@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar


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@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Yeah and now we just have our social security numbers (if many states have their way) and Driver licenses being a nice database. Like we need a national ID system (not for 18+ material, just in general) since our current system is utter garbage because it was never designed to be used as identification material. The SSN system was hijacked for tax reasons and many banks and institution followed suit.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean if we are using that argument a disc copy is the exact same (in a legal sense*). You never own a game "legally", you only own the license. Just with the disc you have an ability to crack the contents inside it.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Yeah there viewpoint is honestly a bit too much about the cold indifference of the creative process but there is a bit of a middle ground where having hobbyist being able to use it for non commercial use isn't a horrible thing. Its far more problematic when a big corporation are allowed to use them freely and will snuff out these creatives to save a few bucks.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Minor point but its all technically down on the developers. You aren't forced to use Steam DRM and several games don't use it at all. For instance Witcher 3 on steam is DRM free and it functions basically as it does on GOG. Where you can just move the game to wherever and launch it.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I haven't read a ton of Dahl's work as a adult but I have been going through the Lovecraft collection and the racism is sort of baked into the work. I'm not saying throw it out if anything the only thing positive I can say is Lovecraft work probably wouldn't have worked so well if it wasn't his idiotic racist views since in a way a ton of his work is based on fearing the outsider and basically is racism in a super hyperbolic way. I do however agree mostly with your other point that the big problem is supporting currently alive creators since consumption does sort of benefit them allowing them to push their views in the real world.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I'm not saying cosmic horror is inherently racist but how HP Lovecraft wrote it was absolutely inspired by his racism. Shadow over Innmouth could be seen as a very heavy handed metaphor for Interracial marriage. Also can't remember the actual name of the short story but HP Lovecraft for some reason found the need to point out a Jewish merchant gave someone a cheap or free Necronomicon, it was really on the god damn nose.

I mean I love the concept of cosmic horror but we would have to be blind not to see how racism especially HP Lovecraft version of it was heavily flavored by his bias and racism.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean depends on how old you are but before tiktok, kids were getting their views from youtube. I think the ship has sailed since social media has been a part of child or I guess more accurately teen development for nearly 20 years now. Like in those days it was friendster, myspace, etc causing drama.

I'm not here to say its great either just that the target has been moving for the past 20 years now.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean it depends on what kind of content will be allowed. If we are sticking to text and "small" images only with maybe relying on embeds for larger files like images or video maybe but the reality is hosting a social media site gets expensive. Hell there is a very good reason we will likely not see many competitors to Twitch or Youtube since they are an inherently unprofitable businesses, bandwidth is expensive, heck even storage is expensive. The free internet may be slowly disappearing for better or worse.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean at this point its not worth engaging since this is an account that was made only an hour ago and this last argument is so fucking silly.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

They will just censor it. I mean they censored nudity on it (I'm not advocating for it, just they have the capability for it). Its just better not to drive traffic there.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Comes to mind also how XCom 2 insisted on turn limits,

I mean I would argue sure they were a bit too tight and I'm 100% down for increasing them but Xcom (2013) did have a problem with overwatch creep. Where people were legitimately optimizing the fun out of the game. Time limits force you to make less than optimal decisions where it works very well with the setting of Xcom 2 where you are a rebellion force, you don't have the luxury of taking things at your pace. You need to strike and get out before a larger response force come in to take you out. The only negative to the turn limits is you being forced to trigger pods early and pods waking up give them a free move action.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

It is a bit unfortunate there won't be any attempts for multiplayer in that new game though (at least by the devs, they likely know the modding community will do it).

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Okay but you know expanding the court is a nuclear option. Like the current place we are in is there are 6 "conservative" judges and 3 "liberal" ones. So you would need to introduce 4 new supreme court justices at minimum to upset the current balance. While you are sort of ignoring the Senate has 49 republicans, 48 dems, and 3 "independents". So who again confirms supreme court justices? Oh yeah senate.... This is also ignoring you would have to make a new act to set the number of supreme court justices to 13 and who has majority control over house again? So lets fast forward to some future where dems have unquestionable control over the legislative branch of government where they can't be filibustered down. What exactly stops conservatives from just increasing that number once again to 18 or so when they have control?

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Like I'm not happy with the current circumstances but we have to remember there are many systems in this and if we ever get around to do said changes they have to be done in a careful way since they can absolutely backfire on us. Like I'm quite aware many conservatives play dirty ie "you can't appoint a supreme court justice on an election year, it should be based on the voice of the people" that was quickly ignored once it was advantageous to do.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Hell lets be honest here, I think many advertisers do sway more heavily conservative but the problem is advertisers want stability. Elon basically opened the flood gates to let anything go (as long as he agrees with them) and that created massive change at once. So you have to play the game of pandering to your audience who are likely going to be on the left just due to the left being a far more numerous group and no big advertiser would want an ad anywhere near a racial tirade. Like the higher ups of these corporations can and may be incredibly racist but you don't want your brand associated with it since you basically cut off a sizeable part of your market in the space you are trying to advertise. At the end of the day they want money and they don't want to rock the boat visibly.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean because these idiots think adults doing what they want is perpetuating sin and they are "InDoCtRiNaTiNg" future generations to be as sinful as they are. So they are fighting a cultural crusade for the morality of this country (lets just ignore we aren't even past the average lifespan of a human (in the us) yet since the civil rights act, which acted like it was perfectly moral and just to exclude blacks/minorities from public accommodation just because they were born with a certain pigmentation of skin)

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean to be fair even though corporations fucking suck. Most commercial leases are typically longer than what you would do for residential. So it can range from 3-10 ish years(3-5 seems to be a common number). There is always the option to exit them early but there are typically pretty costly negatives to doing that.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

It is a can of worms we were going to have to figure out either way. The power of these tools are impressive but they can get a little out of hand as shown with fools making NSFW mods with them but that is only one aspect. We have to keep in mind we can see companies screwing VAs out of jobs because of this tech as well which will likely have far more importance. In a way this tech can also be liberating for bad actors since we are now entering into a new phase of "Post truth" reality or I guess it may be better to say the democratization of fake news/false narratives, we were already at the door of this era but these AIs put us way past that door now. Its rather unfortunate since the power of this stuff can lead to some insanely cool concepts. Like the idea that fans could in theory restore cut content from games and even be able to replicate voice acting to make it feel closer to the original game. Hell how about inserting voice acting in games that never had it or were nonviable to have voice acting for every character in things like Baldur's gate, neverwinter nights, planescape torment, original fallouts, etc. Many of these games are beloved classics but they are sometimes missing some of the things we are used to in more modern games.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Honestly these types of issues can be a bit hard to protest against publicly due to the public perception of it especially in a deeply religious state like Utah. Sort of the reason why some bills get odd names that may be the opposite or have other riders that make them far worse For instance, "So why are you protesting the 'Stop puppy stabbing' bill, do you like stabbing puppies?! Are you a monster", when there was a rider or clause that make the bill terrible. You may think I'm exaggerating but we seen these issues with the colloquially named "Don't Say Gay Bill" where the wording of the bill was quite vague and that was a problem but people going against it were always asked these stupid questions of "Do YoU WaNt TeAcHeRs ShOwInG KiNdErGaNdErS ThRoUgH ThIrD GrAdErS PoRn?"

A school district may not encourage classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in primary grade levels or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.

Like its iffy since this law is super fucking vague and the "Or" is doing some massive lifting right here. So supporters of the bill only care about the K-3 (primary school) part but ignore the 2nd half of the bill (either willfully or ignorantly) and how that is the problem of the bill.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Even if Biden wanted to pack the court, the numbers just aren't there to support that action. Like we can't really have a discussion when there is "half" of this country who are just looking at this saying this is good and even if it is "politically" loaded its on their own team, so why care.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Its clear you are being an idealist. It just seems rather unrealistic. You may not like the idea of "voter accountability" narrative but it is the bloody answer. Nearly 30% of eligible voters didn't even bloody vote and I'm talking about the 2020 election. Which is the election with one of the highest turnouts in recent memory. Also we as voters should be participating in the primaries/caucuses, it is a part of our civic duty. We can desire accountability from our candidates but we voters also need to be accountable for our (as a whole) inaction, primaries have an attendance of around 30-20% for both parties combined. This calculation is also only based on votes during primary divided by eligible voters in that state. None of the values I have found divide the number of votes by the amount of registered party members and I feel that number will be a bit more enlightening even though it will be flawed unless it was a closed primary because Democrats are thought to have the higher population appeal but my own assumptions would tell me they are also the ones who are the least likely to attend these events even though these events are the ones who decide who will be the running on the ballot in the general election.

Sure you may want to be this idealist but face the fact that authorities aren't the only ones who need to be held accountable.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I can understand that frustration with voters. How about we demand legislation making the vote mandatory (like australia) or that all votes be made federal holidays?

So charge the poor because their work doesn't give them days off on voting day. I mean we can push for things hell the whole covid thing has actually helped quite a bit for pushing mail in voting. I think this has been bloody great since it allows people to research their candidates at length and mail in your ballot once you are done and ready. It should just be an automatic thing but many will fight against it.

My point is that the authorities are in no way being held to account and that I'm sick of people only putting the blame at the feet of the voters. We can't even trust candidates to act as Dems, such as Sinema or Cotham. Why is a call for greater candidate accountability at all "idealist" in the face of this stuff?

So tell me how you plan on holding them to account? Realistically the only thing you can do is vote them out in the next election, which again falls back to the voter to be aware of what they did and make sure it doesn't happen again. The only thing else would having to be proposing a provision in the law for a recall but beyond that the answer is always going to be a vigilant and active voter base. We live in a world where people can barely give a shit about politics already

ThunderingJerboa, (edited )
@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

A negative impact I think you lightly touched upon but want to further expand upon is how will this affect social change in this country. Like lets imagine we go back and say somehow we as humanity discovery this biological immortality around 1886ish (this is going to be very Americancentric) and again lets abstract this and say its given to everyone even though that is unrealistic. I don't think we as a society would have made much progress in terms of rights for women and minorities if we had the lead weight of these god damn fossils outdated view points (their children sort of prove that with the whole bullshit of the daughters of the confederacy and the impact they had in the last 100 years). Hell that is a problem even in the modern world, where our politicians are ancient people in their bloody 50-70s, like congress' median age is 58, some of the most active voters are also the elderly. So we see this problem in the current world and it will only get worse if people had immortality. This doesn't even talk about the idea of the impact this will have on the economy, the idea of retiring is already a foreign concept to many people in this modern world and once again this problem gets worse with immortality since you are literally going to be forced to work till you die.

Like immortality is cool as a concept when its only given to you and a few people you want to select but it gets bloody messy once its a thing that can be handed out willy nilly. It can apply to many concepts like the idea that humans no longer have to sleep, bloody awesome when its only a select few people but once its the norm and seen as the standard it will affect so many different aspects of life. "Well you don't have to sleep Johnson so work for 16 hours or you will get shitcanned because I will find someone who will!".

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

The sadder part is its probably only now. Its not that rare to have cops rehired in the same jurisdiction once the heat dies down and possible be eligible for backpay.

The Great Grift: More than $200 billion in COVID-19 aid may have been stolen, federal watchdog says (apnews.com)

More than $200 billion may have been stolen from two large COVID-19 relief initiatives. That's according to new estimates from a federal watchdog investigating federally funded programs designed to help small businesses survive the worst public health crisis in more than a hundred years.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean but it isn't. Its weird but if you are at least semi familiar with the concept of a feudalism its a closeish example. Every franchise owner who basically pay MickyDs to use the branding as long as they pay a cut to the corporate (the King/emperor of the MickyD's kingdom) and all these franchisee are just their own counts/countesses of their own demesne with orders coming from the king and them paying a tax to the king, meaning they all are just small businesses (as weird as that sounds) using the branding of Mcdonalds and popularity of it to drag in customers. This is also ignoring the fact that many of these fast food shops were able to stay open with very minor interruption with their workflow besides closing down their main dining rooms and that is the far larger problem at hand. Why should a company who may be slightly affected by these lockdowns be paid for still being able to operate if not making even more money than prior.

"Antiwoke" magazin on kbin.social posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin. (calckey.social)

@ernest how do I report a Magazin on kbin.social ? There is a usere called "ps" who is posting to his own "antiwoke" Magazin on kbin.social. Please remove this and dont give them a chance to etablish them self on kbin.social. When I report his stuff it will go to him because he is the moderator of the magazin? Seems like a...

ThunderingJerboa, (edited )
@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar
It made sense back when everyone was, more or less, on board with the program of western civilization. We may not all have been Christian back then, but almost all of us were, and everyone supported Judeo-Christian values without question. Homosexuals were regularly taken outside and beaten to a pulp, so it was extremely rare for anyone to think such behavior was acceptable.

At this point we need to ask ourselves what the purpose of freedom is. Are we a free people so we can exercise perverted pleasures of the flesh, the slaughter of innocent babies, and genital mutilation of children without their parents knowledge? If you answer "yes", you just might be repeating the whisper of a demon.

The purpose of our freedom is to worship God as we see fit, and to do His will. In the past we never needed to spell that out, because it went without saying. Different people have different views and belief systems, and they're all valid provided they all worship God.

As secular society grows, we lose the underlying reason for our freedom. Freedom is still a valid concept for anyone who knows how to use it correctly, and who understands that the ultimate freedom is the freedom from sin, which is achieved by accepting Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior.

But for those who think the purpose of freedom is to follow Satan, to abuse themselves and others, to commit endless sins, and then, most evil of all, to celebrate pride in their sin (as if they don't even understand that pride itself is a sin), no, I no longer agree that people are entitled to live their lives in the way that they want. They're entitled to repent, and once they do that we can discuss freedom.

Here is your exact quote, there is no "misrepresentation" here. You are firstly suggesting that the gays are worshiping (indirectly or directly) Satan and have no right to "freedom" because your fictionally sky daddy said so. Lets take a step backwards, so you are suggesting your all loving god, basically has doomed 3/5s (if not more until the white people came) of the world because he decided to only care about Europe and part of the middle east for hundreds to thousands of years because this all knowing being somehow couldn't have stable and growing amount of worshipers in Asia, the Americas, Australia, the pacific, etc dooming them all to hell (or purgatory depending on your denomination) because they as you say can't be able to accept "Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior."

You yearn for a day when everyone (in your neighborhood) had your stupid sky daddy's beliefs and if they didn't you wouldn't pull the trigger or what not but you aren't opposed because now we live in a world of sin and whatnot and you want them to repent because they decide to have their freedom that is instill upon them because they are born a fucking human not because a fucking fictional sky daddy said you have it.

It god damn hilarious you are also reiterating god damn fanfic, the cardinal 7 sins weren't a major concept until they were first enumerated by Pope Gregory I in the 6th century and further expanded upon by St. Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century. Then to top it all off, we as a modern society mostly know the configuration of hell by a god damn self insert fanfic by Dante Alighieri in "Divine Comedy" or to be more specific Dante's Inferno.

Also seems you aren't very godly if you aren't even following Jesus' own words

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39),

Your love seems very conditional on the concept that they have to worship your god before they deserve any love. Its honestly disgusting and you are the posterchild of why people hate religious nuts. People can worship what they want if they aren't hurting people but holy shit the shit you are willfully allowing by decree people deserve no freedom if they don't have Judeo-Christians.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Why are we in the fallacy that we assume this tech is going to be stagnant? At the current moment it does very low tier coding but the idea we are even having a conversation about a computer even having the possibility of writing code for itself (not in a machine learning way at least) was mere science fiction just a year ago.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean its just a shooter that follows in the footsteps of wolfenstein/doom with very maze like designs with a reliance of colored key(cards), secrets in walls, where you are typically holding your whole arsenal at once. I wouldn't really call BF1942 a boomer shooter or any of the older BF games part of the genre, which is mostly mirroring.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

The playtests were streamed/vod'ed. Its only 15 bucks and there is no secret monetization. Its just a return of simplicity. Once people got the ball rolling, its a bit hard to stop. This isn't to say its not a flawed game since honestly the progression sucks and there needs to be a bit more balancing since its tiring to see the same 4 or 5 guns over and over again.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean the part of the problem is people have this irrational hatred of moderators. Like obviously some of them are power tripping people but I think people sort of forget these at the end of the day volunteers who are making the place actually usable for its purpose. Obviously this isn't to give them a free pass and they are as fallible as any other human and should be held accountable when they make mistakes but it feels so many people want a perfectly moderated space but without the mods.

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