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where i live dudes have their own place and car.

however, they don't have a waterfront condo and 100K car, so therefore they are 'inadequate' or 'unsuccessful' according to most single women if you ask them. always their #1 complaint. and the #2 is how 'successful' men only use them for sex. the irony is lost on them.

But I'm dating in my 30s.

Turkey_Titty_city, (edited )

'big data' 'crypto' etc.

AI is just the next 'big thing' that amounts to nothing. 90% of what anyone says in the press/media is total nonsense. And most AI researchers are downplaying the hype because they know it's all bullshit and AI will ultimately not be a major change anymore than navigation systems in cars was. It is merely convenience and those that 'rely' on it will end up in trouble.

It's a complementary technology, not a revolution.

Turkey_Titty_city, (edited )

Exactly. It will lead to improved automation for industrial processes but it won't ever be a consumer tech other than improving your siri results.

It won't replace jobs, anymore than industrial robots in factories replace them.


Before that it was 'big data'. remember that?

every 5 or so years the media needs some new tech to hype up to get people paranoid


there is a shortage of jobs because wages are still historically low.

funny thing is companies that pay higher wages don't have trouble hiring people.

my company pre pandemic had 5+ employees turn over every month. post pandemic we have like 1 a month or less. why? our wages went up 40% across the board from 2020-2023. our starting wage used to be 35K in 2019. that's barely livable in in my city. now it's closer to 50K. benefits have also increased substantially, but we did drop the commuting benefits because we are hybrid.

turns out people will work for you if you pay them a fair wage and offer them opportunity to increase their wages.

A New Low: Just 46% Of U.S. Households Subscribe To Traditional Cable TV (www.techdirt.com)

The “cord cutting” trend cable execs spent a decade claiming was a fad just broke another round of new records. According to Leichtman Research, major cable TV providers lost another 1.7 million subscribers last quarter, as users flock to streaming, over the air TV, TikTok, or, you know, books. Roughly 17,700 customers cut...


same here. i can pay 120 for cable tv and internet at 250mbps, or 100 for internet that is 50mbps.

but my town is a monopoly. i have zero other internet/cable choices.


They pay all their employees like shit. Pretty much every University/college does.

Except for the administrators.


which is why people want to be rich. it's way bigger benefit than the money.

people think about all the maga types that are 'one day millionaires'. nah, it's not about being rich for money, it's about they back a guy who does the stuff they wish they could personally do. like be rabidly racist in public without consequence


I don't understand why people like Starbucks so much. Their coffee is nasty and so is their food. But people are addicted to it. All my relatives have the app and spend like $50+ a week there.

Only reason I ever go is because I'm roadtripping at 6am and it's the only place open that early. The indie coffee shops don't open until 8am.


i wish more places served moka, but they don't.


Boston. Indies open at 8am and close at 2pm. Starbucks is open like 6am-9pm. If I want a coffee at 3pm I am stuck with Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts. Indies can't afford to be open an extra 7 hours where they are doing very little business.


People on the board are shit at their jobs because most boards are full of people who don't ever work at the company. They exterior consultants for the most part. Every business I have worked for, the board was a bunch of wealthy folks who showed up like 1-2x a year for the board meetings, but otherwise had zero idea what anyone did or who anyone was other than the C-suite.


Lots of 'woke' people are shitty people. I've had way too many experiences in the past few years with 'woke' people screaming at me about how I need to read more women authors or I'm a shitty awful human being. Or other equally absurd things, like I'm a bigot if I don't ask you what your pronoun is. If you have a pronoun preference, how about you tell me? Just like you tell someone how to pronounce your name if it's non-standard.

I know lots of progressive people, and I am progressive. But I would never say I am 'woke'. People who self-identify 'woke' tend to be mentally ill crazy people in my encounters, and use their politics as an excuse for abusive and hostile behavior just the way right-wing nazi nutbags do.

Hell I even had a transwoman assault me verbally one day while I was just reading a book in a cafe. Comes up to me and demands that I give her my table because I'm a white cis guy and I should give up my 'privileged' to her. I told her to f off. My small business has been harassed by 'woke' activists who demand we give them money or they will say we are anti-black/lgbt+, etc. That's not woke, that's blackmail.

Most 'woke' people I meet are basically 20 sometime trust-fund types who need a cause to give her their miserable lives purpose, because god knows they can't get their shit together and do something positive with their lives. If they did maybe they'd stop being such awful abusive people who threaten and harass others.


They go to the lecture and just scream so that that person can't present. They don't allow the person to make their case or offer them any respect.

College Kids Are Easily Bypassing Stupid University TikTok Bans (www.techdirt.com)

We’ve noted a few times how the political push to ban TikTok is a dumb performance largely designed to distract people from our failure to pass even a basic internet privacy law or regulate data brokers. We’ve also noted how college bans of TikTok are a dumb extension of that dumb performance, and don’t accomplish anything...


When i was in school in the 2000s file sharing basically crippled the campus network until it was banned. A few bad actors were hoarding all the bandwidth and storing copyright violation stuff on school servers.

Totalitarianism. What are the good things about it?

(Wikipedia) Totalitarianism is a form of government and a political system that prohibits all opposition parties, outlaws individual and group opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high if not complete degree of control and regulation over public and private life. It is regarded as the most extreme...


Yeah, I am shocked how many people regard exercising their autonomy as a punishment rather than a privilege, and they seem to genuinely hate it and want someone to tell them what to do with their life and what to think.


We passed one of these in MA for automobiles via ballot measure. Auto makers flipped their shit.


fountain pens and art stuff. nope. I'm too busy now with way more responsibilites. got two promotions and two pets and a side business now. don't have hours of downtime during wfh like i did in 20/21. Now I have about $500 in pens that i only use to sign check and a few other things.


money talks. climate gets fucked.


I mean, most people seem to agree with them. People listen to billionaires way more than they do your average academic making 100K/yr.

Turkey_Titty_city, (edited )

It's the protocols more than anything.

stuff with this speeds existed already, it just wasn't via USB. it was expensive proprietary protocols and hardware and cables. USB is an open standard design for consumer use, and not for giant corps with datacenters who can pay $2,000 for a single data cable.

Thunderbolt is basically a data-transfer focused version of USB, and just requires a different controller that supports the new protocols to achieve the higher speeds.

multiplexing is one way to achieve higher bandwidth and throughput over the same physical cable.


yeah, cats bury their shit. they don't shit on grass and leave it exposed.

only time cats shit in the open is to prove a point. OP probably pissed off this cat


wtf are you talking about

car manufactures are legally accountable to meet minimum safety standards for new vehicles. they have been sued over it.


we don't need to do that. we just need to restrict stuff like 50 round magazines.

a lot hard to kill 50 people if your gun only holds 5 bullets.


airsoft guns are a thing. they are what is used during targeting competitions


Microsoft already had this trial back in the 2001.


This is the truth of it. A lot of people simply don't vote, especially young people. So the old conservative times have more power, because they do vote.

I'm in my 30s but half the people I know love to complain, but won't ever vote. Because it's inconvenient for them.

The GDP gap between Europe and the United States is now 80% (www.lemonde.fr)

It was early this summer, before Americans started crossing the Atlantic to savor the sweetness of European life. Prices are very much affordable for them there, and the Wall Street Journal gave the reason as being Europe’s inexorable impoverishment: “Europeans are facing a new economic reality, one they haven’t...


GDP is a useless metric. Most USA GDP grown is from stupid shit like housing prices being super inflated.


that's true of everywhere in the developed economies.

we value assets more than we value labor. so assets get more expensive and labor is cheaper. and since the rich are getting richer at an unprecedented rate, it's not going to change unless we have a serious social collapse.

Do younger people go home earlier now? Or go out less? Is it since COVID?

Someone asked a question about how frequently young people have time to socialize and it made me think about what people do with their evenings. I recently asked my son to go to a concert (free ticket to see a band i know he likes) and he declined because it was an hour away on a weeknight. If we invite our kids or niece/nephew...

Turkey_Titty_city, (edited )

I don't go out because post covid everything costs 100% more and is 100% worse.

I spend $60 on two beers and a mcdonalds quality hamburger + fries last week. F that. in 2019 that would have been 20 bucks. in a place that was crowded and it took me like 30m to get my food. and almost every place is like that now. double the price for half the service or quality of product.

if going out was fun and affordable I'd do it more. I went out regularly before covid. I just don't want to have to drop 30-40 bucks for a single beer and junk food meal anytime i want to socialize.

all my old spots that were affordable, chill and fun, are gone. i used to hang out in coffee shops after work because they were quiet and i don't drink.. now they all closed at 2pm. bars are noisy and crowded and want $15+ for a cocktail and $10 for a budweiser. that used to be $10 and $5.


Yeah you can control small things and fix them. I can patch a wall or fix up some stairs if they get creaky.

However, healthcare, education, and housing are rapidly becoming out of reach for the majority of people. That isn't a small thing any one person can fix on their own. True of both USA and Canada. And even those who do have them, have ever growing anxiety that they will lose them. I live in a wealthy city full of wealthy people who endlessly agonize about how poor they are and how will they send their kids to college or how their house that they paid a million bucks for is a dump. etc.


not even a walmart. where i live it's a neiman marcus. if you don't have $2000 to drop on a single coat, GTFO.


speak for yourself. same here. i still go to concerts and come home at 1am. at least concerts are still affordable and like 20 bucks.

Turkey_Titty_city, (edited )

yeah i'm not even counting tipping. that shit is insane. lots of places in my city now want a 20% tip, and a 5-10% fee. on top of a 9% tax. So basically your meal is now 35-40% more than the prices in the menu. and it's expect at literally every joint now, take out and coffee joints too.

it's just not worth it. for that kind of pricing I'm better off just getting delivery. which is what i do now. ubereats is a 20% tip and like a $5 delivery fee. it's cheaper and i don't have to deal with slow/rude service and other customers being loud and obnoxious.


parental money and credit cards.

my work hires lots of 22 year olds. most of them are getting an extra 1-2K from the bank of mom and dad per month, and loading up on debt. i've seen their statements that they download onto their work computers. kid making 40K a year has 15K in CC debt. (of course this same kid got fired because they were doing personal shit on a work computer).

poor kids live at home with their folks to have any semblence of a life.


yes. nightlight in my city is predominantly wealthy people going out every other night. i go out like a few times a month and people think i'm a weirdo/shut in. i used to go out more, but it was way cheaper to go out back then.

i can't be dropping $500 in drinks alone every week. but for a lot of people in my city that's entirely normal.


speak for yourself. in my city people shame you for not tipping 30%. I tip 20% and people tell me I'm an asshole.


we have a ton of these around me. they are post filled with junk books though. it's kinda sad. people just dump their used study guides, self help books and other trash level stuff. i find like one good book every other year.


Hard to be a God.

Advanced humans acting as implanted sociologists on a medieval world.


what is financial freedom? like, never having to worry about money?

because even billionaires aren't financially free then.


savings and COD are 4-5+% right now.


The landlords have much bigger pitchforks. Called the police, and the city government.

and they will fight any and every expansion of the housing market in order to protect their power and further increase housing values.


indigenous Hawaiians aren't the one filling the state's coffers.


every field trip i had had a permission form with the cost on it that had to be signed by a guardian or you were not allowed to go.

Turkey_Titty_city, (edited )

that is what is twisted.

a company that make ~20million year after year is considered a failure in the ethos of capitalism.

I run a small business that is non-profit. I am constantly fighting people who are screaming or shaming me we need to grow or what we are doing is not worthwhile... it's complete insanity how internalized the capitalism/stock market is for most people. growth at any cost. if we help 500 people one year, and 500 people the next, it's 'not doing enough'. we have to help 700 people the next year, and so on and so on. hire more people! do more event! etc etc. it's unsustainable.


zoning laws are the biggest single factor in limiting development, housing or otherwise.


Exactly. This is like the biggest problem with today's society. Everyone thinks they are unique and sigificant... you are not.

The dirty erotic fan fic stories you wrote when you were 14 aren't going to ruin your life if they are found. What will ruin your life is when you find out how little anyone gives a fuck about you.


dude, everyone says the housing market will crash for 15+ year now.

We have to accept the old rules of economy are out the window. govt will bail and stimulate to no need the second the market slows down.

this is the new normal. truth is our inflated economy can't ever allow housing values to go down anymore without causing a depression so the govt won't allow it.

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