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You can find the PS3 key floating around too.


Holy shit, you’re right.

We’re playing permadeath on the easiest level, and failing.

The Unity Desktop Environment an Underrated Masterpiece (

Why is the unity is underrated when its what i use right now with Ubuntu Unity and its actually really great experience for my 2021 HP Stream 11 Laptop and i hope you all to share your experiences using the unity de in Debain Ubuntu Arch Fedora Gentoo Opensuse Etc thanks for your Amazing community my Wonderful Friends


It also tried to save space with auto hiding the sidebar and using global menus built into the panel, instead of having a panel and then a titlebar.


When I first got VR, I played Skyrim on PS4. One morning, I woke up to pee and held my hands by my sides as if using an invisible controller to aim my movement and kind of glided across the floor. Realized what I was doing by the time I got to the door.


I see you’re a person of culture.


I would have an exploding corkscrew penis. I’ll find ways to entertain myself.


Largest to smallest unit of time. It just makes sense.




“I’m switching from Chrome because they killed ad blocking.”

“OMG! Firefox takes 5 seconds to even load webpages! I’ll just go back to Chrome.”

The goal is to prevent the competition from growing.


Never heard of a minifier. It’s a brilliant idea though.


It helps a complete newbie like me get started and even learn while I do. Due to its restrictions and shortcoming, I’ve been having to learn how to structure and plan a project more carefully and thoughtfully, even creating design specs for programs and individual functions, all in order to provide useful prompts for ChatGPT to act on. I learn best by trial and error, with the ability to ask why things happened or are the way they are.

So, as a secondary teaching assistant, I think it’s very useful. But trying to use the API for ChatGPT 4 is…not worth it. I can easily blow through $20 in a few hours. So, I got a day and a half of use out of it before I gave up. :|

Is it just me, or has the BS with OpenAI shown that nobody in the AI space actually cares about "safeguarding AGI?"

Money wins, every time. They’re not concerned with accidentally destroying humanity with an out-of-control and dangerous AI who has decided “humans are the problem.” (I mean, that’s a little sci-fi anyway, an AGI couldn’t “infect” the entire internet as it currently exists.)...


I’m of the opinion that Microsoft was tired of losing money on OpenAI, so made some kind of plan to out the current CEO, tank the stock price, and be in the perfect position to buy the company and monopolize AI technology. It wouldn’t be the first time they pulled shady crap like that.


Cheaper than virgin, but full of flavor.


This is the exact reason I don’t trust anything hosted online. If it’s something I want to enjoy more than once, I download it.

Companies hosting things online tend to become authoritarian dictators in all but name, which is their right as they own the services and hardware. But it almost always makes the end user experience shitty and overly complicated, or filled with spyware, or requires you give away your rights to privacy or lawsuit, etc…

So if there’s a song or something that I like online, I’m downloading that and keeping it on my computer to listen to whenever I feel like it. I don’t have the time or energy to play games with these greedy ass corporations.

And the ironic part is, that while they would absolutely froth the mouth about me doing this, they’re the ones that drove me to it. It feels like an emotionally abusive relationship, are they keep making our just a man some gaslighting me, then getting angry when I fight back or tell them no.



I think you probably have a point there. Not sure about the details and nuance, 'cause I’m not that smart, but there is something there.


Oh, dang, that was civil and anticlimactic of us. Um…

I mean:

How dare you! This is the internet. You’re supposed to immediately call me Hitler for…reasons. This slight shall not stand. Expect a strongly worded letter from my emissary forthwith. Good day!


Huh, that’s an interesting point that I never thought of before.

Do you think there would be a way to make them easier to differentiate that would make them more useful, or do you think there’s a fundamental problem with using them?

I’m thinking of workarounds like making emoji SVG to scale to whatever size you need.

Or maybe an optional setting to insert text after an emoji for users that want it. Example:

😊 (Smiling face)

What do you think?


I was thinking of the inserted text as a user-side thing. If someone sends you an emoji, your software inserts the name of the emoji next to it for the benefit of the user. That kind of thing.

Masimatutu, to memes avatar


h/t to @StefanThinks


I know this is just a meme, but mini rant time here.

“Free speech” literally just means the government can’t arrest, censor, or penalize you for just for the things you express. Of course, there are exceptions for public safety, fraud, etc…

If Musk loses advertising revenue, that is the advertisers exercising their free speech in a free market, and deciding who they associate with.

These crybabies like Musk are upset at having consequences, and throwing a tantrum about their freedom of speech is an intentional red herring and attempt to recontextualize reality so they end up being the victim of some ephemeral bully.

The richest and most powerful people on the planet are not being persecuted.

They are just not used to being called out on their bullshit and are too weak and immature to accept being told they are wrong sometimes.

Near-Future file type concept "Digital Memory" (

This is an idea I’ve been toying with for a bit. There is a ton of media that includes unimportant information that doesn’t need to be stored pixel perfect. Storing large portions of the image data as text will save substantial amounts of storage, and as the reality of on-device image generation becoming commonplace sets in...


It could be an interesting idea, but would be terrible to implement for anything where accuracy mattered.

Generally when you’re doing video or image editing, you don’t want the image to change after you’re done saving it. That would be a loss of hundreds of hours of work in some cases. And if you’re working on something where, small details matter, those might get lost in translation.


It eggs sixteen matter


Oh, I messed up. I was thinking two doubled is four, four doubled is eight, eight doubled is sixteen. My brain skipped over the six.

Next smartphone I buy, which one do you recommend?

Things that make me angry about my current smartphone Samsung Galaxy S21Ultra on a Verizon plan is the mandatory software updates in which they install WITHOUT MY PERMISSION stupid apps like Netflix and addictive gambling games and stacking block games and Candy crush. God knows what else they install without my permission. I...


As cool as the technology is, I wouldn’t trust Starlink to handle my breakfast order. It’s leadership is corrupt, arrogant, and evil. You can find all sorts of news stories about it online.


I’ve never heard of this company before the past week, and I’m seeing it everywhere now. I’m also really annoyed with this trend of companies appropriating random fucking words instead of using actual names.


I wish I could go back in time and slap whoever invented the phrase “nothing to hide.”


The article is misusing the word sceptic here, which is a pet peeve of mine. That language indirectly contributes to a lack of respect for actual experts and a sense of “there is no objective truth” BS.

Skepticism is not blindly denying things. That would be more akin to cynicism, or well, denialism. You can’t be a “climate change skeptic”, any more than you can be a “round earth skeptic”, or a “gravity skeptic”.

Skepticism is about being willing to update or disregard beliefs that do not match the evidence. It’s about determining what is or isn’t high quality evidence, and letting your ideas be challenged and tested, as only the things most likely to be true will survive. It’s a process for how you approach new information, deeply held beliefs, your own assumptions, and the claims of others. It’s not perfect, but it’s a hell of a lot better than anything else we’ve got.

And unfortunately for “climate change skeptics”, that also means we can know with fairly high confidence, the truth of certain things. Climate science and climate change are some of the things we have very strong evidence for, and to be “skeptical” of them in this day is not critical thinking. It’s either lying, political posturing, or burying your head in the sand.


Rethink for Android is an app firewall, DNS solution, and ad/malware/spam/etc blocker.

Might be worth giving a try.


Man, I got to say that as a cis gay guy, it absolutely warms my heart to see our trans siblings in the community have support and understanding as they grow up. I never had that, and even though there’s a lot of transphobia and shit in my country that needs to be fixed ASAP, the fact that things are even just a little bit better for the next generation truly gives me hope for the future.

The part about them going to the beach and just having fun without having to give a shit had been grinning like an idiot. I know that was made possible by the top surgery, but still. It was such a sweet moment in the article.


As a pescatarian, I would 100% be fine with eating non-fish meat if it was lab grown and not farmed.

This shit should be a revolution, not banned. Save animals and have cruelty free meat. Win-win


The far future: A man sits at a table, staring at a floating hologram display. He watches as an indecipherable block of alphanumeric characters wiggles and splits into two segments. He nods slowly.

He takes a breath and closes his eyes, broadcasting a message to everyone on duty that day.

“Merge the request. Tell Linus#3418 that Wayland is now the default display manager.”


Maybe I’m just in a good mood, but I saw that and about died. Thanks for the chortle and subsequent coughing fit.


Those in power hate losing control. That’s why bodily autonomy, sexual freedom, critical thinking, accurate history, and religious diversity are all their go-to boogymen.

Trans folk are just one of the more recent groups to be targeted.

I’ve known four out trans people. One was a piece of shit. The other three turned out to be amazing and empathetic people who all made my life better just by knowing them.

It turns out, when you deal with people being entitled jerks to you all day, that tends to make you a better person. Forged in fire and all that.


I don’t know you, but I hope things get better for you. I’ve been in that pit more times than I can count. Nothing I can say will pull you out. So, give yourself a big hug and take what time you need. Wishing you well.


These days, it’s a little bit janky while the new dev team tries to modernize it, but try out Ubuntu Unity on a live USB or something.

It’s pretty and it’s fun to use. Different, but not alien. I wouldn’t install it as a daily driver yet, but if you are having fun trying out Linux stuff, I’d say to give that desktop interface a try.


Well, they’re still working in Wayland support as far as I know. Some windows have double title bars for some reason, or extra large invisible borders. I have a portrait rotated monitor, and had trouble with wallpapers in general.

It was basically a bunch of little stuff like that, nothing major as far as I remember.


Well, they’re still working in Wayland support as far as I know. Some windows have double title bars for some reason, or extra large invisible borders. I have a portrait rotated monitor, and had trouble with wallpapers in general.

It was basically a bunch of little stuff like that, nothing major as far as I remember.


Hey there stranger.

I can 100% understand where you’re coming from. It’s okay if you don’t feel comfortable with this kind of humor.

I’m not going to touch on what topics or humor are appropriate in what places, that’s a big conversation with very few black and white answers. Please just keep in mind that some of us use dark humor as a way of coping, of reducing the emotional strain by making light of our trauma in a safe way, or by using humor to generate empathy in others who might not have experienced the same trauma. Humor doesn’t have to tear things down, it can bring people together. I also don’t want to touch on the “rapist shit” comment, so… I won’t.

To anyone else reading, please try to be a bit more understanding when people politely ask you to chill. It’s usually not their business, especially in public, but please don’t immediately get defensive. I have the right to walk down the street screaming at people, as an extreme example, but no one would defend me if I was doing that and someone else asked me to stop. Most people are automatically aware of unwritten social norms and stuff, this is just part of that compromise we work with every day. Sometimes, you should ignore the person asking you to tone it down. Sometimes, you should tone it down.

I usually don’t subscribe to the “everyone is right” BS, but I think it’s true here. There’s no bad person in this, just a difference of how people process things.


I just now came back to this thread and started reading. I was avoiding it, because honestly it was intimidating when I suddenly had a bunch of replies about something I knew might be controversial.

I don’t know what you’re talking about with Nazis and shit, but I guess I’m about to find out…


I’m just now catching up on this thread. I honestly don’t understand what you’re talking about. Nazis are bad. War criminals are bad. Sexual assault is bad, and perpetrators are 100% in the wrong, now and forever. Some things are very clear, and some things are nuanced. That’s just life.

Morality isn’t a free-for-all, and I don’t think anything I said would have suggested otherwise.

The reason nuance is important, is because we get actually get Nazis and shit if we make everything an absolute. I’m not advocating for anything goes, I’m saying that some things are complicated and simple answers don’t always work. How people use humor is one of those things that can be complicated. I know dark humor definitely helps me cope with and overcome my trauma when I’m in a dark place. It also helps me bond a little bit when I meet someone else will so uses dark humor. It’s okay if that’s not the same for you. People are different.

I’m not angry or trying to be mean or talk down or anything like that. I also don’t automatically think you’re a bad person, even though I feel like that insult was uncalled for. And I know some of the other people browsing here were kind of assholes, so, I’m sorry about them.

Anyway we don’t need to continue talking about this if you don’t want to. The entire thing is kind of stressful for me, so I might not check my messages for a few days anyway. If you do want to talk more, I’m open to that. But if you’re just going to be rude, I’ll probably not respond.


I honestly was thinking something similar, and it stresses me out.


Basically, use Twitter or they let people impersonate you.

$50,000 is nothing to pretend to be a major newspaper and ruin their reputation.

Fuck Musk.


Rogue goblin. Sounds cool.


If you mean for gaming, I’m mostly happy with my Anbernic 351M running modified Ubuntu, ArkOS.

If you want a phone factor, the Pinephone is fun to mess with and has a bunch of different distros you can run.

If you’re thinking about drawing, see if you can get your hands on a convertible laptop with a Wacom digitizer built into the screen, from Fujitsu. Install any distro.


Kind of a crappy day. These adorable comics took me down a very soothing rabbit hole. ❤️


Oof. I had a hard time listening to this.

I wanna give a genuine thank you to the person who made this content and shared it. It’s just that every sentence sounded like it was abruptly cut off mid word to start the next, and that started making my anxiety flare up. Brains are weird.

Anyway, I’ll give it another try with subtitles and mute. Looks like great content. Never heard of the grid maps before, so excited to learn more.

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