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How to make a phone secure for children without using "Spyware"?

Many parent control apps are more like Spyware and are often also exactly that, Spyware which spy on your Kids. Or Google Family Link is also a great example which you can’t remove even if you want too (as parent). I already setup a non-child-friendly blocking DNS and set the Age Limit in the Google Play Store and did all the...

TheYang, avatar

limit what applications they can launch
what websites they can visit
how much screen time they spend in an app or category of apps
disable in app purchases
disable pop up advertisements in app
require approval from parent account for any app download (including free)
remove ability to delete apps or change specific settings

Google family link gives you controls over:

<span style="color:#323232;">Android app activity and limits
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Filters on Chrome, including custom black and whitelisting for websites
</span><span style="color:#323232;">SafeSearch to remove sexually explicit and violet results in Google Search
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Usage limits, including individual app limits
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Google Play purchases, content restrictions, approval for app installs
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Google Assistant app access and voice matching
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Location tracking to find your child's device
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Account info
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Google Photo sharing
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Google account sign in controls across new devices
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Activity control such as web and YouTube history

sourceSeems like rather similar options to me?
But I have to admit to never having used either anyway.

TheYang, (edited ) avatar

(optionally self-hosted, or completely offline, or on their server) should be mentioned.
is even on fdroid

TheYang, (edited ) avatar

As of August 6, 2023, The Super Mario Bros. Movie has grossed $574.2 million in the United States and Canada, and $779.3 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $1.355 billion.


[Tears of the Kingdom] sold more than 10 million copies in its first three days of release, and had sold over 18.5 million copies by June 2023.


at 69.99 a game, would mean the total volume sold is roughly $1.295 billion, 60 million less than the Super Mario Movie.

I’m not certain if the movie gross is the same calculation though. It seems that the calculation is fair But data for Tears of the Kingdom is about a month older so that it seems possible it passed The Super Mario Movie by now.

TheYang, avatar

there is an estimation i saw about the development cost of Breath of the Wild, at somewhere between 80 and 120 million USD. Breath of the Wild was 4 years in Development, Tears of the Kingdom spent 6 years in Development.
above 120 million for Tears of the Kingdom doesn’t seem unreasonable.

Mario Movie was 100 Million.

Anyway, both are stupidly profitable for Nintendo

TheYang, avatar

How does crossplay in shooters work?
are controllers genuinely competetive to mouse and keyboard?

Remnant 2 seems to be cooperative? So at worst console / controller players are less of a help?

TheYang, avatar

what’s the difference between box86 and FEX-Emu?

TheYang, avatar

watch astartes (warhammer 40k)

TheYang, avatar

room temperature superconductors don’t exist. (well… when/if this paper turns out to be bullshit)

High Temperature Superconductors do, and refer to the fact that they can be cooled with liquid nitrogen, and do not require liquid helium.

TheYang, avatar

damn, right.

i totally forgot about those, and assumend the mix-up of room temperature and “high-temperature”, because “high” is very relative and confused me as well.

TheYang, avatar

interesting, as her service is illegal.

but well deserved, as it clearly shouldn’t be.

TheYang, avatar

yeah, it doesn’t destroy anything on the worldwide scale.
but it weakens.

erosion is a rather perfect term for it

[News, Call for Action] The U.K. Government Is Very Close To Eroding Encryption Worldwide (

The U.K. Parliament is close to passing the Online Safety Bill, which threatens global privacy by allowing backdoors into messaging services, compromising end-to-end encryption. Despite objections, no amendments were accepted. The bill also includes content filtering and surveillance measures. There’s still a chance for...

TheYang, avatar

I mean, imagine if non-british companies just went “well, no encryption for you, then.”

And disabled TLS too.

Online Banking would probably just have to… stop.
And a lot of other pages wouldn’t load on most browsers requiring https

TheYang, avatar

Several players have said they’ll exit the UK rather than exit encryption.

rightly so.

I’d assume any worldwide player couldn’t be caught in compliance with this, as long as alternatives exist that don’t.
This might have been enough to push EU people away from WhatsApp for example.

TheYang, avatar

yeah, well, even the @twitter account now has the X logo.

Nitter Link of twitter account, showing X Logo redirects to as well.

Wonder if Businesses will replace the twitter logo in their windows as well.

TheYang, avatar

With Ukraine being a breadbasked, I wonder how many fields are unusable.
probably lots. That sucks for a lot of people.

TheYang, avatar


If he thinks Twitter is irreperably dying, this may be a way, in which he can get out of repaying the loans he used to (partially) fund the buyout of twitter.

TheYang, avatar

depends how the loans worked.
I was assuming his majority shares of X (ex Twitter) collateral.
And that that he could just go “yeah, go on, collect on your collateral, I don’t mind”, because it’s not worth anything anymore.

But admittedly I have no Idea how the contracts were drawn up, if this is possible and if his other money would be available to collect on.

TheYang, avatar

That would seem like something where the TOS can fuck you over, depending on where you live and the strength of consumer protections there.

I would not at all be surprised if Ubisoft would be allowed to completely delete accounts in several “first world” countries.

And of course, even if you’re technically legally protected, getting that right in a court against ubisoft

Google is working on essentially putting DRM on the web (

The much maligned “Trusted Computing” idea requires that the party you are supposed to trust deserves to be trusted, and Google is DEFINITELY NOT worthy of being trusted, this is a naked power grab to destroy the open web for Google’s ad profits no matter the consequences, this would put heavy surveillance in Google’s...

TheYang, avatar

This is why we need Firefox.

And Firefox needs to be a market that can’t be ignored.

TheYang, avatar

They are not donating, if I remember correctly fairly recently Microsoft outbid them and bing was default for a bit.

But maybe I’m not remembering correctly tbh.

TheYang, avatar

Firefox will most likely support this, if it doesn’t want to get cut off from most of the web.

well, if more people used Firefox websites couldn’t just throw them under the bus, which is why I said it’s so important.
We’ll have to see, but I’d hope Firefox puts up at least some resistance.

TheYang, avatar

So if I don’t have an internet connection, I can’t even boot my computer?

While I personally hate this Idea as well, I have to admit, that there could certainly be rather significant upsides for users.
Cheap Chromebook-like Laptops, but can run Video Games, Video Encodings, Finite Element Analyses, Computational Fluid Dynamics etc no problem. “Your” PC can be accessible from your phone in a Pinch.
You open a weird Link and got a Virus? No problem, just roll back your “PC”
Your home floods/burns down? All the images from your children are still safe.
Never being bothered by needing a hardware upgrade.

TheYang, avatar

Yup, that was what I understood it to be, I’ll admit to just skimming the article, but it seemed rather directly that?

Windows 365 is a service that streams a full version of Windows to devices. So far, it’s been limited to just commercial customers, but Microsoft has been deeply integrating it into Windows 11 already. A future update will include Windows 365 Boot, which will enable Windows 11 devices to log directly in to a Cloud PC instance at boot instead of the local version of Windows. Windows 365 Switch is also built into Windows 11 to integrate Cloud PCs into the Task View (virtual desktops) feature.

TheYang, avatar

the ton of games doesn’t run natively, they run well, but through a translation layer (wine/proton)

TheYang, avatar

Or talking in threads like these, having the terrible opinion that talking isn’t terrible, even when talking to Meta.

TheYang, avatar

That seems like a rather extreme socialist approach.

“We only want to be treated as equals. We are not beggars.
“During the pandemic, Western nations bought all the vaccines in the world and were hogging them.

Why didn’t you buy them then?
Oh right, because the West outbid you.

“We felt like life in the northern hemisphere is much more important than life in the global south,” he added.

Well, no.
It’s just that you are poor, Aussies and New Zealand got Vaccines.
Rich countries only care about poor countries to exploit them.
Same for people, see the recent Titan vs Refugee-Ship cycle.

TheYang, avatar

Or many African countries were taken advantage of for centuries by white Europeans and put into a crappy social/financial position and are still trying to recover from it decades later. How could they afford to outbid the richer countries that took advantage of them?

They can’t, that’s what made them beggars.

TheYang, (edited ) avatar

I disagree.

I hope there’ll be people discussing sensibly.
For example the question how the rest of the fediverse would like Meta to act, when / if they have the by far largest instance on Fediverse with Threads.
Should they Rate-Limit queries from their users to other Instances, as to not overload them? This would protect other instances, but make the federated experience worse, driving more people to threads.
Would the Fediverse rather that Meta mirrors images etc on their servers too, or pull those from the original server?
Maybe they have UX ideas that would be useful to have somewhat uniform (like the subreddit/community/magazine stuff here), and would like input on them.

Of course just blocking them is an option for the fediverse, but doing that blindly seems like a missed opportunity for both sides.
More freely available content would be great, wouldn’t it?

Maybe they have Ideas on the protocol, that they want to talk with admins about as a first step to gain more perspective. And certainly they are likely to be data-hungry greedy shit, but there is a chance that they are actually good ideas - there are actual people working at meta after all.

There’s tons of ways in which this could be useful, and I don’t really understand the completely blocking approach I see a lot of.
They want to use ActivityPub, that’s awesome, finally something new and big that uses an open freaking standard on the web. What are the downsides? If it sucks for communities they can easily block Meta.
Yes, Meta is not a Company working for the betterment of the world, certainly.
But maybe, just maybe, goals align here, and Meta can make money and improve the Fediverse and the Internet with it. And certainly, maybe they want to “take over” ActivityPub, and that would indeed be bad. And even then, wouldn’t knowing because they told you be much better than knowing because they’re meta?
So, if they want to change the Protocol, be very, very wary of their proposals. But even there there they could just want reasonable improvements because they suddenly deal with 100x of the next biggest instances.

tl;dr: when you tell people what you’d like them to do, it increases the chances of them doing that.

TheYang, avatar

There seems very little incentive for Meta to federate with anyone, except good faith, right?
They’ll double the Fediverse Userbase in an hour, or less.

TheYang, avatar

I agree. The Beautiful thing here would be that people sick of Meta could still go to fosstodon, and they could still talk to their niece on Metas Threads.

I can’t help but see that as a win for the people not on metas software.

TheYang, avatar

meta can already freely pull that data from any instance
ActivityPub baby!

TheYang, avatar

The issue is once you open these floodgates you’re not going to be able to close them, at least not without alienating a vast majority of users on both sides.

I mean, users of Meta producs are already plenty alienated from Lemmy etc, aren’t they?

once meta gains the majority of users and content on its instances (and this is really more of a “when”, not “if” situation)

I mean, it’s a matter of… minutes? hours?, probably not days even.
That’s why I’d like to be able to talk to them.

they can start making changes to AP and overall infrastructure and forcing other instances to either adapt to that, or get left behind one by one, similar to what google does regardless of W3C and other browsers have to adapt even though it goes against the agreed standard.

And I agree that these are very very dangerous. I wouldn’t say they could only be bad, but still.
Anyway, not following bad changes by meta would leave people where?
Exactly where they are right now.
In that case, Meta joining the fediverse would have been a failed experiment.

it’s going to be the email situation all over again, we’ll have just a few large trusted providers and the rest will be a seemingly unsafe niche that most people avoid.
I have to say… That seems like a win though.

Billions of people using interoparable software to talk to each other. Email is a brilliant success!
Yes, having “few” larger instances isn’t great, but on the other hand most companies run their own email server, and those talk fine with anyone else.
Doesn’t seem like a terrible result to me.
Much rather “the Email situation” than the “whatsapp situation” or “signal situation” or “facebook situation” or “reddit situation” or “instagram situation” or “tiktok situation” where you have to join that specific thing to talk to people.

TheYang, avatar

Yeah, because the ~2 Million monthly active users on the whole fediverse actually matters to the company with 2.95 billion active users on Facebook and 1.2 billion monthly active users on Instagram.
those 2 Million Fediverse users are .06% or .167% compared.

yeah, those rounding errors are totally the reason why Meta is going for ActivityPub

TheYang, avatar

a niche group of old people yelling at clouds, not willing to get with the times and join the instance that has all the content, all the users and all the new tech improvements.

I feel like this already describes us pretty darn well.
So I don’t see the disadvantage to potentially going back here.

People don’t create private instances or join smaller communities for their email provider, they go to gmail, hotmai or even protonmail for the promise of stability, safety and compatibility with others, not getting listed as spam bots or their mail going straight into trash.

you mean like the 89.5% of active users of kbin being on or 50% of active lemmy users being on, or
That’s just normal, and as long as it’s still possible to create smaller communities it’s fine.

TheYang, avatar

Nobody’s saying that, in terms of user bases, the Fediverse is comparable to Facebook or Instagram

Well, maybe I got the wrong impression, but I felt like the userbase of the fediverse was implied as the motivation for Meta federating.
And I wanted to put in a comparison, why I don’t think that this is the case.

I don’t see a reason why Meta should want Threads to federate, except for “well, whatever, doesn’t hurt us to get those fractions of a percent”. They’ll probably have to use whitelists anyway, due to different legal situations on different instances. So at best they’ll federate with some of the bigger instances.

Most of us have been on Facebook or Reddit and have given up on those bigger communities and adopted the Fediverse because it aligns with our values and privacy principles.

I’m sorry to tell you, but your privacy isn’t exactly great here.
Every Thread, Comment and Upvote at least can be requested from any fediverse instance.
And do you know what, you don’t even have to be a fediverse instance yourself to do that.
But I guess you knew that, so you’re here because nobody tracks what you look at, which is great, and because you like Open Source.
That’s not going to Change when Meta Federates.

Facebook does not. Its Fediverse platform will not suddenly be the opposite of what the company has been doing for more than a decade.

That’s true.
But it will be two things, if I may steal the analogy of someone else in this thread:
first it will be a black hole ripping through the Fediverse.
I’d like that to do as little damage as possible.
I’d love it if mastodon continues to grow after Metas release, and doesn’t collapse under server costs, Spam and other detrimental effects.
For that, preparing for the coming storm seems useful.

second it will be a huge amount of possible connections, of people.
I’d love to be able to toot a reply to some meta thread.
I mean, wouldn’t it be nice if the fediverse would already know certain rules that meta may require to federate with them? And I mean sensible rules, like no/flagged porn, issues with piracy etc.
One could also talk about how Meta allows/blocks instances. A lot of legal trouble for Meta could probably be avoided if they only show posts from a whitelist of instances, but any user could post to their instance.
But how would they deal with non-whitelisted instances trying to pull Threads-Content?
Maybe they want to talk about how to deal with those “half-federating” situations, because this is not the current norm, and they may not actually get more bad press when a meeting could have prevented it.

For both of these effects I think communication with meta can only help.

TheYang, avatar

Not quite sure what your point is, just general apathy?

That we have different perspectives. I already see us as the old guys shouting at the clouds (of reddit etc) for being bad. I certainly shout enough at most of Metas and Googles and Apples and Tencents products to fit that bill. I certainly don’t have all of the technology that some other people use, because I’m not willing to sell my soul to those companies any more.
I don’t feel like an early adopter. Lemmy is 4 years old, ActivityPub is 5 years old, Mastodon is 7 Years old.
I feel much more like a niche idiot who doesn’t want to give FAANG the rights to his data, and because of that doesn’t live with the times and doesn’t have google maps, isn’t on instagram for my friends to reach and doesn’t know about the latest tiktok trend.

If meta comes you’re not going to get to “go back here”, that’s the whole point of discussion - what them coming means for the current fediverse and what kind of damage it can cause.

No, it’s about what happens here when meta comes. We will not stop it.
And yes, Meta can do quite a lot of damage, although I’d guess a “non-meta-fediverse” i.e. a fediverse that completely blocks all meta-content would reasonably quickly look just like this, because it’s what we have right now.
Anyway, because of the damage they can do, one should talk to them. Even if you can’t sway them one iota, you learn of their plans, and can act accordingly.

You can still do the same on reddit yet you felt the need to come here, so obviously you care at least a bit about outside interference.
No I can’t create a small reddit and federate with my friends small reddit, let alone the mother-reddit.
I can’t even create a small (modern) reddit, as the code is not open anymore.

TheYang, avatar

But should you block people from embracing a good thing, just because you’re scared they’ll try to extend and extinguish?

Email is the oldest Federated service.

I was struggling to wrap my head around how federated social media works until I realized that email has basically been doing the same thing for 30 years. Different email servers are like instances of a federated network. You can send emails to people from within a single server or you can send emails to people on any other mail...

TheYang, avatar

I mean, it’s not like theres really anything stopping the big providers to implement PGP on top of Email.
They just don’t, because users don’t care. So you have to do it yourself, in a plugin or whatever.
Still works, just more cumbersome, but I wouldn’t blame the protocol… at all.

TheYang, avatar

you wouldn’t even relly need to find one consistent way, just identify the way servers do it, and have a list of supported methods.

let’s say there are implenetations a,b,c, and d
if let’s say google supported b,c and d, and apple b, and hotmal c and d, only hotmail-apple traffic would be unencrypted as they can’t agree on a common method.

pretty sure that’s how TLS (i.e. https) works.

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