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You want a bluetooth DAC. FiiO makes some decent ones. Only downside might be audio latency, but the quality should be there for budget audiophile headphones like the HD6XX


How exactly would it be poor quality? You do understand that there are multiple codecs to choose from using Bluetooth, right? The codec impacts both quality and latency. Also, Bluetooth is a digital signal. The signal either gets sent or it doesn’t, so whether the signal is “quality” should not matter.


Trump isn’t going to target everyone. It’s literally impossible for him to do that.


Outside of breaking border promises, pulling out of Afghanistan, and dealing with Israel, I don’t see the long-term damage Biden has caused. Any Republican, not just Trump, is going to cause way more damage and have almost 0 benefits. If monkeypox happened under Trump, we would be in a way worse position.


Chill out, dude. I’m not voting for a Republican in a state or national election any time soon. I’m of the opinion that Trump is a puppet controlled by other Republicans given the fact that Angela Merkel had to explain to Trump 11 times that he has to make trade deals with the EU and not Germany.

The fact that you resort to insults first and communication last (just like hardcore Republicans, by the way) is what’s gonna make the left lose elections and make America worse off.


From my limited knowledge of other Republicans, they probably fear his influence and reach. The thing about Trump, though, is that every time I read a recollection of some high-level conversation between him and another qualified official, he always seems clueless. For example, in a 2021 interview, Fauci said that Trump would believe personal anecdotes from “friends” despite Fauci explaining multiple times that anecdotes are less trustworthy than scientific studies:

It was always, “A guy called me up, a friend of mine from blah, blah, blah.” That’s when my anxiety started to escalate.…/fauci-trump-covid.html

He’s a puppet because he lacks media literacy and lacks an understanding of logical reasoning, and as a result, he’s easily manipulated by other people with stuff like conspiracy theories. Republicans might fear him because he will win. I fear him because he will make bad decisions not purely out of malice but out of a lack of due diligence and understanding of the effects of his actions.


Assumes he gets a third term, though, and that will not happen without a civil war or massive protests unrest. It also ignores the amount of legal challenges he’ll get, and the Supreme Court can’t rule on all of them.


As far as I’m aware, they got in contact with the company and settled things.


IMO, their quality has improved a noticeable amount.


If anyone knows, has this been proven in court if it’s done to rip a copy of something you own?


It stops people from importing DVDs from regions where it’s cheaper.


I know. It’s still a valid question because it affects how the devs for ripping programs implement stuff.


Awful idea. I had a friend with helicopter parents that did this, and it honestly sucked for the both of us because of how much was blocked.


Do you know how inheritance works?


Public domain literally means “random strangers.” I don’t see why my child (or whoever else I delegate) shouldn’t be able to control the works that I make before I pass. If they did continue my works with full control, then any half-finished book or movie or game or other piece of art would torture them with legal battles and little reward. Banning inheritable copyright is a death sentence for half-finished media.

If you had a one-way ticket to Jan 1, 1999 that departs on Jan 1, 2024, and you are allowed to bring whatever fits into a backpack with you, what would you bring to use to take over the world, and how would you use it? (

Assume that the future can change based on your actions, so any historical information that you bring along with you from the intervening 25 years may quickly drift out of the new realities history....


My phone, laptop, charging cables, ethernet cables, tons of SSDs to use with said laptop, Kali, and a bunch of cyber-sec resources.

Having a $2000 2023 gaming/workstation laptop would be an insane amount of computing power in 1999. Being able to use modern-day exploits and discoveries in 1999 would probably allow me to gather as much intel as I needed from my targets while not being discovered. If something gets patched by a Windows XP service pack, I’ll still have an endless list of exploits that work. Hell, I’d even have access to something like Spectre and Meltdown, and that’s something that still must develop organically.


How would AirTags help exactly?


Uber uses GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/whatever satellites that are publicly available. I’m pretty sure Apple’s AirTag stuff relies on those too.


This summer was a fluke. It’s like saying you won’t live in Houston because you can’t tolerate snow.


A good community-focused Rocket League clone. Ever since RL was bought out by Epic and it went F2P, the game has felt more and more soulless, and the community interactions have been super tonedeaf. As a small company, Psyonix gave out cool stuff like white hats for those who found bugs and custom titles for people who found their significant other via the game. It sucks that the best content in the game came the summer before and the summer right after Epic bought it. Since the game went free to play, though, it seemed like RL was just another accessory for Fortnite to grow.

Tl;dr: RL was freaking amazing when the devs were allowed to care about the community. Now, it’s slowly losing the stuff that made it so special.


Agree and disagree. If they’re bullying you and they don’t know, then they need to know that they’re causing harm. Else, letting them know makes it worse.

If it’s the latter, the only way out that I can think of (other than waiting until you’re free and can make your own life choices) is to instill fear into them. They need a wake-up call of some kind by letting them know that you can literally destroy their lives quickly and easily. Whatever that is, make sure it’s legal and make sure that it’s effective before you do it. I can’t say what works for sure without knowing your siblings, so. Here are some bad ideas that’ll probably get your head churning:

  • Get them into bad financial situations by calling their banks
  • Cutting off their internet for their laptop during an exam, but keeping it on their phone
  • Calling the cops on them while they’re out doing something illegal
  • Getting a friend to intimidate them with genuinely scary messages that seems like “doxxing”

By the way, none of this is a replacement for a psychiatric medications, therapy, or abuse hotlines. These will be more helpful in dealing with trauma (which you almost certainly have) and uncontrollable emotions. Simply acting in revenge isn’t going to solve all of your issues, but my hope is that they stop bothering you so you can focus on yourself and your own needs.

Why does a proper concept of a glass floor not apply both economically/demographically?

This question will require some explaining, so bear with me (I phrased it how I did because I wanted to emphasize one of the connections). I ask this here because economics seem to be a huge topic here, especially when it comes to certain schools of thought (not that I’m judging, you have your reasons)....


Their writing moreso sounds like it comes from a lack of confidence or understanding. They don’t have a well-defined question because they don’t know the base-level concepts well enough to formulate a more advanced question.

Either that, or they have ASD. Or both. I still talk like this, and I only recently got diagnosed.

Why is everything in consumer / American life so fucking shitty now - and companies literally just say 'oh bc profit margins' and we're now expected to swallow that and sympathize?

like I went to taco bell and they didn’t even have napkins out. they had the other stuff just no napkins, I assume because some fucking ghoul noticed people liked taking them for their cars so now we just don’t get napkins! so they can save $100 per quarter rather than provide the barest minimum quality of life features.


The “however” part you quoted explicitly mentions following the rights of shareholders. From what you described, there’s literally nothing else in the doctrine to ignore.


Doubt it. It was probably trained the most on English, and as a result, it applies English characteristics to other languages


Oh my god y’all are Canadian?? (/s)

TheGalacticVoid, (edited )

There’s way too many.

  • The guy who tried to kiss his Yale interviewer
  • Poop knife
  • The guy who got a NASA internship who also cussed out a NASA engineer on Twitter
  • Anything involving Tay

[EDIT] It was actually Yale, not Harvard.

Some more:

  • Ball pits
  • "a cylinder"

Yep, that was supposed to be a gender-neutral “guy”


Nope, Tay the Twitter chatbot made by Microsoft.


For the second one, just Google “TayTweets”


How tf do you derive sarcasm from the first one?

TheGalacticVoid, (edited )

I wouldn’t be surprised. If you’re wondering, yes I’m on the spectrum. But I’ve also never seen eye-rolling used for sarcasm. It’s so much more obvious to make a statement sound insane or to use /s.

Also, would most of the world even interpret that emoji as “eye rolling?”


Where the hell did you get HTML from? /s is a tag literally made to denote that a given text is sarcastic. It’s one of the few good things to come out of Twitter.


Dang, was it at least popularized on Twitter? I haven’t seen /blah anywhere until 2018.


I don’t hate all emojis. I do hate how the vast majority of people use them.

Back when I used Skype, I freaking loved all of them because the animations made it very clear what someone is trying to express in an easy to understand way (assuming everyone in a given chat had a similar culture).

Discord is a not-so-close second. I like a decent chunk of the emojis because they are super expressive while being simple. More importantly, custom emojis allow for incredibly unique ways of expressing ideas that only a small group will understand. It’s perfect for inside jokes.

In general, though? Emojis are so freaking bland and inoffensive. 90% of the time that they’re used, there’s literally 0 reason for them to be used. I don’t need a page full of pregnant people and 16 variations of a family because it’s nowhere near as effective as saying “I’m pregnant” or “I have 3 siblings.” Whoever makes Unicode/these emojis is so hell-bent on inclusivity that they often ignore what makes human inclusivity so important: personality.

As for the people that use them on the daily? The vast majority seem like a hivemind. On YouTube you will literally find pages of “bro [insert incredibly basic observation] 💀😭” in a single comment section. It’s one thing if it were a reference to something insane or unhinged like a copypasta, but it’s another when it’s a subconscious “can I copy your homework” over and over again. People overuse emojis in the same way that people type out “lmao” with a straight face in response to a meme. They’re used out of laziness so often that they’re becoming filler speech.

Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED talk.


You need to calm your ego.

First, screw you for assuming it’s an ego thing. Second, I don’t entirely disagree with you.

Everyone and their mother has made that joke at least once after writing a somewhat long text. You’re not any more original or any less of a “hivemind” than the peoples you’re talking about in this paragraph.

There’s a reason why I made a distinction for “references.” I’ve been in communities that are literally dedicated to spamming the same thing verbatim, and I find them freaking hilarious. r/AnarchyChess was literally spamming “en passant,” “holy hell,” and “pipi” for months. r/tomorrow spams “Celeste, a hidden gem.” Hell, I still giggle every time I see a picture of a crewmate. Those are funny because they’re overused to the point where they’re absurd.

“Thanks for coming to my TED talk” is a much weaker version of that. I don’t see it used as a joke as much as I see it used as a phrase to indicate that a rant is over. I don’t see how it’s different from “Bob’s your uncle” or “pushing the needle forward.” All 3 of those phrases mean nothing to me when taken literally, but I (and probably most people) use those as synonyms for long and detailed explanations.

I don’t see how emojis can do the same in an effective manner outside of a few commonly used ones, and I don’t see how “bro [observation] 💀😭” can be considered absurd or can be changed enough to feel fresh or original. I’d literally be more okay if people repeated “bro [observation #1] 💀😭” because at least it feels like there is some joke or reference that I’m not getting.


There isn’t any solid evidence that the quote originated from Miyamoto.


Is Paradox really a good example? Their games usually have a stupid long life with deep discounts on the base game, and multiplayer allows you to play DLC that the host bought. I feel like with them, there’s a “buy it on sale” or “don’t buy most DLC” mentality instead of a “pirate it” mentality, but correct me if I’m wrong.


The vast majority of these “timeless” games seem to come from smaller devs. Minecraft started out indie before being bought out, Terraria is still indie, NMS is a small team etc. They work on those games because they want to, and it makes them enough money to stay satisfied. Games from publicly traded companies are held at gunpoint by their shareholders, so if they don’t keep the money machine printing and they don’t make it print faster and faster, they will face consequences.


Any opinions on Samsung or Google?


The fact that you said Volvo on accident brings me back to the old ThioJoe troll days


Removing those is a war crime.

What is something worth buying as a teen? please explain.

sense most online business are having black friday is it worth buying something or should i pass and try to save my money. im a teen i have around 200$ but i would like to limit myself to 100$ or less. im probably posting this in the wrong place but im not sure, i just want to make a smart choice when it comes to money....


Firstly, you are the epitome of clowns if you think $500 smartwatch ewaste is helping anyone with those kinds of issues over serious neurological, physiological and psychological advice, which would be very close to what I gave, and NOT BUYING $500 TECH JUNK NOT FIT FOR PEOPLE WITH MEDICAL CONDITIONS.

You missed my point entirely. My point is that slapping on a $200 smartwatch is an easier solution for some people to improve their lives at least marginally

If my advice was “general” advice, so is yours.

The only specific thing you suggested implementing is the app. You spoke nothing of motivators that actually help achieve most of the goals you spoke of. Smartwatches are one way of providing motivation by gamifying metrics like step counts and hours slept. The people I know who actively wear ones appreciate having a multipurpose pedometer on them at all times.

ADHD people are even riskier since smartwatches overload you with unnecessary statistics.

This is more likely a symptom of health anxiety rather than ADHD. Even if not, not everyone with ADHD gets anxious and overwhelmed by random statistics. You cannot gaslight me into thinking that my watch doesn’t help me by telling me to walk around after, for example, spending an hour reading random news stories.

You know what is far superior to a watch with two millimetres thick vibration motor? Your ears being able to hear sound.

I’m not going to dismiss your app suggestion, but have you seriously never heard anyone of sleeping past their multiple alarms?

If you have anger management issues, therapy and meditation is a must

Yes, but in the same way that physical healthcare is inaccessible for many, mental healthcare is inaccessible. Finding therapists for a set of niche conditions is often time consuming, expensive, and mentally/emotionally draining. It takes experimentation to find a therapist that will click for a certain person. Using my insurance, it’s literally cheaper to buy a smart watch every 2 weeks to 2 months than to visit a therapist at the recommended 2 weeks interval. You severely underestimate the cost of healthcare and overestimate the cost of “ewaste,” and that’s ignoring the time commitment of healthcare.

Shit, did I forget some people can have allergy strapping rubber or clothing or metal on their wrists, since you are using that logic?

I am one of those people, and I still wear a smartwatch. If you apply the same logic to commonly prescribed medications (e.g. Adderall and dry mouth/insomnia; some asthma medications and suicidal thoughts), then you’d quickly realize that doctors do a cost-benefit analysis before giving a treatment and that your logic is wrong.

A smartwatch in in no form or shape a necessity for any person, and far superior physical monitoring tools for strapping to body exist, that are medically backed and certified for relevant patients.

I don’t remember ever saying it was a necessity. I said it was a tool. A Swiss army knife is never going to replace a drill because they serve different functions. If you don’t know how to use either, then you shouldn’t use either without learning first. I don’t see how a smart watch is different in that regard.


Sorry for reviving a dead thread, but I had to link this clip:

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