@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar


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@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Weil das hier gern überlesen wird, hebe ich es mal hervor:

wenn andere Abhilfe nicht möglich ist.

Wenn die Sicherheitskräfte am Reichstag die Lage noch nicht im Griff haben, darf man mit prügeln. Wenn sie die Lage unter Kontrolle haben, wahrscheinlich schon nicht mehr.

Canon Connections: 2x07 - Those Old Scientists

• In the episode “No Small Parts” Ransom explains to Captain Freeman that he calls the 2260s the ”TOS Era” in honour of ”Those Old Scientists” like Spock and and Scotty. Of course, this episode takes place in 2259, so clearly it’s time for a shake-up among the SNW production team....

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Worf suffered discommendation and was stripped of his honour in “Sins of the Father”.

By the time Boimler is around Worf had gotten his honour back…and lost it again, and got it back… I think. It’s hard to keep track. But his family honor was restored in "Redemption’ for helping Gowron in the civil war.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not yet on YouTube Music, is it? I can’t find it there.

About the popularity of 2 button navigation

Ever since its appearance in Android Pie, I always consider 2 button navigation is a bad attempt by Google trying to play catch-up with the fad generated by the iPhone X. However, due to a bug with A13 QPR2 it had to be temporarily removed and many were not happy about this. So, 2 button navigation users, may I ask why do you...

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not using two-button navigation but there was one nice thing it did in Android 9: you could flip the pill to the right and hold it to scroll through open apps until you’ve reached the app you wanted to switch to (or move your finger left/right to scroll in that direction), and only then lift the finger.

Unfortunately that only worked in Android 9. In Android 10 you could only swipe to the very next app. Not sure why they butchered that carousel navigation; probably to bring it in line with full gesture navigation.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

I wonder if the VFX department didn’t get the memo.

It could also be an early script draft and during production they decided not to spend time and money on changing the ship model. Not everything you see in a script will end up on the screen.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

It was present at the end of the episode where Voyager got the future Borg technology. This scene from the linked script is the scene from the very beginning of the episode which depicts a timeline in which Voyager returns to Earth without that Borg encounter.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Auf wow reimt sich DAU. Für einen DAU ist es möglicherweise zu umständlich, ein Video normal über die Kamera-App aufzunehmen und dann im Messenger die Datei auszuwählen. 🤷‍♂️

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Behörden sollten sich an das amtliche Regelwerk des Rates für deutsche Rechtschreibung halten. (siehe Geltungsbereich) Und da gibt’s keine Sonderzeichen mitten im Wort.

Was Privatpersonen oder Unternehmen tun, ist deren Sache.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Mir wäre neu, dass sich die Republik Österreich auf deutsche Gesetze stützt.

Der Rechtschreibrat ist eine zwischenstaatliche Institution, die unter anderem auch von Österreich beauftragt wurde. (Quelle)

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

DS9 gets some well deserved meme love nowadays. Quite a feat considering most fans thought of it as the black sheep of the Star Trek family during its original run.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Wasn’t a fan of the holodeck episodes either. But they needed to produce 26 episodes a year. I don’t blame them for doing some filler episodes.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

There’s !ds9, and the general Star Trek community at !startrek (and more memes at !risa)

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Woher weiß die Zeit, dass Android 14 ab 31. August ausgerollt wird? Oder ist das Datum nur erfunden? Google kommuniziert das Update-Datum eigentlich nie vorher. Das kommt immer irgendwann zwischen Anfang August und Anfang Oktober “when it’s done”.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

There’s no guarantee that it’s spoiler-free but www.trekbbs.com has separate boards for each series. Maybe that helps.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

In a season that’s been a wee bit hit and miss IMHO (compared to S1)

Yeah, the first half was very uneven. But I’ve enjoyed every episode since episode 5, so I guess they found their stride again.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Gibt’s bestimmt auch möbliert für 1600 €.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Musste schmunzeln. Ist gut gemacht. Schade, dass die Kreativität und Schaffenskraft der Beteiligten für so einen Propaganda-Stuss draufgeht.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

What a tonal shift from the last episode.

I think this was on par with DS9’s Dominion War episodes, showing how the Federation ideals clash with the real world. It will certainly be controversial for being so “un-Trek”. There’s no happy ending, there’s just the sinking feeling that a war never really ends in the heads of those that were affected by it.

The acting was stellar all around, particularly M’Benga and Chapel. [Edit: and Ortegas! Finally she got some material to work with that weren’t funny one-liners, and she made the most of it.] And that final scene with M’Benga and Pike just demands a continuation in the future.

It was certainly an impressive, thought-provoking episode but if you’d ask me to rate this episode on a scale of 1 to 10 I’d have no idea where to put it. I’m still sitting here trying to wrap my head around what I just saw. I guess that’s war for you. It doesn’t make sense.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Agreed on the Klingon ambassador! The acting felt weird at first but his demeanor made sense at the end.

And I feel similarly as you about M’Benga. I didn’t care much about him until now, he was simply the doctor that speaks strangely. But now I really want to find out what’s next for him.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar


Wo Explodieranfang? Hö hö.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Same. However, my reddit usage has decreased significantly. I used to spend 1-2 hours there every day (which was waaaay too much), now I spend 5-10 minutes on reddit at best. The terrible mobile design drives me away because it keeps nagging me to use their app. On the other hand, I also only use lemmy maybe 15-20 minutes per day.

So in total, the stupid decisions of reddit have improved my digital well-being because I spend less time mindlessly scrolling.

Uh…thanks, spez?

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

It’s a relatively new feature that is slowly rolling out to other languages/regions. I received it maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago (in Germany).

I don’t think there’s a definitive list of words/phrases that trigger it. It usually works with one or two words (for example “happy birthday!”) followed by an exclamation mark. Could be pretty much anything. It even works with “Batman!” Although the result is … well, not appropriate for the Dark Knight. 😄

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, how many ways can you style an X?

Maybe they need a new mascot now that the bird is gone. How about a hamster? They could call it Xhamster.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Satz mit X, das war wird wohl nix.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Das war kein Versehen

Das ist es nie. Politiker dieser Größenordnung wissen genau, was sie sagen. Das sind Profis. Natürlich sollte man nicht jedes Wort eines Menschen in die Waagschale legen, weil kein Mensch immer zu 100% seine Aussagen überdenkt. Aber solche Sätze zu politischen Positionen in einem der für unsere Politiker wichtigsten Interviews des Jahres – das ist Absicht.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

und sich dann dafür “entschuldigen

Aber nur dafür entschuldigen, dass man falsch verstanden wurde. Nicht dafür, dass man es gesagt hat.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

toxisch männlich

Wie ich diesen Begriff hasse. Er beschreibt etwas Wichtiges, aber der Ausdruck selbst ist so unglaublich scheiße, weil er bewusst in Kauf nimmt, dass Menschen sich davon angefeindet fühlen, weil er so einfach misszuverstehen ist. Warum nicht beispielsweise “toxische Geschlechterrollen(-bilder)”?

Und der Knaller ist, dass er von der LGBTQI Community kommt, die sonst immer sehr darauf pocht, dass man auch ja die richtigen Worte wählt.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Persönliches Erleben, dass der Begriff oft von Leuten benutzt wird, die sich selbst dieser Community zuordnen.

Ich finde das einfach total schade, weil man damit völlig ohne Not einen Großteil der Bevölkerung gehen sich aufbringt, anstatt sie für eine wichtige Sache zu begeistern.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

There is a Lower Decks comic series with the same art style. You could read those.


@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

My face hurt by the end of the episode. I had no idea I was smiling the whole time.

Is that you, Mr. Spock?

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Fun episode. I lost track of all the references but I’m particularly delighted that they brought up the NX-01 and her crew, and that the NCC-1701 crew (what even comes after the dash?) is gushing over them, like we all are gushing over all the different Trek crews.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

This will either be really fun or total nonsense. I like that they’re trying new things instead of only recycling old Trek tropes with aliens that have a different kind of bump on the forehead.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Hah, I love that they bring back the TAS art style for new Trek.

Reminds me of the fan-made The Next Generation: The Animated Series and Voyager: The Animated Series.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Das Wort “entlaufen” klingt bei Schlangen aber auch sehr witzig. Da hat die Kobra aber die Beine in die Hand genommen!

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Zumindest eine Mastodon-Instanz des Bundes gibt es schon: social.bund.de

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Spock cleaned up Sam Kirk’s mess once again. That’s why he approached the table. (and I presume that’s why that one snippet from last week was in the “previously on” segment)

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

An okay episode.

Finally Una got to do something instead of being completely on the sidelines. The whole ensemble got something to do, except Ortegas who slowly turns into SNW’s Travis Mayweather: that one cast member that is just there physically but doesn’t get anything to do.

My personal highlight was the scene were Spock and Chapel play chess, and he passive-aggressively pushes her to play faster. Very Vulcan.

What irked me: everyone and their mother immediately started calling the First Officer of another Starfleet ship by his first name. That was weird.

The Canon defenders will complain that Kirk and Pike met face to face, although there was that throwaways line in The Menagerie that they’ve never met. But it was kinda inevitable that it would happen sooner or later. At least we got that out of the way.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

An okay episode.

Finally Una got to do something instead of being completely on the sidelines. The whole ensemble got something to do, except Ortegas who slowly turns into SNW’s Travis Mayweather: that one cast member that is just there physically but doesn’t get anything to do.

My personal highlight was the scene were Spock and Chapel play chess, and he passive-aggressively pushes her to play faster. Very Vulcan.

What irked me: everyone and their mother immediately started calling the First Officer of another Starfleet ship by his first name. That was weird.

Another weird thing was Pike’s promotion to Fleet Captain. We’ve never seen this in Star Trek, particularly not when it’s just two ships on a mission. So I checked the transcript of The Menagerie were Kirk speaks about the one time he met Captain Pike. And there it is:

MENDEZ: You ever met Chris Pike?
KIRK: When he was promoted to Fleet Captain.

SNW’s producers were sneaky with that one. I’m both annoyed and impressed.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

While the third season had its flaws they certainly hit all the right emotional notes. I must have watched those final 5 minutes dozens of times when it first aired because I just couldn’t believe what happened. Not necessarily what happened on screen but what happened to me. I felt like that kid again that watched TOS reruns and TNG, I felt like there’s a brighter future ahead because my heroes did once again instill hope. When the lights came on on the bridge – in stark contrast to the dimly lit 8½ episodes before it – suddenly it felt like anything would be possible. Not just in this TV show. But really anything.

Maybe I’m a bit theatrical but in those five minutes I forgot all my worries (which is quite a feat because I’m one of those broody persons) and felt like I was coming home. I’ve never felt anything like that when consuming any sort of media.

Thanks to everyone involved. I’ll cherish those five minutes forever.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Und das ist es, was mich am Gendern bzw. dessen Anhängern stört. Lasst die Leute doch sprechen und schreiben, wie sie es wollen. Der gesellschaftliche Konsens wird sich dann durchsetzen. Dauert zwar noch ein paar Jahre, aber dann ist das halt so.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Nicht im beruflichen Kontext. In manchen Unternehmen und Behörden wird das verpflichtend vorgegeben, selbst in der internen Kommunikation. (Quelle: eigene Erfahrung)

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

vorgegebene Schriftart, Zeilenabstand oder sonst ein nixbedeutendes Detail käme es nie in die Schlagzeilen

Weil es wie du selbst sagst nicht bedeutend ist. Die Gestaltung und den Aufbau – mit Blick auf Standardisierung und Verständlichkeit – vorzugeben ist halt doch noch mal was anderes als den Inhalt und den Ausdruck vorzugeben.

Wie gesagt, ich bin dafür dass sich jeder so ausdrücken können soll, wie er will. Nur halt bitte nicht anderen aufdrücken – das betrifft sowohl die Befürworter als auch die Gegner des Genderns.

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

so ein Stapel, den ich gerne verkonsummieren würde aber wegen mangelnder Zeit nicht verkonsummiert bekomme, ist halt auch uncool.

Falls du Bücher meinst: die Japaner haben da ein tolles Wort. 積読 (tsundoku) bedeutet ungefähr “ein (neues) ungelesenes Buch auf einen Stapel anderer ungelesener Bücher legen”. Probier’s doch mal damit. 🥴

@UESPA_Sputnik@lemmy.world avatar

Warum wurde das eigentlich im Abschnitt II “Der Bund und die Länder” eingefügt und nicht im Abschnitt I “Die Grundrechte”? 😕

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