticism of U.S. foreign policy’. Although he does that on a regular basis as his favorite activity seems to be hypocritically talking shit about others while Mexico burns.

    Xel, avatar

    I don’t think it’s American, it’s mostly a troll account with 12 hours spamming tankie propaganda

    Why is This Even a Button

    I am 40 solid minutes into a long as puzzle quest in act 3. I have a “eureka!” Moment as I realize what to do in the last portion. Tragedy suddenly strikes- I perhaps graze an fn key (idk which) and apparently that particular key LOADS YOUR LAST SAVE ??? The worst part was I was literally about to save after writing morning...

    Xel, avatar

    It’s a somewhat standardized functionality in many good games. Personally I have also lost some progress due to accidentally pressing it but I’d be way more annoyed to not have quick save and quick load as an option.

    You should always check the controls / key bindings in games, sometimes there’s very useful stuff there.

    Xel, avatar

    There’s this study for those interested in knowing more about how often these devices mistakenly record conversations:


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