
@[email protected]

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Dayum… So Hank didn’t die after all…


Well u do kinda have the upvote functionality, no? I’ll be honest… Seeing upvotes on some weird ass shitpost comment that I made does make me feel a little giddy inside hehe. So like… If u want to show appreciation, the upvote does work for me at least!


Hi! What’s your favorite videogame?

I really want to get good at PUBG. Unfortunately, I don’t have friends who play the game (plus I don’t have much time either :( )

Do you have any subject you’re super interested in and could talk about for 2 hours with no prep?

Heck yeah!!! I could talk for hours about the perfect (ie., the closest to perfection) political system of governance and how it could be achieved and so on.

What are your thoughts on the Fediverse?

Is THE future of social media. However, it will have to evolve beyond the donation based model.

What are your hobbies?

Anything star wars baybeee


Oh, so does it already do this?


Webpush or UnifiedPush would be the answers, but neither is currently supported by Lemmy.

I see. I was looking at the Novu project that seems to be working with expo notifications as well. Have you heard of it before? If you have, do you know how it is different from Webpush? I tried researching on this, but didn’t really find any answers.

please don’t abuse Lemmy’s DMs as a sort of instant messenger

I’ll tell you what the problem is. I think that a Discord x Reddit platform would be absolutely perfect. Chatroom conversations that can be indexed by search engines + posts would be very cool imo. E2EE can be worked on relatively easily for private messaging (I’ve tried it with no real problems). Chatrooms for communities with different channels can easily be done by creating a special post for every community, where all replied under it are the chat messages (sorted by new). This can make stuff like megathreads much easier and much more accessible.

Unfortunately, there just are no alternative to make this possible. Matrix is a PITA to implement in react native, and not indexable. To implement XMPP by E2EE-ing it, it too is a PITA for react native. Plus, we would have to deal with separate databases, separate logins, registrations, different MFA, etc.

This is why I decided to go with Lemmy’s DM thing. I would have to somehow E2EE it, which I would have to do for the alternatives either ways. Which is why I see much potential in working with this.


Sorry, I know I should look this up (trust me, I tried but couldn’t find an answer), but does Novu use the webpush protocol/standard/whatever it is? I’m interested in Novu as it does seem to be supporting Expo notifications.


They used to because Santa recruited them for his sleigh. He didn’t recruit this reindeer because of his funny name.


Adolf Hitler


Correct. Just like dicks in the US are measured in the caliber size that u shoot ur kids with.


We say 12th December. Sooo yeah…


Ughh it just looks like a fridge with wheels


Oh wow, I never knew there were so many serious queer films as well! Especially the one based in the Thatcherite era.


Tumblr?: The Underwater Monkeys Being Loud Right?


They do have him on eBay. Right in the hell section on the left!


Wow… That’s very progressive for a religious leader! Kudos to him!



Here you go


The equator is a one dimensional imaginary object. This means it’s infinitely small in its width. Not its height. Sooooo… Yeah… You would still need many many people and sacrifice quite a few of them in the ocean for the greater good.


Has anyone seen HOW MUCH they are promoting google one? Even certain photo editing features (which previously were free) in their Photos app are now locked behind the subscription.

Question to those not in the USA, and who have lived outside the USA.

I’ve been thinking about something and want to check an assumption I have. I only hear directly from other people in the USA, and interract with the global community through memes. How are the gun regulations/laws different from yours in terms of strictness, and do you wish there was more or less where you live?...


India. Very strict gun laws. This law is enforced in the part of India that I live in. The only gunshots that I’ve heard in my life are from movies and video games. However, I did hold a gun in my hand once hehe. One of my friends’ dads had a gun license for some reason (I think he was a top level policeman or something). It was an unloaded black revolver that he was showing off to us kids lol. I remember being surprised at how much heavier it was than I thought it to be.

HOWEVER, in northern India (especially Uttar Pradesh), illegal guns are a very real thing. The law is very poorly enforced there. So yeah… There’s that.


The ones where I have a "boyfriend’. Like… I don’t even know if this character is my bf. Sometimes it’s a faceless character, sometimes it’s just one of friends… Whatever it is, we have sex, cuddle n stuff. It feels rlly nice!


U r aware that until e2ee and online anonymity exists, pedos WILL be active online? Forget e2ee. Every social network (including Lemmy, Matrix, Mastodon) has an active pedo userbase.

There is absolutely no way to completely censor pedos. Hence, the only thing that we can do is educate children about consensual sex, rape, etc… Basically something like a vaccination against sexual assault. It wouldn’t work every time, but it would at least statistically reduce the probability of child sexual abuse. Unfortunately, this is all that we can do.


Snapchat is e2ee from what I understand. How are they supposed to monitor what goes on there? I’m unaware of the Chaturbate platform. As for Omegle, look at the sheer amount of users. How exactly were they supposed to block every single dick that popped up? It’s a problem of the registration-less, anonymous chat model rather than Omegle itself.


But if you press the brake too hard, it’ll break… Sorry for being a disappointment :(


Ironic. The republic using droids?

UraniumBlazer, (edited )

Fun fact: Lithium is named after the Greek word “lithos”, meaning “stone”. It was named so as it was first found in ores. Lithium is a critical element in batteries. Therefore, it isn’t wrong to say that your magical glass slab sucks energy from magical stones to show you pictures of hot femboys.


When did I say that it would be a silver bullet? LLMs today are already relatively capable of doing stuff like acting as mental health therapists. Sure, they may not be as good as human therapists. But something is definitely better than nothing, no? I for instance use LLMs quite a lot as an education aid. I would’ve had to shell out thousands of dollars to get the same amount of help that I’m getting from the LLM of my choice.

Generative AI is still in its infancy. It will be capable of doing MANY MANY more things in the future. Extremely cheap healthcare, education, better automation, etc. Remember… LLMs of today still aren’t capable of self improvement. They will achieve this quite soon (at least this decade). The moment they start generating training data that improves their quality, is the moment they take off like crazy.

They could end up replacing EVERY SINGLE job that requires humans. Governments would be forced to implement measures like UBI. They literally would have no choice, as to prevent a massive recession, u need people to be able to buy stuff. To buy stuff, you need money. Even from a capitalistic standpoint, you would still require UBI, as entire corporations would collapse due to such high unemployment rates.

  1. Look at the current AI trends. It’s mostly open sourced. For instance, Redpajama practically forced Meta to open source LLAMA 2. Open sourced AI kinda is a major step in the direction of public ownership.
  2. AI would start chipping away at human jobs, thus increasing the unemployment rate. The larger the unemployed population, the larger the chance for riots. Capitalists hate unrests, as they’re bad for the economy. Hence, they would be forced to do something along the lines of UBI. If they don’t, then violent revolutions could happen. Either ways, welfare would be increased.
  3. An increasingly unemployed population is bad for business, as there are less people that can buy your stuff. This would lead a country to go straight into recession. Money needs to flow to keep the economy running. Thus, in this case, the government would have to inject money in the economy to keep it running. However, injecting this money as cash into businesses wouldn’t work, as this money wouldn’t end up in the hands of the humans that would be buying stuff. See where I’m going? Even in a capitalistic world, you would still require UBI to stay alive if you were a business.

What if I’m suicidal (I’m not, dw)? When I don’t have anyone to talk to, why is talking to an LLM bad? Mental health therapists are fkin expensive. I did use an LLM when I was feeling down. It was absolutely wonderful! Worked for me perfectly!

Now, imagine if we fine-tune this for this specific purpose. U’ve got a very effective system (at least for those without access to shrinks). Consider ppl from developing countries. Isn’t it a good thing if LLMs can be there for ppl n make them feel just a little better?


Nope. I mean every single word of what I said.

UraniumBlazer, (edited )

Ok, I’ll explain again. We already have enough raw resources to get us into post scarcity (consider extra terrestrial sources like the moon as well). We don’t need to come up with radically new tech to make this possible. The reason why we don’t have post scarcity is because of poor management.

Ok, for HOW we would make that leap, greedy capitalists would replace as many humans as possible with AI to earn more profits. More humans would be unemployed. These humans can vote, and will vote even harder once they’re unemployed.

Also, economies of today work due to humans. No matter how evil you are, u still need humans to have SOME cash so that they can buy ur stuff. We will enter a very bad recession if UBI isn’t done with AI replacing humans left and right. Billionaires may not have foresight. But when their profits start reducing actively, they’re definitely going to want to remedy this.

Therefore, what I’m saying is that a political revolution would happen, which would be supported by an angry, unemployed population and an angry billionaire class unable to make money.

Once the revolution happens, AI would first make social services and research get close to post scarcity. The ability to research stuff would make AI make resource usage a lot more efficient. It would also use this ability to make new resource mining easier.

Here’s another way to describe this: AI would first replace tertiary jobs, then secondary jobs and then primary jobs. Thus, AI would first control and improve upon tertiary goods and services, followed by secondary and then primary. Expansion of all of these tiers leads us closer to post scarcity, thus achieving effective post scarcity in decades.

Remember, I’m not saying that AI will do this alone. I’m saying that the presence of AI would force humans to bring on a revolution, which would make AI central to all production. This would in turn lead to post scarcity.

Edit: Sorry, forgot to address these points that you made: propaganda demonizing socialism, climate change still not being addressed by the billionaire class. For the anti socialism propaganda point, well of course it’s demonized. It’s demonized cuz it’s bad for the billionaire class. However, not implementing UBI would be bad for the billionaire class. Which is why u’ll get support for it from all classes. As for climate change, well it doesn’t financially harm billionaires in any way. They can continue pumping their oil, which people are going to keep on buying. This is not the same with AI tho. AI would plunge us in a very bad recession, thus directly affecting the billionaires. Different scenarios.


No. No we don’t. This is straight delusional levels of optimism on display here. The universe is entropic by nature. Things get used up. Barring some form of miracle tech we can’t even conceive of yet, it is not possible for us to have an infinite amount of anything.

Lol wat are you talking about? The amount of extractable resources on the moon itself are enough to sustain a thousand humanities. Efficient resource usage ensures close to 100% recycling. The only thing that gets “used up” is energy. I’m very confident that we’ll be generating energy by fusion within this century. And for fusion fuel, it is so so so so unimaginabely abundant! If a spaceship decided to go interstellar, it wouldn’t even need to carry its own fuel. The sheer amount of hydrogen in the interstellar medium itself is enough to provide a lot of fuel. It’s like a ship moving in an ocean of oil. Plus, I’m pretty sure that humanity wouldn’t increase in population much after space travel becomes a thing. I’m kinda tired right now, so I won’t elaborate on that. But in short, other sources of entertainment + an anti natalist culture + longer lifespans + deviation from the traditional monogamous two partner model would end up lessening the need for having kids.

That’s the thing though. They aren’t smart. We have seen time and time again that they would cut off their nose to spite their face. Why would this be any different?

But they ARE smart (kinda). Had they been stupid, we would have had socialist systems in place a loooong time ago. Don’t fool yourself by equating the bourgeoisie to Elon Musk. He’s just an egoistic idiot who was very lucky. The others however, are egoist and lucky, but not necessarily idiots. Take Rupert Murdoch for instance. The mf single handedly caused Brexit, and is responsible for progressive politics to be held back in the US for a looong time. Look at all the oil execs for instance. Why haven’t climate friendly policies taken hold? These ppl gaslighted entire populations into serving their own interests. The bourgeoisie are evil, sure. Doesn’t mean that they are stupid enough to act against their own interests.


Do you have any idea how much it costs to get to and from the goddamn moon?! There’s the reason we don’t exactly make a regular thing about it. The costs are astronomical, pun very much intended.

No. The costs are astronomical to get TO the moon. Not from it. To get from the moon back to Earth, all you would need is a strong-ish magnetic ramp. The stuff that you would need to send to the moon would be nothing compared to the material that would be sent back.

I’m not exactly a physicist, but if you’ve suddenly solved the problem of entropy then you should contact one and claim your Nobel prize. I’ll wait.

Huh? Energy is the only concern that we have. You can manufacture, destroy and recycle aluminum soda cans forever (almost). You can’t do that with energy. Which is why we need to get energy from a low entropy source. We wouldn’t have this problem for billions of years, till the heat death gets us (assuming that that theory is real in the first place).

You’re making a lot of assumptions about how how society will develop.

I’m merely making projections based on trends in the last few decades. Antinatalism is and will be on the rise, unless religion comes back (which thankfully is unlikely). Medical science is advancing at unprecedented rates. Pair this with breakthroughs in other fields (AI for instance), and you get an ever accelerating series of breakthroughs. Based on this, I see no future where human population would be increasing much.


Tell me why u don’t have socialised healthcare in the US yet. Tell me why you don’t have stricter tax laws that close loopholes for billionaires in the US yet. Tell me why unions have such a small footprint in the US. Again, as I said. Had the billionaires been stupid, there would’ve been socialism everywhere. However, they are smart enough to stay in power and ensure that their own interests are protected.


A less elegant solution, sure. But much better than using paper for god’s sake!


That’s amazing! Btw, what’s ur femboy friend’s snap?


Read point 3 again. Regulations require companies to visually distinguish between ads and non-ads. That’s why u get the yellow box with “ad” written in it, which indicates that the video that u r watching currently is an ad.

Software could thus use this factor very easily by scanning the stream for such an indicator. The moment it finds something like this, it skips to a frame where this indicator isn’t present.

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