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While i agree that the person you’re replying to has a bit of a brash and elitist tone, they do have a point with line item #3 as they perfectly explained trying to stop victim blaming


I was recently able to take my kids on a big trip to California to visit family and take a trip to Disneyland for the first time, and I could really only afford it thanks to the generous financial support from family, especially since everything ended up costing us at least twice as much as we’d budgeted and saved for.

My brother in-law who’s in his 40s recently settled on getting back together with his ex-wife after lots of disastrous relationships (and their relationship was very disastrous too) and he’s constantly getting bailed out by his mother on basic household expenses due to constant impressively bad short term financial planning. He works at a factory making decent enough money which he could live off of with some basic budgeting (aka not spending literally all of his income on tattoos, piercings, music and alcohol) and his ex-wife who has her own host of issues works at a fast-food restaurant.

They told us that they’re going to take their kids to Disneyland in California next summer, and also tried to test the waters for inviting themselves to stay with my family. I suppose they can’t get much worse off financially than they already are so I should be happy for their kids of they manage to pull it off, but holy crap was it an obvious attenpt to one-up us


I’ve kind of come full circle on all this to where I no longer care.

I’m at a similar point. I saw how people who don’t think about privacy handle the world and realized its not so bad.

In the end its all datamining for targeted ads, which only works if I can see the ads they’re trying to target me with.

It also helped that I had a job directly working with the kind of data I worked so hard to block and saw both how unreliable the data was, and how much companies struggle to actually put that data to use


I recently went back to college and I’m now in my first professional role with real professional benefits and the difference is night and day

I got sick and had to miss a couple of days of work. I literally just had to send a single teams message from my work phone and could ignore everything else for the rest of the day and still be paid. I’ve had previous jobs where I’d be required to get a doctor’s note by the end of the day just to not be disciplined for my absesnd, which meant going to urgent care which costs more because i couldn’t make a same day appointment with my primary care doctor. Y’know all for a common cold

I went to go to the office one day (my job is hybrid) and found a 4 inch screw in my tire. I had zero obligation to explain myself for why I didn’t come in when I was expected. I had another time I had a different issue with the car for which I didn’t get around to mentioning why I didn’t come in and I never heard about it. My last job I had a very catastrophic flat and literally had to miss 2 days of work while I waited for shop to get in tires to put on my car

Every holiday is paid. I’ve had previous jobs where I had to burn literally all of my vacation time to not take a 20% hit to my paycheck for a holiday that I don’t even get the choice of working if I wanted to. I’ve had other jobs where I just had to accept that I’d have to take a hit on a paycheck for a holiday because I didn’t get any vacation time

If I have an important personal phonecall, I can just answer the call. I don’t have to do some song and dance about burning a timed break or saying out loud to everyone in earshot who sees me getting a call “oh this is an important call, I need to take this” I can just answer the damn phone and get on with it

There’s usually some snacks somewhere in the building that i can grab for free. If I don’t pack enough food and find myself getting hangry I’m not forced to spend my own money at the vending machine or to go to the store at lunch, I can just go grab a snack and be done with it. I also don’t have to wait for a break, I can just get up and go grab my damn snack without having to explain myself

Notice how every one of these benefits is not having to spend time and/or money to appease my employer


To add onto this, Goodwill is the worst thrift store, so try to poke around and find some mom and pop thrift stores. They do more good with donations and charge far less when you’re buying (plus will usually help you out if you are really in a bind and need something)


Same when you move out, don’t buy boxes

Bars and liquor stores are also great for getting good boxes because alcohol boxes are designed to hold a lot of weight


I live in an area with a Sams club a inconvenient distance away and no Costco, Sam’s has been getting less and less worth bothering with, as the prices are getting less competitive, and the product quality degrading as Walmart’s distribution takes its toll (don’t even get me started on the shit quality of Walmart these days) plus dealing with large quantities of product when you have a small home can be very annoying. At this point I only buy soaps, toilet paper and baby wipes at Sams Club and that barely comes out ahead of the membership cost, and I’ve already had to stop buying one of the soaps because they switched to only selling a container that would simply be too inconvenient at home.

Aldi seems to have the real food savings, although my last trip I noticed the prices had crept up a little, they still beat Walmart and the local supermarket chain on prices by far


I think the funniest part of this is I was recently preparing some laptops for work with Windows 10 and it literally took 6 hours thanks to slow updates, one laptop corrupting the keyboard and touchpad driver so completely it required a full reinstall (on a fresh install mind you) and other impressively terrible snags. Granted it would’ve been more like 1-2 hours if I started with an install image that wasn’t about 2 years old, but it was still impressive how much of a time sink it was


I have to agree, if you’re late or have assignments that don’t work correctly because of your special Arch/Nix install, you’re going to be in for a very rough time. College is when you need to focus on learning exactly what is prescribed by the professors and instructors. Anything else you learn is secondary, and your free time is best spent on extracurriculars and trying to make friends because thats the stuff that’s really hard to do after college. Y’know what’s not hard to do after college? Scavenge a junk computer for next to nothing and install NixOS and Arch on it


My instance has downvotes disabled so as far as I can see you have a positive score :)


I’d be teleported onto my wife, which would be fine except she’s finally sleeping after a few nights of not sleeping well so I’d be in big trouble for waking her

Spam calls and texts are driving me fing crazy anyone have suggestions?

After repeated data breaches that no company really seems to give a s— about my phone is blowing up with literally hundreds of spam calls and texts month. I get and make MAAAAYBE 2 or 3 important calls per month, 180-200 of the rest are literally all spam. Anyone have any suggestions, apps ect that they have found refuge with?...


The federal Do Not Call list is effective at weeding out legitimate companies trying to sell products that should be illegal, but scammers obviously have no need to respect the Do Not Call list. Unfortunately this is a problem with many sides, including captive regulators, insane wealth disparities between nations, cultural conflict, and problematic network protocols, so it will require action from multiple angles to fully stamp out


When I was a pre-teen I was trying out a Boogie Board and a wierd current pulled me much further out into the ocean with much more force than any of the other waves, but years of swim lessons had me more focused on finding upward and trying to stay in place than panicking so I got dumped back onto the beach conscious instead of needing the lifeguard to drag me out


When I’ve been watching the Republican debates and similar Fox News content I saw they have heavy advertising from some investment company that sells it as gold-backed securities or something along those lines. They know their audience and they’re collecting on that fact


I’d argue that video games need remakes and remasters far more than movies do. Video game technologies change a lot in 10-15 years, so a remake/remaster is an opportunity to improve controls and fix issues with running the game on hardware that hadn’t been concieved at the time of the game’s release. Plenty of old games have severe bugs, outdated controls or general issues with newer hardware (can’t handle widescreen monitors, buttons don’t scale for high resolutions, etc.) which can make replaying them a pain.

You sit down to watch a 25 year old movie and it’s pretty easy to watch, but you sit down to play a 25 year old game and it’s going to vary wildly if you can even get it to run in the first place, let alone if it’ll run well


When I read about that like a year ago gorhill had clearly stated that the mv3 version’s efficacy is severely kneecapped and while it works as well as it can it’s extremely bad in comparison to the present version on Firefox and Edge


Edge has been picking and choosing what features to carry over and off the top of my head announced they wouldn’t be merging in the most unpopular MV3 changes


If you are told to travel from one office to another though you should be paid for your time

This is actually law in the 'states. If you need to travel further than your normal commute you are paid for your travel time from your normal location to the new one and if you drive your milage is paid at a rate of 67¢/mile off the top of my head. I worked IT at a rural bank for a while and had to expense my milage pretty often as I went to branches 30-50 miles away to swap computers and whatnot


Met my wife on PoF as well about 7 years ago. Definitely a slog but I also now know that at the time I was a walking red flag factory


I always assumed it was just for ease of integrating custom kernels with the binary blobs needed to boot and run the cheap ARM SOCs, plus ease of hacking off and adding on bits as needed


40w is a lot of energy going into such a small space though! Granted, its off most of the time anyways but that’s still a lot of energy (and therefore heat)


Reminds me of the old joke “what’s the difference between libertarians and republicans? Libertarians know the legal age of consent in all 50 states”


I think the biggest factor is probably the hyper inflationary period we’re exiting (have exited?) which many companies used as an excuse to jack up prices much further than they needed to. Anyone who did not receive a raise in the last 24-36 months has effectively received a 10-20% paycut.

I can feel it in my own families finances. I went back to college and now make as much as my wife and I did combined in 2020 while my wife is now a stay at home mom and the money isn’t stretching as far as it was in 2020. On the upside my income ceiling is now significantly higher than it was, and my wife wants to start working again once the kids are in school


Evidence shows the government stimulus contributed to only a small portion of the inflation, and the largest portion stemmed from companies using inflation as an excuse to raise prices. I mean, have you looked at individual candy bar prices? They went from under $2 each to over $3 within the last 24 months! Individual soda bottles are getting close to $3 each as well, and don’t get me started on the cost of bags of chips. These are discretionary items and treats that saw a significant jump in price very recently that was far larger than inflation. I’m pretty frugal and my regular bi-weekly(ish) grocery bill has grown from ~$70 to ~$110 in the same period, a growth rate about inline with inflation, but when you look at individual items prices you can see a clear predatory “inflation adjustment”


The argument I heard is that all of the chatter about adblockers is causing normal people who don’t realize that adblockers exist to realize that they exist and try them out. I don’t know if there’s any evidence that this is actually happening, and I don’t know how much I can believe that argument at this stage


Hilariously you have to be careful what animals you mix with agrivoltaics. Goats chew the cabling and try to climb onto the solar panels and cattle run up against the structures holding the panels to scratch itches


It’s even crazier than that. On some versions of Android there is no webview, only chrome! I think that was around Android 8 or so they dropped webview then re-added webview in the next version


I think the better option is to start by moving it to the correct spot twice then the third time pull the evil. They’re truly asking for it if they don’t stop after the first or second time their truck isn’t where they parked it


Personally I’ll tip 10% or less if its an establishment that shouldn’t be asking for a tip, and 20% for an actual tipped profession. More ideally tipping will be phased out because these POS systems are letting it really get out of hand


Kwik Trip has the same mute button on all of their pumps, but not all stations have it labeled. I imagine it’ll be similar for other chains. But if nothing else press all of the buttons and any fun combination you can think of and see what happens! On many card kiosks pressing the 4 corners will force-reboot the computer in it for example


I see it as I’d rather give a meager tip than no tip if I incorrectly identify whether or not I should be giving a tip


If we don’t network everything how will we ensure the Cylons don’t have complete control over everything?


I can tell you don’t actually know any farmers.

  • Most farmers have much more work-oriented trucks because they actually use the truck part, especially hauling
  • The land value is meaningless except for tax purposes or when selling
  • Most farm houses are probably worth 50-100k without the acreage, if not less (this will vary by region, but locally to me they’re very small, modest homes
  • Most farmers don’t have recreational vehicles nor boats. Although I do know quite a few farmers with ATVs those are again primarily used for work, and fun is an afterthought with those
  • That 10,000 cash is only after harvest and before buying next year’s seeds

The real joke is how to get started farming, you’re either born into it or you marry into it because there’s no way to turn a profit if you don’t inherit the land


My anecdata is similar. The only people I know who drink budd/miller/any other cheap crap beers also happen to be trump voters


When I took the kids trick or treating there was one house with a fire pit that was offering candy, Pokemon cards or beer depending on the age and preference of the trick or treater


Boycot ISIS immediately for animal testing!


That’s about a day of work after taxes at my professional wage that I negotiated my workplace up to!


Craters also have the added benefit of sheltering the occupants from radiation and falling debris that the non-existent atmosphere couldn’t protect from


Thanks for outing yourself as someone to block


When I had to reinstall Windows 11 on a laptop at work with an 11th Gen i7 it took a good 30+ minutes of it faffing about between finishing the setup wizard and reaching the deskfop and when I to installed PopOS on a much older laptop with a 6th Gen i7 it took less than 5 minutes to perform the install


I have to agree, I have not had any of the infamous desktop audio issues in the decade or so I’ve been running Linux on things. I’ve had plenty of wake from sleep issues and plenty of other issues which are definitely my fault, but never audio


They finally accepted that the real money is in being the world’s datacenter rather than trying to make the default operating system for every computer, especially when some crazy nerds will do that for free


You can try it out before you install. Most Linux distro offer a “live USB” for install where it will boot a full copy of the distribution that you can verify all of your hardware is recognized and even try out the OS without touching your disk


Even friggin Microsoft Azure runs on Linux


Y’know how they say its only the tip of the iceberg? Yeah this iceburg is probably larger than the entire planet

Trainguyrom, (edited )

So I’ve never looked up Microsoft’s financial reporting before but from what I can glean they report 3 business units with the following revenue for 2023:

  • Productivity and Business Processes 69 Billion
  • Intelligent Cloud 88 Billion
  • More Personal Computing 54 billion

It’s not very clear where the gaming and Windows business units fall in there nor how they compare to eachother, but what is clear is that Azure is absolutely killing it in revenue for Microsoft

Here’s a report of the current market breakdown. Azure is over 23% of the entire cloud market and gaining ground rapidly.

I’ve probably made some errors in this quick data grab, but it’s extremely clear that azure is a significant portion of Microsoft’s interests right now.

edit: formatting, embedded chart

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