@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar


@[email protected]

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@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

I was trying to think of a meme for this situation but I’m too depressed, honestly. So yea, apt

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

For those who missed this. Izzy, the (only) mod at the science fiction community, was banned by admins.

The reason is him often complaining about there being ads in the Sync client for Lemmy.

Admins take that as toxic behavior and harassment, and ultimately banned him. Which… Take it as you wish, the modlog and comment histories are available.

Izzy came back from another account to say their goodbyes, as they no longer wish to be involved anyway. This post seems to have disappeared.

Then a bit later, admin came to SF to make a post looking for new mods. When people brought up the situation, they locked the thread.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

This one, lemmy.world

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Definitely adamant, but from what I’ve seen, nothing out of the ordinary on Lemmy where everyone is free to bring to certain topics and bitch about them constantly and anywhere (Reddit, Musk, cops…). Like everyone is free to pile on and brigade against Unity right now, so I don’t see the difference.

If anything, I’ve definitely seen more toxicity from some defensive Sync users myself.

Back when lots of apps were coming out, I was also questioning how weird it is to have a closed-source ad-supported client for this platform that’s all about open source and privacy, and was called all kinds of names. I’ve blocked quite a few people at that time rather than reporting, that’s what I prefer to do.

I asked an admin directly several times if there was anything else than these kinds of incidents, and couldn’t get a straight answer.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

If you want to accuse people of twisting words, you need to look into the mirror as well, Antik. As you say, I talked to you on Matrix and couldn’t get an answer to a question I asked 3 times, and then you deliberately misinterpret what I say.

So also don’t tell me that I don’t try to communicate, when I did exactly that. And you don’t know what I do to coordinate with other people around Lemmy. I don’t talk to admins because I don’t want to bug you people with every little thing when I’m sure you’re busy with other stuff and everyone is trying to talk. And I literally can’t use Discord because it’s a broken POS. Yet I still was in your Discord server before you had this official one.

All I wanted in this thread is to provide information to people who didn’t know what happened. As accurately and sparsely as possible to let people make up your own mind, and I definitely don’t think I twisted anything, much less the timeline. You say I misinterpreted things because I don’t see it from your perspective.

Whatever, we are all humans, have our own point of view, but don’t accuse me of sensationalism or some other motivations. That’s like, one of the last thing I ever want, and I don’t like it when people accuse me of motivations that are completely off. Like what do you think I’m doing, trying to take over the server or what would be the point of sensationalism and transforming reality?

I don’t even “feel the certain way” about the admins, I told you that you do a fine job in general. But true, there’s a general attitude on Lemmy that tends to put a sour taste in my mouth, and I’ve always tried to do my part to not be a part of it. The “don’t say the wrong thing or you’ll get banned” and “suspect everyone is out to just make drama” among those issues.

And of course as a mod I know what a fine line that is. Shiit, when I talked to my co-mods about this thing, the first thing I asked was if I’m not hypocritical. I try not to be. So please try to not look for the worst in people. Most are just trying their best to make this site a better place, just like you, and everyone is passionate about different things.

WhoRoger, (edited )
@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

I didn’t know this is like Beehaw where you need to come hat in hand with an introductory essay before you can ask a question.

Fine, I apologise for not saying Hello, I was tired. But if you need more than that, then well I’m not your person. I was in the scifi thread, got upset, then realised I should ask the other side as well. I was trying to get a picture, couldn’t get it, we both said/agreed the debate is over, so I left because I was getting more tired and upset and didn’t want to say something bad and frankly got worried that someone would make it about me, like it’s here. Guess that’s wrong?

I wanted to sleep on it, but when this meme showed up, I tried to recap the situation here as neutrally as possible for people, tried to avoid saying who is right (ed: at first at least. Stress on “tried”, whether you believe it or not.), didn’t call out any particular admin, told people to make up their own mind, and i’m still the bad guy. I really don’t know what you expect from someone to recap the situation. “The great diligent admins banned the toxic harasser who’s been nothing but spewing vile”, was that what I was supposed to write?

Despite what you may think about my motivations, I don’t have any stake in this other than trying to help make Lemmy a good platform, but for quite a while it’s been pointless due to all this toxic positivity where everyone has to walk on tiptoes.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Guess not, but then don’t be surprised if the others don’t get a clear picture, don’t complain when the information is incomplete, and don’t be a hypocrite by assuming someone else’s motivations.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Ghost Commander does have batch rename. You need to select multiple files and tap F2 Rename. Dunno how to use it, but it’s there.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Select multiple files first. If you have one selected, there’s a rename dialog, with multiple there’s a regex multi rename dialog.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Right, I guess that tends to be the case with file managers if you try to use these features on something else than regular local files.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Stating that Sync client has ads, on a post about Lemmy clients, is toxic.

Signed, lw admins

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

By Trek’s logic, Tuvix’s identical copy lives in an alternative universe of some sort. And that’s really the only way to justify all this.

Ed: Also the “Oh wait, they can’t speak so someone has to speak for them” has some interesting implications, doesn’t it.

Why does everyone make such a fuss about privacy?

In the context of VPNs for example. Some VPNs store and provide information about what sites you go to third parties. Third parties analyze it and figure out what adds to show you. Hmm… then let them show me those adds they want to show me. I do hate adds as a whole and use an add blocker, thus. But I couldn’t care less what...

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

If you’d phrase this in a less twatty way, you could almost ask this in a “no stupid questions” community.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Well imagine coming to a vegetarian forum and asking: “Why does everyone make a fuss about killing animals? I eat meat three times every day, go on hunts every month, sometimes just for fun, I don’t even eat those animals. Also I don’t care about cages and all that, animals don’t have souls anyway.”

It may also be a genuine question, but sometimes it’s good to spend 10 seconds before asking, either by just thinking or maybe do a very brief web search.

In general, questions of the “I don’t care about X so I don’t see why anyone else could” kind tend to be like that. You can ask, but you can also expect people won’t want to talk to you.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

My point is that if it’s something that clearly lots of people care about, it’s probably a good idea to think a little.

The “why anyone would” part is in the “why people make a fuss”. I don’t wish to be a teacher here picking apart every word, don’t get me wrong, but people get upset if you invalidate what they care about. It’s like telling someone who’s angry to calm down.

Fortunately people here have more patience heh.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

I understand and even appreciate that people have different priorities, worries and preferences. Which is why I dislike the attitude some take, “if you don’t care about X, you’re part of the problem”. It may even be true in lots of cases, but we can’t all care about the same things, less we all worry about everything all the time, and that’s not good or realistic.

Funny thing though. I’ve seen people have civil debates about the most sensitive, divisive topics, as long as the initial question or statement comes from a place of genuine curiosity.

But whenever I see people ask the “why is privacy important?” question, it’s never just “am I missing something?” but more of a “gimme all the ads, collect everything about me, I don’t care”, sometimes with the “you conspiracy theorists weirdos, nobody cares about you and you’re probably pedos anyway” sprinkled in.

So it’s a bit tiring to see this over and over, hence my snark at the beginning. And I don’t know where the attitude is coming from. Maybe it’s just a relatively new issue and people aren’t used to constantly being exposed to the debate, like with some other topics?

But in that case I gather that it should be the opposite problem - we used to have much more privacy than we have now, that just has to be obvious (hence the questions in the first place), so the proper question to ask would be “wait, why is everyone so interested in everything I do all of a sudden? Why is every corporation suddenly collecting all my data and giving me free stuff in return while raking in billions of profits? Hm, sus”

Eh maybe I’m missing something.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

but sometimes you have kids online who don’t obviously seem like kids because you can’t see them

Point taken… Altho personally I don’t care about how old someone is. When I game online or just squat on Lemmy/Reddit/forum, I’m fine taking to people whether they’re 13 or 70. If anything, younger people tend to be more open minded, which possibly comes with having access to all the information.

But yea I guess some topics probably hit different when you grow up in a certain style of environment. Still, when I babysit kids, I find they are curious about everything and are willing to change their mind if they get explained something realistically. And I don’t see younger people ask loaded questions as often as older folks do.

I’d imagine if you’re not in tech circles you also don’t find out much about privacy risks.

I don’t begrudge people for not knowing things. What I find interesting is how they react when they learn about something, or their initial train of thought. You probably know the experiment of asking randos “should dihydrohen monoxide be banned?”

I have this hobby almost, I like finding new things, weird and divisive stuff. Oddball topics, weird fetishes, strange habits, crazy hobbies, wild art, whatever. If there’s a community with “weird” in the title, I’ll probably subscribe to it.

And it also gives me some insight into how outsiders react when they stumble upon that stuff. Most people, when confronted with something out of their ordinary, tend to go “damn good thing I’m normal, everyone is weird” or worse. So I guess it is human nature, but you can also imagine how tiring it can get.

WhoRoger, (edited )
@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Full frame is overkill for a beginner. Lenses are much more important than bodies or format. You’re much better off getting a second-hand APS-C body from a few generations back, and invest in lenses, than getting a top FF body and just a kit lens.

Depends on the budget of course. But you’ll want to experiment and try different lenses, so that’s what you need to budget for.

Which system/brand is the best - neither, it depends on your preferences.

First you should decide whether you want a DSLR (with an actual mirror) or an EVF camera. That’s pretty important for the feel, and it’s to your preference.

Second is the ergonomics of the system. Fujifilm and Olympus (or what’s that they call themselves now) generally regarded as very “classical”, Canon, Nikon and Pentax have their own styles that have evolved over 70 years, and Sony and Panasonic are more modern and more video-focused.

And then there are lenses. There’s quite parity between systems so it doesn’t matter that much which you choose, with the exception of Canon M system which has weak support and is dead. So the M50 is good only if you can get it cheap and treat it as a one-off for learning. (Ed: actually I think you can mount adapted APS-C DSLR lenses so there’s still an upgrade path.)

I used to have Nikon DSLRs, but I’m not a huge fan of their new EVF offerings.

Sony is the biggest brand out there but I never liked their ergonomics and style.

Canon is kind of a gold standard, but always make weird choices re what can be in which model, and lately seem confused.

Pentax probably has the best ergonomics and controls ever, but is an extremely niche brand at this point.

OM system is lovely, but their smaller 4/3 sensor makes lenses different and is on life support.

If I was starting from scratch today, I’d probably go with the Fujifilm X system. Lots of various choices, been around for a while, good support, open lens system.

I suggest you look at Thom Hogan’s sites bythom.com and sansmirror.com

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t you know, fat people can’t be made fun of. It’s the skinny people who are funny, see!

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

I use Session Messenger, on the Oxen network. Love it on principle even tho the implementation is a bit lacking in places.

And there’s Tor… Which is what it is.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t see why not. You can download a database of hashes and compare that locally. Granted, those hashes aren’t “free”, but that’s due to the legal status of such material. The principle itself - comparing hashes - can be foss.

Yea people can look into the algorithms to see how they work and circumvent etc., but that’s no different than with… Anything else. If someone is motivated enough to distribute the material, they’ll make their own network. Foss doesn’t make any difference here.

Do other people ever have the experience of simulating yourself doing something in your head, and then doing it in real life exactly how you imagined it?

I’m thinking about sports as an example. I used to do fencing, and sometimes we would learn a new technique or I would imagine one to do, and I would imagine myself doing it, then it was almost like autopilot where my body would do it just how I imagined, like it was easy. It didn’t happen very often but when it did it felt...

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

That’s how I learned to tie my shoelaces as a kid. I was “taught” by a cousin iirc, who was barely older than me and couldn’t demonstrate it properly. I figured it out on my own by visualising it. It’s the bunny ears method that I use to this day.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t look in girls’ bags though. If you do, you may stare into the void for eternity or get eaten by a 6-dimensional space monster.

WhoRoger, (edited )
@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Session Messenger

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Iudesk Photo Editor

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

www.iudesk.com there’s a playstore link

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar
@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

I sometimes use online apps when I need something specific and Christ that’s like the 6th level of hell on my old slow phone… Tho honestly I can’t imagine how an online app can ever be equal to a local one

WhoRoger, (edited )
@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Yea it’s not full-blown Photoshop layers in this regard. Still, with the amount of other stuff it has and for the price (or with just small ads and no fullscreen video ads or other crap), I really can’t complain. I’ve replaced amost every other app with a foss one, but there’s no good foss image editor. Pocket Paint and Litrato can do a few things here and there but not much and both seem abandoned.

Ed: Ok so PP isn’t abandoned and is quite nice in its own way but just doesn’t have the practicality for photo editing or meme making.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Cuz they just tend to be slow. I don’t know how these apps behave on a 1500€ phone, but I had a pretty beefy computer at my disposal these last 2 years and web apps are just always slower, usually much slower.

And back to phones, the UI of graphics web apps rarely considers them. Or they simplify the UI to the point of being unusably dumb.

And Paint… Yes true, but again do you understand “phone”?

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Make it open source on F-Droid, compatible with the Fediverse, and maybe you’ll even get 500 installs.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

More than anything I want a hardware keyboard.

No, not Bluetooth, not tacked on, not in a case, not vibrating emulation of buttons, not a half kilo Linux phone for terminal use, just a regular vertical phone with a keypad ffs.

Don’t tell me it’s difficult, when we get a dozen new gaming handhelds a month. They have buttons and Android. Don’t tell me it’s too expensive if Chinese factories can make a phone or handheld under 100€. Don’t tell me there are no suitable displays, when there clearly are displays of all shapes and sizes. Don’t tell me there’s no interest when there are thousands of phone models on the market and everyone is fighting to find any niche to squeeze into. It’s clearly absolutely doable, it’s been done both well and cheap, just the phone vendors are absolutely dense.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Sony, except the battery, but that is coming with new EU regulation.

Actually cheap phones often have more of these things, although it’s getting rarer.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

They’re skinnier and shaped in a more compact way. And I think the lower models are still smaller, aren’t they? Even if not exactly the compact/mini models they used to make.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

I heard the same, but that doesn’t explain how there’s been phone models with keypads both before and after BB.

Also, I doubt Chinese phone makers give a fuck about patents. There was a cheap qwerty phone with KaiOS sold only in India, and I suspect it wasn’t sold anywhere else exactly to avoid worldwide patent problems. But honestly who cares, just make it and people will import it.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Yea, and Zenfone 10 is the “small” phone, isn’t it? So this is as wide as that, and much skinnier than usual phone sizes. The assignment said “compact”, not “small”.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

You can have an IR blaster as an accessory for the headphone jack.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

It doesn’t if the screen is connected directly to the frame buffer which can refresh independently. Whether that’s actually implemented this way in hardware, well who knows, but I suspect it is as that’s useful to display any static image. Then just power up the display driver for a microsecond to refresh the image if needed.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

That could work on a flip-style foldable. Actually you don’t even need it to be foldable, just a regular screen on one side and screen+keypad on the other side. I wonder if that’s less or more likely to happen, since in the past few years we’ve had more phones with multiple displays than with keypads, and phone makers are obsessed with displays.

A problem is that we “have” to have those gigantic cameras with 15 lenses that take up half of the back, so with that mindset there’s not enough space for both a screen and keypad.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

I think it’s the transporter accident from ST:TMP. I didn’t know they can procreate.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

I’d guess different setups both of the phones and accounts. For example if one has enabled Google location in settings, and stuff like location sharing isn’t disabled, the phone will be pinged much more often. Same if you have office documents on cloud, synchronisation with phone book and stuff like that.

And yea it makes sense that an account that’s more active is of more interest to ping more regularly. Maybe also for security too. Tho I don’t know if it has to be an actual conscious decision by the designers of the systems or just some AI algorithms doing it.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

It seems like most FOSS I’ve seen is a free, buggy, alternative to mainstream software, which resolves a problem the user had.

I don’t know what kind of sw you use, but usually I find Foss software to be sleek, functional, fast with good support and updates, while commercial software is ridden with ads, trackers, bloat and bugs. Exceptions on both sides but the notion that free software is generally worse is categorically incorrect.

Everyone can contribute, but how do they make a living?

So first not everyone can contribute. Usually people who also use the software and have personal (or monetary) interest in it, contribute.

And why does everything has to be about monetisation? Yes, both people and gigantic corporations make money off foss in various ways, I’m sure others have explained that already. But people also do things for other reasons than just money.

But I’m just baffled how people so often declare that foss can’t work or that it’s qualitatively worse, even though the entire planet has been dependent on foss for decades.

No, just because someone sells something directly, doesn’t mean it’s inherently better.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

I find 95% of foss software to be better than the commercial alternatives, and I’m not joking. As for bugs, foss devs are usually faster to respond to bug reports and user requests too, unless it’s some mismanaged behemoth like Mozilla.

Thing is, commercial software can use the money for advertising and marketing. Foss, especially of the free to use kind, usually only spread by word of mouth, and even that only within the foss communities at first.

Let’s not get into examples, because I’m sure we can always find examples for every case and it often comes to specific preferences. My general point is, that people who think free has to be crap, and commercial has to be good, are categorically wrong.

It’s in fact backwards: if you do something only for money, you’re incentivized to do the least amount of work either for maximum effectiveness or to give yourself time to do stuff you actually want to do.

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Just read the ancient Jedi texts (i.e. the sidebar)

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