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As an older Zoomer myself, your description of Gen Z fits me to a T


A pair of powered speakers, hoping I might get lucky at my local thrift stores.

I’ve seen some good ones in the past for low prices but wasn’t in the market for them until now.


If plastic grocery bags could be considered single use, then I think I have an interesting method to share.

Since I was young, probably in the 2nd grade or so, my mom and I were trying this project where we’d take plastic bags and cut them into strips. We’d then feed these into her sewing machine, which used one of its functions to stretch the plastic until it was about the same with as a thin strand of rope or thick yarn. We’d quite literally roll them into balls of plastic yarn.

She’d then knit them into all sorts of things. Drawstring bags, coin purses, and her favorite- tote bags. They were very pretty and had unique feel to them as well. The best I could describe it was it felt like a fake leather purse, but more bumpy due to being knit. It might not be the most efficient method of reducing single use plastic waste, but given that we still have the bags we made back then, I’d say we did a pretty good job of keeping them out of the landfill!


Fuck around and find out, as they say


It’s why I imagine the Russian government has been trying to frame this as “self-defense” to its own people, when it’s clearly the opposite.

They know that people will go to extreme lengths to fight when they believe they’re fighting defensively, for their own people, sovereignty, safety, etc. To that end, it won’t matter if they can realistically defeat NATO- they just want their own people to die trying.


Oh that’s one hell of a one-liner, I like it!


If the west needs any more encouragement to assist Ukraine, here it is.

The choice is help Ukraine now, or kick the can down the road and lament when Russia is at your borders.

What's an alternative to Spotify that doesn't play you the same fucking songs over and over?

I am in an intense love-hate relationship with Spotify. It makes good mixes for me, I have found a lot of great bands that way. BUT IT KEEPS REGURGITATING THE SAME SONGS IN THERE. I know about Song Radios and Artist Radios, so please don’t recommend those. Smart Shuttle doesn’t cut it, either....


I should also add that with YouTube Revanced you can make the app ad free, which is the primary reason I use it over other music streaming


That’s literally what it comes down to. I don’t think it requires clean language or flowery etiquette. A country is at risk of losing their freedom and independence because another country wants to conquer it for the sake of land, wealth, and perceived glory.

There is no simpler way to explain Ukraine’s justification in continuing the fight than how Zelenskyy put it. The reasoning is sound. And it’s a much-needed reminder for anybody who forgot amidst the politics surrounding the war.


It’s right there in the middle, 01001270623 smh


People have already mentioned the more popular ones

Apart from those, Id recommend Behind the Overlay- it’s an extension that removes a lot of unclosable popups on pages in a single click. Things like “disable your adblock” messages or websites that poorly gatekeep content behind a subscription.


If I was in that scenario, I would be more emotionally charged about the subject and rightfully so. But that doesn’t rewrite the facts of the situation- that this distinction is correct.

Misunderstanding your enemy is never a good idea, as it’s important to know what makes them tick. If they were all compliant fascists, that changes what kind of tactics are used to break their morale and even have a portion surrender, compared to being conscripts who don’t even believe in what they’re fighting for.


Denuvo probably limits it from its full potential, but the game still runs really well, even on older hardware. Granted, P5R isn’t a brand new title but a port of an older one so that prob helps


One a complete side note, that Wii Shop Channel Music extension is absolutely hilarious. I love it


Quite dapper indeed! I hope you ace that interview


Thank fuck Covid didn’t have symptoms as horrific as ebola


It’s a little over an hour long, though we plan on changing offices to a location that’s 20 minutes closer to where I live, thankfully Plus, I do get to work from home twice a week

Besides a few awkward zipper merges and one stretch of road with lanes that are far too narrow, it isn’t the worst. The evening commute is mired by more traffic, but that’s to be expected.


A trimmed down instrumental version of “Beneath the Mask” from Persona 5. I found the song to have a really nice vibe to it.


I know someone who has Phoenix Wright’s ringtone as their own ringtone, and hearing it go off for the first time felt like a shock, being a huge Ace Attorney fan lmao


Very often, and it doesn’t help that my replies tend to be absurdly long

Towards the end, I either realize that what I want to say has already been said by someone, the argument isn’t worth it (like you said), or what’s on my mind really isn’t worth bothering other people over.


Reminds me a bit of Jamais Vu

It’s not a perfect match to what you describe but it’s defined as “the phenomenon of experiencing a situation that one recognizes in some fashion, but that nonetheless seems novel and unfamiliar.”

In your case, you recognize there was a building, and recognize it should be familiar, but it still feels unfamiliar to you nevertheless.

Hopefully this is in the right direction lmao


Like others said, it sounds good in theory to let users profit as well as the site itself, though ultimately, I think the whole idea of profit in this context is antithetical to online discussion.

In my opinion, an ideal forum or discussion board isn’t about farming karma, awards, or real currency. It’s about speaking your mind about subjects or topics you are passionate about or have something you want to chime in on. Adding an additional monetary incentive only corrupts those involved, which includes Reddit as we’ve seen. But I also think this extends to the users as well. If people are compelled monetarily to post opinions that will gain awards or upvotes, discussion will become even more inorganic, for lack of a better term. In my opinion, the site will have lost sight of generating meaningful discussion, even more than it already has.

It’s why I like how Lemmy doesn’t have universal karma or awards. The incentive of using the site rests solely on the content of the discussions you have, save for the exception of moderators who want to coalesce power. I think monetization is just bloat and only serves to make social media more addictive than it already is.

While I’m not saying Reddit should go the donation-only approach, as I think it is too late for that, I do think keeping monetization to a minimum is in the best interest of any forum.


It’s still bad for their profit margins when their stocks fall by 8% in one day, when major indie developers announce they’ll be moving their current projects off of Unity and future developers are deterred from using their software in the first place.

Whether they care about money or care about public relations, their shooting themselves in the foot on both counts.


Godot is a good example of a free and well-developed open source game engine. It’ll probably see a sharp rise in adoption following this controversy from Unity.



I work with C# daily and even I didn’t realize I made a pun there xD

Maybe it’s just embedded in my subconscious at this point…

"My nation didn’t learn lesson of war," says Russian who finds bodies of Soviet soldiers and calls Ukraine invasion a 'madness' (

Together with a small team of committed volunteers, Konstantin Dobrovolski, 70, has dedicated his life to finding, identifying and reburying the remains of more than 100,000 Soviet troops who are believed to have died on the very northern part of the Soviet defence line....


I can’t express how much I respect that man’s mental fortitude. It’s so easy to succumb to rage and hatred when your own son passes away. Not only stifle those kneejerk reactions, but to still demonstrate humility to that degree is rare.


Music is one of the easiest things to pirate, so much so that I often forget me downloading flacs of the songs I listen to is supposed to be a no-no

Between a flac playing app (Musicolet on Android and MusicBee on PC) as well as YT Music Revanced, things go smoothly


Here’s an link to the article to get past the paywall


As cautious as I like to be, I think this seems like a reasonable response and approach. It benefits Ukraine, even if it’s marginal, and while Russia will argue it’s an attempt to meddle directly in their war (Putin will find a reason to whine anyways), most of the world will see it as Romania attempting to protect their own land.

How could Putin even argue against this? By claiming Romania has no right to shoot down a Russian missile that’s already violated international airspace? The rest of the world will just laugh and ignore yet another meaningless complaint- just one of many.


I tend to like the “bangs” feature that DuckDuckGo offers when it’s set as my browser’s default. Basically by putting !+prefix it automatically redirects your search to a different website. !g will do Google, !b will do Bing, !yt will do YouTube, etc… And it’s quite extensive. Currently, DDG claims to have 13,564 bangs you can use, so if there’s some website with a search bar, chances are it can be banged from DDG.

The search engine from my use over the last 4-6 years generally provides me with “good enough” search results and I enjoy the interface itself, as well as the sorting options when searching images. Every now and then, if i don’t get the results I want, I can just bang a different search engine (I’m just starting to realize the repercussions of using “bang” as a verb…).


Oh yeah, I reckon there’s a good number of extensions for it too, probably something I should check out as well in the future.

And yeah, it’s definitely a tradeoff of sorts. Denying a browser or search engine access to all personal information, including GPS, might lead to irrelevant results, so I imagine it’s a matter of giving as little information as possible for the maximum relevance in results. GPS is one of those compromises I’ll make as well, though only at the zip code level most of the time, since most apps/sites don’t need to know my precise location.

While I do try and stick to my trusted sites as much as possible, the things I often want to find online are beyond the scope of the sites I have bookmarked. Though bookmarking more sites that I trust and opting to use them over a regular search seems like a good habit to get into


Thank you for advocating for the murder of volunteers from my country serving Ukraine and acting like a child when confronted about it. I’m sure me and other users’ opinion of your country has improved significantly and are more open to renegotiating embargoes.


I already hated Android 12 for overhauling the aesthetic for the worse: making volume sliders obscenely wide, making the notification shade just an over-enlarged mess, and the half-assed implementation of Material You. On my Pixel 3 that I used at the time, this change alone made me root a phone for the first time just to fix all of it.

Two updates later and once again Google fucks up something that was perfectly fine before and turns me off from their operating system yet again. While I’m nowhere close to using an iPhone, I may just use GrapheneOS if I have to switch to a phone that comes with Android 14+ out of the box.


Sir this is !reddit

That, plus articles from Ars Technica discussing Reddit generally get a fair bit of traction on this community because it’s a semi-big name publication discussing Reddit in a negative light, which further confirms the stance most users on Lemmy already have about Reddit


Correct me if I’m wrong, but from what I’m reading online, Proton doesn’t “market” or “advertise” discounted plans beyond what you’ll save by purchasing a longer plan for their VPN. They do have a page on coupons here:

And based on what it says, as well as other tweets and reddit comments I’ve seen from their official accounts, they grant these coupons on a case by case basis. So forgive me for being skeptical, but I don’t believe it was false advertising, nor do I believe it was presented as a plan to begin with.

Unless you have a screenshot that shows them blatantly telling you it was a plan, I think you probably misread what they said, and that it “suddenly a coupon and not a plan anymore” isn’t actually truthful. Though of course, you could very well be right, and I might just be skeptical for no reason


On one hand, my interests and values couldn’t diverge from that of Russian nationalists any further

On the other hand, I love me some infighting among the Russians; the less they’re on the same page, the better


Meat - I’m a vegetarian, though I take a lot of interest in cuisine, and while I may not eat meat personally, it’s undeniable that it’s a core ingredient for so many beloved dishes across the world. Maybe one day lab-grown or plant-based stuff will be able to serve as a common, cheap, and indistinguishable substitute, because I do want to appreciate all the food the world has to offer while sticking to my ideals as much as I can.


Immense courage this must have taken, for 31 people to brave minefields knowing what was ahead of them.


It’s a shame that most of the groups/people involved voted in favor of admitting Russian players back in, at least under the Russian flag.

I think the decision made by FIDE (International Chess Federation) for their sport is a fine compromise that this E-Sports federation should have adopted as well. In protest of the Ukraine invasion, FIDE banned any players from playing under the Russian or Belarusian flag, but allowed them to play anyways under a neutral, FIDE flag. And for players from Russia that were outspoken against Ukraine or in favor of Russia’s invasion (i.e. Sergey Karjakin), they were penalized and barred from play on an individual case-by-case basis.

It shows that this invasion won’t be tolerated, but at the same time, you as a player will only be punished if you choose to support it on your own volition, rather than by association.


Hadn’t heard of FreeTube before, thanks for mentioning it!


I dont care content makers are losing, they are all dumbarses, and if they are supporting yt still and not posting elsewhere, then they are just stupid cunts.

You had me until here. If you want to monetize online video content or get widespread appeal, YouTube is pretty much the viable choice atm, save for Twitch which only works if you’re a streamer or Nebula, which even then it alone doesn’t suffice and is very specific. If you plan on trying to “make it big” using PeerTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc. alone, your aspirations may as well be dead on arrival.

Not losing sleep over the money content creators lose over you using adblock is fine, I personally don’t put too much importance on it myself. But to call them all dumbasses or stupid cunts is just unreasonable, given the lack of a proper, popular alternative for most of them to do what they do.


Oh yeah, I agree it’s a wise decision for any content creator, especially those who want to make a living from it, to diversify their sources of income. Backing up all content they post on YouTube to other sites as well is also really nice as it contributes to the push away from YouTube without having to risk little on their part as well

His callsign is ‘Gandhi’- A former Russian political prisoner explains how he’s dropped nonviolence to fight for Ukraine (

Ildar Dadin was the first person ever imprisoned in Russia under a criminal statute introduced in 2014 that makes it a felony to attend multiple unpermitted demonstrations. After he spent more than a year in prison, Dadin moved to Ukraine in early 2023, and he’s now training to fight in the so-called “Siberian Battalion,”...


Many non-violence figureheads have had counterparts who did engage in more drastic, even violent action. In Gandhi’s case, his counterpart would be Subhas Chandra Bose. In Martin Luther King’s case, it would be Malcolm X. Even Mandela, who agreed with the ideals of non-violence, became frustrated at the limitations it had when facing against an opposing force that could not be appeased.

Non-violence helps to win over the hearts of people, allowing your movement to gain traction when many fence-sitters might be turned off by acts of terrorism or wanton violence. Charisma goes a long way in opening people’s minds to your ideals, helping paint your movement in a positive light.

Ukraine’s plight, however, has already garnered the sympathy that it needs internationally. Perhaps not within Russia itself, but the support from countries around the world has been immense. I think this is the limit of non-violence in this case, and what remains is the need to take this momentum and support and translate it into a fight for said ideals.


Pretty much this. I tend to see a lot of those videos with studio kitchen setups that look extraordinarily decorated, unlike any normal kitchen, which opt to take cinematic shots of sauteing instead of actually presenting the cooking process as it would naturally occur. Maybe it’s fine for entertainment but it’s not what I would want to learn from either.

One of my favorite tutorials for any food I’ve made is one that I go to for falafels (Rafika’s Kitchen, I think the channel was called). I know the recipe by heart now, but I always remember how she spoke about how practical it was to make, offering viable substitutes, hacks, and advice that would suit the average viewer. Tips she gives like re-using oil for frying are rarely covered, but are the backbone of cooking practically at home.


Too little, too late Russia


Incentivizing users to do stuff with imaginary internet points and pngs of trophies and thinking it’s a substantial reward is peak Reddit

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