@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar


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@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I have a 6TB one and yes mostly for single player games since loading screens typically aren't that big of a deal. OS always goes on your best drive and you know you can have multiple drives in a singular pc since you are sort of implying you can only have 1 drive.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean games that finally make use of SSD speeds sure but most people have games before SSDs were standardized. Hell most people's libraries are filled with those. Hell you don't even need NVME drives since most games never make use of them. Until games start actually using direct storage the difference between sata and NVME are very minor for games at least.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

You don't want the "3 day special operation" brought to you by raid shadow legends?

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean it isn't but sort of is at the same time. It firstly depends on what kind of kickstarter it is. There are many ways where its just a system for a publisher to gauge interest in the project. Those are typically just preorders however many others are just throwing money into a well and hoping something comes of it. I get people's hatred of crowdfunding and it can easily be a trap. Where a ton of people are just there to get the money and leg it or who are simply too incompetent to use the funds properly. Hell even experienced developer can be too incompetent, double fine studios/Tim Schafer is a poster child for this. While I love their work, they had a horrid run with crowdfunding and I guess it should have been expected since they are always late and overspend on their budget when they were working with publishers.

Now with all the negatives said, I think crowdfunding in all its forms can lead to wonderful project that simply couldn't have existed due to a lack of interest by publishers. Hell I doubt we would had Baldur's Gate 3 without crowdfunding and this isn't talking exclusively about BG 3 since the Divinity Original sin games really got the ball rolling for Larian Studios. Crowdfunding can lead to the rebirth of genres once thought dead.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

But we already have award shows that are like that, we have DICE awards, BAFTA Games Awards, GDC awards. This event is clearly just a commercial for many publishers. Noone is forcing devs to appear here. Hell I think it would be fucking great some devs just don't appear just to snub this award show. If the audience actually cared about recognizing developers they would watch the other 3 awards, this event is just about the hype machine and game trailers.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Isn't that the sad part about gaming media/journalism. They are all for banking on the drama about "no appreciation for the devs from the vgas" but chances are their front pages are filled to the brim with things announced during the VGAs. While they do nothing to really highlight the actual meaningful award shows for game developers.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I think this is a bit revisionist. You even say the real answer, Greg likely wasn't getting a cut he thought was sufficient, he had a falling out with Jirard probably due to said cut not being enough. So he requests Jirard pulls down content that has him included because he doesn't want the man profiting off his work. Its a mixed bag and I can see both points of view but lets not include "new bad thing happens, this is the 'true reason' ________ left" moment. Its no secret that mixing friends and money can easily lead to a falling out, I just find it silly whenever there is drama we have to add our own conspiratorial twists when we already have a very logical reason why X happened. Unless Greg chooses to confirm this is the reason why he left its pointless to assume its this way, hell even if he does confirm it we have to keep in mind, people are willing to lie to get seen far more favorably and jumping onto a dogpile is pretty easy. Greg hasn't really kept an online presence, so I may actually believe him far more than if it was another content maker doing this because there is far less to gain from this.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Okay Completionist started 2011 or 2012, he has a costar named Greg and it seems they met at college and were friend. Greg played the comic relief of the show at the time. Fast Forward to 2015, he leaves unexpectedly. Then fast forward another 2 years when in 2017, Greg I believe with lawyers told Jirard the completionist to unlist all the episodes Greg has appeared with. That is basically the story of Greg. It seems there were issues with extended work periods that didn't gel well with his schedule and priorities and good for Greg understanding that since choosing loved ones over work is rather important. It seems Greg got shafted because Him and Jirard had a falling out and there was no formalized contract between them since he expected friends to look out for each other. It sucks but I consider money to be a part of the equation with the removal of those old episodes since he didn't like the company using his image to earn a profit.

Also take this with a grain of salt but apparently he also made a post about it on reddit in the past with these lines

"It is extremely difficult to move on from a project that I helped create for so many years. Not only were we building the show as a creative outlet but, also as a source of monetary stability for the both of us. Both of these are no longer true for me. While we may have not put in precisely equal hours on the show, I believe that had Jirard and I's mind not morphed into one for four years, TOVG would not be what you see and enjoy today."

This could be a random poster and not be Greg, seeing as this is their one only post. I just don't think its a huge leap that money and friends typically don't mix well. Money breaks bonds in so many different ways and its a prime reason why I don't like dealing with loans with friends or family. It really rarely ends well.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

You are good mate, this stuff just always happens where it gets a bit annoying. We see this in the drama cycle where news comes how X person is an awful person or did something wrong. We know about Y events that happened in the past so people try to draw Y events around this new bit of news but we don't really live in a fictional world where all these plotlines/events all culminate into something satisfying. Life is a rather complex thing and it makes it feel so small when it all culminates into every event we the public know about a public figure have to fit into each other like a complete puzzle when huge portions of a public figure's life is typically shrouded in mystery.

Why do people hate on mobile games, call them "not real games" and mock them, when some mobile-exclusive games are the best games I've played?

The Infinity Blade or Minigore series, for example, or anything made by Illusion Labs. These games are genius and most consoles don’t even have a touch screen or utilise it well like some smartphone games do....

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Hell while I'm not the biggest fan of apple or its products. It was fascinating to see many people complaining about the price of the Resident Evil Iphone ports going to cost a full retail price. While we haven't seen them released yet and can't vouch for its performance or looks but the idea of playing a full AAA title on your phone and asking for it to be priced in a normal mobile range (5-10$) is god damn insane.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Sure there is a ton of elitism in gaming but are we going to ignore mobile games are the birthplace of the shit monetization we see in modern AAA gaming. There is a reason why sports games and mobile games were the only gaming related things Konami wanted to do for the longest time (now they are just cashing in on lazy ports). Low expenses, high turnout! Like there are a likely a ton of great games on mobile phones but we can't ignore the market is filled with glorified slot machines. Many mobile gamers have been pushing for this unfortunately.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

While yes that is the level headed answer but gamers aren't level headed. People associate people with their game choices with the decisions of the developers/publishers all the time. We see this with people who do Gacha, COD, Etc. Where people's hatred is for these people for supporting said things. The "true gamers" see most mobile gamers as gamblers and children because of the industry/monetization around it.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Are we going to ignore FSR and XESS probably wouldn't have existed without this push? Like even if you don't use Ray tracing I think its fair to say you can benefit from DLSS (even though one can argue its a cheap gimmick to raise your fps count) but having it as an option is a good thing.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

How can you implement anything meaningful with ray tracing when shocker, not everyone can use ray tracing. Games are unfortunately designed for the median crowd. I would argue maybe the next console generation shall be that point when ray tracing is the norm. We have seen this fairly recently with SSDs, where they floated around for nearly 10-14 years in the consumer market being a cool piece of tech but most games were being designed for a hard disk except now most consoles have SSDs as the base standard, so this means the game can be designed around that specification and take advantage of it. Even though I am a PC stan, I understand consoles have a huge impact on the gaming industry.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I think the lore is very mixed on it since even though people love the EU it basically meant every author sort of did different things with it. I believe a common thing with the armor is it does stop the blaster rounds but would make the user's incapacitated. Copout I'm aware but we also have to remember that stormtroopers were always meant to be the elite and most dangerous force but due to them going against people with plot armor they couldn't be good at all. So we have a generations of people who sort of internalized that and basically continued the meme that stormtroopers can't hit the broadside of a barn (even though they were pretty effective in 1 the opening scene and 2 with the rebel base).

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Hell arguably in the top 10 VR games that is an "actual game" (instead of the typical sandboxes afforded to vr).

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I think it just depends on how long they can do this. I think they are banking on getting the fortnite kiddies hooked on the store. They typically have far less disposable income (yet they still charge kids for 20$ skins), they will most likely not have a super large steam library (probably due to the aformentioned skins) so they are banking on the store being that kids default to Epic rather than steam. Its not terribly odd since Steam basically did the same thing, when it used to have those mega sales with the flash sales and the such. That is when the love for Steam basically exploded and its been cruising on that hypetrain for a while.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I would agree unless the carjacker appears to have a gun. Like its not great a 13 year old died but with how weapons are designed. Its quite easy for a 13 year old to end a life (intentionally or not) if armed.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Please take a moment.

A detective testified that surveillance video showed the two suspects going to the car as they both put their hands on their waistbands, as if to indicate they both had a weapon.

Now please consider what you just said, while acknowledging the context.

On a more serious note, are you implying cops have futuresight? I sure hope that is what you are implying. Since you have to be a fool to take a fucking threat lightly no matter the age of the individual who is perpetrating it. I'm sorry but a 5 year with a fucking gun can kill someone, sure as hell a 13 year old implying they have a gun who is trying to car jack someone may be seen as a credible threat. its unfortunate that this young man didn't find a way to be a productive member of society and with his death he will never find that. We can't lose sight that if you bring/suggest you brought a deadly weapon into a situation you have forfeited your right to life (you can't infringe on another person's right to life and expect no pushback for it) until you are disarmed and immobilized. You may take this as pro cop talking points but no this is being a fucking realist, it can happen to anyone at anytime.

Cops should be held to some of the highest standards. They are in theory the enforcers of the law and the public would lose trust if that gets abused. That is why we are currently in the situation we are in right now. Cops are being recorded and rightfully so. The justice system already favors cops. So I'm 100% down for being skeptical of cops but in this case I'm sorry you are way out of line.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Its a bit funny since isn't a large following for lemmy in the super super far left end of it to the ends of communism and Karl Marx states

Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary

― Karl Marx

So you are trying to label your opposition as "redditors". Your human life is being threaten, not your car you numbnuts

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I'm going to be put on a cross but I disagree. Its a balancing scale, one shouldn't ignore all other aspects because they favor one, its fine to prioritize one over the others but there shouldn't be a huge gap between them especially in the AAA field. Dwarf Fortress is a perfect example. It is one of the most mechanically deep games around and I think its wonderful at what it does but it is almost unplayable for most people until fairly recently because most people don't like Ascii. Hell even something like Aurora 4x is very mechanically deep but looks like a glorified spreadsheet, everyone has their breaking point and unfortunately for me Ascii is that out. I think many people throw away graphics since the AAA likes to glorify it too much but I think for a soulslike game, graphics need to be the 2nd most focused aspect because I consider animation quality a big part of graphic budget and I'm sorry a soulslike where there aren't good animations is a very bad soulslike. Predictability and reaction are a huge part of that subgenre.

Edit: Everyone has their own values on what they are looking for in a game and its specific subgenre, the recent debates about Cities skyline 2 shows this where people are some reason fine with a game like that being targeted for 30 fps. While sure its playable, I think we are in a modern era of gaming and 60 feels it should be the standard everyone shoots for.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean the big part of why I want the steam version is the mouse control (also waiting for adventurer mode, which is something I did actually play with original ascii DF with tilesets later down the road), yes yes I know its slower but when you are learning a new game sometimes its just easier to take it slow like that. Yes typically ascii games do have tilesets with them at least the ones I know of CDDA, DF, and ADOM, its just people want things to be "good" out of the box. They don't want to faff about for 2 or 3 hours to get the "optimal" experience.

Have you seen Aurora 4x? It is probably one of the deepest 4x space games on the market to this day. The problem is it looks like a spreadsheet and I'm sorry but when people are focused on gameplay only style games, one of the things that get dropped off by the wayside is the user experience and the UX. It is fucking efficient as fuck once you have it down but when you are trying to learn the system, its a bit of a cliff to overcome and if you don't have a ton of time to game that can be quite the burden on someone. Seriously for newcomers it can seem a bit counterintuitive that capslock/shift dramatically change what actions you can take (talking from personal experience was very thrown off by capslock actually have an effect on what you are doing since shift + key is pretty normal for rts/stuff).

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean depends on where they are from. If they are from the US or Europe they would be fucking idiots but if they are Chinese, Russian, etc they are basically untouchable and it will merely be a game of whackamole.

Edit: welp did a Whois on their website and seems its from Arizona. So yeah nevermind my top comment, if this is truly a company stationed in Arizona they really fucked up.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Oh yes, because everyone knows. They say one thing it totally won't morph into something new afterwards. Also how do you imagine they will "restrict" the modding? By making the game more tamperproof and harder to mod. So while it may not be "prevented" they will basically make the only mods around texture swaps or some shit.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

They can ban them from the forums of the franchise and if you get this style of ban you can also lose access to uploading things on the workshop. So a prolific modder gets banned in this manner, it could basically mean the mod are static/dead (ignoring the ban may just already kill the enthusiasm for modding for said game)

ThunderingJerboa, (edited )
@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Except they have been increasing the prices this whole time... Most of the prior race packs which focused on 2 factions from Total Warhammer 2 were 10 dollars per pop. Hell the last 2 dlcs were so much bang for the buck since they basically made a pair of 19$ dlc obsolete (yes, with the new pack you only get 1 lord each but having 1 lord but a whole new faction for 10 bucks is good value and that doesn't even count that you also get a number of units from a different faction as well). So Total Warhammer 3 comes out and to say it was a fucking mess at launch is an understatement. Their first new dlc is a race pack at the price of 16 USD. So we see an increase of about 60% right there for many units that simply should have been in the game at launch since the chaos roster was very light compared to the other 2/3 factions in the game as well. So come around to when we get a new faction, prior to this factions cost around 19$ and the price increases to 25$ and personally the community was angry but I was 100% fine with this since yeah prices increase and factions have been this price since 2016. So its fucking insulting they do a new race pack and give us a bullshit letter saying I quote

To get right into it: our costs are up. Unfortunately, that means that prices have to rise. We know any increase is going to be tough, which is why our prices have remained fairly stable over the past few years. The downside is that any increase today is going to be more noticeable.

When this is a blatant lie, this new race pack that gives us less content than prior is now an increase of 150% from 10$ it used to be in total warhammer 2 but a ~60% increase from the last fucking price they had from a year prior. It also doesn't help when they haven't patched the fucking game when there is obviously broken shit. For instance they dropped a patch for the honorable frenchmen (Bretonnia) but some faction features were broken for nearly half a fucking year until after this whole. Hell Nakai the kroxigor (A big fuck off giant lizard alligator man who can do a death roll) lord for again half a year couldn't recruit his special units and kroxigors. This anger is coming from a place where obviously the money they earn is being misused on other projects that end up crashing and burning. Like a fucking new extraction shooter that was a money pit gets canned that was DOA (technically never got released but I know they were running beta test and I imagine it getting canned was based on how much engagement was around it, I remember seeing so many fucking ads that beta test). A reskin of Total war Troy (A newly released AAA priced game that had a peak of 5,424 user), which has failed by basically most margins. So its god damn insulting to hear a lead say basically if you don't buy this dlc expect this game won't be supported anymore even though it is literally CAs only cash cow right now. People want better support for this game, it is under horrid management. A ton of anger is strictly coming from how poor a game WH3 released as and the continued support it has seen. We need a proper custodian team who can actually patch this game more than once or twice in a span of half a fucking year.

Edit: I also want to hammer home how fucking bad TW Pharaoh did.
Peak users
TWW3: 166,519.
Shogun 2: 10k or 50k (can't get an accurate count since Steamcharts only goes back to 2012 but SG2 came out in 2011) was 10k (as long as we ignore when the game was given away for free then it was at 50k).
Rome 2: 118,240
Attila: 26,237
Rome Remastered: 18,407
Three kingdoms: 191,816

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Yeah that is a pipe dream, in a country with more guns than people that is bordered on two sides by 2 foreign governments. It just seems unrealistic to say "Just ban all guns" that seems like a massive oversimplification of the problem. We don't have some magical button that just deletes all guns in the borders of the US. Restrictions seem to be a realistic option but one would hope the left gets a bit of a better understanding of firearms since at the moment they mostly make laws about things they have very little understanding of and typically ban things based on how they appear rather than how they operate.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Because its the easiest route at the moment yes but you don't think gun smuggling would be a profitable venture? Seriously part of the reason why the opiate epidemic is so bad is China selling off the supplies for it to the cartels in Mexico, this also isn't to offload the responsibility of this mess on Perdue Pharma. They got the ball rolling and are 100% responsible for starting this mess but you have to be blind not to see how an enemy foreign nation is exploiting the issue and only making it worse to further destabilize a geopolitical rival. Same exact thing applies to Russia and their Interference in the election, they didn't make or start the problem, just took advantage of a fire that has been burning for a while and poured more gasoline into it.

Also again you don't really answer the question of how do you get rid of all those guns. There are 120 guns per 100 people in the US. They aren't going to magically disappear the minute you ban them. You can't just do a full ban, hell I would say half this country wouldn't allow it. So restrictions are the only realistic option.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Oh that ain't happening. Sorry but you have to get around the 2nd amendment firstly (That ain't going anywhere unless we rip up the constitution). You would require most law enforcement to be for it while ACAB typically cops are pro guns... I just don't see it happening in a nation where guns are a fundamental part of this country's history and ownership has been written into the fabric that bind this nation together. Restrictions are the only realistic option here. They work as we don't see an abundance of full auto firearms but a full ban would cause quite a bit of unrest.

Edit: did a double post but deleted it since wasn't sure if the indentation was working correctly and trying to keep the conversation in a single threadline.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Firstly the first 10 are a bill of rights. While technically yes they can be amended it does set a very bad precedence that you are advocating for the repeal of one of those. Not even getting into how unlikely that is since there has only been one amendment that has ever been repealed (18th). You think its a good idea for a nation to get to pick and choose which "natural rights" you are allowed to have at the moment? So if they decide that the 4th or 5th amendments should just disappear, you aren't going to have an issue with that (Yes, the justice system and police really do love to test the boundaries on those 2 but at least having a line is a good thing)?

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Except you are going with a hypothetical but I'll take the bait, seeing as it also goes against the spirit of the declaration of independence, although they did betray that spirit because they ignored the plight of the slaves, I think the removal of the clause of that women can’t own property or vote would be just but again the 2nd amendment has a huge part in our founding myth so its basically going to be impossible to remove. Also do you not think people in the Rural areas are safe from the wilderness? How the fuck are they going to ward off coyotes, foxes, razorbacks, bears, etc. You were suggesting a blanket ban of all firearms.

" Would they have included the second if they had known it would lead to hundreds of shootings every year?"

Also seeing as they literally just won a revolutionary war and failed to make an initial government to form a new one but the nation at that time was based on state militias. I think they would have still included that.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Were you a farmer or a rancher? Where your livelyhood is connected to the net worth of animals/food in your possession, you know something that a wild animal may want to take/kill? If the answer is no, then sure a gun isn't a requirement but its still a handy thing to have.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean the simple answer is its just a port of port from 2012, most likely the xbox port. That would explain why it is stuck at 720p which on the xbox would then be upscaled to 1080p.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I think their point is they did this in the laziest way. MGS2 and MGS3 are just the HD collection ports they made back in 2012 with maybe some bug fixes. MGS 1 the thing they were working on only goes up to "1080p" with 4:3 resolution. This is just a fundamentally worse collection that is meant to collect as much money as possible seeing as the Legacy collection was just a better package. They are clearly just going to sell a Master Collection Vol 2 with maybe MGS 4, peace walker, and the other ones ( a bit unfortunate we never see ports of portable ops, twin snakes (yes yes its just a worse 1 but I think its still a valid part of MGS history even though its the odd duck), and the MG acid games)

Edit: don't even get me started on some of the content that gets cut out due to licensing issues. We as players will never see Metal gear online 1, Snake vs Ape, and the guy savage stuff from MGS 3 alone. Hell there was also that pro skater mode for MGS 2 that never made it over with the hd collections.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean if you are using windows couldn't you just snipping tool with print screen?

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Dude if someone is spending 1.8k on just a fucking CPU and GPU together (this doesn't include the cost of the motherboard, ram, storage, case, monitor, or mouse) I would fucking hope I can run my new game release at fucking 60fps 4k (minimum) natively.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Its a single player game, who gives a shit how someone run it. If someone is spending 1.8k on just 2 parts I think its fair to hope a game will run "well" like this is abysmal.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I think its a bit unfair to say they got lazy. They just shifted their development to lower the priority on optimization since even though corporate Game development sucks I don't think I've seen many "lazy" game devs. Many of them work pretty hard jobs for shit pay at least compared to other programming fields (Rough crunch periods, most of their audience hates them, etc)

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Nope, its pretty rare for games to release in such a horrid state where even top of the line stuff isn't able power through it. Typically its the midrange/low end cards that are stuck with horrid frames and rely heavily on DLSS/FSR (even though that is annoying). The meme of "Can it run Crysis" shows how rare it is for a game at its highest be literally unplayable with modern hardware.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Because Crysis for its time was breaking barriers in terms of graphics and physics. City skylines 2 doesn't even look that good (graphically). So it just comes down to poor optimization that will get fixed after half a year to a full year of patching. This isn't a great look even though they said "But we said it will perform poorly".

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

This is such a silly argument. Sure I can make a game that has a fucking memory leak to "really put your PC to the limit" and render every single tri on a polygon no matter the distance you are looking from but that is just a stupid way of "pushing your pc to the limit". Hell lets make a 30 billion tri model for a generic npc and populate a scene with many of them, that will surely push your pc to the limits. This is just a poorly together hackjob where they know they can just patch it post launch because fools will buy this shit. The devs are working hard on this game but optimization shouldn't just be pushed off to the post launch era of a god damn game.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Again my literal point was typically poor performance is to the mid range and low range rigs. This is a literal new release that as the fucking title of the fucking post says is

"Cities Skylines 2 reportedly runs with 7-12fps on an Intel Core i9 13900KS with AMD Radeon RX 7900XTX at 4K/High Settings"

7-12 FPS on top of the line gear is fucking stupid. Even Jedi Survivor wasn't this bad and that was also a game that had "poor" performance for top tier gear.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

You would have a point if you couldn't increase your FPS by 20 fps by disable clouds, volumetric fog, lower LOD to the bottom. Also wouldn't the FPS get better with increasing the resolution since you are putting more work on the GPU instead of the CPU?

You don't even have the game and you are shilling for it super hard for some weird ass reason.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

My fucking point was if it truly was as "CPU bound" as you say. Lowering the resolution and graphics will have very minimal impact when most of it trouble is coming from calculating the sim as you claim. There are no settings to significantly decrease the amount of "CPU" work. So I feel you are talking out of your ass for a game you are stanning for that hasn't fucking released and you haven't fucking played yet. Fanboism is a cancer.

Edit: also can you stop spreading the conversation into multiple pointless threads, like Jesus Christ.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean they did blow through their budget and left a game half finished. A game which sold worse than its predecessor (part of it due to corporate meddling seriously the whole "AuGmEnT YoUr PrEoRdEr" bullshit) with a budget of around apparently 70 million. Its clear the series was dead. It sucks and its hilarious they somehow failed to make a profitable avengers game but I guess by the time it released the hype around marvel's superheros was starting to wane.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

To be fair it also rated rather poorly, which is unfortunate since battletech was pretty damn good.

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