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The phone market has been a lot like the PC market 20, 30 years ago.

Back then, you actually had an advantage by getting a new machine quite often, as the newer machine was so much better and faster than the model from the year before. It actually made a difference for 99% of the users: The text processing, calculating, or browsing programs ran way better and faster on the current model than on the one or two year older one.

Nowadays, any off-the-shelf PC fulfills the needs of 95% of the users. It runs Windows/Word/Excel (or whatever else they use) fast enough to not be an issue. The only people who still need the bleeding edge stuff are some high-end uses e.g. in engineering, and gamers.

Same with cell phones. Ten years ago, the annual new model actually provided a big leap of abilities and comfort. Nowadays, I’m replacing my 5+ year old model just because the battery is getting close to the end of it’s usability.


Jokes on him. There is a whole infrastructure to make windows games work on linux, except those that are explicitely programmed not to work on that.


I remember being forced to learn this in university.

I started CS from the POV of someone with several commercial projects under the belt and at the time being fluent already in five or six different programming languages. But the university where I started had had an issue - they had been way to theoretical (imagine people writing their CS thesis on a mechanical typewriter, and professors telling us that one does not need computer access for mastering CS!). So they had been more or less forced to include at least a bit of real world stuff into their blackboard and paper world. Which resulted in a no-excuse-mandatory beginners course in Turbo Pascal in the first year and Turbo Prolog in the second.

And I was not alone. It was painful. They showed a programming task to be done on the overhead projector, and about 90% of us could have just typed down the answer without thinking and be done with the weekly assignment in five minutes. Nope. Instead, we had to follow (and join) a lengthy, boring, and worthless discussion about the very basics of programming, before we were allowed to work on it. And woe to us if we did not follow the precise path that we had been “taught” in that lesson, even if it was done in a way that no normal programmer would ever implement it.

If they had given us all the assignments for the semester in one go, we would probably had finished them in one afternoon, including documentation and time to spare.

At least with Turbo Prolog we learned something new. First and foremost that there are strong reasons that nobody uses Prolog for serious programming.


Well, at least there are people who still use Perl.


In welcher Hinsicht ist es das neue Amazon? “Irgendwas Online Bestellen”? Das hatte Otto schon. “Ausnutzung von Mitarbeitern”? Das können die anderen auch…


Warte ab, bis sie Lager und Versandzentralen in anderen Ländern aufbauen.


Immer noch unendlich viel besser als USA

Eben. Aber wenn sie mal auf die andere Seite vom Teich expandieren… In Iowa dürfen Kids jetzt mit 14 Jahren sechs Stunden am Tag arbeiten, auch in gefährlichen Jobs. Und wenn das Lobbying für billig ausbeutbare Kapitalismus-Opfer so weiter geht, sind die Limits bald sechs Jahre und 14 Stunden täglich.


Klappt nicht immer. Erinnert sich noch jemand an den Versuch von Walmart, in Deutschland ein Bein auf die Erde zu kriegen?


Besorg’ Dir einen Presswürfel vom nächsten Schrottplatz, stell’ den gut sichtbar auf mit einem Schild: “Ehemaliger Falschparker”.


Selbst das “access=private” ist für manche eher eine Einladung. Und wird in den meisten Fällen entweder nicht gesetzt oder einfach ignoriert. Laut Zeitungsbericht wurden sogar schon illegale Mountainbike-Strecken hier im Naturschutzgebiet auf OSM gemappt.


Ja, und Naturschutzgebiete zu vergewaltigen ist OK, oder was? Drähte spannen ist zwar kriminell, aber ich kann mittlerweile verstehen, das manche Menschen das als Notwehr ansehen, wenn man sieht, was für massive Schäden Mountainbiker hier im Wald anrichten.


2)Welche Schäden werden denn durch Mountainbiker genau verursacht?

Frag da mal die Förster. Die Liste der Schäden ist lang. Und der Abrieb kommt da nicht mal drin vor. Hier im Wald (Naturschutzgebiet!) werden immer wieder “Trails” gebaut. Dabei werden Rampen aufgeschichtet, Äste abgesägt, Baumwurzeln durchgehackt. Der Boden wird verdichtet, der “Trail” wird bei Regen zu einem Bach, der Boden wegschwemmt. Und natürlich die Störung der Wildtiere.

Zitat aus einer Reportage des NDR:

In einer E-Mail bitten Revierförster des Deisters, eines Waldgebiets bei Hannover, um Hilfe: Die Fahrer würden mit Sägen und Schaufeln immer wieder ihre Trails kreuz und quer durch den Wald schlagen. Die Förster hätten keine Chance, an die Biker selbst zu gelangen. Mit Bußgeldern und vereinzelten Kontrollen wird die Region dem Problem nicht Herr.

Die Reportage, die sie hier im Naturschutzgebiet gedreht und gesendet haben, habe ich jetzt im Netz nicht gefunden. Aber dafür gibt es genug andere.

aber mir wäre jetzt neu, dass Mountainbiker für massive Waldschäden hauptverantwortlich wären.

Und wieder was dazugelernt.


Nicht unbedingt. Viele Frauen die auf Teilzeit gehen machen das wenn der Soziale Level der Familie gefestigt ist, also wenn Kinder aus dem Haus sind.


Da gibt es zwei unterschiedliche Probleme: Facharbeiter die fehlen, und Arbeitskräfte die fehlen.

Die ersten fehlen, weil Firmen nicht selber in die Weiterbildung investieren, gleichzeitig aber nicht gewillt sind, vorgebildeten Fachkräften auf dem Markt eine entsprechend attraktive Arbeitsstelle zu bieten.

Die zweiten fehlen, weil Arbeitgeber maximale Flexibilität bei minimaler Entlohnung erwarten - Arbeitnehmer, die wie eine Maschine ohne Seele und Verstand auf Knopfdruck zu- und abgeschaltet werden können, und mit möglichst wenig Geld abgespeist werden, am besten noch als Scheinselbstständige, die für 5€ pro Stunde noch ihr eigenes Auto ruinieren.

Does everyone learn the same gravity in school or is it different everywhere?

So, I learned in physics class at school in the UK that the value of acceleration due to gravity is a constant called g and that it was 9.81m/s^2. I knew that this value is not a true constant as it is affected by terrain and location. However I didn’t know that it can be so significantly different as to be 9.776 m/s^2 in...


Just don’t make the same mistake as one physics lab did. They made a series of measurements and their results showed that gravity quickly increases in fall, falls slowly over winter, and back to about pre-fall levels very slowly in summer. It took quite a while to figure out the reason of this unexpected result. They turned their equipment inside out to find a mistake to no avail. Then they realized that the university stored coal for the central heating and hot water in the basement under the lab…


Rounding of constants always depends on what you are calculating. Getting a rocket into orbit is a case to use the actual local value of g with a bunch of digits (and the change with height, too). If you build a precision tool, some more digits of PI are no bad idea.

But to calculate the lenght of fence to buy to surround a round pond, I actually used 10/3 for “PI plus safety margin” once.


See Wikipedia for this.


Can’t be that big, as the difference in mass close to the instrument only varied in the several tons category, but obviously enough to puzzle the scientists.


No, it isn’t. I have dined exceptionally well in the UK. Our Christmas dinner is based on an a recipe from an English cook. We have a Scottish cafe/diner in town which serves excellent food.

OK, I’ve dined horribly, too, but it is definitely not the norm - I made the mistake of ordering half a chicken in a fish and chips shop. My recommendation: Don’t repeat my mistake.


I once gave our telco/internet provider the permission to call me on my main number if they have an interesting update regarding our contract. That went without problems for over ten years. One or two calls a year, and usually something worth thinking about.

Then their marketing decided to pull all stops and call us, on all our numbers, not just the main one, but also the kids personal phones. And not only from their official numbers, but random numbers all over the country. We suddenly got a dozen calls a day(!) from them, offering the same two products (at least where we picked up and declined the offer) again, and again, and over again. We blocked numbers, and new ones came up. The block list went from two entries to over thirty. I had to threaten legal action got get our numbers blocked again, and get them marked as such according to our privacy laws.

Silence returned.


Calm down. While he got the biggest share, it is “just” 35 seats in a 150 seats parliament. He would need another 41 seats in coalition to get anywhere, which means (as his share is the largest) he would not only need one, but at least two partners willing to form a coalition with and a government under him.

While those 35 seats are still 35 seats too many, I doubt he will run the country.


I see the problem with it, but it also means they have not won (yet), and you can work towards the next election to fix it.


Well, the best way to fix political issues that concern you is getting active in politics.


How about finding the political party you find best, and join?


I don’t have one either

Well, then stop blaming politicians.


Oh yea? I don’t see the US deal with their blatant fashism problem. One of the biggest American fashism problems actually wants to get back into the White House.


Sorry, but I cannot help you decide what you want. Maybe it is time to think about that first.

What are your personal goals in life? How could you achieve them, what would be the path or paths to your goal?

Then you might find some political group that matches those paths or even goals. But finding clarity is something you need first and foremost. Anything else is “just” a consequence.


I don’t “subbornly refuse to engage with” it. I cannot help you to find your personal path to your goals.


You can stop insisting that this is my personal problem for a start.

What you do is inherently your personal problem.

Are you fine with the rise of fascism?

I am definitely not fine with that.

What are you doing against it and how do you believe is it going to work when it hasn’t all those past years?

What I can do, I do, and what makes you believe it has no impact? You don’t know what I do, and, for a number of reasons, I’m not going to make public what I do.


What the heck is your problem? Are you unable to do something by yourself? Can’t you be bothered to think on your own? EOD.


Ah, so you are just an asshole, not an idiot. OK, I get it.

I’ll still do my things, do whatever you think helps best, like pissing off people with the same goals.


Ahh, the good old RFCs dated April, 1st. This one is number 1149 ( A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams on Avian Carriers), and got later updated in RFC 2549 (IP over Avian Carriers with Quality of Service).


Das ist die Steuer, von der auch die Radwege mit finanziert werden. Denn von den Radfahrern selber kommt da nix.


Da die Abgaben der Autofahrer nicht reichen um die Kosten des Straßenverkehrs zu decken werden dafür allgemeine Steuermittel hinzugezogen. Wenn die Radfahrer Steuern zahlen zahlen sie also sehrwohl ihre Radwege mit (und die Straßen).

Natürlich. Zuzahlen tun alle Seiten.


Wofür? Und wovon wollen sie dieses Luxusprojekt finanzieren? Berlin jammert doch immer, dass sie kein Geld haben.

Has Windows startup repair or a troubleshooter ever fixed your issue even once?

Yeah, basically that. I’m back at work in Windows land on a Monday morning, and pondering what sadist at Microsoft included these features. It’s not hyperbole to say that the startup repair, and the troubleshooters in settings, have never fixed an issue I’ve encountered with Windows. Not even once. Is this typical?...


I had a number of occasions where Windows on my work PC f-ed up. None of the times, the windows “troubleshooting” wizard was anything but a waste of time before calling IT or digging into the problem myself.


Very interesting technique to get the widths of the glyphs uniform without them looking ugly in most cases. OK, one can make it look bad if you know the “pain points” of the system, but in normal flowing texts, the fonts do look good.


The sane choice would be to leave.


Just compare that to the US system with checks that needs days to process and clear…


A life-sized cardboard skeleton. I bought it as a kind of “paper model kit” with a lot of little plastic and metal clips included, and it used some clever tricks to get all those bones into their proper shape. Intended as a training / learning aid for medical students, it was labeled with all the latin names of everything.

It experienced several outings and trips in it’s “lifetime”, always riding shotgun and waving to the people I overtook. It attended a math and a computer sciene lecture in university (I doubt it understood a single thing from it), enjoyed a day at the “beach” (properly attired with a speedo), and a number of Halloween acts.

It lived in my room for a good decade, moved into the study in my house later, but started falling apart and requiring repairs so it was retired to the paper recycling bin one day.


Indeed I did. Not completly, as it started to dismantle itself (one leg was broken at the hips, and the arms were not much better), but of course I placed it into the recycling bin last, just before the pickup.


FTFY: EVs aren’t working to rise profits and bonuses.


Well, your decision to finally leave that hellhole is overdue then.


Then it is high time to change this. It won’t get any better - it will get worse.


Completely useless from many sources where I have to rely on a keyboard for entering passwords.


What part of the word “Keyboard” did you not understand?


I actually never picked sides in that conflict. Both sides are nuts, the Hamas are terrorists, the IDF commits war crimes, they are both evil.

I propose putting a wall around the whole area and wait for the noise to stop, either by them getting their acts together, or by having killed each other.


Well, you can say exactly the same about COBOL…

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