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While Nazi-Germany was infamous for ‘euthananizing’ disabled people, it is sadly not a principle reserved for the right extreme.

Luckily most don’t go as far as right out killing the weak. But sadly there is almost always a splinter group in any political or ideological orientation that shows contempt for the weak.


The government needs to take over things which are not viable for the private sector, but important for society to work.

Lets say privatisation of public transport: In countries where it is completely private, only major cities have reasonable connections. Because those are the most profitable ones. But if you want people to actually use public transport, you need to have a fine and widely spread net of connections. For that to happen either the state completely owns the public transport, or takes off financial pressure and only partially owns it.

Exactly this mechanism enables (partially) state owned organizations to run suboptimal. As explained in the example, this is a desired effect. But it also enables memes like the lazy state employee - which are at least partially true.


I am not saying that throwing money at the problem solves it.

But if you want public services to also cover non-profitable areas/groups, the government needs to step in with certain measures.


They never said, that they are annoyied by other ppl liking/posting it. They don’t like it, so they block it in order to not see things they don’t enjoy.

Thats how the internet works. Roughly 95% on the internet is not your cup of tea - learn how to find your 5%.


Pretty sure a normal goon would be intimidated by a barbarian. However, bigger physical strength is not always more intimidating:


Venice is a hard place. Pretty much every restaurant is a tourist trap. For good food it is better to have different appetizer sized things in bars and trattorias. Didn’t find a single sit down classical restaurant with good food for reasonable price.


Most of the articles writing about it seem to reference following reddit post:…/k9w3ei4/

Following code is pointed out:

<span style="color:#323232;">setTimeout(function() {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    c();
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    a.resolve(1)
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> }, 5E3);

While this is a 5s timeout, the code itself does not check for the user agent. So wherever the code is the 5s timeout will occur. The code also does not seem to be injected server side. I spoofed my user agent and for good measure installed a fresh google chrome, both times the code was present. So this code cannot be used to make any browser slower without making the other browsers slow too.

There is a response to the reddit post, which most articles seem to take their intel from. IMO this response does a good job at exploring what the code could be used for and points out that it is more than likely not for slowing down Firefox users:…/ka08uqj/

I am amused by thinking that many journalists seem to take this story from a post on reddit, without even reading the direct responses - or just copy from another article.


I said that i found different articles blindly copying. But i did not say 404 did so ;)


The code is not obfuscated. The person i linked to even formatted it nicely. I do not have the time or energy to go through all of youtube’s JS. But the 5s everyone is talking about does target every browser the same. Serverside the code isn’t altered based on browser detection.


This is not correct.

Most of the posts/articles reference following reddit post:…/k9w3ei4/ . It shows the code from your screenshot. However the code does not check the user agent and is not injected server side (I checked by user agent spoofing and using a freshly installed chrome). So it will run on every browser and cannot be used against some specific ones.

There is an answer to the post everyone seems to reference, which goes a bit deeper into what the code could do:…/ka08uqj/


The code is still present when spoofing the user agent or even using a freshly installed chrome. The demo video loafing faster after spoofing can be due to many different reasons.

If you want a better break down of what the code could be used for, this guy foes a good job:…/ka08uqj/


Guys relax. Most of the ‘research’ comes from this reddit post:…/k9w3ei4/

It points out following code in youtube’s polymer script:

<span style="color:#323232;">setTimeout(function() {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    c();
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    a.resolve(1)
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> }, 5E3);

But exactly this code does show up on a stock installation of chrome too, and it does not check for the user agent. One of the responses goes a bit deeper into what the code above could do:…/ka08uqj/

It is rather clear, that this code is not aimed at firefox users to slow down their loading time.


Yes, there is a 5s timeout in youtube’s code. However, it is not aimed at Firefox users.

The same code shows up on a fresh chrome installation without any extensions. And the code does not check for the user agent. So the 5s timeout is not there to make Firefox a bad choice for youtube. Following response to your link goes a bit deeper into what the code could mean:…/ka08uqj/


I know that you are memeing - but some ppl probably don’t have the background to see the difference.

A ping does not contain a http header containing a user agent. The response to a ping is not a webpage - and even if it was, your console won’t execute the JS.


I hope for you, that you don’t SSH into any random machine and just import their cert.

Usually you know the machines you are trying to connect to. That gives you the ability to add their cert to your trusted hosts before connecting the first time. So for browsing the WWW this makes not much sense, since you connect to way too many unknown hosts. It would create a ‘red is green’ mentality where users just import any unknown cert.

The only similarity i see, which makes sense, would be e-banking and such. The bank could send you their certificate with the login credentials by post.


If i want to sniff your traffic, ill set up another machine as MITM attack.

I guess as long as you stay inside a secure company network, it wouldn’t be that bad. But if you go through the WWW, my advice is to manually add trusted hosts.


Everyone who can read your unencrypted traffic has the possibility to intercept your encrypted stuff. So it is really not that hard.

But you don’t seem to be bothered too much about that possibility. So lets agree to disagree.


While i like ublock and use it myself, i hope not everyone uses it! There need to be different adblockers. Same as just one browser, or one forum is vulnerable to different things, so would adblocks be.


Even if everyone is using English, there will be cultural differences. I used to work at a company which had a lot of indian externals working on their code base. Whenever I had to work on a mainly Indian developed project i had to get used to how they wrote things. Usually things where named a bit different. Not by much, but enough tho throw me off a couple of times before i got used to it.

IMPORTANT: I am not shitting on how they used English, merely pointing out that they used it differently from how i would have expected.


I agree with you, that even the devil would run away from localised scripts.

Just pointing out that even if everyone is using English, there will be differences. These differences can make it hard enough - no need for more stuff on top.


I want to believe that you are right - but don’t think you are. I wanted to switch over to rumble. But, except two, none of the creators i regularly watch are there. Fine, let’s try Odysee: geoblocking my location atm.

The only reason, why i use other platforms is Grayjay. It aggregates content from wherever you want and creates one feed. If it wasn’t for this app, i’d probably only use YT with better adblocks.

That is the extent of their monopoly right now.


Same problem, except it is even more niche. Does not really make sense as a YT stand-in. Tied into a collected feed it makes sense, which luckily is enabled by apps like Grayjay.


Surprised noone mentioned NoScript yet. It requires a bit more user interaction. But if you are worried about privacy and maybe security, it is important to know who is running scripts on your machine.


Is this some kind of sweet water joke, I’m too pirate to understand?


I think this is a US problem. In europe roundabouts seem much more popular - drivers are aware of the rules and bikes seem to go along fine.

However, roundabouts are only efficient if all connected roads are about equally frequently taken. If one main road and three small connectors are on the same roundabout, the small ones may end up being softlocked.


Don’t use stupid browsers then ;-)


I have found three comments from you, where you insert yourself as an expert on what Open Source is/not is. Although you do link to some sources, you do so without arguing your point. IMO this is not a constructive way of communication. Since I believe your perspective is purist but overall not too helpful, I will go through the trouble an actually argue the point:

Your problem is following sentence published by the OSI: “The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several different sources.” Which FUTO does - they won’t allow you to put ads on top of their software and distribute it. But I hope that you would agree with me that GNU GPL is an Open Source License. However, they do have a copyleft which practically makes selling software impossible. If you use a library which uses the GPL, you have to make your sources available - which makes selling a compiled version a difficult task…

If we look at Wikipedia, we see following sentence: “Generally, open source refers to a computer program in which the source code is available to the general public for use or modification from its original design.”, Grayjay fulfils this. Wikipedia continues: “{…}. Depending on the license terms, others may then download, modify, and publish their version {…}”, you are allowed to download and modify Grayjay. They do not allow you to commercially distribute your modifications, which is a license term.

Lets look at a big OSS company. Red Hat writes: “An open source development model is the process used by an open source community project to develop open source software. The software is then released under an open source license, so anyone can view or modify the source code.” These criteria are fulfilled by the FUTO TEMPORARY LICENSE (Last updated 7 June 2023). Red Hat does not mention the right to redistribute anywhere I could find it.

To those who actually read up to this point: I hope you find this helpful to form your own opinion based on your own research.


Since they encourage ppl to write plugins, hopefully someone will write an import feature.


Not sure if the 145°C is a citation/translation error by the site. If the mushroom is boiled in water (e.g. hotpot), it will never reach those temperatures.


Seems to be a series of posters. The one OP posted is the only one, i could find, containing text.…/lg-rare-1990-unix-ltd-ed-feuds-wi…


IMO the constitution is that important to Americans, because they don’t really have tradition or culture to draw from. The USA is a very young country. Yes I know that technically modern day Germany, Italy and others are younger. However, those countries have many centuries of tradition and culture to draw from.

Pretty much every country has some form of ‘the highest law’, which is intentionally kept rather abstract. Afterall it is the framework for more specific laws to fill in and regulate daily life. But an identity and feeling of self for the USA pretty much started with the civil war. Which lead to the writing of the constitution, their ‘highest law’. The constitution is part of the creation mythos for the USA. A marking point of when people start to think of themselves as Americans, a sovereign entity. Since the USA, compared to other countries, doesn’t have much more culture to draw from, the relative importance of that one piece is inevitably higher.


This does not seem to be true. According to Wikipedia the Czech Republic has 9567 km of railways. This leaves them with a density of 0.121299336891 Railway/km².

Switzerland, which was listed as the densest in the Article, has 5317 km of railways. This leaves them with a density of 0.128787695288 Railway/km².


Keep in mind, that the dates of the data collection are 3 years apart (Czechia 2017, Switzerland 2020).


Stop using chrome! You cannot win using the browser provided by google. On Firefox adblock still works like a charm.


What adblock’s are you using?


Ok, then I guess my location is not being targeted yet. uBlockOrigin with NoScript works well for me. There where a couple of slipups about a month ago, but hitting F5 would usually be enough.


Spotted the American 🔍


I think you are replying to the wrong comment


I am sorry, but your comment does not make any sense. You call tankies fascist, which is derived from the italian Fasci: the members of the Italian national socialist party (Partito Nazionale Fascist). The german word for national socialism is Nationalsozialismus and members for short: NAZI

The modern day Chinese government is many things, but they are for sure not fascist. Even if socialism and national socialism have many things in common, they are the exact opposite of the extremism spectrum.


Neither of the two parties in the United States of America are actually left. Republicans are far right, Democrats are liberal and in the middle of the left/right spectrum.


You are painting an overly simplified picture. Look up Günter Grass if you don’t believe me.

TLDR: He non forcefully signed up for the SS, although disagreeing with the Nazis. Later he became a nobel prize winning author and member of the famous Group 47. In his publications he tries to get people to think for themselves - not exactly nazi doctrine.


Go and actually read about him! He was never proud of being an SS member, but never made a secret about it (hard to do as a POW of the Americans).


If people only would read history books and actually think about what they read… Instead it seems, most people around here just take their education from inglorious bastards.


What are you asking about? I don’t support extremist ideology - be it left or right. Extremism and violence was never beneficial to the political discourse or greater public. So i disagree with those ideologies. I vote on laws and elect people which i believe will keep extremism out of our system.

If it comes to the quality of someones work, private conviction does not matter. Sure, they might let personal beliefs bleed into their work. But there the beauty of Open Source comes into play: I can check it myself and if i don’t have the capability to do so, many others do.

So if they are on the far spectrum of something i disagree and i am very greatfull for good quality of work they provide for free, i might still give a small donation. If they are actually extremist, i prefer to let the authorities deal with it. Where i come from the police actually cracks down on this kind of people and they probably are better at doing so than me myself.

Just because there will be people who ask about freedom of speech… Someone way smarter than I said something like: “Your freedom ends where someone else’s freedom begins”. This should be the base rule to identify extremism. So to stay with NAZIs: A far right person who doesn’t want Jewish people owning a store infringes on someone else’s freedom. Therefore that person is an extremist, should not be protected by his freedom and authorities should deal with them.


Right now I am using their software - so are you. Even though there was again a post about one of the devs. In the very best case those where some rather controversial statements about how the Chinese government treats Uyghurs. I strongly disagree with those statements and am still using lemmy and suggest it to friends. IMO the technical solutions is sound and much better than reddit.

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