@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar


@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Undearius, (edited )
@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

For those that don’t know, you can use three numbers, zero through eight, with the chmod command. it takes the binary of each digit to set the permissions.

<span style="color:#323232;">$ chmod 644
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> 6  |  4  |  4
</span><span style="color:#323232;">110 | 100 | 100
</span><span style="color:#323232;">rw- | r-- | r--
@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar


The developer has hit a bit of a roadblock reworking a back-end system and is requesting help, but it has a great feature set already and is super customisable.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

I think it has something to do with fetching album art.

I just set up a server and while it was scanning my library, the logs showed a bunch of rate limits for last.fm with a link how to increase it.

It’s likely that Last.fm only allows so many requests using the default API and setting up a personal increases that limit.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m not sure how many people would appreciate watching the injury that killed someone.

Probably not the right community for this.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

I do something very similar. I have all my music on a network share with a playlist folder inside. I run a script that copies all the lines from an .m3u playlist file and copies them to another music folder inside my user folder, converting any FLAC files along the way.

I then user SyncThing to synchronize that folder with my phone. Makes it super easy to get all my music and playlists when I upgrade to a new phone.

<span style="color:#323232;">a = *lines from playlist file*
</span><span style="color:#323232;">new = *destinationFolder*
</span><span style="color:#323232;"># If the mp3 version of the flac is older than the flac or doesn't exist in the destination,
</span><span style="color:#323232;"># convert it from Flac to variable bitrate mp3
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  if [ "$a" -nt "${new[@]/%flac/mp3}" ]; then
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    echo Converting $a
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    ffmpeg -y -i "$a" -qscale:a 0 "${new[@]/%flac/mp3}"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  fi

There’s some cleaning and other steps done but I’m willing to share or provide more details if anyone is interested.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

I have several terabytes of free space on my server so I have no issue sacrificing a few gigs to have the lossy archive be portable and independent of the music software.

It gives me the freedom to drop the lossy archive to whatever device I want (SyncThing to make it automatic and wireless) and use whatever music play I choose.

I could, and have thought about, switching the script to use hardlinks for the MP3s which means the only storage used is for the transcoded MP3s. Plus it would get rid of the requirement to sync any updated MP3s from the original archive to the lossy one, the hardlinks would just update with the original.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

How’s the tagging when converting over to Opus?

I assume it supports the basics like Album and Artists but what about tags like embedded lyrics or ReplayGain?

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

After your alarm goes off… You turn it off.

Undearius, (edited )
@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar


The instructions for a bare-metal install are there.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

This looks like Hyundai Bluelink, and if it’s not, then it has the exact same issue. The old password was a generated password provided by support.

What are some FOSS programs that you think are a far better user experience than their counterparts? (sh.itjust.works)

I used Plex for my home media for almost a year, then it stopped playing nice for reasons I gave up on diagnosing. While looking at alternatives, I found Jellyfin which is much more responsive, IMO, and the UI is much nicer as well....

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve really fallen in love with the Aves gallery app. It’s finally got me started with organising and tagging my photos.

Where are all the Positive, Wholesome Communities gone, and where are all the hugs, where is my wholesome memes, to help me fight, the politics

Hey, I’ve been looking at what I’m subscribed to on Lemmy and it really grim, and not really what I want from a social media. I’m into tech, but the tech subs talk about evil things companies do, a lot of linux meme and programmer humor, and it’s all cool and all, piracy talking about how it’s bad what certain company...

Undearius, (edited )
@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

I can’t speak for any of the apps but all these should link to the community through your own instance

/m/ /m/[email protected]

/c/ /c/[email protected]

! !cat

Interestingly, Connect is formatting all of them with an exclamation point instead of the first slash, like !m/

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

Another recommendation, especially for addresses and points of interest, is every-door.app

It’s not as pretty as StreetConplete but it’s fine to work with.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

You can also make this the default behaviour as you start typing a command.

Create ~/.inputrc and add these lines:

<span style="color:#323232;">$include /etc/inputrc
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">## arrow up
</span><span style="color:#323232;">"e[A":history-search-backward
</span><span style="color:#323232;">## arrow down
</span><span style="color:#323232;">"e[B":history-search-forward```
@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

I good example that’s completely legal is Linux distributions. They are licensed in a way that lets you share the file with other people so there is no risk of illegal activity.

You need torrent software installed that can speak the language of the torrenting protocol. Examples would be QBitTorrent, Transmission, and uTorrent, but there are others as well.

For the general process, you would download and install torrenting software, then you would go to a page that has torrent files (like this Ubuntu page), save the .torrent file and then from the software open that file, this will begin the download. Once it’s done, you have a full copy of the files on your computer.

The only thing unique about torrents is that you are downloading parts of the file from a bunch of other people that have a copy, instead of downloading the whole file from just one single server.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

Yes, thank you. I was going to explain that as well but asl owanted to keep it as basic and simple as possible. Honestly, I can’t recall the last time I actually alsaved and opened a torrent file, I’ve always used magnet links.

If your computer doesn’t automatically open a magnet link when you click on it (usually you’ll just see a 🧲 that you can click on), you should be able to right click that icon to copy the link. Often the client will have an option to enter the magnet link when you select File>Open.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

I can’t speak for the Windows side as I’m one of those Linux users. But the ones I mentioned are ones I know off the top of my head because I see them mentioned often.

  • Transmission
  • qBittorrent
  • Deluge
  • Tixati
@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

For actually getting torrents loaded into the client software, there’s basically no difference. They both contain the information needed to start downloading the content.

A torrent file just has the information needed to start the download, kind of like a text file.

A magnet link is similar to any other link, like http://example.com/SomeFile.torrent. They’re a bit more complicated because the website example.com might remove or change the location of SomeFile.torrent and then any of the existing links won’t work. Magnet links aren’t affected by that sort of thing. I say this with the caveat that I honestly don’t really know or understand them fully because, like I first said, it doesn’t really matter.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

FlorisBoard has been a great keyboard. The last proper release was over a year ago but the developer is actively working on a big update which will add word suggestion.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

I have no personal experience with it but I see Nobara mentioned often, especially in regards to the Microsoft Surface Tablets. Hopefully someone else with more experience can chime in on it.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

It fully depends on the area. My city has only a few hardcore mappers, but that’s all it takes to make it really detailed.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

I was using F-stop previously for the map feature and the ability to add descriptions to the photos (I love having notes on the photos but hate being locked into a specific app like Google Photos).

Aves has a much nicer UI and can edit the geotag information, too. Glad I found this.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

FlorisBoard for several months now. It has no text prediction

The good news is that feature is currently in development. There’s a beta build on GitHub that has it sort of implemented. There’s some details on the FlorisBoard matrix channel on getting it.

M.A.L.P., for when I’m playing music on the house system

Do you mind explaining your setup a bit more? I’ve currently got a few Sonos speakers but I don’t like being locked into their system and have always been interested in a more open setup.

I’ve seen Snapchat and I know of MPD (but don’t fully understand it, to be honest) but it seems there isn’t much information about these types of setups.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

F-Stop adds an XMP tag imbedded into the image file. I’m going to assume Aves does the same but I haven’t used it much yet to know.

I would love to be able to find an image service (like PhotoPrism) I can run on my server that can read the tags that I like to use (Date/time, geo location, title/descriptions, and faces). I want that info in the image file itself so that I can easily switch to another service if needed.

I’m still trying to find a way to make back-up copies of the original and then tag/organize photos to be used with a self-hosted viewer, whatever it may be.

It's time to take advantage of Reddit's decline

It’s no secret that Lemmy is shaping up to be a viable alternative to Reddit. The issue it faces however is that it’s still relatively niche and not many people know about it. I propose that we change this. By contacting the mods of large subreddits and asking them to make and promote relevant Lemmy communities we could...

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

free to just set up an instance where a bot reposts whatever gets posted to reddit front page, or a specific sub.

lemmit.online is that instance

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

Seriously. This is how Lemmy becomes a cesspit. I personally don’t care about the politics, but all I see is a ridiculous title for a post and just as ridiculous responses. This place should be about actual discussion, not the typical internet bullshit of “you’re wrong” followed with “no u”.

PeerTube has a federation problem

With the mass migrations of Reddit users to Lemmy/Kbin, and Twitter now speedrunning its own mass extinction, it seems me that the eventual future of social media is de-centralized. I like how Lemmy is slowing turning out, even if it still has some work to do and growing pains to fix up. It’s still able to inform me of all of...

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s worth noting that PeerTube has a peer2peer function that allows other people watching a video to upload directly to other viewers, reducing the bandwidth needed on the server directly.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

Didn’t the Mali government just shutdown fmhy.ml because they were using the .ml TLD? Lemmygrad would be in the same position then.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m going to guess that’s to avoid paying taxes as the big companies can use Ireland as a tax haven. Not the greatest thing to be associated with.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

I should have clarified that I think Ireland is a tech hotbed for tax reasons, not that the Lemmy instance is there for tax reasons. I’m not trying to discredit the educated workforce in Ireland but I often see the words “taxes” and Ireland together when talking about the large tech companies.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

What features of Snapchat are you looking for?

There’s PixelFed but that’s more analogous to Instagram, but it’s core feature is image sharing which is what Snapchat primarily is for.

Undearius, (edited )
@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

I was curious how Lemmy integrated with Peertube. This is the first I’ve seen about it, that’s awesome!

It seems like comments aren’t shared from Peertube to Lemmy.

YSK that a lot of common questions/complaints about Lemmy are presently answered by kbin (kbin.social)

This is not an attempt to convert Lemmy users, nor is it a slight on Lemmy. I'm sure there are plenty of reasons why Lemmy works better for some, and I love the fact that we not only have multiple choices, but multiple choices that allow us to interact with each other regardless! It's amazing. Lemmy is great, no shade....

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

Pull Request. It means someone is asking for their code to be added to the main codebase of a project.

Basically, the feature is in the works, waiting to be finished and then added (merged).

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

when cross posting is possible on Kbin (it might already be on Lemmy, not sure)

For your own awareness, cross-posting is available on Lemmy.

Why is Linux so frustrating for some people?

Don’t get me wrong. I love Linux and FOSS. I have been using and installing distros on my own since I was 12. Now that I’m working in tech-related positions, after the Reddit migration happened, etc. I recovered my interest in all the Linux environment. I use Ubuntu as my main operating system in my Desktop, but I always end...

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

I fear that it could get bought off in the future and become an actual privacy nightmare

Like last.fm?

OSM Based Alternatives to Google Maps Timeline?

I realize that google maps timeline feature is pretty antithetical to the way the average user here wants to do things, but I really like it as a way to easily go back and see where I went a particular day, or the last time I visited a particular place. It’s also the most common way for me to notice a road that’s missing...

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

There’s usually two parts, the data tracker and the visualizer, and they often can be mixed and matched or come as a pair. The most common loggers are OwnTrack and GPSLogger

I used PhoneTrack (through NextCloud) for a bit. I think the great thing about it was you could edit points. If there was a stray data reading that was way off you could (re)move it.

Traccar comes as a server/client pair but this is more aligned for commercial vehicle tracking.

There’s a really cool visualizer, Orion, but it’s no longer maintained.

And the same for Time Travel Tracker.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

Kbin and Lemmy have been referred to as the threadiverse for much longer than Meta’s Threads has been around, even before it was known only as Project 92.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

Meta unfortunately decided to call their platform a very basic name, the same name as a core feature of Kbin and Lemmy.

PixelFed, Friendica, Peertube, and Mastodon (all part of the fediverse) don’t really use comment threads (Mastodon sort of does) but for Kbin and Lemmy it’s basically the most unique part of it, other than being a filter for various links to other pages. So they are often refered to the part of the fediverse that uses comment threads.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m not sure why you’d say such a thing. Here’s some examples I found just by searching “threadiverse” on my instance.








@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

What debacle? The threadiverse is one part of the fediverse.

Has anyone used or contributed to OpenStreetMap?

I’ve tried using it over the years but I never liked it because there was no information. So last night I looked at my local city and there is almost no information at all. I spent a few hours last night adding buildings and restaurants and removing incorrect items. It was actually kind of fun and therapeutic and I plan to do...

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

Probably the best way to contribute buildings is using the JOSM editor and the buildings plug-in.

It’s only available on the computer and it has quite the learning curve, but it’s a very powerful tool for serious editing. Usually the iD editor is good enough for easier editing than on mobile.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

I’d like to know what the benefit is if your instance defederated when you’ve already blocked the bot. You’re already not seeing the content anymore.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

That comes to the issue of USB as a protocol. That information should be branded on the connector at each end.

I do miss the days too when the connectors were colour-coded.

@Undearius@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s a bug for the Hot and Active sorting in the way the weightings are calculated and federated between the instances. There was a recent update to the code that’s waiting to be released that should help prevent it.

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