@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar


@[email protected]

Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3

Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.


Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

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@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

He looks like how I imagine ‘florida man’ looks like.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

It’s true, the past sucked even more than now, and now sucks too, but their clothes were prettier–

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I don’t think that was the point of the post.

It was more “Never fall for a ‘things were good back then’ narrative because actually shit sucked even more in the past”

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Postcredits scenes in movies are bad, always were and always will be.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I’m up to giving them anyway :p

Way I see it? Postcredits stingers are at best useless and at worst cowardly. There is nothing that has been done after the credits that couldn’t have been done the same or better within the body of the actual film.

The post credits scene is usually either some stupid extra scene that serves no purpose, or, since Marvel made it popular… A sequel hook.

For the extra pointless scene, my brother in christ if you couldn’t figure out how to fit the scene into the movie it shouldn’t exist. “murder your darlings” is writing 101.

For the sequel hook. Look. 1994’s utterly terrible Mario movie had the testicles to put its sequel hook IN the movie itself instead of concealing it after five minutes of scrolly letters. If that piece of cheesy bullshit has the courage to hook its own sequel, then hiding your sequel hook after the credits is total lack of confidence. If Microsoft Edge can ask you if it can become your default browser, a movie director should have the confidence to put their sequel hook in the text of the actual movie.

Also on a more personal note: when a movie ends I am usually kinda sorta in need of going to the bathroom? It’s been 2 hours and I drink a lot of liquid? I don’t wanna be stuck in the theatre for another five minutes watching… Not the movie because that’s over. Lest I miss the important thing they hid after the credits.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Retirement is a pipe dream for people of my (and presumably your) generation.

That said. And this is partially unrelated, but it always bugs me how I see people on the internet talking about Mortgages like they are this fact. Like if you have a house of course you mortgaged it. That’s just… I think not a thing in my country at all?

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Honestly? Just a modern, improved take on an old WiiWare game called Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King.

There is nothing all that special about MLaaK on the surface: It’s just a management sim with a Final Fantasy theme to it. Place buildings. Get soldiers (well, here ‘adventurers’), send them out on missions. Get resources, invest them. In fact taken as a management sim it’s very barebones and not that great?

The thing is, no video game ever has, in my eye, captured the feeling of being Fairytale Royalty. You have direct control over the king character (who is a 12 year old because. Final Fantasy) – You walk around town. You want to see an overview of incomes and expenses? Go talk to your assistant and she’ll give you a report. Want something built? Point to the plot and ring the chime to call a servant and say ‘Magic college here’. Sending adventurers on their quests involves directly talking to them, and you can read their mood on how they react to the assignment, with motivated adventurers doing better. And when they return wounded you can visit them in the hospital for a boost to their morale and your popularity.

Also the higher the happiness level in the kingdom, the more citizens choose to stop and salute you, and the later you can wander around your town without your servants going “you’re underaged and royal and it’s dangerous at night, back to the castle now”, because your subjects like you.

Idk, these small touches made the game feel very special for me back then, I’ve been chasing that high since. Shout out to Fable 3 for the variety of nice royalish clothes your character could try on, but no shout outs to it for anything else.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Majesty is pretty fun. I played around with it on a friends’ recommendation some years back.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Playing in a party with just casters is a fun time.

Our entire party can deal room-wiping damage in a turn or two.

Our entire party goes down in like two or three hits.

The tankiest party member is a Magus, and even he hardly pulls tank numbers.

All of us are constantly cowed by friendly fire being a constant threat.

Our party’s main healer is a raging atheist and has a feat that says that if any divine healing spells are used on someone, he can’t attempt surgery on them for 24 hours, much to the chagrin of our party’s SECONDARY healer (though mostly a DPS) who is a divine caster.

Every combat is hectic and I love it.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Spell grows a pp, doesn’t know what to do about the vagina. Leaves it there.

Futanari transgender Orc lady.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar


A fidget cube.

Fidget toys got a bad rep, especially after Fidget Spinners became trendy for the younger generation.

But just having a little thing I can toy around with has been great for my pens and game controllers, as in the before times my grabby hands would fiddle with them whenever I was thinking about shit and it was bad for their durability.

For less than a dollar? (ay, currency exchange rates) Yeah, one of the best things I bought.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Mechanical damage would require a major freak accident or you to be an idiot about it.

The real issue (according to my doctor, who has a lot more patience than most doctors and actually educated my stubborn ass on this) isn’t just the cotton residue you mentioned (though that is very much a factor) but also the fact that for every [small unit of measurement] of wax the QTip pulls OUT, it is also pushing IN about [small unit of measurement] of it.

This can mean infections, as you mentioned. As you push foreign content AND the wax (which is itself full of trapped bacteria) closer to your sensitive bits. It can also accelerate blockages depending on the consistency of your wax. If you have that issue that your ears get wax blockage periodically, q-tips ensure it happens even faster.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Not sure about noticeability, but yes, Asian people have different earwax consistency to whiteys like me. :P

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

If only common artists could enjoy 1/100th of the protection megacorps get…

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

We’ve had standard stuff (injustices et. al), we’ve had edgy if understandable stuff (god/gods/religion/whatevs), so I think I’ll instead go with an unhinged take that I (mostly) only say for the memes:

Dolphins. They’re fucking assholes. And like. They are assholes in much the same way we humans are: They aren’t thoughtless critters just following basic survival rules. They are higher-brained creatures that are intelligent enough to be capable of choosing between kindness and cruelty, and they are absolutely cruel in a lot of occasions.

Now you may be wondering “does that mean you also think humans should go”, to which I say no, because I happen to be human. So of course I’m rooting for my own team. Dolphins are competition for the spot of “intelligent species that engages in cruelty” and so they gotta go.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I mean, you can do that too if you’re into it. But I’m rooting for my own team here.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

My computer was trash. I migrated out of necessity. It took 40 minutes to boot into Windows XP. Old-timey Lubuntu kept that computer alive for another 5 years.

When I got a real computer, I found that using Windows was unpleasant – So when Proton started to mature, I switched back to Linux (cuz hey, vidya gaems).

… Then I became an adult and the political radicalisation began.

I’m not “obssessed” so much as I am politically motivated, so I guess I’m an evangelist in a way. If there were ten other mature open source operating systems I’d shill all of them. As it is there’s Linux and BSD. So those are the ones I shill.

Generally I’ll pester anyone willing to listen to get as far from Big Tech’s walled gardens as their life necessities allow them.

I’m not a tech person, I think most Linux people are? Instead I’m just someone who studied basic sociology and history, and can see the kind of power that walled-garden tech can (and HAS, in recent times) give to very few people.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

AI Art is not expression, it’s plagiarism.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Asking a robot to make something for you (by tracing shit other people made) is not “being an artist” and never will be.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

These are not the same thing and you know it, despite your gaslighting.

People using technology to express themselves is not the same as asking a fully automated plagiarism device to create shit by copying other shit.

It never will be.

The human input is where we go from ‘reproduction’ to ‘art’, and is why photography counts as art despite just capturing real things, because a human is behind it. Sets what’s on camera. Expression.

AI “Art” is not expression and never will be. It’s just tracing with extra steps.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

My man are you paid to advertise these guys?

You plugged them on every reply lmao.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

It is stealing, the computer just copypastes shit.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

“Their own class” like the kind of techbro that uses AI “art” counts as an artist in any way, shape, or form. 💀

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

No you’re just asking a robot to make shit for you. That is not expression, that is, at best, a more modern version of grabbing shit off google images and calling it “expression”

VinesNFluff, (edited )
@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

“How dare you go against this unethical thing that works based on theft, even though you use technology?”

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Nah that’s what y’all are doing

Writing stuff into a box and calling it “art”.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Yeah yeah yeah whatever.

Bunch of losers that always hated artists and art started calling themselves “”“”“”“”“artists”“”“”“” because they can ask a machine to show them titties (like they couldn’t before), and then use the defence that “artists are othering me even though I’m an artist too!” fuck off.

You’re like a kid that got an easy bake oven and some cake mix and thinks they’re a chef.

Going to a restaurant and telling the cooks they should just surrender before your technological superiority.

Because don’cha know it’s the future and the future can and should roll over millions of people and human suffering is just a variable in an excel sheet and not even the most important, I can ask the computer to show me titties now!

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

The future should stamp down millions of humans, this is an entirely normal and healthy thing to want, artists are useless and always have been, isn’t it great how we can now automatically steal their work? In fact human expression should be outlawed! Surrender before the great and powerful machine and never ever question the ethics of unethical things! Go get a real job like staring at an excel sheet for 8 hours a day, and never question capitalism either!

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

So you claim, yet in defending AI art, this is what you defend.

The death of human expression. The surrendering of all things to industrialists that never cared about art ever.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Communism intends a society where money and a class system are abolished and a new society is built.

UBI supposes a society where capitalism still exists – But you get an allowance for existing and can take on a job as an option to get more money for said capitalism.

Neither could happen in reality without some billionaires being slaughtered, but the latter has a far less lofty goal, in that it doesn’t seek to rebuild society in an entirely new paradigm, only to make the “work or starve” paradigm of Capitalism less pressing.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

“Artists” “Independent”

Corpos want artists to die, so does everyone defending AI “”“”“”“”““art””“”“”“”“”“”

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Uh-huh, is this copyright free FOSS tool fed on scraping images from art sites without the artists’ consent or even knowledge?

Give me proof that is not the case, and maybe I’ll shut up and at least go “okay, have fun with your computer-aided collages, at least they are dodging the worst of this fundamentally unethical invention”.

Also lmao at prompt-writing being “art” or “expression” in any way. Reproducing someone else’s shit is not expression.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Goalposts. Moving.

We go from “EASY BAKE OVENS ARE THE FUTURE, COOKS SHOULD JUST GET A REAL JOB LIKE PROGRAMMING” to “Children are just enjoying their easy bake ovens, why are you yelling at them they aren’t real chefs?” in a heartbeat.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Also being ageist will not make what I said any less true.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I’m not gonna give you advertising money for this company you’re very transparently advertising, mate. Use your words instead. 💀

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I complained about you advertising. Which you continue doing. “Referral” links 💀

Anyway, I’ll take the fact that you chose to be a sassy cunt over giving an honest answer as a sign that no, you don’t have a way of arguing that the model isn’t fed on taking shit from people who put in the work without their consent or even knowledge, and that this is exactly how it works.

Ultimately I know that in the end industrialists’ high-tech inventions will steamroll art, they’ve been doing so for millenia. It just makes me interminably sad, moreso that some people think this is a good thing. Enjoy living in the world you’re helping to build. As other AI shills in the thread said, I’m an old man yelling at a cloud. Maybe if you call me grandpa enough you’ll will that into existance and I’ll age 30 years in a day. Maybe then I’ll be dead before AI-generated monstrosities fully replace human expression. I don’t wanna live in that world after all.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar


That I can accept.

I apologise, to you anyway, not to the other weirdos. This whole thread has made me deeply depressed and I lashed out at 1(one) person that didn’t deserve it.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

They know, but like all technocrats they think they can will the utopian version of their invention into existance by just saying the words “THE FUTURE” a lot.

99% of science-fiction is increasingly flowery takes on the sentence “inventing cool new shit while maintaining the same incentives that make society suck will make neo-society suck in neo ways” but these guys read sci-fi and just go “ooh, cool new shit to invent” and forget to read the rest of it.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

At no point did you talk about where this “Civit” you advertise sources its shit from, and I actually went back through your history to check. Heck I even went to their site and looked for anywhere they say it. Nothin’. Just them showing off the slightly nightmarish creations of their infernal machines.

But go off. Call me names. Like I said, I guess you are right and this is the future, so I just hope I die soon so I don’t have to live in it.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I’d have interest in it if you used some level of honesty instead of acting like a sassy cunt and adding these abominations under it.

Instead all you do is insist I “JUST DON’T GET IT” while refusing to explain literally anything.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

“Skill” 💀

Right then, mate.

Hope you made enough for a tasty snack from all those advert links you plugged. Just cuz I hate all you stand for doesn’t mean I don’t want good things happening to you. Bye~

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Ain’t got shit to prove to the guy that thinks “I asked a computer to make something for me and then sat back sipping coffee” is the same as “Independent art”. 💀

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

People have always been able to make “Shows, games, comics, etc.” by putting in the work. By making contact with other human beings who can cover for the skills you don’t have. Corporations stealing valour when they are glorified middlemen is neither here nor there. But bringing them up does help my point:

AI tools don’t help “art”, they help people pretend they are the CEOs of the samesuch corporations you claim to be fighting against. Just saying “MAKE ME SOME SHIT” and sipping coffee while (in their case people, in this case a machine, though the machine is taking from the actual artists) does all the real work. Without learning. Without engaging with it in any meaningful way. Just put in a command. Get an output.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I wasn’t there when vaccines were invented, but a life-saving treatment for disease is not and never will be the same as a tool that helps stamp down against Human Expression.

As for driving assist… Yea? Everything that makes life better for drivers makes the world a less nice place to live. Every improvement to personal vehicles just reduces the chance of society realising that trains are, have always been, and always will be cheaper, more efficient, and comfier.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

I mean, fuck yeah I don’t want your art because by your own admission it’s AI generated trash and therefore not art.

Yet I buy art from artists. All the time. I have framed and printed pieces from a couple furry artists I know.

Also corporations have been positively frothing with joy at AI’s growth because it means they don’t need to hire actual people anymore. Already they are looking to replace writers and actors with AI generated facsimiles. That was the entire basis of the writers’ strike a few months ago. So the whole “AI ART WILL FREE US FROM CORPORATIONS” argument is a non-starter.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

every single one of us artists understand the true effect and usefulness of AI.

Every artist I have interacted with outside this shill-filled thread (the ones I buy from! And like 1/3 of my friend circle as well) sees AI as either “neat novelty, wish tech journalists would stop overrating it” and “actually pointless”, but go off.

@VinesNFluff@pawb.social avatar

Oh yes. People forget that all the time.

Freud is a quack when you consider modern psychology research.

Freud was revolutionary back then because he, gods forbid, actually talked to his patients and tried to figure out what the fuck was going on instead of immediately going “Your uterus is making you do bad things, here, I’ll stab into your brain with a knife and that’ll make you okay”

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