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I’m sure too people will be like “oh but you played 40 hours! It can’t be that bad” but the first 10-15 are misery from a gameplay perspective, like you’re just trying to level up to get more carrying capacity and get more combat options.


Eu salivating over it’s monoply case


“Oh no… He’s hot!”


“that’s a lot of choices”

Stfu and pick one. You sitting there having a casual conversation on your couch. Meanwhile the driver just standing there in the milk aisle staring at their phone for 5 minutes while you want to know all the options and hem and haw.


If the Dasher is standing in line at Starbucks waiting for an answer that makes it 10x worse lol


This happens so many times. I’m a pretty firm believer in walking away for 15 minutes is a crucial part of the debugging process. It’s just hard sometimes to know when to stop and stop trying shit for a bit.

Also rubber duck debugging, I’ll talk to my dog but fuck it works so many times. Shes helpful.


If you mean Xbox, Bethesda already said Xbox will support mods like how Fallout and Skyrim did. So you’ll be limited to the “store” but it’ll have mods


Have you watched the show or just seen clips? He really doesn’t go off on them that much. And when he does usually it’s very deserved. Like he does not stand for deplorable conditions and mistreatment of staff. Like if he finds out an owner isn’t taking good care of their staff he makes sure they know its not okay.

But genuinely 3/4ths of an episode is him trying to help them improve with genuine empathy and understanding. He comes in, points out whats wrong with some gusto for the clips and then is like “hey so what’s going on? I’m sure you weren’t always this disconnected from what’s going on” and works with them to solve their issues which is usually more attitude and just like some guidance. Usually to they do a top to bottom cleaning and organizing of the restaurant for them.

Obviously you’ll hear more about the very rare episodes where they have the most famous chef in the world giving them advice and they just won’t hear it. Like people quote Amys Bakery because the owners flipped out at him pointing out raw pastries kept leaving the kitchen and then getting all shitty when he’s like don’t steal waiters tips.

It’s like the newest episode is him helping a family business out where the brothers weren’t even talking and the parents had to help instead of retire. He got the brothers to work together, remodeled the entire kitchen for them, held a make wish charity event at their grand opening on his dime, and did a bunch of training. It even had a 2 month check in where it was doing much better. But I’m sure you’ll only see a tiktok clip from when he found a box of raw chicken that made the whole crew throw up and he’s like “what the fuck?!” Which yeah, what the fuck? And this was a restaurant that had been health inspected recently. If anything it makes you loose faith in health inspectors. Idk wtf they are doing


Sent back for breaking defect.

Here’s the 17 steps to repro…


There’s a general sense of you should try to ethically pirate. Like no one cares if you shoplift from Walmart, but you’re a dick doing it to the local mom and pop grocery store who’s barely getting by.

On a more selfish level, paying for the things you enjoy shows whoever made it they’ll get money for it. Simple as that. If you really enjoy something stealing it isn’t going to convince them to make more. There’s been more than once where a game or show got pirated more than bought legally and it’s killed any future projects for it.


They lie about seeders though which is mad annoying. Like they add a minimum of 20 to everything


How is two taps, the second needing to be precise less movement than one general swipe?


I’m pro net neutrality and all for getting it on the books.

But has any company broken net neutrality since it was repealed? I haven’t seen some of the stuff we expected. Maybe they wanted to lay low on it but like Comcast hasn’t restricted Netflix and pushed out 10x for Peacock stream or anything. I’m sure some stuff would go down eventually. But curious if this has happened


Pokemon TCG will too, as long as the Judges deem it purposeful. Been a rule for a while and has happened.


If you’re going to have the symbol for Pi and not an actual pie you might as well just put the letter ‘T’ instead of tea lol. Or vice versa. Gimme tea pie or give me T Pi


There’s a big 2nd hand market for people sharing Plex servers with people for money on eBay and stuff. Idk if Plex goes out of their way to hunt those down but they are violating tos. I’ve seen pictures of servers with 200+ active users before. It was a bigger problem when Drive had uncapped storage because you could duplicate a blob with a click and link a new Plex instance to it and leverage Google’s servers for just about everything.

So I doubt it’s just families snitching. It’s probably copyright holders hunting down these and other streaming websites and figuring out where the stream is coming from and reporting to Heztner. That’s standard mo. They don’t send you a copyright notice they send your ISP a notice and vaguely threaten them. And then your ISP tells you. That’s always how it worked.


Forgive some rich asshole who took out 5 false PPP loans? Mmm okay

Forgive your neighbors student debt they’ve been chipping away at for 10 years? Fuck that why should they get anything?!


Nazi: “white power!” Normal people: “hey, stfu!” Cristian Conservatives: “hey I don’t agree with it but let’s hear him out. Some people might agree, his ideas deserve to be discussed and given a platform”


I think it’s fun, but I’m a run and gun kind of guy. So I’m having a blast shooting dudes in the face. The shooting is much better than Fallout. I LOVE fighting in the zero gravity arenas. It’s so cool like floating between pillars and headshotting a guy off in the distance and his body is now bopping around. Those are so rare though. Idk how I can find more.

But overall I find the game frustrating outside battles. It’s like death by a thousand cuts though. There’s no one thing that’s egregious but there’s just stacking outdated design choices that continually build up. The games indecision around flying your ship being an easy catch all for the multiple failures in making your ship mean anything outside of battles and the map system. For the love of God fix the slide, you slide like 2inches. There’s also a constant battle with backing out of menus. Idk.

But then I find some spacer trap house and have a good time blasting away. Excited for when I can actually can craft bespoke weapons.


I had Vasco become a part of the door to the cockpit. I couldn’t enter. I had to leave the ship and hit the specific ‘to cockpit’ button for a few hours because reloading didn’t save him from his torment. Only bug I’ve had but was weird lol.


Why didn’t you pick any of the more negative traits? Like your example is the most basic harmless one. There’s ones with way more downsides. Did you pick the ‘2 loving parents’ trait and are mad they don’t kill you on sight? lmao. Like I picked wanted where I always have a bounty and it’s cool. I’ve had a bounty hunter show up in the middle of a boss fight before. Both in space and on ground. Added a decent complication. A few of the others are pretty long term negatives like weakening aids and food.

I also don’t know if you explored much because the game has a pretty robust ailments system. Like if you pre-plan sure you can have all the expensive cures on hand, but you can get quite a few ailments at once from fucking around. I had a cough for like 4 hours because I couldn’t find an aid for it. I eventually had to go to a doctor to get rid of it.


“not a failure” I called it frustrating and death by a thousand cuts. Just because I don’t screech failure and send Todd Howard death threats doesn’t mean I’m not being critical of the game. Get some reading comprehension and don’t set the bar at hyperbole. Saying the thing you do 75% of the time is fun isn’t calling it a rousing success either by any means.


Really dial in the sensitivity I’d say. It took me like legit cranking it up and then adjusting down by 2% at a time to find a sweet spot. But it’s definitely much more responsive and tighter than any other Fallout-esque game they’ve done. Those always felt mushy.

I’ll say too it’s probably that the games aim assist is very light. Like almost hardly there. For a single player offline game it could use a small increase. Like I’m still able to head shot dudes but it’s noticeable, and combined with muscle memory for similar games, having hardly any ‘magnetism’ is an adjustment. I keep meaning to look if there’s a slider in the settings.


Bruh I had such a good streak.


The RNC debate was a pretty big red alert. One of the more popular candidates literally said “climate change is a hoax” and got applause. And most of them would at least admit it was real but immediately talked about removing ‘government restrictions’ unfairly placed on corporations and climate change is an excuse to burn money for the current party.

Pretty cool…


I’d expect EGS exclusivity to be the norm then. People who will buy the game eventually will buy the game eventually. Those are fixed sales since they’d get the same revenue from them either way. It’s just a breakdown of the sales lost from people refusing to buy the game ever outweighs the 30% you gain. Which at this point it seems like a ridiculous proposal since every game seems to launch to bigger and bigger numbers regardless of what bullshit the game pulls. People who wait for sales would barely matter since a steam sale is like a year after release and they weren’t making bank on them anyways.

But at face value, getting 70% of one Steam sale is only 10% more than you’d make off two copies sold at 100%. So one “never buy” looses you 2.3 sales of a game in revenue. Cool but any converted sale from someone who wouldve bought on Steam but can’t wait and buys on EGS offset that in favor of EGS. I guarantee more people will buy from EGS compared to never buying the game. 2.3x more? Yeah, for sure, lol. I’m sure someone could do some clown math for a break even point per 1 million sales at that point. But considering a bulk of a games purchase is at launch it’s just skewed so heavily toward EGS exclusivity makes more financial sense.

There’s also the percentage that just don’t buy on PC and buy on console instead, but again that’s the same cut you’d get just launching it on Steam


Oof i didn’t think of them selling the battery separate possibly with an upcharge. monkeys paw curls


Even better they can spam literal child porn at you because of “outrage” and youll get a exec from Twitter defending you to parliament!


As someone who’s been running unRAID out of a tower and like 5 drives; it’s weird watching like four people who are definitely more tech savvy than me just bumble fuck their way through all this server stuff with enterprise level gear. Like I do more research for myself and I’m not jumping on video. Ultimately I like the videos, I enjoy seeing the approaches, but they try to come off like authority figures. Then they don’t even know how to properly parity swap and make unRAID look harder than it is.


Ultimately this is probably a good thing. From what I’ve gathered of Linus he is a person that can recognize his mistakes, but only once you get past his stubbornness. His response saying they should’ve hit him up is kind of classic response. What could you have said really? Like GN is right that like almost every video has a pinned comment or on screen edit of a correction. And you know these companies are complaining. Yet it continues.

Having their audience put them to task will go a long way to making them recognize it is a bigger issue than individual videos. I’m really curious about the idea of Labs being able to actually test things publically in a way consumers haven’t been able to. (Give me more of transparency like digital foundry for games and Jerryrig everything for durability.) So they need to pull their shit together if they want to claim to be a data driven lab. Like accuracy is all that matters.

I think the ethical concerns section is overblown. LTT is almost harsh on their sponsors and I got a kick out of Linus starting the last video talking about Framework saying how he doesn’t actually use the Framework laptop as his daily driver at the time and complained about it.


Fwiw there’s a new feature in Plex you have to opt into but the Sonarr and Radarr devs figured out how to use it. So you can make it so things people add to their watchlist on Plex get sent to the 'arrs. Like I have it auto add movies and search for them with the typical profile and then add TV shows unmonitored and send me a text message.

Really simplifies everything. Like now my grandma doesn’t have to go to a website and stuff. Since even if you turn off the free TV spam the search function will still return things you don’t have and let you naturally add it to your watchlist and even put it in a recently added bar on the watchlist page when it’s there.


Yeah I’ve been trying to cut out the middle man. My family isn’t technically proficient and I found just having it sync straight to Sonarr and Radarr was saving me a step since I always have them open and already have them accessible on my website. Since TV shows was the only thing I don’t have auto approve it just made the decision on letting it search or going out and manually finding a pack happen at the point that matters to me.

But yeah I still have the request site up but thinking of taking it down because I still have some issues pop up and less moving parts is better for me.

It’s also a plus for me because I use NZB360 to manage everything on my phone which is much better with Sonarr and Radarr


I don’t think so, but I’ve never had someone do that on the old system. They always want all 16 seasons of some old show lol. Drives me crazy. My brother asks for a show every two weeks and be like where are they? And I’ll respond with the like last 12 shows he asked for with zero watch time from tautilli


Yeah I wish there was a setting that’s like if it’s released in the last two years just grab it. I always have an issue with my peeps wanting old stuff. Like my uncle was like that and I let his shows auto approve but then he asked for some show from 2019 with 8 seasons and it grabbed like 200gbs of shows in a few hours and I was like “nope, no more”


Connect for Lemmy is basically Sync free. It’s got the same swipe gestures and everything. I’m not sure what people are so blown away by.


Not sure what you mean, this is what sync looks like for me on a big screen. Hardly tablet friendly.

Connect looks much better for me

Your thoughts on The Orville? (

When I first started this show I found it to be a really awkward mix of comedy and seriousness. It had some jokes thrown it at the most inopportune times as some kind of comic relief from a really serious situation. Perhaps the first half of the first season was actually a bit rough or maybe the show just grew on me, but by...


I feel like the humor has taken a massive backseat since like near the end of season 1. It definitely was a parady at first with some hit or miss jokes but the humor feels a lot more natural in recent seasons. Imo


All I could think with how forced Charly was as a character was like is this a producers wife or girlfriend or something? I never looked into it, but I’ve never seen a show introduce a new character and focus on them so hard, even to the detriment of OG cast members, before. Like they pivoted to the Charly show. Some of the plots were good like her prejudice towards Isaac’s race but like why did she get introduced and become the main character in one season? Lol

XanXic, (edited )

I say this as someone who’s chronically watching new shows, I’ve never even heard of this. So that’s probably part of the problem. Like, after a conversation with someone I realized I’m watching like 12 shows week to week. I’m caught up on Hijack and saw Silo.

Point being, the fact I saw no word of mouth or marketing probably makes it obvious to me why whatever this show is failed lol. I was curious if it was good reading the article until it said it ends in a cliffhanger. So no reason to watch lmao


I like it. It’s a pretty strong show from a “what the heck is going to happen” pov. Idk if that’s been exaggerated because I watched it week to week but it is a solid show for sure. Its certainly better than Silo was. I still think For All Mankind is the best show show on Apple TV (Ted Lasso aside lol) though. Foundation is really good but some of the moments that drag REALLY drag. I’d love if it was almost exclusively about Lee Pace and his dynasty lol


Not sure if you only posted on the mainsubs or what but Reddit really did hit that “hyper specific topic conversation” for me. Like up to the protests I could make a meme about a topic or reply to a post and have good discussions. When I deleted all my posts I deleted some of the top of all time posts off some subs lol.

Lemmy still hasnt hit that for me, I’m another in a swarm of people saying Lemmy doesn’t fulfill my topic based sub needs. Like I’m currently obsessed with Marvel Snap and loved the subreddit. The lemmy version is dead af. And I try to converse and interact but none of the lemmy filters for posts seem to show the posts reliably to me and I have to remember to go check it. The Spider-Man PS4 sub was another favorite of mine to interact with and I ended up having to make it for Lemmy and it’s got like 80 subscribers and I make a point to comment on every post but it’s still not getting much conversation going 😞


I’d recommend Pocket City 2 for mobile. Probably the best casual city sim game I’ve ever played. It’s like $5 maybe less and has no monetization stuff after that.

And the game has like the ability to walk around, drive cars and do activities as your avatar inside the city. It’s new so the dev is still adding stuff. But it’s wild to spend an hour setting up a nice district than race through it with an F1 car for money later.



Then that will get screenshotted and posted on r/wholesome r/wholesomememes and r/mademesmile then make the rounds there forever.

Do people just not use the YouTube subscription feed?

I consistently hear people on YouTube complain that the subscribe button doesn’t do anything for viewers, now that channel notifications are controlled by the bell. But it does do something: it puts the videos from that channel in your subscription feed, which is readily accessible on all versions of YouTube. So why do people...


YouTube tested an opt in feed on a group like the how the bell has like a sometimes notify mode to curate the subscription page but quickly canned that. It’s like at that point wtf does subscribing even do.

Subscription feed shows your subscriptions


Have you watched it recently? I would’ve said the same thing but I rewatched it like a month ago for the first time in years and that movie is a mess. Like there is a lot not working. Even the action is a bit meh. The whole structure still just begs more questions than answers. Zach really should’ve just been like “oh no we are in a video game, time for the robot samurai level” instead of girls imagining fighting samurai as they grind on a guys lap in a stripper prison inside of the reality of a psycho ward

Soundtrack still slaps though


Super hyped.

Come talk about it on the Insomiac’s Spider-Man community! (And help it grow lol)

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