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The real story is how a king as old and frail as him managed to get a queen as young, fit and loyal as her, willing to slay anything that appears within her sight…


Just look at her.

He’s getting no rest at all.



Haha I was like “that Dave2D? Something’s definitely not adding up!”


He’s really not.


He’s not an organic tech reviewer. All of his devices are sponsored. He exists in a completely different world than the vast majority of his audience. Money is not an object for him and he promotes always having day 1 tech.

That’s true to some extent, I guess.

I’ve always thought his approach has remained broadly consistent to his roots (I’ve been subbed to him since he was much, much smaller) but yes, the products he reviews now are almost always provided to him rather than being bought by him personally. This becomes true of any channel of his size, but I’ve not seen his opinion change as a result.

He addresses the topic about bias in this short , but we can look to his phone of the year awards to assess his biases objectively. For every year since the awards began in 2014, an Android device has always won Phone of the Year. An iPhone has never won an award for Best design, Best Value or Best Big Phone since records began either.

iPhones have won best camera system since 2018, but he maintains that this is due to the superior video capabilities of iPhones, but still prefers the ‘look’ of a Pixel photo, or the hardware of a Samsung (20x zoom etc). Androids dominate every single category simply because there are so many companies developing and competing against each other to make better and better Android devices.

Marques is personally almost always rocking a Pixel or Samsung Galaxy device as his main daily driver (because he loves the customisation and the freedom that android devices give him), and has an iPhone in his other pocket for apple things. He calls out bad Android and Apple devices in equal measure, and he actively advised against buying a newer Mac because the M2 and M3 products just don’t give you enough of an upgrade over M1 to make it worthwhile.

I watch every single video he puts out and just don’t see the Apple shill thing. He has always come across as an Android fan to me, but I hear the Apple shill thing all the time.


Went with my wife and I’ll admit, considering the bad press fit it going into the movie, we were pleasantly surprised, and both enjoyed it!

The quantum entanglement of their powers was a genuinely cool and tangible way to bring the galaxy-faring Colossus that is captain Marvel to give a damn about a street level young hero like Ms Marvel.

Nia DaCosta wanted to make the shortest MCU movie, and while the movie didn’t outstay its welcome, it definitely could’ve been longer. The singing planet was weird, but a fun, GotG weird, and definitely needed more screentime, e.g. having Darr Benn try to parlay with them in the medium of song (kind of how Star Lord and Ronan had a dance off lol!)

IMO It was a decent enough plot; it’s getting harder and harder to create a “the world is ending” storyline without treading old ground, but it held up nicely. It might’ve been cooler for them to happen upon a planet that’s already dead to really convey the stakes to the viewer, and they really should have tried harder to save Aladna

Darr Benn being able to hold off the three Marvels did break my immersion a little; even with being able to absorb the energy via the bracelet, 3 on 1 is a bit generous for someone who was just a generic grunt. Can’t complain though, it was still a fun fight.

The X-Men mid-credits scene was super hype! What the MCU needs is a host of recognisable characters to hold up the flag for the viewers to attach to. No one cares about Moon Knight, for example.

I just hope the MCU doesn’t become all about the X-Men, Fantastic 4 and Deadpool, and heroes like ant Man don’t just become footnotes in the current roster.

Overall, I’d rate it about 7/10! Definitely above average, fun, and Ms Marvel and her family added a lot of classic marvel comic relief that DC just doesn’t seem to understand!

Also can we talk about how incredible Brie Larson looked in her suit? She worked out like crazy and it showed! Big props to her! I just wish the internet wasn’t so upset with her!


Brujah sounds like Hulk Hogan with a speech impediment saying “brother”…



The feeling when you’ve forgotten one of your favourites from when you were a kid and you read the name and think “that… feels familiar and exciting…” And then Google it to confirm it’s the very game you were hoping it to be!

Thanks! I’m getting it immediately!!


What’s Prime hack?

I bought Nova Launcher Pro and used to happily donate to them because there really was nothing else that could compare.

It sucks that Branch bought them, and why I stick with the Stock Google launcher now.

Does the Prime hack give you Nova Launcher again without anything going back to Branch?


Guild Wars 2 is great!

I’m biased because I’ve been playing it since launch, but I’ve also dabbled in the others and simply couldn’t justify a sub fee when

a) there are so many other games I’d like to play simultaneously and not feel guilty doing so b) there’s no gear treadmill! It really sucks in games like WoW where I want to check out the older content to get up to speed and just the zones were dead. Conversely, I’m doing map completion with my wife in GW2 and even the core maps had a bunch of people running around doing dynamic events and world bosses. The game feels so much more alive!


All the activity in every zone I visit really does just feel so great. There’s no better sign a game is alive and healthy. It was totally that which hooked me.

So true! It’s a game that really respects your time and there are always people around to help you if you get stuck.

Welcome to GW2, I genuinely hope you continue to enjoy your time here!


I’m afraid you are deluded if you think all your data is safe with Google.

Ads make money, because the valuable data can be sold.

Google collects data about you and by doing so, is able to target you with products that are suitable to you.

Other companies will pay top dollar for that kind of data. From Google trends, to purchasing habits, sentiments around world events, elections, sports events and betting…

It’s all useful to other companies, not Google. Google just wants to collect it all and create a product out of you that can be marketed to people who want to sell you stuff.


It’s unfortunate how the attitude changes when it’s a favourable group of people that’s being targeted.

I’m not saying you’re wrong. You are right and it should be the way, but the number of people who would sarcastically cry “ugh, it’s the ‘not all Muslims’ defence again!”, every time anyone tried to say that the vast, vast majority of Muslims do not support and absolutely reject any form of murder, harm or terrorism.

It really sucks, but people like to have a common enemy. Life is tough, and having someone to vent at seems to be how we cope. It was the Blacks then the Irish, then Muslims, then Chinese, then mask-wearers(!?), and now Jews. It should not be this way, and despite supporting Palestine in their right not not be massacred, I can’t help feeling sad that Jews everywhere, no matter their stance on the matter, will face the blind judgement of uneducated, trigger happy self-appointed, miguided vigilantes.

Which YouTuber's voice can lull you to sleep?

I’ve exhausted things I can sleep to on Netflix, and it’s literally impossible to sleep to things on Prime (so I barely watch anything there; it’s not worth falling asleep to something I like, since I might be punished for it), so I’ve started putting on YouTube in the evenings since it won’t wake me with silence at...


This! I had to search for Vaatividya in order to find this comment.

His prepare to cry series as well as all of his lore videos could keep me going for ages!


The fucking puppy dog eyes that man made as he slunk off… holy fuck. I have never felt so guilty in my life over pixels.

Ha omg that reminded me of Lae’zel’s confession. I didn’t especially do anything to get in her good books; she was at the camp most of the time, but I did take actions that were favourable to her, and did her side quest at the crèche.

She suddenly went from being abrasive and sharp to an elvish poet and was by far the most romantic confession of love I’ve ever seen in a game, and I just no because I’d already invested a lot of time into Shadowheart’s romance.

Her expression at the end after I rejected her lived in my mind rent free for weeks.


I don’t think it’s as black and white as that. Not to say that Microsoft isn’t dubious at times, but it seems they’re trying to weed out dodgy devices here.

Give companies free reign to create third party devices and they’ll create things that can be considered borderline cheat-y, or create things that are so bad that they affect people’s experience of Xbox consoles.

All this error code seems to be doing is requiring third party hardware to go through proper checks to verify hardware.


I mean I get it, it sucks for third party developers to pay a fee to develop for Xbox

But if you look at the quality of third party hardware available on PlayStation, Apple etc, it’s usually at a much higher quality and that gives people a perception that the hardware is better overall, even though Xbox series X and the PS5 are direct competitors.

If Xbox controllers cost $70 and crappy Chinese knockoffs are retailing for $20 and have no quality control, have cheat-y turbo buttons and break easily, they’re losing money that would have done to official controllers and also losing their brand image.

They’re not outright saying that third party devices are no longer allowed, but it does seem they want to manage the quality a little more


Absolutely! Who wouldn’t want to look at it purely from a consumer’s point of view?

It’s easy to just look at it from the consumer’s POV but the best plan is to check Microsoft when it’s actually being scummy, and not when it’s trying to just keep in line with every other company.

Sony issued takedowns of companies trying to sell PS5 faceplates, because they wanted to sell theirs at a premium. Apple is insanely notorious for proprietary hardware, to the point where the latest iPhone 15 even has its back glass fitted with a ribbon wire, so your iPhone won’t even start unless you’re using an iPhone certified back glass and it’s fitted by an iPhone tech that can enable the flag that lets your back glass work.

In a world like that, it makes no sense for Microsoft to put up with cheap knockoffs of its products especially if those products suck and are ruining its brand image.

Capitalism sucks but it is what it is. What we should do as consumers is vote with our money and not buy any accessories like this until these companies allow more third party developers to sell their parts. It just doesn’t work that way though. People keep buying this stuff no matter how high the prices go


Dude, my personal stance is irrelevant here.

I’m not saying that that’s my stance. I’m saying Microsoft is one of the largest companies in the world. You’re not going to change their mind by saying “I don’t like it”.

All I’m saying is “this is how businesses work”. If we don’t like it, we need to protest, vote with our wallets.

If you must know, my personal stance is the same as everyone else’s: it sucks that they’re forcing us to pay for first party/verified third party hardware which usually comes with a price rise.

But I thought I’d inform people what Microsoft’s position is in all this. They’re not going to stop taking massive losses just because some people on Lemmy said “that’s not nice”. Reality is that every company wants to make a profit and retain a positive brand image, especially now that Microsoft spent 69 billion dollars on Activision -Blizzard.


Yes yes we all know that big companies are going to do bad things, you aren’t revealing new information here.

You’re finding it extremely hard to understand the concepts of this conversation and still have the gall to be sarcastic and patronising. It’s surprising when you’re clearly misinformed.

We don’t really like this whole “big companies do bad things and we should expect that and not say anything about it” thing. should we just never talk about anything because big companies are big, so do what they want.

No one’s said you can’t talk about it? How are you so confused? I’ll break it down for you since you’re obviously struggling:

Companies sell products. Companies like Sony have a tighter control on their third party hardware. Companies like Microsoft are much more lenient, but it causes cheap knockoffs to flood the market and reduce their brand value and first-party profits. Microsoft will now implement a check to control third party hardware. People on Lemmy get upset. It’s hypocrisy.

You’re either upset with the whole system or none of it. Getting upset the moment Microsoft does it makes no sense. At no point is anyone saying that you can’t talk about it.


I don’t know what the leader of Turkey is on about but it doesn’t make sense


Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be if this sucks?

There’s no way a game announced 10 years ago, is still ‘up to date’ today. Games have changed. Gaming itself has changed and Squadron 42 will be judged by those modern standards. If it isn’t perfect (with the money and time spent on it, it better be at least free of major bugs and with a significant story element etc) then RSI is heading for probably the most embarrassing incident in gaming history.


I mean looking at it upon first glance, it looks fine?

I mean, what’s “10 years old” anyway? “Vampire Survivors” came out in 2023, has retro graphics and plays really well. Arkham City came out in 2011 and still holds up well graphically today, especially considering Gotham knights is a thing lmao.

I’m not too crazy about the look of the game, but it has to play well. Starfield feels like an old game to play because all those loading screens aren’t something I’m expecting in 2023. The cumbersome inventory management and poor decisions make it feel like it came out over 10 years ago.

A lot of scrutiny on this title. Any criticism will be well deserved, good or bad.


300m - so like a helicopter and a couple of missiles?


Fair point!


The IGN review seemed quite tough on the title. Apparently terraforming is required in order to create aesthetically pleasing cities; you need to build on perfectly flat land, or else your buildings will warp and look terrible.

As someone who really enjoyed getting down to street level to see how things looked from the citizens’ perspective, this sucks. It’s not a deal-breaker though and on Gamepass I could see myself picking it up and giving it a try


You legit looked at this graph, ignored ALL of it, and still went “Hamas bad”.

Why are you here if you’re not going to even try to understand the situation?


It’s not on the chart. Not only did it not happen prior to the current October 2023 war (as it clearly states in the title of the graph and the post), it didn’t happen at all.

What did happen is the overwhelming murder and maiming of innocent civilians who have no way to defend themselves, against one of the most powerful nations on the planet.

Any idea what Google are doing? Is this because I dont use Chrome (use Firefox)? I've no adblockers. (

So this started coming up today. On every video. I can (so far) click the “x” and remove it to watch (still see 2 ads before the video, and one after 4 minutes - ruins music on YT), but did click the “Report issue” only for the dialogue box not to work....


Wow, people are so smart!

Any chance you could DM the the name of the extension (is you can’t mention it here?)

Why9, (edited )

I disagree.

Once upon a time, streaming services were free, or gave you a generous amount of content for a small price.

Now, not only does everybody and their mom want to make you subscribe to something, they’re also constantly and unapologetically raising prices whilst removing features or extracting useful/necessary features and placing them in new, expensive premium tiers.

Sure, get a family plan and split, and watch them slowly raise prices to “match inflation” or some other bs excuse!

There are definitely solutions out there, and I’m sure someone will come up with a way to spoof YouTube premium or something and the war will continue.

I won’t say ‘pirate everything’, because you shouldn’t; there are definitely services out there that are worth your money. But if they’re going to play using scummy tactics then I don’t see why we can’t as well!


I condemn and disagree with Hamas as well. The way they’ve attacked Israel does nothing but invite suffering for both nations involved, especially Palestinians.

But let’s be honest. What’s Palestine really getting in aid? Hamas, although extreme and definitely a terrorist group, are the only ones fighting back against Israel? I can’t remember anyone putting sanctions on Israel and threatening military action if they continue to destroy settlements in Gaza. It’s always just a slap on the wrist.

Sure, free Palestine from Hamas, but then what? Israel gets to continue doing what it has been doing for decades? How does that not just create Hamas 2.0?

The people losing their families don’t need thoughts and prayers, and aid money to keep them on a life support machine. I’m genuinely looking for an answer here, because for Palestinians, it does seem like Hamas is their only option?

Why9, (edited )

When Jamal Khashoggi, a US journalist was brutally murdered and dismembered in Saudi Arabia, the US decided it wasn’t important enough to worry about.

I can’t see how this is any different? Must be all that gold and oil blinding me from the truth… /s


Thank you.

It’s always so refreshing to see someone do the thing you were expecting would happen!

I’m wondering how to get “shiny teeth and me” into a comment somewhere…

Why9, (edited )

Russia aggresses against Ukraine. Ukraine retaliates. Slava Ukraine.
Israel aggresses against Palestine. Palestine retaliates. Fuck Palestine.

Make that make sense.


She ordered a roast, not a bonfire.


This. Follow the money.


Stay at home, wear a mask. Good advice, now that COVID is back on the rise!


I always got downvoted for saying it too on a PIRACY sub! Shits wild.

Is it? It sounds more like the people on the privacy subs had morals and knew their limits.

If you go to the bar and the bartender says “drinks are on the house!”, you’re still not going to go and order every single drink on the menu. You’re not going to go off and drink yourself under the table, just because you personally don’t have to pay for it. You understand that there’s an opportunity to have something for free and you respectfully take up the offer and enjoy yourself.

Yes, video game practices are often downright toxic: Paying DLC for content that’s already on your PC/ Disk. Unfinished games, loot boxes, low quality remasters, buggy releases - I get it. I’m not going to spend $70 of my hard earned money on some crap and have it be half the product I was promised, or have DRM that prevents me from playing the game further into the future.

But what about great indie titles like Baldurs Gate 3? Where’s the justification there? It’s some honest Devs who put everything into an amazing product. Why not spend the money you’ve saved up on other piracies on a well-deserved title?

Some smaller indie titles need every sale. It literally pays for their livelihood. Why pirate their work too?

There’s honour among thieves. There’s a code to not screw over the people who are making games for the love of it. If you don’t care about any of that, fine. But don’t go around bragging about it like it’s your God-given right to steal.

Stealing everything from everyone isn’t something you should be proud of. We all can’t afford a lot of things atm, and that’s understandable. But there are people out there trying to afford stuff by selling those very same games. Have a bit of respect for the game.

Why9, (edited )

With emergent tech you ALWAYS have to look at who’s interested.

I don’t have facts, but I’d like to think it’s more the low and middle class who use services like Doordash and UberEats.

I can imagine them soon introducing a way to “verify” the correct customer by doing a facial scan.

Suddenly cops are allowed to use the scanning and live feeds from these robots on the streets to keep an eye on persons of interest, and suddenly there are patrolling robots on the streets, that can grass people up without them even realising.

You absolutely won’t see the upper class communities with these patrolling robots around (saying it’s too oppressive!), so it becomes a tool to spy on lower socio-economic communities. And of course, any attempt to damage them is met with a fine, or arrest.

Amazon’s Ring cameras have already been used to provide recordings to cops. Those were private devices so the cops can’t just tap into them whenever they want. But a Doordash robot is fully exempt of that limitation.

EDIT: confirmed, 2 days later. […]( footage from delivery bots is going straight to the lapd)


I don’t think so, personally.

I can’t imagine Elon spending over 40bn to buy up a company that he then desperately needs to enact measures in order to recoup the lost money in ways that just dig him a bigger hole.

I think he’s really that dumb. He tried to devalue the company prior to purchasing by saying bots are rampant etc. The case against him said he needed to buy the company at the original price.

Until this point, his reputation had him as some kind of infallible tech messiah, so in order to not lose face, he bought it at the original price, knowing his plan backfired and he had to borrow billions in order to complete the sale.

Every decision he made after just attracted ridicule and caused the platform to fall further into a heaping mess. Once his reputation was revealed to be a petulant child, he just doubled down and destroyed it.

Elon, it turns out, just isn’t as clever as he (or many of his backers/fans) thought…


There are too many to choose!

And the award goes to:

Lord of the Rings. If I can only choose one, then Return of the King.

Honourable mentions:

Avengers Endgame (watched it at a midnight screening at a Infinity-War/Endgame double bill and it was one of the best experiences ever)

Tron legacy: unlike many movies, it completely drew me into its world, with the visuals and music.

Nolan batman films: probably Dark Knight


You know what? I think I’ll do exactly that this weekend! In a dark room with the cold and cranked up, it’s an absolute banger


Great, now let me pay a single fee for the SIA, and be able to watch anything on any of those channels. I’d happily pay a higher amount for that privilege.


This. I rarely if ever saw a bug, even on release.

My gripes with the game had more to do with the features we were missing: a metro system, character customisation (hair stylist, tattoo artists, visible cyberware modification, cyberpsychosis, car customisation…), a gang reputation system, meaningful lifepath repercussions, like being able to join a gang as a streetkid, or own a cool car/apartment as corpo, or have your own custom tricked out car as a nomad…

The game feels much better than it did - driving was not great at release, and the perks you unlock now actually feel impactful and meaningful, but I still would have liked some of those features included.


I got the Pixel watch 1 as a free bonus to purchasing the Pixel 7 Pro.

People compared it competitively to the iPhone and Galaxy Watch, and it came out on top in some cases.

I just don’t get it. I can’t even set an alarm on my phone and turn off that same alarm on my Pixel watch. I couldn’t punch in a destination on my phone and follow along on my watch.

The Watch simply was not finished and it was shipped too soon. I love tech, but I’ve always had a traditional timepiece. The number of times I’ve wanted to leave for the office, or go for a bike ride and find my Pixel watch is dead was far, far too many. There’s no notification on my phone to tell me to charge it!

It’s a smart watch, Google, not a Fitbit. Show me the Smart watch features it can do. Rehashing a Fitbit isn’t intuitive. It’s just copy and paste.


How can you be banned here? You have two Cows!


It is though.

For the layman, that explanation is enough. If we’re going to convince enough people to join Lemmy, we’re going to have to ease them into it, and not be quite so anal.

They’ll get it eventually, if they’re interested enough to join.

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