
@[email protected]

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Endless Sky. The save game is a text file. Save a file on the mobile app (F-Droid), and on the PC (Flatpak), and note the last line. This is the line you must swap to transfer the save file. It is the first game I have played on both practically. The game mechanics are different between the two and you need to alter your strategy accordingly. On mobile, I travel with a ship setup for boarding pirate vessels and never target enemies directly; all of my guns are automatic turrets. I just use a fast ship and travel with a large group of fighters. It is more of a grind on mobile, but it can be used to build up resources and reserves. The game is much bigger than it first appears to be. You need to either check out a guide or explore very deep into the obscure pockets of the map.


I won’t touch the proprietary junk. Big tech “free” usually means street corner data whore. I have a dozen FOSS models running offline on my computer though. I also have text to image, text to speech, am working on speech to text, and probably my ironman suit after that.

These things can’t be trusted though. It is just a next word statistical prediction system combined with a categorization system. There are ways to make an LLM trustworthy, but it involves offline databases and prompting for direct citations, these are different from Chat prompt structures.


The best years of YT before 2017, there was an advanced maker and DIY tech culture revolving around people sharing projects and content just to share it. That died. This all pro CC thing has an up side to some extent, but it also lobotomized YT. Peertube might eventually get to the same kind of utility level, but it needs a lot of time and momentum to get there.


I just got a Llama 2 70B LLM (offline chat AI) working on my laptop. That is a much larger (smarter) system than I thought was possible on a laptop. It takes every bit of 64GB of RAM, and it is about as fast as AOL instant messanger on bad 56k dialup, but it works.

I think I also fixed my problem that stopped me from using text to speech AI. Now I just need to figure out speech to text, get a few billion dollars, and make an iron man suit.


Just running


Yeah but MG is WAY older @ 1987 vs GoW in 2005 and ES in 1994.

Metal Gear Solid was one of the best games on the original PlayStation. I haven’t been into consoles since the PS2. Metal Gear Solid was so good compared to anything else at the time, the idea it is only at 60M now, seems like a major fumble and lack of management. I guess it is like Metroid for being underdeveloped or given to idiots “with a new vision” like in the case of Metroid.


I loved Dread and Prime 2. I tried playing Super Metroid on switch, but the controls are just too poor to pull off the advanced combination moves with the slow low quality emulation. I’m disappointed that there are not a dozen Metroid titles on the switch. Everything in the Prime series should be ported.

I’m mostly referring to the long hiatus(es) before Dread, and all of the nonsense from developers other than Retro Studio. I understand they were probably in a funky position when it came to writing and coding for a new 3D engine after all of the Prime series had played out the life of the prior engine. IMO, the entire SDK for Nintendo hardware should account for key franchise titles like Metroid. These games should have story boards and plans from first light of new hardware. The plans should always include classic titles too. My biggest complaint about Nintendo is the low quality of most titles on the platform. They are too focused on recruiting developers instead of quality games. Sure there are some great games like BotW, TotK, and Dread, but I’m not going sifting through all the junk in their store to try and find anything else worth playing. I got a couple of titles that a lot of people recommended, and hated them with no recourse and they cost as much as good games. I would have paid for and played all of the Prime series if it had been ported, but Nintendo totally fails at maintaining their legacy titles effectively. It is this lack of availability now, and the stupid fumble of letting extra developers with their own forked vision into the franchise that I am calling a fumbled opportunity.

Crayon, to lgbtq_plus avatar

@lgbtq_plus I'm a high school student in China,could anyone there be my friend??I'm so glad to meet some alien friends here💖💖💖💖


Hello from Los Angeles!


Oobabooga is the main GUI used to interact with models.

FYI, you need to find checkpoint models. In the available chat models space, naming can be ambiguous for a few reasons I’m not going to ramble about here. The main source of models is Hugging Face. Start with this model (or get the censored version):…/llama2_7b_chat_uncensored-GGML

First, let’s break down the title.

  • This is a model based in Meta’s Llama2.
  • This is not “FOSS” in the GPL/MIT type of context. This model has a license that is quite broad in scope with the key point stipulating it can not be used commercially for apps that have more than 700 million users.
  • Next, it was quantized by a popular user going by “The Bloke.” I have no idea who this is IRL but I imagine this is a pseudonym or corporate alias given how much content is uploaded by this account on HF.
  • This model is based on a 7 Billion parameter dataset, and is fine tuned for chat applications.
  • This is uncensored meaning it will respond to most inputs as best it can. It can get NSFW, or talk about almost anything. In practice there are still some minor biases that are likely just over arching morality inherent to the datasets used, or it might be coded somewhere obscure.
  • Last part of the title is that this is a GGML model. This means it can run on CPU or GPU or a split between the two.

As for options on the landing page or "model card"

  • you need to get one of the older style models that have “q(numb)” as the quantization type. Do not get the ones that say “qK” as these won’t work with the llama.cpp file you will get with Oobabooga.
  • look at the guide at the bottom of the model card where it tells you how much ram you need for each quantization type. If you have a Nvidia GPU with the CUDA API, enabling GPU layers makes the model run faster, and with quite a bit less system memory from what is stated on the model card.

The 7B models are about like having a conversation with your average teenager. Asking technical questions yielded around 50% accuracy in my experience. A 13B model got around 80% accuracy. The 30B WizardLM is around 90-95%. I’m still working on trying to get a 70B running on my computer. A lot of the larger models require compiling tools from source. They won’t work directly with Oobabooga.


Fire fox, Fire fox;

Fuck you Google;

We’re throwing rocks.

Alpha bet, Alpha bet;

Farming data is,



Hey there Lionir. Thanks for the post. Can the Beehaw team please look into copying or getting the creator of this bot to work here?[email protected]

I think the person that created that bot is somehow connected to the project. I know the whole privacy consciousness thing isn’t for everyone, but this bot’s posts are quite popular elsewhere on Lemmy.

FYI, the main reason to use links is that it is setup as an alternative front end for YT that automatically routes all users through a bunch of VPNs to help mitigate Alphabet’s privacy abuses and manipulation.


Nah, it should be the default state of affairs. Data mining is stalking and theft. It centers around very poor logic and decisions.

Things like browser cookies are criminal garbage. Storing anything on a user’s computer is stalking. Draw the parallel here; if you want to shop in any local store, I want you to first tell me everything you are wearing and carrying in a way that I can tell every possible detail about it, tell where you came from before you visited this store, where you are going next. They also want to know everything you looked at, how you react to changes in items presented to you and changes in prices. They want enough information to connect you across stores based on your mode of transportation, and have enough data to connect your habits over the last two decades.

Your digital existence should not be subject to slavery either. Ownership over ourselves is a vital aspect of freedom. Privacy is about ownership and dominion. If you dislike all the digital rights management and subscription services nonsense, these exist now as a direct result of people neglecting ownership. In the big picture, this path leads all of humanity back into another age of feudalism. The only difference between a serf and a citizen is ownership over property and tools. Everything happening right now is a battle over a new age of slavery. “You will own nothing and you will be happy about it.” Eventually this turns into 'Your grandchildren will own nothing and say nothing or they will be dead about it." What you do about your privacy now will be a very big deal from the perspective of future generations.

TheOtherJake, (edited )

Cookies are not needed. They are shifting the security onto the user. Secure the information on the server just like any other business. Offloading onto the client is wrong. It leads to ambiguity and abuses. Visiting a store and a business on the internet are no different. My presence gives no right to my person, searches, or tracking in the location or outside of it. Intentions are worthless. The only thing that matters is what is possible and practiced. Every loophole is exploited and should be mitigated. The data storage and coding practices must change.


This is how I use the internet.


Watch this ~1hr long video when you get the chance. He’s using the stalkerware LLM, but he also describes how to use langchain to parse data like what you are wanting to do.


What hardware does it take to run a 30B?


I just tried it a few hours ago. Indeed, it is quite good. I knew it when a NSFW prompt test on an uncensored model generated a stable diffusion picture of a robot skeleton and a snarky reply. Like, yay we finally have a bight spot with this one.


WizardLM 30B at 4 bits with the GGML version on Oobabooga runs almost as fast as Llama2 7B on just the GPU. I set it up with 10 threads on the CPU and ~20 layers on the GPU. That leaves plenty of room for a 4096 context with a batch size of 2048. I can even run a 2GB Stable Diffusion model at the same time with my 3080’s 16GBV.

Have you tried any of the larger models? I just ordered 64GB of ram. I also got kobold mostly working. I hope to use it to try Falcon 40. I really want to try a 70B model at 2-4 bit and see how its accuracy is.


Google is broken because AI is making it obsolete. I bet in 10 years google will be a historical footnote.


Not exactly. Stupid people with advanced tools make stupid outputs. Venture capital is pushing the propaganda sauce hard and a lot of stupid people are jumping on AI as a corporate trend. These are the idiots.

The tools are next level. We are on the edge of this tech becoming a really big deal. There are several research papers making breakthroughs regularly and making double digit percentile improvements on efficiency and accuracy. The reason it is a big deal is because you can have around 1/4 of the knowledge of the entire internet running on hardware as powerful as a current flagship phone. Sure it lies around 1/2 the time, but these are problems that are being solved. Like, the latest and greatest models are ancient history in a matter of 2-3 weeks. To be honest, have a casual conversation with an offline and uncensored LLM. You may know it is lying from time to time, but if you’re being objective, so are most humans you encounter under casual circumstances. The sociological function and potential value of this tech is pretty powerful medicine. Like if you need someone to talk to, or to talk out an issue in private, this is a way to make that happen.

Time to Move on From PS5?

I’ve been having some thoughts lately that I would have believed crazy just a few years ago. I’m starting to think it might be time to move on from my PS5 and triple A gaming as a whole. I’ve had a PlayStation from the PS2 all the way to the latest generation of consoles. I remember fondly time spent roaming the lands of...


Toss it in the attic or under the bed and save it. You’ll appreciate it differently in the future, and FAR more than any money you will get for it in the short term.


Just got a new gigabyte. The bootloader is shit combined with shitvidia to make a terrible combination to avoid. I expect most companies are doing the same bullshit with TPM/Secure boot. Everything proprietary is criminal theft.


Just learned all about EFI keys and signing my own hardware drivers


Get into riding daily and get a road bike. It will change your life. Daily endurance exercise will force your hormones and circadian rhythm into a stable state.

What is it like to be in the southern hemisphere during the winter solstice?

In the USA the cultural atmosphere slows to a crawl between Christmas and New Years. I couldn’t care less about the holidays. I am curious if the slow down is entirely cultural, or if there is some kind of inherent coupling where we all naturally slow down with the longest winter nights, in places with significantly shorter...


I don’t know what to say really. I’ve been hesitant to engage with this place, but didn’t want to leave you hanging without a reply.

I spend most of my day stuck laying in a bed or on a couch after lots of broken stuff in 2014. No one has been able to say exactly what is wrong with me as far as what didn’t heal. I just can’t hold posture sitting or standing for more than around one hour. I’ve slept doing a bad impression of a rotisserie chicken for nearly 10 years. Tired would be an understatement. I also only really go out normally for medical appointments. I can do a daily physical exercise routine. That is what has held me together so far.

Cancel Amazon Prime [2021] (

Amazon Prime is a remarkable success but also dystopian. It has made convenience and speed the norm, habituating consumers to buy more products. Prime’s flywheel effect - where more customers lead to more data and scale which attracts more customers - has fueled Amazon’s dominance. Prime subscribers spend twice as much and...


I was a buyer for a chain of high end bike shops for many years. Amazon really only sells junk products. Any real quality brands of niche products can’t support amazon and the typical brick and mortar business inventory structure. Like, I spent between $100k-$500k in preseason bike brand commitments for 3 stores. If any of those brands decided to allow sales on Amazon I would drop them immediately. Multiply this by every bike shop that exists. This is more than Amazon could compete with by a long shot. The issue is that every Buyer in a shop knows what they are able to sell effectively and buys accordingly. I tailored my orders for every shop independently. It would be impossible for Amazon to predict and fund high end bikes at this scale.

“So what,” you say, “it’s just bikes.” No it is not. The bike brands are usually part of a group of brands that include several parts, clothing, and accessory products. These are part of preseason commitments with the bike brands too. So all of these are not sold on Amazon either. This is the case with most things, the best or even decent stuff is not sold on Amazon.

The worst thing with amazon is that they aggregate all identical products in their warehouses. This makes it trivial for a seller to insert fake goods into a product pool and it is completely untraceable back to them.


That is the kind of intuitive conflict I’m looking for to find balance. I know there is more in this space that I have not encountered. This hits hard.


I have trouble getting past some of it too. I don’t get out much. Sometimes it feels like being uncomfortable is also not knowing what happens if I was not hiding behind the no PDA wall. Coming to terms with this is kinda what I hope to accomplish here, I just don’t know how to say it in a very good way. Honestly, this community is probably the only place I would dare try. Thanks for that.


So to really clarify. In my past I have had no problem calling out heterosexual people in my friends group for outright lude behavior. Like, a slap on the ass in public and some quick innuendo that would fly past the average pre-teen unnoticed is perfectly fine. Holding hands or a plutonic peck on the cheek or lips is fine. It’s the constant prolonged banter, hands in the pants, groping type of behavior that has made me uncomfortable regardless of orientation.

I went to high school at an advanced, State run, semi private institution that was located in a predominantly black neighborhood in the US south. The school was 90% black. I’m white and I quickly learned that there are times when racism went both ways. There were many taboo words and things that can’t or shouldn’t ever be said in such situations. I had just as many, if not more, black friends that were often willing to stand up for me when I was the minority in a larger group.

I have felt a similar type of need to avoid saying anything when it comes to open lude behavior and the LGBTQ+ community; like I can’t say anything as some kind of reparation for the sins of my ancestors kind of thing. This is not something that everyone does or anything like that. It’s the kind of situation where there are a couple dozen people in the group and there is that one person that wants to push everyone to their limits and beyond.

This is internally polarizing for me and I don’t want to leave that unaddressed. It is an internal conflict point that slows my growth and perspective. So, does one say something, or avoid circumstances where the offending person is present? It feels like a lose:lose situation. If I say something it will likely light a fuse I’m not prepared to absorb the blast from, or I’m labeled as prejudice because of applying the same sense of morality across the board and so avoiding the person is my only option that avoids conflict. At the same time, I don’t want the person to feel oppressed or ostracized.

I can only think of twice in my life that this has happened, but it is a mental wall that I never tried to address or get past. It is what polarized me in a way I didn’t acknowledge as significant until now.


Over the last days, thinking about this, writing then canceling a half dozen times, then finally posting, and pondering responses, I think the mentally bottled sexuality has been my primary hindrance of emotional growth.

Growing up in an ostracized small religious group meant default friends because there were only 2-3 kids in an age group. These “friends” coexisted more than developed relationships. I don’t know how to develop real relationships beyond those of convenient coexistence. I can readily acknowledge I am emotionally shallow, but unlike intellect where I feel free to pursue curiosity unabated, I don’t have a clue where to go with emotional growth. It seems like addressing unrecognized prejudices may be a good starting point. Maybe looking to people bold enough to stand out on their own even against social pressures, is a good idea.

I think we all turn invisible at 30 too.


Worse yet. Install a whitelist firewall or have a look at the connections required to access Discord. You will immediately stop using it. It involves dozens of undocumented raw IP address connections and weird ports. Top this off by telling me what their business model is and how they are profitable. They provide no documentation whatsoever about what they are doing and why. The best explanation anyone has ever given me when asked why they use discord is, ‘because everyone else is doing it.’ That is idiotic nonsense.

Refederating with the world?

I’m just curious if it is on the table at some point. I only see a small slice of beehaw when I’m logged in but the active participation feels like it is on a downward trend. Like, there appears to be ~700 on here right now. I know numbers aren’t everything, but overall engagement is important. I’m on several instances...


Article seems super right wing. Maybe just stop the right from stealing from the people. I applaud them for saying hell no to BS reforms and pressures to impoverish the populous. I’m cheering for the kids with the jerry cans.

What are the best games for connecting with old childhood friends (casual gamers) that have drifted apart?

Like we’re not triple-A machine possessors at this point. A friend and I played in the era of the original Age of Empires, and StarCraft; Worms, and Dune. We were core SNES-PS2 era. We were never the ultra competitive hotkey speed run strategy types, but just played for fun....


Russian vs Muscovy


"we support the winning side"


It could also be a way to shake out any elements of the Russian military or other paramilitary groups that are looking for ways to get out of Ukraine. Like, maybe the attacks on Wagner coming from the Russian army are rogue elements where Wagner is obviously the most effective target for friendly fire.


Hey, I thought of mentioning, but got sidetracked and forgot. Most of the dozen or so consumer grade routers I have hacked around with seem to have less than optimal placement of DC stepdown converters located around the processor and radio circuit blocks. I mean, they appear to be optimised for radio as the primary design constraint, not for what is best for the DC converter operation. They tend to place electrolytic capacitors in close proximity to circuit blocks that get quite warm. I can't say how often capacitors are creating problems, but it would not surprise me if this is the cause of many issues for many people after a year or two. I can say that I had problems with a cable company provided modem a few years ago. It had an obvious leaky cap and several that were around 25% out of spec, along with a couple identical parts that were around 5% out as I would expect with my typical shelf stock. Replacing all of them fixed the modem.


In a nutshell, a couple of drivers took me out on a bicycle 2/26/14, with a broken neck and back. The bones healed but I have some kind of undiagnosed soft tissue damage that makes it impossible for me to hold posture for more than around one hour. It doesn’t matter if I’m sitting or standing. If I push past this, I am a useless zombie. It will also take me somewhere between a few days to a month to be able to sleep for more than an hour or two after pushing myself to stay upright for too long.

Naturally doctors in the US don’t have a clue what to do with me and neither does disability court. I am stuck living as a burden to my parents waiting for them to die so that I can take up occupation in a ditch somewhere as is the American way.

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