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Her clothing wasn’t tasteful, though. It was a woman’s attempt to wind up men. Obviously there’s no excuse for rape, but wearing clothing in public designed to be provocative will attract attention from a lot of people, and things can lead on from that.


That’s like asking how much of my grocery bill goes towards my car insurance.

This specific bill is specifically for military funding.


The modding community is the reason Bethesda has been able to get away with selling the same game for over a decade.

There are a million ways to solve the “legal problem”, such as “don’t initiate legal action against moddders”.

This wasn’t a problem that needed a solution.


Even in that case, it’s easy enough to solve: grant permission explicitly under the condition that the assets remain in the context of the game (eg, don’t export them to other games).

Consider other games that explicitly provide a blanket grant for people permission to use their game footage in videos (Team17).


And, what’s worse, the ubiquity of US media has many Canadians confused about which legal documents are even Canadian and thus apply to them.


I can forgive Canadians for thinking they have the 5th amendment, because we still have some legal structures which are at least similar.

Canadians who think they have some specially engrained fundamental right to own firearms on the other hand… Like… What?


I guess I don’t know if I’d say my experience is that it’s “commonplace”, but that it’s “surprisingly common”.







I imagine with how many workers have been removed from the workforce (or in many cases, from existence) that there is a fuck ton of industrial and utility maintenance that just isn’t able to get done.

Entirely possible it was an effective strike of some kind… But also possible that critical infrastructure is eroding to the point that “catastrophic failures” are on the menu.


There is no honour to die on that hill small pile of dirt.


I don’t even think this is even that complicated.

The TEXTBOOK playbook for bringing people together to find peace, is to start by finding some common ground. On LITERALLY anything. Then you build on that. “Maybe, given enough time, we can grow to understand to have enough the same that we can work together”

Culture war is the simple inversion: find something, ANYTHING that you can disagree about. Then you build on that. “Maybe, given enough time, we can grow to understand others to be different enough that working together is impossible”


What would be a better way to frame it?


This meme was clearly made by someone who doesn’t use or understand TypeScript.

It was made by someone who doesn’t understand types, period.

Curious if it’s the same wizard who was explaining that Linus doesn’t understand programming because he has opinions on arm vs Intel architecture. EVERYONE programs in JavaScript anyways and my JavaScript always works on arm. Has Linus lost the plot?


When you strip away the trappings and just look at the scripts, it’s incredible how generic all of the dialogue is.

It would be trivial to re-purpose any script to be for any other character because of how little they truly differ.

I’m entirely unconvinced that they haven’t already been algorithm -assisted


You see this all the time after a buyout.

Reorg to silo-ize, then outsource/sell/shutter by silo


Joke’s on everyone else for being stupid, because I actually initially formulated this, the “but they did it first” theorum of social reciprocity, at the tender age of 3.


I married a smoke show I met on Bumble.

I gotta be real: you’re all doing it wrong.

It’s a sea of people’s assumed personas. Being genuine actually makes you stand out.

Feel like you’re pressured to be or act a certain way in order to get matches? And then you’re sad that they’re of low quality? While you are actively misrepresenting yourselves? Wtf did you think was going to happen?

If you’re approaching it like you’re trying to get a high score, you aren’t going to be yourself, and you and the people you match with are going to be disappointed. Faithfully represent yourself and what you want. Accept you’ll get even less attention than you already are. Get much fewer but higher quality connections.

Every online dating forum’s advice is incredibly terrible, and people failing to realize that they don’t HAVE to treat the platforms as a Skinner Box are what I think the root causes of the decline of online dating.

Which, isn’t to say the industry doesn’t bear most of the responsibility. If people treating your platform as a Skinner box decimates the value of your platform, maybe you shouldn’t go to such great lengths to make your platform such a box.


The teaching community (as an institution)has some pretty specific thoughts on how to maintain the parent/student relationship and it involves maintaining some kind of curated image to their students.

One time, when I was maybe 25, I saw a gaggle of good looking women at a pub about the same age as me, and then they came over and asked how I had liked the conference. “conference?”

There had been a teacher conference and a large group went for drinks later and assumed I was also a teacher. I lied and joined the group.

We ended up going to a nightclub later, and one teacher saw that a few of their students had managed to get into the club, and they LOST IT. Not upset at the kids, but they were captured by abstract horror at the thought of their student seeing THEM at the club.

I pushed on it a little bit, like “shouldn’t they be the ones worried about seeing you?”

And like, the whole group thought I had lost my mind. If COURSE the students couldn’t see us there, how would they ever respect us if they understood us as humans with our own lives? The teacher/student relationship would evaporate. Anarchy. The response to my question was immediate and unanimous.

So… I gotta say… I don’t really get it… But there is a culture and mindset within the teaching community that is extremely foreign to me. And, based on my personal experience, I suspect that suspending OF teachers is probably the popular response within the greater teaching community as a whole. I’d be REALLY curious if there is any data that disproves my hypothesis.


I agree. I got the impression it was something they all were taught while getting their education degrees. It reeks of policy developed on ancient and flawed pseudo-psychology

That being said, I know dealing with kids is hard. I can well remember how I thought every parent was stupid and that parenting was easy before I had kids.

I can’t say I have a better way, just that I’m suspicious ofthe current mentality.


Yeah there is really solid, large scale studies that associate diabetes incidence against sex, age, and BMI. Really tight CI on the data.


This is what actually made the Borg terrifying.

There was nobody to talk to or negotiate with. There was no mind to change. There wasn’t even a leader to assassinate in hopes to alter policy.

They were less of an enemy and more of an immutable force, like gravity or magnetism.


The lead authours stated personal goal is to increase proportion of bicycle use from 8% to 25%.

While it might not be “science for hire”, the authours have a pre-existing and documented goal.

I’m not saying the results are wrong… Only that you maybe shouldn’t be so quick to shit on the guy who raised his eyebrow… Because it’s an extremely valid question to ask, given the facts about the relationship between the authours of the study and the clearly personal relationship they have to the subject matter.

They, in essence, did a study that “confirmed” that they themselves are better people than 92% of the population.


Look, if you want to dismiss a study, do so

For someone constantly accusing others of not reading, you seem to have a lot of trouble reading. I’ll leave it to the exercise to the reader (not you, obviously, lol) to find the sentence where I explicitly say that this doesn’t necessarily invalidate the results.

brought anything but ad hominem against the authors.

Acknowledging the biases of the people doing research isn’t an ad homienem attack. Would you be clamouring to defend studies about the dangers of smoking written by people with large interests in the tobacco industry? No?

You are having an extreme an emotional reaction to the presentation of fact.


I use 8, but only when I’m operating on unsigned longs.


This guy didn’t call Israel good. He just said if you shoot up a music festival, you’re a terrorist.

If you put even 10% of your energy you put into trying to be heard into trying to hear then you could probably aim your homilies at the people who need to hear them. You could maybe engage in an actual dialogue if you read before you typed.

Windex007, (edited )

This guy didn’t call Israel good. He just said if you shoot up a music festival, you’re a terrorist.

If you put even 10% of your energy you put into trying to be heard into trying to hear then you could probably aim your homilies at the people who need to hear them. You could maybe engage in an actual dialogue if you read before you typed.


It’s a very specific measure in the data you published, and the capacity to get a statistically unbiased measure pre-legalization would be difficult due to availability and protocol around THC testing.

Although I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree that it’s something that needs to be very carefully studied and monitored and legislated around… The answer to the question “are the roads more or less safe before or after legalization?” Is “They are equally safe within statistical margins”


We can control for less people on the road by looking at stats per-million km driven. And again, we’re not seeing any meaningful movement.

And to the points around “maybe the true cases of people above the limit were EVEN HIGHER due to fear of testing around Covid” or “Maybe the actual THC content was EVEN HIGHER because of the time delay” they both actually drive to the same point:

If we’re seeing way more people with THC in their system maybe more than we even know, and at levels of concentration higher than we can even test… Then why aren’t we seeing significant increases in accidents or fatalities per million kms? We CLEARLY see these patterns w/ alcohol. Why not THC? Why the disconnect?

If anything, your arguments only make me think that THC levels that we’re seeing are safer than previously understood w.r.t operating a motor vehicle.

Keep in mind, I’m not suggesting relaxing them. I’m just pointing out that the “skyrocketing” THC DUIs aren’t materializing.

Or at least I’m not seeing them in the data in front of me

Also, full disclosure, I am not a smart man

If I’m missing a link or misreading something somewhere, let me know. I’m not married to my evaluation. I’m just trying to come to the same conclusion about safety as you and can’t seem to independently get there.


Electoral reform was the promise that swayed me to vote Liberal.


I’ve been hit by people on Escooters 3 times in the last 4 years.

If you wanna add speed controls to cars fine, but I think the ones that cohabit the sidewalk that people are routinely driving drunk as fuck can absolutely stay speed locked.


This post is literally titled “Swap these please”.

Windex007, (edited )

if you want to add speed control to cars fine

I’m literally not arguing against speed controls on cars. You can tell that by reading.

I’m saying I ALSO appreciate the mechanisms on scooters helping to keep me, as a pedestrian safe.

What is wrong with your brain that makes these mutually exclusive propositions?


The other side of this conversation has been “silenced”?

This is literally the fuckcars community.

There aren’t two “sides”. That’s my point. Considering them as opposing positions is what demonstrates that you and others are considering them as somehow related, somehow in conflict. It’s you seeing an argument where none need exist.

You don’t have to un-govern scooters to govern cars.

You can say “I think we should limit the velocity of any vehicle that operates in proximity to pedestrians to a degree to keep them safe”.

That’s what I want. Where is the argument? Are we on different “sides”??


Please at least try to participate in good faith

The entire premise is a bad faith argument, that you need to “swap” anything. You can have BOTH of them GPS speed limited. There is absolutely no reason why ALL vehicles should not be speed limited when operated in proximity to pedestrians.

The “swap” in the title artificially introduce a false dichotomy. The premise is intrinsically bad faith. My initial comment was incredibly measured, all things considering.

Windex007, (edited )

I have been injured by a negligent e scooter rider. A human body at sufficient speed is dangerous. You don’t need to be licensed or insured to ride one.

charge them as you would if they’re a pedestrian.

For the identical reason that this a an insufficient response to other vehicles, it’s insufficient here. I don’t want people who hurt me to be punished, I WANT TO BE SAFE.

This has nothing to do with cars.

Some fucker hurt me and I thank god the max speed was limited.

Just because something is an alternative to driving doesn’t automatically mean we should abandon any thought or reason and say “thou art above reproach and thous’t actions in any circumstances must be wise and good”.

Being a scooter driver doesn’t automatically make you not a fucking idiot.

Windex007, (edited )

First of all, your Middle English grammar is atrocious,


Please at least try to participate in good faith

Also you.

I’ll just let that raging hypocrisy sit there for you to bask in.

what makes you think there will be fewer injuries with speed-limited scooters?

KE = mv^2 at least provides a reasonable hypothesis. On top of that, the injury rates are already so high that it’s negligent public policy to not at least attempt it: peer reviewed academic study showing that in my city that they made up 15% of all ER visits

Wouldn’t you prefer they be fast enough to keep up with bike lane traffic so they don’t have a reason to be on the sidewalks at all?

This presupposes that the only reason they’re on the sidewalks is that they’re too slow for the bike lanes… which presupposes anywhere a scooter rider wants to go has a bike lane in which to travel.

I’m mad that they’re getting the attention of regulators in a way that doesn’t actually make things safer,

I’m empathetic. And I actually agree with you that if there is infrastructure (bike lanes) that are available, then go nuts. That’s the beauty of GPS is that you could conceivably match speed limits to available infrastructure.

And I’d be fine with many alternative mechanisms… maybe you can get some training to understand how to safely ride at higher speeds on sidewalks? Ok. Maybe the scooters have a function to make more noise so pedestrians at least have a prayer of hearing some drunk idiot cruising up behind them? Maybe have a built-in breathalyzer you gotta use after 6pm if you wanna keep the top speeds unlocked?

I’m not unreasonable. I just don’t want to get smoked AGAIN by some drunk asshole going March goddamn 3 on the sidewalk. My safety on a sidewalk shouldn’t be up for negotiation. I think “we can’t enforce any speed limit or else they’ll be shut out of bike lanes” is an extreme conclusion to draw it a lot of big assumptions built into it.


I think you and I generally agree that scooters are good, and generally agree there is room for improvement in their deployment.

I think we generally believe the speeds in which they operate should be appropriate for their contexts.

I’m pretty sure where our divides are, is just “what are the contexts”, and “is prescriptive law enough?”

I don’t think prescriptive law is enough.we can post speed limits, but they are broken. We can paint bike lane lines, and cars veer into them. Physical barriers are what keep cars out of bike lanes, not paint. GPS governors could keep motor vehicles driving the speed limits, not signs. Throwing violators in jail might be “justice”, but that doesn’t bring back the kid who was mowed down.

I also, despite having been smoked my scooter riders, don’t NEED the sidewalks to be forbidden. If a scooter rider CHOOSES to use the sidewalk, I’m fine with that, AS LONG as they operate the scooter in a way appropriate for the context, and that does mean at a lower speed than on the road or bike lane. You’re right, that if we just plain forbid their operation on the sidewalks then my concerns about pedestrians evaporate entirely, but I still think that’s heavy handed.

Anyways, if there exists technology for a Tesla can more or less drive itself, I’m sure a scooter can know if it’s on a sidewalk. In your world, it could maybe stop and force the rider to dismount because they’re prohibited from that space, but I’m fine with it just being like “since you’re on the sidewalk we’re speed limiting you to 8mph”


I don’t want to speak for them, but one can interpret crops subsidized for the purposes of livestock feed AS a subsidy for livestock. If you look at the sum of the purple sections (livestock and feed), it’s the largest.

But you are right: buddy’s own chart does show a larger direct subsidy for corn than direct subsidy for beef.


Yeah, I’m pretty skeptical of the premise… it’s looking for browser “abnormalities”? I mean… there wasn’t a strong motivation to correct those abnormalities for bots when it didn’t matter. Now that it does, I just suspect they’ll correct those abnormalities.

Just because the abnormalities were present in the past doesn’t imply that it’s intrinsically more difficult to emulate browser behaviour than it is to defeat captchas. There just hasn’t been a reason to do so up until now.

Is the purpose of life to be happy?

When I’m unhappy, I feel like I’m doing life wrong. I’d rather be happy. But is happiness the point of life, or is there more to it? If I pursue happiness, mine first then for those around me, is that selfish? But if there’s a bigger purpose, then what about people with Alzheimer’s or dementia who can’t recall recent...


There is no objective purpose to life. Some funny long molecules mashed into eachother a few billion years ago. Scientifically there is no evidence of cosmic purpose to anything.

It’s your life. You get to decide what to do with it.

There are some goals which are generally considered to be nobel. Make the world a better place, for example… but that’s a far cry from an absolute definition of purpose.

I’d refrain from thinking about a purpose and instead think of your values. Then, if you want, establish goals that align with your values.

Being happy could be a goal for you , but that’s not the same as a purpose.


know how to change a flat or put in coolant.

Even just “The tire is the thing that has broken, I see tire flat: should round”, or “Coolant is to combat hot. I have the hot. Is coolant ok?”

Closing ranks: A mercenary from Russia’s notorious Wagner Group describes his realisation that the real enemy he faced in Ukraine was Russia’s military leadership (

Ogarkov decided to go to war at the beginning of the year, and applied to the military for a contract. He had been thinking about enlisting to serve in the so-called “special military operation” for a while, he says, clarifying that he had wanted to do so “for the children”....


If you’re running under the story that his “advisors are evil” and Putin was being insulated, then you can absolutely sell it as essentially a hostage rescue.

It’s not a moot point, and the proof is self evident: there was a prevailing belief among the mutineers that Putin was good while they marched to Moscow.

Just like it’s self evident that Russian propeganda convinced this guy that he had to join to protect Russian children.

Trying to armchair any of this has pretty limited value at the best of times, but picking up all of the context and communication relating to the reality constructed around the agents involved and dumping it in the trash first only makes the armchair takes even worse.

OP finds vulnerability where a forum sends you your password in plaintext over email and everyone misses the forest for the trees (

This thread is frustrating. Everyone seems more interested in nitpicking the specifics of what OP is saying and are ignoring that a forum sends you your password (not an automatically generated one) in an email on registration.


Everyone seems more interested in nitpicking the specifics of what OP is saying and are ignoring [the actual point]

This is the experience working in a professional software development setting, yes.

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