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I mean the rich people are eating figs, on their yachts, on their way to their winter home, to go skiing with their family.



The king is just 30, but his body is so frail from the hourly snu snu.


Heise hab ich schon lange aufgegeben. Gibt genug Themen bei denen ich gute Ahnung hab (Software Entwicklung, PC Hardware) und die schreiben teils so viel Stuss. Abgesehen davon, dass die Hälfte der Artikel eh hinter Heise Plus versteckt sind.

Von den Kommentaren braucht man garnicht erst anfangen…


Einfacher (Honig) Lebkuchen ist bei mir immer noch der Favorit. Da kann man nichts falsch machen.

Die ganzen anderen Keksvarianten sind meist meh. Manchmal ganz lecker, aber oft nicht so gut. Ist immer n Risiko wenn man auf einem Keksteller danach greift.


Always less than 24 hours. Why should I waste a lot of power for nothing? My PC is off when I sleep or leave the house for work.

Windows 11 currently, so regular restarts also help with stability (and I don’t even notice updates, they happen on shutdown when I’m already on my way to bed).

My server obviously runs Linux and is on 24/7 in a datacenter.


As long as you don’t long press the case button there should be no difference.

Execpt your OS is set to sleep on power button press instead of shutdown.


Starting stuff up is all work time, so I don’t mind. Especially at home I’m not going to leave my work laptop running, that’s my power it’s wasting :)


It was actually the opposite: Further back in the day you made sure nothing was running and then you flipped a switch, or just shut the machine off (similar to holding the button nowadays, it was just off, that’s it).

Then around Windows 95 and NT a proper shutdown became necessary to avoid data corruption, so the go-to was shut it down first in the software, then you had to shut down the hardware (Windows couldn’t actually power off your machine back then).

Windows 98 was the first Windows with ACPI, which allows it to fully shut down your computer. So from then on all you had to do was select shutdown and that’s it. I couldn’t really find out when a soft power off (by short pressing the button) was first released, but it was probably around that time.

But kids are stupid, if you tell them to press the power button several of them will just hold it till the PC dies. So selecting shutdown has been the best option since Windows 98 and it still is today.


Happens, or sleeping through the alarm.

I no longer snooze now. I set the alarm to the latest time I can get up and still be on time. Either I wake up on my own or the alarm forces me out of bed.

Snoozing is stupid, you already interrupt your sleep for nothing. I’d much rather maximize uninterrupted sleeping time.


Is it just me or is $19 million per year for 50 full-time employees insane?

Even for US salary standards.


Yes, but I was talking about the salary part, which is separate from the costs you mentioned.

It’s 19 million just for people.


Sacrilege! You broke the template, third and fourth slide should be the same :)


No, I’m not stupid. Also technically everything you create on company time and/or company resources no longer belongs to you.

I did have a boss once (software development) who hosted his own website on the company servers. Not 100% sure if that was ever green lit by the CEO (maybe, maybe not). But I was really annoyed when the server had issues due to that private site, when I didn’t have access to the code to fix them.


The distance is simply too great, based on what I could find you can only transmit power for about 300 miles without it getting too costly. Sometimes it goes up to 450 miles and some islands do get power remotely.

But the distance of the Atlantic is around 3310 miles coast to coast if you want to transfer power between the US and Europe… so that’s out of the question. It’s much more economic to use solar during the day and use batteries (any sort, for example in Austria we pump water up the mountain in some places) for the night.


You forgot the third option: None.

I got a smartphone, I don’t need a watch to tell the time.


I’ve looked into them, but I just don’t see the benefit. They usually still need the phone nearby to be useful, except you have an extra SIM for them.

The only function I thought interesting could be the pulse sensor.

For everything else the display seems to be too small. No typing and for calls you can just use Bluetooth headphones.

What do you actually use the watch for besides telling the time?


Absolutely, but then you could also just wear a bracelet :)


I upvote as a marked as read function (:


Serious answer: With the climate crisis some areas in the world will become impossible to live in (look up wet bulb temperature). Now you have a massive amount of refugees who want to go somewhere else, if necessary by force.

When there’s suddenly millions of people pushing against country borders all it takes is a few shots and you have a war.

Question about Android. Is there a way to replace the system file manager on non-rooted devices?

When you need to upload a photo to a photo hosting site through a browser, the system file manager opens. When choosing a photo for editing, this also happens through the file manager built into Android. Is there a way to force applications to open my preferred file manager instead of the system one?


Can’t you just install another file manager and then change the default app?


Ah, so even when resetting the default app there is still no popup? That sucks :-/


20 lbs is 9.7% of your body weight. If you read the scale like you do math then I highly doubt you lost 20 lbs in 2 weeks.

Hell, I lost 20 lbs in 2 1/2 months (doing Keto, so still eating plenty of protein) and I still lost some hair as it was too quick. 20 lbs in 2 weeks is unbelievable, that would be 70,000 kcal of fat. While an average male uses around 2000 kcal a day, so that’s around 28,000 kcal in 2 weeks. It’s literally impossible, even if we say a handful of your pounds were water weight.


As someone who just read over these comments: Your reading comprehension sucks.

Your own source says 1/3 of homeless have problems with alcohol/drugs. So 2/3 don’t.

Of those 1/3 with problems 2/3 have lifetime histories of drug or alcohol use disorders.


You still don’t get it? Your argument was most of them are druggies. But your own source says 2/3 of them have no drug problem at all.


I’m a bit unsure there, but it could be building frustration? Sure, a good bunch of users left Reddit for example and Lemmy had a huge influx. But Reddit didn’t die, the user numbers are going back down again.

So where others blame too much growth on bad quality posts and comments, I’d say we don’t have enough growth to sustain a lot of communities properly.


You can’t trust the result if you only do one pass, because the result could be compromised. The entire point of the first pass is a simple: Safe, yes or no? And only when it’s safe do you go for the actual result (which might be used somewhere else).

If you try to encode the entire checking + prompt into one request then it might be possible to just break out of that and deliver a bad result either way.

Overall though it’s insanity to use a LLM with user input where the result can influence other users. Someone will always find a way to break any protections you’re trying to apply.

Are phone notification LEDs still a thing?

Looking at all the features that older phones uses to have compared to newer ones, I never hear anyone talk about the removal of the notification LED. I personally really liked that feature, being able to see if I got an email, a text or missed a call without turning on my phone was awesome. My Samsung note 8 had this feature,...


It was the first thing I noticed missing when upgrading to a new phone (OnePlus 5 to Galaxy S22). It sucked, always on display uses too much battery and all I wanted was a colored notification LED.

I’m now using aodNotify (Free version is enough, but I decided to pay once because it was so good) and now I got a little animation in the notification color of my choice again.


Das ist aber die Schuld von Microsoft. Früher war Herunterfahren ein cold start, bis sie dieses ‘fast startup’ Gedöhns gemacht haben (völlig unnötig bei SSDs heutzutage). Totaler Bullshit, ist immer die erste Option die ich ausschalte nach der Windows Installation.


Bin auf Windows 11, Microsoft versteckt die Optionen immer besser. Sieht so aus wenn du hinfindest:


Stop caring? It’s just your job, there’s also doctors and lawyers and architects and …

You reply you’re a software developer. Either the topic ends there or how it often happens you get follow up questions like “What do you work on?” or “How to learn programming?”.

People are usually curious instead of jealous or annoyed. It’s just a conversation.


6 after Kevin has a turn.


Git is mainly tracking and saving changes, which works great for text, but not that well for data (especially binary). You won’t lose your data, but the Git repo will keep growing too fast.

The big question here is: How often does the data change? If you just use it as a convenient format and rarely change things, it should be fine. Though as mentioned: It might make sense to export to SQL before putting it in Git then. As long as the size is reasonable too (Not storing gigabytes of data).

Alternatives can be other sync services (Dropbox, Seafile, …) to keep your Git repo lean or even better: Set up a SQL server so the data is always in the same spot. Of course that depends on if you have internet everywhere you work (but you probably do).


That’s not how it works at all, what are you even talking about?

Most games that offer this feature download a limited set of the game files. For example the first few areas of the game (but with full quality, no low resolution bullshit). The idea is that as you play it keeps downloading the rest. Though if you play too fast or load in a save you might hit a wall where the game forces you to wait and download the rest.

Other games like Guild Wars 2 (an MMO) does it differently. It downloads all the assets it needs and the starting zones. But you can actually go into end-game zones too with a partial download, but then you have to wait in a loading screen while the game only downloads the zone you want to go to.

The big game sizes are usually sounds and overall content (cinematics, also textures but you don’t have to load all of them, only the ones needed for now), if 99% of players are in the starting area of the game while downloading you can take your sweet time to download endgame areas for example.


The only real scripting language which doesn’t need any server software configured is PHP

I mean you still need to configure the webserver to handle PHP (Apache, Nginx, or whatever). It’s not active by default.

But of course for a webhoster that’s really easy at least.


I’m honestly confused. Didn’t they show off before that they use the actual ingredients when doing photoshoots? Like no plastic or anything, just making the burger + good lighting, otherwise it’s false advertising?

Of course if you then stick that burger into a tight squished wrapper it won’t look the same, compared to serving it on a plate and setting it up nicely.


But then you have to throw the book at literally all of advertising. On TV it shows my chocolate snack bar flying through the air, followed by a trail of shiny milk and a rainbow! And in reality all I get is a boring brown bar lazily sitting in the wrapper. There’s also no penguin holding it for me, darn.

I mean you have all the weights there, you have the calories there and they put the same ingredients into the burgers that they use in the photo shoot. Yes, it might be prepared differently, but who cares? Who seriously expects their food to look exactly like the advertisement, regardless if it’s a burger, a candy bar or whatever?

Sure, they could put photos on the menu that look exactly like what you get. But then you’ll have trouble knowing what’s in the burger (as most ingredients would be hidden) and it would look unappetizing. Nobody wants that.


Dude, it’s fast food. It comes delivered in a wrapper or a small box that has been moved around all over the place.

This is not high end eating where they serve you your burger on a proper plate (those ones actually look nice).

Wrong industry.

And if you don’t like it, why the hell would you keep going there?


I mean, they often do?

Take TV advertisements for the food, there’s often a mascot, actors and other props.

Or look at the menu for a milk shake, you only get a pink or beige or brown liquid, but the menu shows a chocolate bar, fruits or whatever. Nothing you can actually find in the food you then receive.

In 9 out of 10 cases the menu and ads are highly polished up and don’t look like a photo of the real thing.


The code shows what happens. But comments should explain why it was done this way.

Sometimes the code started simple and readable, till you ran into a weird edge case a year ago. Now the code no longer looks as obvious and another developer might scratch their head when they read over it. A small comment can help out there quite a bit.

Or you’re doing something stupid in code not because you want to, but because management forced you to. So you put a comment there that the code isn’t wrong, management wanted that behavior.


That works for newer projects, but on older projects there’s a dozen commits for any given line and a handful of Jira tickets that have something to do with it, but none that say “Change exactly this”. A comment why you made an interesting design decision costs a lot less time than trying to unwrap the commit history… Especially when you can’t even find a clue on why this was done as the commit might simply be “Implemented feature XY”


I still haven’t found a proper command or tool to do a multi-commit git blame.

Like I want to know who changed the logic in this line. But the last commit was a format refactor. And the commit before that just changed a tiny detail. So now I’m digging through the entire file history just to find the spot where this one line was introduced or actually changed.

If you have any tips for that, I’m all ears.


I’m just lonely, that’s my secret :)


As someone who lives in Austria, has been in Bavaria and has also been living half a year in Bremen (can’t go much further North): No, it’s not.


I’m not sure how much is really genetics vs behavior/environment. I’m a night owl too, if I can on weekends I’m up till after midnight or into the early hours. But that’s because I’m playing games, sit in front of PC displays, look at my phone and so on (and still feel like shit the next day obviously, no matter how long I sleep).

But if I force myself to go to bed early a few days in a row, which I’ve only done a few times so far, I suddenly wake up a minute before my alarm goes off, even early in the morning.

So I’m not sure if there’s actually so many night owls around, or if this is just an issue of not moving enough and having artificial light sources all around you in the evening (with plenty of screen usage). To get up early in the morning you have to go into bed early, it doesn’t work otherwise. And to go to bed early you have to stick to a schedule, otherwise it’s like jet lag, if I go to bed every day after midnight then obviously I’ll have a difficult time falling asleep at 10 p.m. the one time I actually try to.


Absolutely, but most of the time humans are very very similar. For example take the whole “fast metabolism” crap, the real difference is like 100-150 kcal a day. That’s one slice of toast pretty much.

If you look at the past we didn’t have (much) artificial light. Humans were up during sunlight and went to bed when it got dark. With an hour or two of fucking in the middle of the night before sleeping again.

Just based on biology it makes zero sense for someone to be a pure night owl (as in being mostly awake at night). A few hours of time shift? Sure, I can see that. But our main problem is modern living, artificial lights, too much stimulation in the evening, not enough movement, …

If you cut someone off from all artificial light I’d bet you they’d go to bed earlier on their own.


I’m not saying they don’t exist, I’m saying that there’s plenty of people who aren’t genetically night owls, but still stay up late due to a modern lifestyle and then claim they are night owls.

Our modern sleeping schedules are fucked between artificial light, caffeine, stress, day rythms based on a clock and not daylight, 24/7 entertainment and stimuli, …

So just because someone tends to stay up late doesn’t mean they’re a genuine night owl.

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