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Thorry84, (edited )

I actually unsubscribed from him about a year ago because his content became unwatchable. I was subscribed for a long time, I really like the dude and he does great stuff. Where he went wrong for me is pursuing a more aggressive release schedule, pushing out a lot of videos. This lead to the content being a bit lacking at times. Still good topics and perfectly produced, but really not very much info or depth.

He seemed to also be pushed to a certain video length, which led to a lot of filler. And by a lot I mean more than half of the video was filler. Maybe great for people with short attention spans, but repeating the same thing in slightly different wording 3+ times becomes annoying really fast. He was also not good at filler, using pretty much the same script and wording in each video. There is something to be said for style, but if I can predict 80% of the video word for word in advance, it loses incentive to watch.

Now I don’t blame him, he is just following the algorithm which is his job as a content creator. And some of the videos are really cool, especially on the rare occasion he does a bit of a deeper dive. And the dude knows his stuff, you just know he wants to tell more about some subjects, but doesn’t because it doesn’t fit in his video format and the audience he is targeting.

For me, I would put MVG in the used to be great, now is mediocre category.


Falsch, am Sonntag bin ich ein Swiftie


These kinds of charts are a bit dangerous, as it will be used by anti-EU folk in net contributing countries to say look at how much money we can save when we leave the EU. But this looks only at money being shipped back and forth. The EU has so much benefits in terms of trade and collaboration, it’s a steal at any price.


These people are usually reality deniers, so showing them anything is a no go.

And you know how they do it too.

First they do a whole FUD campaign, which get the people riled up and polarized. Up till the point that it doesn’t matter what the truth is, it’s tribalism, us against them etc. This phase is in full swing in Europe right now. Next they say well what if we do a non binding referendum? It shows the people we are actively taking an interest and we get to see what people think. If everyone votes remain, the issue is done and buried. Then leading up to the referendum they do a massive misinformation campaign, with TV ads, social media ads and posts, etc. Everything they can do to misinform the public, with Russia footing the bill for most of it. Most people aren’t interested enough to dive into such a complex topic (and I don’t blame them, it’s very complicated), so they’ll go off their gut and their gut is influenced by their experience in the world and on social media, so they will vote exit. After the referendum is done and the outcome is 50/50, they’ll go yell: “THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN”. And before you know it your whole country goes to shit and you are leaving the EU and basically committing economic suicide. By the time people realize what happened, it’s much too late and all the shitbags responsible have gone away.

If you told me this before Brexit, I would have laughed and told you it’s total BS. But then it happened in real life and I don’t know how to deal with that.


I think he’s born with it


Can confirm, for me about 10 miles one way and the bigger the car the more likely they don’t see you or don’t care.


Cool! We don’t get many of these Sculder and Mully memes around here. Moar pls


Hello, my name is Hollywood. It has come to my attention you at one point liked this thing. For your entertainment I have shit all over this thing and would request you consume it.

No thank you?

Shoves shit down your throat - I SAID FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT!

what is a skill you wish you had, and why?

Ok, I might as well go first: I wish I could draw. Not at the level where I could make photorealistic portraits, but I’ve always been envious of those who are able to scetch something together in a few minutes that perfectly captures what they want to convey. Sometimes words aren’t enough to express what I want to say, and...


Go lay down and fall asleep within a few minutes no matter what. I know a few people who can do this and I am so jealous.


Yes, you can actually break your penis and do permanent damage. Doctors warn not to do reverse cowgirl for example, a popular position in porn. If not done right the penis will break and you are going to have a bad time.


This is a good place to start your research:

Be sure to check out the sources and browse Google Images on this topic for a while.


Missed opportunity to put four lights on day five.


Well my father did all of those things AND hit me


OK guys, I just did the divorce part, but now I can’t find the re-marry part in the dialog tree. How do I get to that part?


Guys? Guys… :'(


Why is the detective wearing a high vis vest?


To not be alone all of the time


I’ve been told they are also looking into light, like inside the body. They are looking into that?


Me and my boys on the way to planting a nuke in his bedroom


You should absolutely wash everything you intend to put in your body. Not only are fruits and vegetables covered with things like pesticides, even when they are totally organic, they were probably fertilized with nitrates which are bad to ingest (and organic pesticides are a thing and not good for humans). And even if that isn’t the case, they grow those things outside like on the ground. There is a reasonable chance at least one animal has pooped or peed on them.

Thorry84, (edited )

Because in a recipe it’s impossible to specify cooking times without pre-heating. It’s easy to say 10 minutes at 200 degrees, because this would be exactly the same for everyone. Every oven is different, so the time would be different depending on your oven, which the person writing the recipe can’t know. So if the instructions on something like bread say pre-heat and bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees, they know the result would be good.

There is also the fact ovens warm up differently. If there is a heating element within the compartment where the food is being heated (especially above), this element gets way too hot and emits a lot of infrared radiation whilst heating up the oven. It does this because it wants to get to the set temperature as fast as possible. Once it gets there it only needs to maintain that temperature, which is much easier, so the heating element gets much less hot during this time. If you set something like a cake in the oven with a heating element right above it, best case the top of the cake gets baked more than the rest, worst case the top gets burnt before the inside cooks.

Then there’s the fact whilst heating the temperatures inside the oven fluctuate a lot, some parts get hot fast, other parts take more time. When you have food that’s sensitive to that you def need to preheat.

And there’s a lot of chemistry going on, for example some foods get really greasy if they don’t get hot enough while cooking. Whilst these food could be cooked with the temperature going from 50 - 150 degrees, the end result would be much better if it’s just cooked at 200 during the whole process.

Now there are a lot of cases where this doesn’t matter and if you know your oven well enough you can compensate. But there are plenty of legit reasons to pre-heat and you may even have better results when pre-heating, even if the end result was fine before.

So I agree, people should pre-heat and there are tangible benefits!

voxel, (edited ) to privacy avatar

is making the watching experience worse on and Microsoft Edge.

I didn't believe it the first time I heard abt it, since it sounded more like a conspiracy theory than a actual thing, but it's true. Google does add 5s timeout specifically to Firefox and Edge users when they try to watch a video on YT. If you want to know more about it, Mental Outlaw make a very good video abt it (Link: ). I think Google did this, to get people moving to Chrome since the majority will think this is a browser issue, nobody would expect YouTube to purposely doing this. In the attached Screenshot you can see that YouTube checks the user agent of browsers to see if it's Edge, Firefox or not. You can bypass this by changing your User agent to chrome.

Edit: Due a lot of people saying a lot of different things abt it, I want to say that I'm not 100% sure abt how exactly this works, there is a inbuild delay by Google, but who is actually affected, there are a lot of different opinions abt it. I wasn't able to verify this myself in LibreWolf, but this could be the case due my intensive hardening I did and this is just a result of what I found in the code and what Mental Outlaw and others shared across social media, if you got different or additional infos abt this feel free to comment and I suggest everyone ti also check the comment section.



I’m not even sure the code in this image is related to YouTube at all. Seems like a bog standard code copy pasted from somewhere. The video doesn’t really go into any detail anyways, except to show there is a 5 sec delay inserted, but the code seems te be related to ads and not anything about which browser is used.

This whole story is just made up, someone put two unrelated things together based on a poor understanding of the code and the internet ran with Google bad Firefox good!


The inertial dampeners have issues all the time tho, but instead of everyone getting turned into red mist against a surface instantly it just causes them to sway a little and the camera to shake.


In the Expanse series Earth and Mars are at war. They can easily throw rocks and totally destroy the other side. Not just beat them in a war, like totally wipe them out. But Mars knows if they start throwing rocks all bets are off and Earth will wipe them out. Just as Earth knows the same, if they wipe out Mars, Mars will make sure the Earth is destroyed.

It’s an analogy of the current situation we have with nuclear weapons. During the Cold War Russia made sure they could wipe out the US if the US ever tried a first strike and the US made sure they could wipe out Russia if they ever tried something. The Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) prevented anyone from taking the first step. These days the playing field is a bit more complex, but the same principles hold for now.

Of course in the Expanse there is a third party with nothing to lose that at one point employs such a weapon of mass destruction. But let’s just hope that part isn’t a mirror for reality.


It’s way worse when you learn it’s a electric toothbrush. The head shakes around 50 times a second and does a weird swivel motion


I imagine a real life remake of Aladdin where a thief kidnaps a rich girl and gets her hooked on opium. They lay in the drug house on a filthy carpet, out of their minds on drugs. A flee infested monkey eats scraps off the floor and yells at them. The thief forces the girl into slavery, always chasing the next high. Until the thief tries to blackmail the girl’s father. But the father’s business partner finds out and under brutal shariah law the girl gets beheaded. The thief is locked up and goes insane inside the dungeon, he talks to a blueish rock vaguely shaped like a man until he dies from dysentery.


And on Sunday the people in the US go to church like the good Christians they are. Afterwards they will abuse the staff at their local food dispenser, because they are pieces of shit that don’t even go to church.


Disable adblocker, article nowhere to be found, page filled with fake clickbait and at least 3 videos start autoplaying with sound.


Star Trek going woke again, who would seriously allow women to wear clothes, let alone earn profit. Disgusting!


Older folk who went through the dotcom bubble burst should know, but they don’t somehow. Oh well a third once in a lifetime market crash in 20 years would just be icing on the molten icecaps cake


It bothers me a LOT!

Especially when I don’t even use the smart shit, basically use it as a glorified monitor and the thing pops up a message “Our terms and conditions have changed”. I cannot use my fucking TV till I accept the new terms and if I refuse, the TV just turns off.

It’s such bullshit! I own the TV, how can you change the terms and conditions after the fact? Can I change the terms and conditions? I know I paid $1000 for this TV, but I changed my mind, can you please give me back 250$. I altered the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further.

Same with my goddamned piece of shit phone. Here is a new software version, it will remove 3 features you love and use every day, drains your battery twice as fast and makes the whole thing slow. You can maybe hack shit till it doesn’t update automatically and only occasionally bugs you about it. But then you don’t get any security updates or compatibility fixes, so that’s not really a good option either. So you buy a new device every 2 years, even though it was perfectly fine.

I know the EU is working on it, but I can’t wait for the day manufacturers are forced to provide at least 5-7 years of security/compatibility updates for devices, without also bundling feature updates. And be legally bound to the terms and conditions at the moment of sale, no changing the deal after it’s done.


We have both kinds! TOS and TNG


Wasn’t it the episode with Famke Janssen in TNG where Riker was super horny so he blew off his bridge shift and told them “I’ll be in the holodeck”


I’ve noticed a huge uptake in big American trucks here in Europe. I hate it!


Even then they shouldn’t be allowed imho, a van is a much more practical work vehicle and is actually designed to be practical for work. A van sits 2 or maybe 3, not sacrificing a huge amount of space for backseats and an extra set of doors. There is usually one or two big sliding doors, which don’t require a lot of room to open but provide a lot of access. They don’t have a huge nose with a giant engine. The nose is kept as small as possible, so the space is maximized whilst the vehicle size is minimized. The driver position is designed to have maximum visibility, the vehicle is expected to navigate relatively small spaces, with other people also working there, so you need to see as much as possible. Two big doors in the back give plenty of access and usually can be closed in a way larger cargo can stick out of the back (within safety limits). Usually there’s also a roof rack, with some trades permanently mounting stuff like ladders and conduit. Large long items can be securely transported there. All other cargo is inside, not exposed to the elements or theft. The metal panels are kept flat, this again maximizes space whilst minimizing vehicle size. The panels are also very easy and quick to repair, as damage is expected being a work vehicle. The places with the most chance of damage usually have blank metal bars, when damaged they can be repaired or replaced easily and cheap. Vans overall are way more practical, cheaper to own and operate and actually designed with a working life in mind.

The whole big trucks are for work argument doesn’t fly, they are super impractical for actual work. Maybe a pickup truck from the late 80s or 90s filled the role as a mix between work vehicle and daily driver better. Which could be useful for rural people which wouldn’t have to have multiple vehicles. But not today.

Open sourcing the app

@kuro_neko have you ever thought about making the app open source? I’ve used Connect for a little bit and I really like it, it would be really cool if the app was open source. You practically don’t have anything to loose, as you don’t sell the app or insert ads and trackers. Lemmy is an open-source plattform, and many (if...


Nothing to lose is maybe not correct. I’ve been in kinda the same situation before and chose not to open source my app. This was years ago, when I stopped with the project the number of active users had already been declining for years. Somebody contacted me to take it over, but I feel like he wasn’t serious about it. He just wanted to keep it running and be the owner, but not do any of the things needed to get it back on track.

There are a couple of reasons maybe not to open source it:

  • No code is perfect and people can get really self aware about that. I know I have had imposter syndrome in the past where I thought my code was shit, but people always complemented me on the result. Opening up the code can lead to people seeing how shit it really is and call you out on it. The code is probably fine, but it’s a legit fear.
  • With open source people expect you to provide a way to report issues and respond to those publicly, with many people adding their 2 cents and big discussions. If you don’t see it the same as they do, or your solution isn’t what they expected or you simply aren’t fast enough, it’s a problem. We’ve all seen flame wars and stubborn developers on open source projects, the drama factor is real.
  • Forks. Simultaneous the strongest and weakest part of modern open source software. On the one hand it’s awesome we can make multiple versions if the needs diverge or the original devs abandon the project. But on the other hand, it leaves you with very little control over the project. One case I’ve seen one dev worked on a project almost every Sunday as a hobby, the project was popular and had a tight community which grew a bit big. The amount of open issues grew and bigger tasks just didn’t fit in the original dev’s schedule. One of the community members was a good dev who just got laid off and had some extra time. So he forked the project and spent some weeks working on it fulltime, fixing a lot and expanding the project. The original dev wasn’t happy, it was his hobby and the community fragmented over people using the new version and the original version. Everybody was upset and the original dev called it quits and said talk to the new dev. The new dev however got a new job and also abandoned the project, with nobody left to pick up the pieces. The community was already fractured and people stopped using it.

Of course these are only some examples and people feel different about different things. But I can understand reasons not to open source stuff. I also haven’t mentioned the many many reasons why it’s a good thing to open source stuff, they exist and are valid as well.


True and based


You don’t have to tell me not to be embarrassed about my code, I’ve been a professional software developer for many many years, I don’t give a shit about what people think about my code. But I was once young and I can understand that mindset.

The points about the tools that GitHub gives you is valid, even though not all open source software goes through GitHub. My personal experience with abandoning my project was way before GitHub was popular and I wasn’t even using git as a versioning tool. Git being popular is a more recent thing. And the tools available like on GitHub have come a long way. You are however bypassing the human part. It isn’t about the tools or what should be done or what could be done. It’s about the human factor. Sure you can just put your head in the sand and say NO, my code, my rules. But the expectation is there, that’s what I was getting at. The minute you open source your code, unless you just post it in a zip file as is (which is technically making it open source but not very useful), the expectation is you become a project manager and a community manager even more than you already are. If the goal is just having a bit of fun programming for a hobby, that usually isn’t what people want.

Things like archiving and finding maintainers is all well and good, but in reality with smaller projects the chance there is someone with enough in depth knowledge to really take over is very small. It happens, but so many projects get abandoned. When searching on for example GitHub for something I come across countless of projects with last commits 5+ years ago and when I check out the code it needs major work to get it up to date and compatible. Ecosystems change and dead code isn’t all that useful. Reading code is also very hard and when you are faced with a major overhaul and in depth study on top of the changes you probably need to make to make it work for you, the choice to just begin from scratch is a very easy one. Plus many developers have not-invented-here syndrome, so that’s a thing.

The situation I described happens almost daily and I’ve seen it more than a couple of times myself. When it’s a big project, everyone knows about it and reads the threads. When it’s a tiny project, nobody cares enough. But when it’s intermediate, with a small community, this happens all the time. And if you aren’t part of that community, you’d never know about it happening. More often than not the end result is a nuke from orbit situation (only way to be sure), so there isn’t anything to read after. With bigger projects I also wouldn’t say it’s rare, those just handle it better, because they usually have good community managers who step in and prevent escalation.

That being said, don’t take anything I’ve said as a con against the principle of open source. It may or may not be the best way and this isn’t anything critical about the principle itself. Just some examples of why someone might not want to open source their project and my first hand experience about deciding not to open source it.

If I were faced with the same decision today, I might decide differently. On the other hand, the past couple of years have taught me a large part of humanity is awful and the internet is rapidly devolving into a big stinky pile of shit I want nothing to do with. Being a Reddit refugee on Lemmy is probably my last attempt at any social media, if the whole Lemmy thing doesn’t work out, I’ll leave the internet as a active user and become lurker only. Even then I’ll limit my exposure as just simply being on the internet as bad for your mental health IMHO.


Yes, someone I knew had this. He actually bled because of his foreskin ripping when he lost his virginity when he was 30 or something.

We were on holiday with a group of friends at the time, we shared cabins in groups of 6. One morning we came downstairs and there were sheets hung up in the living room. We asked what happened, he said he had a nosebleed and bled on the sheets. Later we found out from the girl he was with they wanted to have sex, he was a virgin and when they tried his foreskin tore and bled all over everything. Of course by the end of the week everybody in our extended circle knew.

They wound up married, even though they were 10 years apart in age (she was 20 at the time, as were most of our group, he was the older brother of someone in our group). Now he’s a fat lazy fuck without a job and the wife has to take care of their two kids, the house and has a job. They still married though, even if the wife’s complaining about him all the time. So all’s well that ends well I guess.


She was 20 when they met, he was 30. They married when she was 25 iirc. He is the older one, she the younger one.


How impractical for the ghouls.

They boarded the ride, their leader says:

Alright guys, just buckle in and sit tight. Halfway during the ride we will get somewhat close to another train coming the other way. We only have a few seconds and we aren’t really close enough to do anything, so just wave at them menacingly and try your best to scare them. For everyone sitting on the right, you are way out of range, so we need our most scary faces there. Don’t be disappointed, they will probably still be scared and we get to enjoy the rest of the ride for ourselves.

They all cheer and put their hands up. One guy totally forgets about the other train and is just vibing with the experience.

I imagine they all went and got some ice cream after.


Don’t wait for my order, just go when we’re ready


Wouldn’t that be kinda like normal operations? Like 99% of the time they are just traveling from A to B with very little to do in between.


How does one prepare for maximum acceleration on the Enterprise? Put on their seatbelt, no wait LOL


Wearing skants no doubt


Don’t try to think about actual transporters, the more you think about it the more broken it gets.

I was thinking about it once and ended up at slavery.

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