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Now people get angry if the game doesn't have support with content updates for at least 3 years

I mean, have you seen the state game studios are releasing games in now? It's like 3+ years of updates just to get it to the place it was supposed to be at release.


It's TMZ, of course it's shit writing.

From the NYT article on this

“At the high levels of ketamine found in his postmortem blood specimens, the main lethal effects would be from both cardiovascular overstimulation and respiratory depression,” the autopsy report said. It noted that the level of ketamine investigators found in Perry’s blood was equivalent to the amount that would be used during general anesthesia.


Toxicology tests also detected “therapeutic” levels of buprenorphine, a drug that medical examiners said was used to treat drug addiction and for pain; Perry’s live-in assistant said in a witness statement that he was seeing a psychiatrist and taking buprenorphine twice a day as prescribed. Investigators also found evidence of sedatives but found no evidence of alcohol, methamphetamine or cocaine.


Play CoD Modern Warfare For Free this Weekend (www.gamingarcade.co.uk)

The adrenaline-fueled excitement of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is now at your fingertips with the announcement of a free trial, available on all platforms. Immerse yourself in the action-packed world of Modern Warfare as you engage in intense multiplayer battles and experience the thrill of Mode.


No thanks, I have an appointment to have splinters shoved under my nails.


I mean, even if you have a really short refractory period the streams tend to get less and less in volume.


If I had to lay odds, I'd say colon cancer. That sneaks up on a lot of men as they age and is notoriously hard to fight once it spreads. Once it does your 5 year survival rate is 13%. If you catch it while localized or regional, your odds of survival aren't bad.


2023 going out with a couple of gut punches.


That is a teensy-tiny problem compared to what has to be done to make a game like Starfield. Go look at the credits. Now understand that each of those teams had weeks or even months where they worked 60-80 hours to solve problems or design things or write or rewrite the story to fit a problem that the programmers can't solve. Now, imagine putting all that work on one dev or even a tiny dev team. And now you know why the market isn't flooded by indie dev games of this size and complexity. There is a reason why so many people involved in games burn out quickly - they are often ground down by the grueling work.

You are also conflating ability to do one thing really well with being able to do all things really well.


I am getting really tired of the media making a big deal out of a tiny minority of whiny snowflakes who can't stand to see the world change crying like children over every little thing.


I can't shake that it just looks like No Man's Sky with a fantasy skin on it. I hope it's better than that and is something new.


Is it me or does it seem like ARPGs are back to being all the rage? I'm not complaining - I love the genre - just observing.


Always has been. Just had enough checks to stop him the first time. Now he's got allies planning an American Night of the Long Knives for 1/20/2025.


Greed has always been the word. I don't know where you get the idea that this is new. They have been trying for years to monetize modding.


You can have privacy in your private residence or at a private business. If you are in a public space you have never, ever had any expectation of privacy. This is as bad an argument as saying social media removing or censoring posts is against the right to freedom of speech.


My wife asked me, "How did he live to 100?"

My response, "Because of all the souls he sacrificed."

He will always be amongst my proof that there is no just and/or loving god.


Wow. It's almost like the call is coming from inside the house...


Precisely how they like it. Intellectuals drive change which is anathema to the party of stagnation.


No, you're the product. They're selling your data and viewing time to their customers.


Money always trumps morality at those levels.


Conservatives: Lazy welfare queens and druggies! They just don't want to work! They chose to be this way! They should all be arrested and/or executed.

Progressives: throws money vaguely in that direction without direction Look we're helping! We're doing all we can.

Leftists: This is the fault of the capitalist system run by an ownership class!

Those of us who've been homeless or near homeless and those genuinely dedicated to helping the homeless: We need a comprehensive approach that takes all the challenges that cause homelessness into account and addresses them as a whole and in a meaningful way to create a long term sustainable solution.

Conservatives, Progressives, and Leftists to us: Shut the fuck up! What do you know about any of this? We'll figure it out! Now shut the fuck up!


The problem is so many studios are owned by publicly traded companies. Those companies expect, nay, demand that product ships during the quarter it was supposed to lest they face the stockholders' wrath.

Colorado judge rejects attempt to bar Trump from 2024 ballot under 'insurrection' clause (coloradonewsline.com)

A Colorado judge has ordered the state’s top elections official to place former President Donald Trump on the 2024 primary ballot, rejecting a lawsuit from a group of voters who argued the Republican frontrunner is constitutionally ineligible to hold office under a Civil War-era insurrection clause.


I'm sorry, her ruling makes about as much sense as teats on a bull. Legit sounds like she tried to legalese herself out of having to make a decision on the matter while knowing he should be excluded. Hopefully the appeals court decision makes more sense.


Oh, they have political views, just not the same as we think of them. They are, as you aptly summed up, about money. They want less taxes, less oversight, etc. Guess which party has been giving that to them? They couldn't give two shits if the Middle East became the flash point for WWIII and could lead to global nuclear annihilation as long as next quarter's profits are higher than last quarters. They'd happily run ads endorsing slavery if it would make them a buck. What they have is a lack morals and ethics because those things get in the way of the line constantly going up.


When I read it in my preteen youth in the early 80s it was in the "children's section" of our local library in podunk Georgia.


One of the advantages of plastic is it's really low thermal conductivity compared to even glass. You're right about glass vs ceramic. Ceramic is about 100x more thermally conductive than glass. Ranked by least thermally conductive to most it's plastic, glass, stainless steel, and ceramic. Each is roughly an order of magnitude greater than the previous.

Of course you can overcome this with anything by warming it before use.

Let's talk travel/insulated mugs.

So can we talk mugs? I tend to make a half liter (~17 oz) of coffee in a French Press in the morning. I run into the problem that I get about a half hour to 45 minutes (I’ve never timed it this number might be wildly off) in before the, “Crap! Its getting cold!” moment and feel like I have to accelerate my consumption to...


I'm going to say, for saving money, Ozark Trail from Walmart cannot be beat. I've even seen videos and articles putting them head to head against Yeti and coming out the same or better, never worse. Yeti is overpriced as there is nothing whatsoever special about them other than the name and maybe some fancy design work. A double walled vacuum container is the same regardless of whose name is on it.

I've used their mugs for years and have never once been disappointed. I've had drinks where half or more of the mug was ice and still came back to being ice cold with some ice left the next day. The lids are cheap so if you lose or break one or too much oil gets built up, replacing it will not break the bank. Some of the name brands sell the exact same lid for more than an entire Ozark Trail mug goes for. Don't fall for their shenanigans.


Let me preface this with my experience - I worked for nearly a decade in small business loans in the backroom processing SBA loans. I saw a lot of people succeed with their small business. I saw far, far more fail.

Get yourself a plan and consult with someone. Go to a bank, talk to a small business loan advisor. Even if you don't intend to take a loan out, talk to them about what they think you'd need to survive your first year. Small business loan advisors want to see their people succeed so are usually pretty solid sources of information, especially for the area you are in. Just be up front with them - tell them you might not be taking out a loan, but wanted advice. Smart advisors will jump at this because if you succeed, they'll be in a better spot for you to come to them for financial assistance in the future. Check with any other small business groups in your area. Your local government may even have a department or office to help local small businesses succeed.

Can you wing it and succeed? Sure, it happens, but not nearly as often as people who have a solid first year plan and set themselves up to succeed. I've personally met people who made AMAZING food, better than any restaurant I'd been to in the area, but their restaurant failed miserably because they didn't have a plan and tried to wing it.

As for your plan to use a manual espresso machine - you're going to hate yourself after the first busy lunch break. And if you start to succeed, you're going to live a life of misery. Can you consistently pull good shots up to 10-20 times in a row? Then 15-30 minutes later pull another 10-20? You think you're going to be slow, but what if you're not? You need to plan for being overwhelmed not underwhelmed, because I guarantee the first time potential customers stop by and then leave in disgust because it is taking so long and go to Starbucks instead, you'll be going out of business in the next 90 days. It is better to be prepared to handle a rush at someplace like Starbucks than think you won't be that busy.

Save up and buy a used commercial machine. You can always sell it later if things don't go as planned, but you'll hate not having it when you need it if you don't. Check with local restaurant supply houses to see what they have and see if they have leases, loans, or payment plans.


Looking at that poll there's some interesting things. Like a hair bit more support for Russia from Dems than GOP. Or that, again, both are about the same for support of Ukraine, with the GOP being slightly better. And more. It's almost like a majority of self identified Republicans do not share views in line with their elected representatives. Wonder if this has anything to do with the consistently poor showing that the Republicans have been having since 2020. Maybe playing to the fringe element of your party might not be the best course to take. Of course with conservatives the fringe tends to actually turn out to vote regularly.


Exactly. My kids wondered why I didn't want to get Skyrim for the Switch since it has been my go to game since it came out. No mods? No thank you.


Let's not forget that Skyrim has TONS of cosmetic mods to improve upon the look of the base game. Base Skyrim can be pretty. Modded Skyrim can be stunningly gorgeous. There was a time when people mainly only used ENBs that gave it a dimension of realism for screenshots because it'd bring a system to its knees. Now people use similar levels to actually play the game with. This is what I'm waiting for to happen with Starfield before I buy it, so it might be a few years before I finally do. Until then my No Man's Sky still mostly scratches my scifi gaming itch.

Darren Aronofsky To Adapt Elon Musk Biopic For A24 (www.empireonline.com)

by Ben Travis | Published on11 11 2023. Darren Aronofsky has always been attracted to stories of extremity – whether it’s the bodily intensity of The Wrestler and The Whale, the psychological torment of Mother! and Black Swan, the religious endurance of Noah, or the actual endurance test that is Requiem For A Dream. And for...


You mean invented things. Musk hasn't invented anything.

GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour (www.forbes.com)

While Take-Two is riding high on their announcement that a GTA 6 trailer is coming, its CEO has some…interesting ideas on how much video games could cost, part of a contingent of executives that believe games are underpriced, given their cost, length or some combination of the two.


The interest in or aptitude of is irrelevant for the position of CEO. The CEO's skill lies in increasing shareholder value, period, end of discussion. I don't get why people still buy into the idea that CEOs give a good god damn about consumer's opinions of quality - they never have.


Shrinkflation, as they call it.


Gee, maybe, just maybe, you could understand that people will default to using what they know and what is common to them, instead of thinking it's some attack on the rest of the world. I'm an American and I certainly wouldn't hold it against anyone from the rest of the world coming in and using metric because I realize other places use other measurements. I'm also quite capable of converting between other measurements. Hell, you used more energy to bitch about it than it would have taken to google it.


the instance is called lemmy.world

You do realize how federation works, yeah? OP isn't on lemmy.world. I'm reading and replying to this on kbin.social. This isn't a monolithic site like reddit.


Little of column A, a little of column B.

Ohio Republicans Say It’s Their ‘God Given Right’ to Restrict Abortion Access (web.archive.org)

Ohio Republicans are claiming a constitutional amendment protecting abortion rights, which was approved by voters in Tuesday’s election, doesn’t actually do that — and they’re promising to take steps to prevent the legal protection of reproductive freedom in the state....


Tell me again how Republicans respect democracy? This was its purest form and these Republicans, unhappy with the majority's decision, would rather destroy the legitimacy of democracy than abide by it.


Wow. First verified report of a piece of shit going uphill.

Justice Department Files Statement of Interest in Case on Right to Travel to Access Legal Abortions (www.justice.gov)

The Justice Department filed a statement of interest today in two consolidated lawsuits seeking to protect the right to interstate travel, including the right to travel to another state to obtain an abortion that is legal in the destination state. The statement of interest explains that the Constitution protects the right to...


The party of "ThE lIbS wAnT tO TaKe AwAy OuR fReEdOmS!!!!1!!" everyone. As if we really needed proof that the GOP has zero interest in people's rights.

Vote people, because these suits will be dropped under a GOP president and we can't trust SCOTUS because the majority has more interest in what they can get out of GOP donors than what the Constitution actually says.


I could be wrong, but I believe Epic or Sweeney threw something like that around about Steam's pricing model. Or maybe it was just an Internet thing. Regardless, the idea floated was that the only reason Steam took such a cut was it's monopolistic powers. What I believe jaden is trying to say is that that line of reasoning is being shown to be bullshit and that Steam takes that much so it can be profitable.


How? What, exactly, are they not doing? They lack control of Congress and the Supreme Court. Anything Biden tries that would limit it would wind up struct down by the Federal courts. At least that's my view, so please, by all means, explain to me how the Democrats are doing nothing and are complicit.


So doing the same thing Trump was rightly criticized for. Gotcha.

The Senate is not filibuster proof, so making a change like adding Supreme Court seats would never fly. Speaking of that, with the razor slim majority the Dems have there, taking a hard tack against Sinema and Manchin would have been like arguing with a shotgun whose trigger had been pulled not to blow your head off. Or do you think Sinema and Manchin are idiots who didn't know they could get their bread buttered from either side of the aisle and still come out smelling like roses? Those two held all the power and they knew it.

Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden, Times/Siena Poll Finds (web.archive.org)

President Biden is trailing Donald J. Trump in five of the six most important battleground states one year before the 2024 election, suffering from enormous doubts about his age and deep dissatisfaction over his handling of the economy and a host of other issues, new polls by The New York Times and Siena College have found....


In groups and out groups, as always.


For added safety, neither should be in the same building at the same time.

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