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I swear I’m not Jessica

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I miss subreddits like r/forbiddensnacks. I like lemmy for general communities, but niche ones aren’t active enough.




Nah. Older games are often less fancy, so gameplay and execution need to carry. Time culls the mediocre, leaving only the memorable behind.


Acceptable PCM would only have a libleft flair.

Change my mind.


There’s a diversity of ideas in spaces that could be described as libleft, and they often don’t work together.

Right libertarians centralize societal power in the hands of the rich, which doesn’t sound like freedom or liberty from authority to me. They’ll still fund cops to break your face if you threaten their property as much as a government protecting a state. “Existing socialist states” are fairly capitalistic and don’t allow people to oppose the ruling class. Doesn’t sound very liberating for workers to me.

The whole grid is fucked, as the constructs don’t have a universal meaning for the creators of it to capture in the questions that determine your score. Last time I took it, some of the questions basically marked me as being right wing or authoritarian for answering a question from a more socialist lens. The questions aren’t worded unambiguously, sometimes I strongly disagree with all options, and it assumes a level of ignorance from those taking the test. I don’t trust my government, but I want unaccountable capitalists to be squished by democratic systems.


How the fuck? That would take me an hour of writing and editing to post.

Then again, I spend most of that time thinking. Plus, delete a solid chunk of what I write to be concise. And I type slow.

Still impressive.


Maybe growing up in a warm, costal area makes it more common, but young women just wear similar outfits to most feminine streamers where I’m from. They usually aren’t making a statement about it, it’s just hot outside and they don’t mind showing off. It’s normal.

Some streamers do embody the meme. Some focus cameras on their ass. However, feminine streamers aren’t the majority, and most of them aren’t even that sexual. On a whole, men have more viewers, with almost every top streamer being male.

Part of why the discourse around sexual streamers seems so prudish is that they don’t dominate on twitch. There are a few popular ones, but women don’t even dominate the site; there’s just more of them than in the past. Most feminine streamers aren’t sexual. People see what they want to see.

The only male streamer ever suspended for showing his bare chest was crossdresser. Masculinity is normalized, so femininity is othered.


Non gaming streams have their own categories, and they certainly add value. Everyone loved the Bob Ross stream when it started, but now there’s something wrong with cooking or musicians? Some people who come for the sax player might get into games. Twitch has problems, but adding variety to their streaming platform isn’t one of them.

There aren’t less gamers on twitch because of non gamers. I don’t even think game streams have suffered much as a whole.


Leaving rats in Antarctica didn’t populate the continent with cold resistant rodents. Not all introduced species become invasive.


I prefer Jess.

I was building on the previous comment as well as yours because I agree with your point. Just like how ice based species won’t take over warm areas, species adapted to warm environments wouldn’t take over the south pole if left there. They’d die before they could adapt or evolve.

  1. All non liquid things that come out of a person are pieces of shit.
  2. I came out of a person
  3. Therefore, I am a piece of shit.

Valid argument right there.


Even Pixar recognized cops are assholes. I haven’t watched it in years, but I think he was also a bigot as well. He didn’t like that reporter car and looked down on the hardworking tow truck. The tow truck was the most productive and useful car in the town, but because he was a working class bumpkin, no one respected or appreciated him.

The sociopolitical commentary of fucking Cars. My goodness.


That’s what most Japanese Godzilla movies are like if we’re being honest. If you’ve only seen the original, I get why you might think Godzilla is usually a villain, but even the direct sequel had him fight another, more evil monster. Let’s be real, the human characters in most of those sequels were awful and boring. Those movies exist mostly for the monster fights.

If you’re unaware, just look up Godzilla’s dropkick to understand what I’m talking about. That scene might be the pinnacle of the silliness, but it was by no means an outlier.

Compared to the goofy trash that encompasses 90% of Godzilla movies, the 2019 Godzilla movie where Godzilla goes super saiyan was one of the best Godzilla films ever made. Big fights, badass moments, and human characters that exist to compliment the monsters. The original Gojira, Godzilla Minus One, and even Shin Godzilla aren’t comparable to or representative of most Godzilla movies.


Damn. This comment is more insulting than the first one.


Most movies have always sucked. We remember the good and forget the trash, so the past seems better than it was. Social media and other forms of entertainment have changed things, but never underestimate survivorship bias and nostalgia.


Not a fan of saying people only like something because they’re delusional. You can dislike something by your own personal criteria, but other people have their own.

Star Wars and superhero movies are often liked because people enjoy the characters, the world, or simply the action and artistry.

Not understanding that other people care about different things than you do is immature.


As someone who grew up with the goofy Toho movies, I felt like the Americans used that formula more than the Avengers formula.

The human characters have little control over the monsters, relying on Godzilla or Kong to win fights and only being able to help them do what they already wanted to do. That’s fairly in line with what the Japanese movies did.

Marvel movies have more quipy heroes with emotional backstories who rise to the occasion and save the world. There are some comedic human characters, but they’re sidekicks to the monsters and aren’t self aware like in Marvel movies. The monsters sometimes do silly things, but they don’t quip and aren’t sarcastic because they can’t talk. There’s tragedy in them being the last of their kind, but that’s never the focus.

I really think the Monsterverse has carried on the legacy of Japanese monster mashes fairly well. They’ve actually been on the better end of the spectrum.


Our economy and government view humans as disposable machines that barely matter. Of course animals dying in natural disasters are only a loss of assets to the owners.

The reason governments recoup some of the losses is to prevent inflation in meat prices which would make voters unhappy. They interfere in the free market in the worst way; when it should naturally force farmers to develop evacuation measures out of cold self interest. Insurance companies would raise rates as disasters increase in occurrence, so it’s politicians trying to appeal to clueless voters that are making things worse in this situation. Voters who are mostly ignorant to the unethical nature of our system and unwilling to support creating a better world.


Shooters work best when there’s plenty of cover or when projectiles move slow enough to dodge. Open world melee games often have wide open spaces with little cover, but shooters can’t work in those environments. Open world shooters need dense urban settings, areas with plenty of trees and shrubbery, or only have fights take place in those locations. When there’s too much wide open space, it becomes a game of waiting for enemies to peak and hiding to prevent getting shot. That’s not as interesting as fighting in close quarters where you can move around more and can choose when to engage enemies instead of waiting for the NPCs to peak.

Unfortunately, dense environments are also more demanding on computers, especially in open world games where you can go almost anywhere. In a linear games, areas can be blocked off and never need to be modeled, but open world games need to simulate a large area around the player, requiring even more resources. Heaven forbid the game needs to simulate the interior of a building 4 blocks away holding an NPC that needs to be able interact with the player at a moments notice. It’s why most open world games have loading screens when entering interiors or mostly inaccessible buildings.

Melee based games don’t need dense environments to have interesting combat, but shooters do, with denser and more dynamic being better. Open world shooters with dense environments need more beefy hardware to run, so they haven’t been possible until recently.


Far Cry often has foliage to hide in, and the main places where you encounter enemies have buildings, hills, or other cover. Animals sneak up on you using flora, otherwise you’d be able to kill then before they got to you. Far Cry actually designs around these problems, but it’s less repayable because hitscan gunplay is only fun the first time around. Once you lean the strategy, implementing it successfully requires little skill.

What actually made the Doom reboot and Doom Eternal have better gunplay than Call of Duty style games was making damage avoidable through movement alone. In COD style shooters, bullets travel instantly or move too fast to dodge. In multi-player hitscan can work because positioning and aiming takes skill, but in single player games, this isn’t the case. It becomes a game of hiding behind cover, shooting until you take damage, hiding until you heal, shooting until you take damage, and so on. It’s less repayable and not very deep.

Doom simply made almost every enemy ranged attack into a slow moving projectile. You have few long range hitscan weapons yourself, and your most powerful weapons have disadvantages that prevent long range fighting. However, if you stay close to enemies for too long, they all have fast and powerful melee attacks. This forces you to constantly move and dodge projectiles, attacking enemies with your shotgun before moving far enough away to dodge projectiles again.

What really makes wide open spaces bad in single player shooters is your inability to avoid damage. The best melee based games also make avoiding damage essential to survival. Hitscan shooters just can’t do it as easily, instead giving you enough health to get out of the open and behind cover. It’s less interesting.



TitleExcept I don’t have a Linux PC 😔


Help! I became obese from eating too much cum. 😩


This should replace the meme with the white dog.


I like potatoes, but hate most French fries


It’s not even that I hate fries either, it’s just that all fast food and most restaurants don’t do them well. I’ll eat cube shaped mini fries, thick and moist fries, or nothing. Potatoes are great though, only rivaled by onions for me.


I don’t know why you wrote anything after “capitalist.” Ignoring human rights violations is normal capitalist behavior.

The term is honestly worse than that. It’s about how the US government can make a future war with China less economically disastrous without hurting the delicate pocketbooks of the fragile owning class in the short term.


I hope when the fascists rise in your country you recognize that liberals are indescribably better than the least evil fascist. If Trump wins, I’m dead, voting is dead, and leftists will be the first against the wall. If Biden wins, the presidency remains only a small part of the equation.

Elections for representatives are often more consequential than having a more progressive president. State races are more obviously important thanks to issues like abortion, but they’ve always mattered. Some states even have a certain degree of direct democracy. Whether one should vote against a fascist dictator shouldn’t even be a conversation. We really should discuss the rest of the ballot and how we can get active in our community, but noooo. We have to talk about what should be the easiest fucking choice in our lives.


This is so far removed from the current political context that it’s like comparing apples and oranges to apples and stones.


I don’t know even know of a well informed, good faith position, left or right, where one would deny that Republicans are fascists. Some foolish leftists might say that all capitalists are fascists, but they still recognize Republicans as basically Nazis. Some fascists might argue they aren’t fascists, but if you actually fall for that, you’re dumber than dirt. A brain smoother than a mirror and smaller than a pea.


It’s absurdly ironic that you liken my “rant about fascism” to poor Americans refusing to question their vote “for tax cuts and against welfare.” In the situation that your enlightened ass vaguely remembers, those poor Americans didn’t vote directly for those policies that go against their self interest; they voted for the worse candidate out of the two options they had.

If the you view both parties as equally bad and voting for the better candidate as foolish, then those poor Americans couldn’t have actually voted in their best interests in the other situation. You argue that some Americans simultaneously vote for the worse choice, and that they don’t have a worse or better choice. Which is it? Are Democrats and Republicans equally evil aliens that will enslave humanity, or is one worse than the other?

You act like I’m unhinged and have brain worms for talking about fascism in the US, yet you cherry pick what sounds right from incompatible arguments to inform your worldview. You start from your existing opinion and Frankenstein facts together to argue for it. If I had to guess, you’re tired of hearing about American politics and think it’s simpler than it actually is. Maybe you’re cynical and think it’s all just a waste of time, but remain willfully ignorant about the serious consequences of our elections because it might make you feel guilty for promoting apathy.


From a perspective ignorant to the competing factions within our parties and their influence, I understand. However, I’m not going to pretend it’s an accurate or useful perspective.


If the death ray is the two party system, then some members from one party support plans to dismantle the death ray, while the other party wants to build something even worse than the death ray. If the death ray is shitty things both parties agree on in general, they usually have a solid majority of the population in support of the death ray. However, even explaining this to you is more of a response than you deserve.

You called me a wonk with brainworms for calling fascists what they are, ignoring everything I said after that about shifting the narrative to more important topics. I even explained how identifying fascists isn’t unhinged, yet you doubled down because you never actually cared about good faith discussion. It’s too late to walk back to a reasonable position when you made it obvious that you think taking politics seriously is stupid.

“There’s no shark in the water. Open the beaches so you don’t ruin the 4th of July weekend Brody. Quit being alarmist. It’s not like that many people will die anyways.”

Few things are more pathetic than lazy slimeballs like you, smug in their apathy.


That’s the beautiful part. I don’t blame CCP members doing their best to make things better in a shitty system. We must all do what we can to improve things for everyone with the hand we’re dealt. That’s all we can ever do and all we can ask of each other.

There are things worse about the American system than China’s, but the ability to criticize our government means there’s more we can do to organize ourselves and undermine the popularity of plutocrats. Our system sucks, but I can’t stand people who take that as a reason to sit at home doing nothing.


The worms didn’t write your insulting and useless comments, but have fun lying to grieving mothers that lost their kids to sharks about how you totally argued for closing the beach.

No one will remember you didn’t anyways.


Uses metaphors about alien death rays, yet can’t understand an obvious Jaws reference.

Unparalleled genius


Roll the blunt yourself or don’t inhale it at all.


Only if repressing it is equivalent to pushing it over. Then repression will usually make it grow larger. You can shrink it and make it less of a problem, even though it’s standing up. This requires confronting it through therapy or with similar outside help.


Not only good, but the definition of good. The concept of good only exists to describe him.


Being condemned to infinite suffering for finite sins isn’t cruel or unusual punishment.


Why what? Why would it be cool to kiss you right now? Why would kissing seem slutty? Why wouldn’t one want to be a slut?




Intimate consensual connection is fun and pleasurable I guess.


Common recent German government W


If Americans breathe Canadian smoke, will we all suddenly become nicer? Or more amenable to universal healthcare? Before you know it, we could have a handsome prime minister and a strong social safety net.

It’s terrifying.

I love how this guy writes a satire column for USA Today in its op-ed section. Still better sourced and more informative than NY Post news articles. Probably more genuine as well.

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