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Back in the 90s my father to us on ski trip to the Rockies. We grew up in the midwest, and even though snowboards were still new, we were masters of the tiny mounds we call ski hills in Wisconsin.

Before he would let us go on our own, my dad insisted we take a lesson. When the instructor asked what we wanted to learn, I said “Jumping cliffs and tree skiing”.

We went up the highest lift, and then proceeded to hike another half hour. Well above the tree line, on a narrow ridge, the instructor stops, straps in, and says we are dropping in here. He asks one last time if this is what we want to do, then he went off the damned cliff.

So now my brother and I, both teenagers from Chicago, are alone on the top of this mountain watching our guide shrink off in the distance.

We looked at each other in disbelief, and realised we were either doing this, or walking another half hour back down without a guide.

Strapping in and psyching myself up to push off into what seemed like open sky was maybe the biggest “Wait, how the hell did I end up in this situation” moments of my life.


Oh sure, he was waiting for us at the bottom. We just couldn’t see him from up top.

Cliff ended up being about a 20 foot drop into deep free powder snow on like a 40 degree slope. Could have gone off head first and would have been fine.

We didnt know it but you could just hike right back up around the side, ended up doing it like five more times till we were exhausted.


At almost 50, happiness is being able to go to a skatepark for a couple hours.

Satisfaction is making it home in one peice.


Worked for my brothers custom fuel injection company. They had a late 80s CRX that was used for testing drive by wire systems.

I ended up buying it as one of my first cars. Got over 40 mpg when you drove like grandma, and turned into a wild cat when you put your foot down.

It’s pretty close between the CRX and my 84 Fiero. Just something special about a 2 seater with manual transmittion and no bells and whistles. Though I did prefer the real wheel drive and mid engine on the Fiero.

Now days I drive an Impreza wagon, which comes close, but just isn’t the same. Sure it’s more comfortable, the heater works, and I don’t have to have a triple A card in my pocket to drive farther than the corner store, but where is the excitement in that?

What are some productive things to do when you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep for a few hours?

I’m looking for suggestions that zombie-me could follow through with. The problem is I can barely bring myself to get out of bed, let alone do a useful task. It just wastes typically 2–5 hours of my life as I wait for tiredness to finally (re)take hold.


I’ve found that listening to material I already know works best. If it’s new, then I pay attention, if I’ve already heard the story multiple times I zone right out.

30 min sleep timer and hardcore history of the Mongols works every time.


Sports equipment has benefited greatly from advances in material science.

I’ve been snowboarding since they weren’t allowed on the hills and a few years ago was finally able to buy a full new setup.

There isn’t a single component of my gear that isn’t a radical improvement over the prior setup from 10 years earlier.

Thermal form boots, fancy new strong and flexible plastics in the bindings, and who knows all the wizardry in the board itself.

It is all so comfortable and performs so much better I can’t imagine going out with my old gear.

I have to believe this is true across the board in football and hockey protection etc.


The metals edges were one main element, as you could buy cheap plastic boards without them and “ride in control” is a major mantra on ski hills.

There was also a big social “not on my hill” snob element, with snowboarders seen as bringing a “bad attitude” to the gentlemanly sport of skiing.

I skied for almost 10 years before snowboards hit the scene, so I saw both sides of it, and as an instructor in the early 90s made a big point of asking snowboarders “please at follow the saftey rules, don’t give them an excuse to kick us out”.

Having my lift ticket ripped and getting kicked out over building a one foot little jump on the same hill that has 20 foot gap jumps, hand rails, and a halfpipe today always makes me laugh.


Demons souls through Dark Souls 3 I bought, tried, and quickly ended up on my shelf.

Knew they were amazing games, but I just couldn’t figure it out. Always played with a shield, was slow and methodical, and just didn’t get anywhere.

Then I read a post about someone who was having trouble so summoned another player. The summon showed up “Naked with a katana and charged in like a Jedi”.

So I said screw it, and tried a light no shield build. Didnt care how far I got, I just started grinding the early enemies and leveling up. Then it all just sort of clicked.

Got my girlfriend into the games, and we’ve played through them all together, just now finishing on bloodborne.


My cats are the perfect balance of affection, entertainment, and low maintenance.

Dogs are great, but I can leave my cats alone for a long weekend and when I get home, the house is just as I left it.


I’ve bought all the soulsborne games on release going back to Demons Souls, and I just sucked at them.

I am finally playing Bloodborne after giving up at the first boss many times over the years, playing co op with my girlfriend, who has beaten them all and platinumed quite a few.

While I got good enough to beat most of them, except Sekiro, I just couldn’t get the rhythm of Bloodborne, and always gave up, even though I know many people consider it the best in the series.

Going back to my tried and true method of “Just keep grinding and leveling up till you figure it out” finally worked, I beat the first main boss yesterday (with her as summons).

Really looking forward to this one as I’ve done a pretty good job of avoiding spoilers.


I always have a couple sansa clip players around for skateboarding and snowboarding. My phone is just too valuable to use in those environments.


Both perfect dark and goldeneye had dual analog support on the N64, though only in single player. Was my first experience with dual analog and all my friends thought I was nuts holding two controllers. Then the Ps2 came out w dual stick and we never looked back.


Kerbal Space Program

If I had to pick one moment in all of gaming that felt like a real achievement, landing on the Mun for the first time was is something I’ll never forget.

Doom 1993

Sure there was Wolfenstein, but Doom just blew our doors off when it released. Countless hours late night in the computer lab playing deathmatch, my first introduction to creating mods and maps, so many great memories.


Not my usual style of game, but this one is special. First time I played I did an hour or so to understand the basics, then restarted on permadeath. It took a very long time, but I eventually beat the game in a single life. The entire time was spent in a constant state of zen like terror.

Some honorable mentions would be GTA Vice City where I was heavily involved with the modding community, the Mass Effect Trilogy as the most epic story on gaming, Far Cry 2, the Dark Souls series, Infinifactory, and Cities Skylines.


I want a small snowboard, like 121 cm, similar to the old rossignol mini, but wide enough for my big ass feet.

I rode the mini for years with my feet pointed outward over 45 degrees and ended up doing a lot of damage to my knees.

I pretty much only snowboard in the midwest US, and want something that feels more like a skateboard.


Fallout 3 used RPG mechanics that caused weapon spread based on character stats, so unless you put points into gun skills you’re going to have a hard time by design.

I’ve beaten all three modern games on console both VATS and free aim. Fallout 4 has by far the best shooter mechanics, it’s what ID software does. Iron sites in Vegas certianly helped as an FPS, but it also removed the RPG gun spread and replaced it with requirements to use the various weapons. This made your ability with guns binary, you could either use it or you couldn’t. In 3 it was a progression.

In the end, I guess it just comes down to taste and what you are looking for in the game. Its Bethesda so you know there is going to be jank. The shitty collision objects in 3 were always far more a problem for me than the weapon mechanics.

Having said all that, I’ve been watching the development of this mod for a long time and wish I had a PC to play it on.


Not doing that from my work computer…


Why? Do people behave in an unrealistic manner? Like taking precautions, social distancing, wear masks, believing that its real?


I came here for an argument! Oh sorry, this is abuse.


Well, I know what I’m doing Friday night.


I got my when I was in the military to save money on hair cuts, and I only recently had to replace it.

Bought the first on in '96.

Have only paid for one hair cut since then for a wedding.


I’m guessing that must be it. I’ve had to replace the velcro on mine but still going strong after almost 20 years


I bought it at launch, and on PS4 it was actually an unplayable mess.

I’ve since gotten a PS4 pro, and still haven’t loaded it up again.

Pretty sure I’ll get a PS5 this year, so I’m thinking of waiting till the to play it.

With large games like this, I know I’m going to sink a lot of time into my first lay through, figure why not wait until I can do it right.


EA and Ubisoft are responsible for ruining more of my favorite game franchies than I think all others combined.


Rocksmith, Farcry, Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, Mass Effect…


There is a non-zero chance that once they have a chip in your brain, they will find a way to stream ads in to it.

For that reason, I’m out.


While I agree with you, the fact that no game has released in the past 10 years without major patches and updates means what’s on that physical media is useless


Must have a low IQ cause that’s one box I’m not even going to try and open.


When Oblivon was an Xbox exclusive, Sony turned to Fromsoft to create an RPG for Playstation to compete with ES4.

The whole project tanked, and from the ashes we go Demon’s Souls. A whole new genre of gaming was born, and we’re all better off for it.

Hopefully something similar will happen this gen.

I have always been a huge fan of Bethesda games, well, fallout and elder scrolls at least. I would love to play ES6.

That said, there is no way I’m but another game system just for a handful of games.

Honestly, considering that Skyrim has been ported to every single device w a processor in it, I’d be very surprised if we don’t see a PS5 release of Starfield next xmass season. That is just way too much money to be left on the table.


I’ve always been a fan, but no way I’m buying a second system just for Bethesda games.

Yes, I bought a switch to play Zelda, but that’s where I draw the line.

Skyrim has released on basically every platform that exists, I have to assume Starfield, and ES6, will eventually release on PS5. That is just too much money to leave on the table.

On the other hand, Demon Souls was spawned out of a failed PS exclusive to go head to head against Oblivion, and I’d dare say the souls series have given more to gaming than the past decade of Bethesda releases.

Would you be buried alive for 48hr for a million dollars?

You are buried in a coffin 6ft deep, with no light or cell phone. There is only a small tube connected to the coffin from outside that allows you to breathe (edit: you can breathe with no difficulty). After 48 hours, you are dug up and given 1 million dollars. Do you do it?...


If you are producing enough urine to drown in a coffin in 48 hours you should see a urologist


And now I’m out


I need to sort which ones by me don’t have ads. It’s the jarring audio at 5:30 am when I haven’t had coffee yet that just sours my mood.


I am now the client of a company I worked at for over 15 years.

Because I handled a difficult situation leaving well, we still have a very good working relationship.

It’s a very niche industry, and I’ve worked for or with almost all the players in my region. My former employer, while small, is the best at what they do.


Use windows + p to change the presentation settings on a laptop when connecting to a monitor or audio / video system. This lets you quickly change between laptop, dual display, and extended desktop.

Windows + x and then b brings up a menu where you can turn on “presention” mode, preventing the laptop from going to sleep during a presentation.


Is that for like mirrorop and such? I did not realise that.


I hate that that is the truth of the matter. I will now go back to living in my carefully curated bubbke.

Do you pirate? And do you justify pirating? i.e., what is your piracy philosophy?

Well, my friend, he’s kinda poor he can’t afford some books and some streaming services, so he pirates. He pirate books, audiobook and videos and other stuff. Sometimes he buys books he likes a lot out of loyalty to the author (yeah, I don’t understand it either), he likes to read physical books, but yeah, if he hates the...


If I have legally purchased content or an application, and that content or application is no longer available for some reason, then I feel justified pirating.

A game that requires an online connection but the company took down the servers and won’t release the code for example.

There is no legitimate way for me to use the thing I already bought.

Other than that, I’m just too lazy to do it any more.

When I was young and poor, there was various software I did pirate, but now days there is nothing I need that the company won’t pay for.


Hudson Hawk. Bruce Willis plays an ex con cat burglar who gets caught up in a scheme between a mega corp, the CIA, and the Vatican to steal Davinci’s gold making machine.


Yeah, I went console when I realised I wanted to spend time actually playing the game.

Sure I’m missing out on the absolute highest settings, mods, etc.

However, I spend 55 minutes out of an hour actually playing the game.


My playstation 4, I’ve had it who knows how many years. Not only do I have countless hours of gaming, but it’s also my primary media device.

Have an original N64 from like 98, no idea how many hours of enjoyment I’ve gotten out of that.

Ceramic skateboard bearings I bought in 2001, as well as a pair of grind king trucks from maybe 97 that I still ride.


By lumping them all into the same category, it gives credibility to “religion”.

When you have a panel where “A priest, a rabbi, and a mullah discus spirituality”, it’s a level playing field, everyone is just there to compare notes on their LARPing rules.

If an atheist or a scientist join the panel, you now have an emperors new clothes situation, “Yeah, I don’t have all the answers, but more importantly, neither do they, and I’m not claiming to. Here are the facts and evidence as it is currently understood, and what that might mean”.

When you call atheism or science or woke a religion, they are trying to trap you by saying “ha! Your belief is just as meaningless as I mine is! We’re all equal and subjective rules apply”.


Like that server in Mythic Quest, gather them in one place, unplug, and let them scream into the void.


When the moms at the skatepark seemed too young to flirt with.


I bought demons souls, could hardly pass the first level, and put it down.

I bought dark souls when it came out, and again, played a bit, didn’t get it, and put it on the shelf.

Dark souls 2, bloodborne, and darks souls 3, all the same story. I knew they were amazing games, I just didn’t get it.

Then on some reddit post someone talked about summoning a player to help, and the summon charged into the boss fight naked with only a katana like a freaking jedi.

Every time I had played the games, I was slow, with heavy armour, hiding behind a shield.

I put in dark souls 3, and went super light weight with a fast sword, and something just clicked.

Dark souls 2, it was the twin blade, dark souls one, a katana.

While I haven’t platinumed them all like my girlfriend has, I have beaten all the main souls games except bloodborn and Sekiro with a variety of builds.

Elden Ring was the first one we both got to play new together, and our first play through was one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had.

I highly suggest going back to dark souls one and trying out the different styles. Magic, pyromancy, heavy weapons, fast and light, etc.

There is a really good chance one style will click, and the whole series of amazing games will open up for you.


We just need to compromise, arrays start at 0.5


Midwest US, 48, and it’s all I drive.

What simple thing do you enjoy watching that you'd get judged for?

I have a bit of a thing of watching Darts and sometimes professional bowling. Two things that are best described as ‘pub games’ but are treated as sports in some fields. I can accept the argument that it’s boring watching two dudes, literally, go in a circle as they throw 3 darts at a time, chipping at 501....


Video game challenge runs. I only play on consoles these days, so mod access is very limited. I love seeing the crazy challenges people come up with, and the even crazier strategies they develop to beat them.

“What fun is it to watch someone else play a game?” Says the guy with the football jersey.

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