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Oh! So I can’t go into a post-op ward in a white lab coat and tell the recovering patients that the power of prayer is better than surgery?!

What’s next?! Taking away my Professional Engineer certification just because I’m not an engineer?

Or maybe you want to bankrupt my architecture firm simply because my certifications double as my Colgate Cavity Patrol diploma!

Never forget: If you can’t commit outright fraud with your free speech, is it really free?



I stopped caring several years ago.

It’s like when Disney bought Star Wars. They homogenized it to make it more palatable and ended up making it dull and unappetizing. Neither franchise has a soul anymore. Just a formulaic plot with a set of waypoints in a dull 3 act format. Sprinkle in some in-humor, pedestrian jokes, and a special effects budget that would make the Pentagon blush and you have a recipe for dull tripe.

Is Ubuntu deserving the hate? (

Long story short, I have a desktop with Fedora, lovely, fast, sleek and surprisingly reliable for a near rolling distro (it failed me only once back around Fedora 34 or something where it nuked Grub). Tried to install on a 2012 i7 MacBook Air… what a slog!!! Surprisingly Ubuntu runs very smooth on it. I have been bothering all...


It’s more than just centralized control.

They have the ability to arbitrarily push out Snap updates.

That’s right! Your production server is getting patched without your knowledge or consent. Thankfully they magnanimously decided to let admins delay it by a few weeks.

Linux is about control. I decide what my machine does. When it updates. What it updates. The feedback from Canonical regarding Snaps was so tone dead and condescending it made Steve Balmer look sane. It boiled down to, don’t worry your pretty little head off. We know what’s best.


I genuinely want Gopher back.

I want to share information and to communicate. I don’t want every bowel movement tracked and monetizes. I don’t want 30 cross site requests when going to a news site. A single story should not require 10MB of JavaScript libraries.

I have no doubt that most of the authors of the original internet are aghast at what their high-minded creation has itself created.


I’ll talk nothing over a terribly implemented Electron app that devours system resources and brings every other Electron app down when it inevitably OOMs.


My NeoVim (which can leverage VSCodes plugins) uses about 60MB for an entire project.

And doesn’t have the stink of Microsoft and its associated user tracking.


I want Proton to evolve to the point where my CAD/CAM software works flawlessly.

I’m trying to adapt to FreeCAD, but I have so much muscle memory invested in Rhino that it feels like being a beginner again.

Disinformation is the 'threat of a generation,' but Canada is struggling to deal with it: National security adviser (

AI-powered misinformation and disinformation campaigns are a “threat of a generation” but the government’s ability to do anything about it is “quite limited,” says the prime minister’s national security adviser. Article content...


The “easier to keep an eye on them” mentality only works if we do something once we observe shenanigans.

Otherwise it’s just a mealy-mouthed punt in the same category as “both sides”.


Hell. After reading this I feel like permanent effects from magical damage resulting in physical disabilities should be a trope!

I can think of a few examples: The Magicians, Game of Thrones, etc. But as a gameplay mechanic it feels like it would have some seriously cool possibilities.


This is where a good storyteller would have a blast.

Maybe a mage could heal it, but then they would take on the disability themselves.

Or a magical disability is the result of a 1:1 battle with another magic wielder. Only a being of equal power can cause permanent damage.

The disability is a payment for some rare power. Maybe you lose your eyes but can now see the astral plane and pilot the Event Horizon.


Some of us like control over our hardware but still want feature parity with our friends and family.


My off the cuff thought is that it may be used to change the content on the tags. Show it a specific QR code and it updates the content.

They cynical side of wants to believe that it’s being used to gather shopping analytics and correlate it to facial data.


I still go to Reddit for American politics, my cities sub, and /r/nfl.

But I haven’t made a single comment and treat it more as a news aggregator than a proper community. And even that is happening less and less as I get more comfortable with the pacing of the community here.

On Reddit you can make a clever comment at the right time and get thousands of upvotes and sidebar conversations. It’s great for a shot of that sweet, sweet dopamine.

On Lemmy, I rarely get more than 5-10 upvotes, but the conversations are meaningful and nuanced.

People are realizing that Lemmy is not a 1:1 drop-in replacement and are adjusting their expectations and behavior accordingly. Hopefully we’ll hit a critical mass soon.


Speaking as a non Rustacean, I’m pretty okay with it becoming more integrated.

It’s safe, performant, and isn’t any more difficult to pick up than C++. C has a weird aura about it that makes it seem intimidating despite the fact that it is the simplest language (macros notwithstanding) that I’ve ever used.

Based on Google’s recent track record of mind-boggling incompetence on all fronts, I want Go kept as far away from core functionality as humanly possible. This leaves either adding more cruft to an already ungainly C++, continuing to use Boost (another Google product) with C, or to pivot to a more modern language.


I think it would take a pretty major sea change for them. They technically split up into Alphabet, but I don’t know of a single person that actually uses that when describing them.

Even if they did change things around, and I would wager that the entrenched bureaucracy will make that impossible, their name is toxic to a lot of tech nerds. We may be a minority, but we talk and people listen. Even the non techies in my life know that they can’t maintain a simple messaging app, responded to (rightful!) concerns about data loss by locking the support threads, and has jacked up the price of YouTube on a yearly basis.

They’ve spectacularly failed at video game consoles, social media, banking/credit cards, IOT, messaging, video, and can’t even maintain a semblance of consistency in their office suite. At work I have three different ways to receive instant messages, and it’s a crapshoot as to which one a coworker will use.

And let’s not even get into how absolutely useless their search is now that everything has been gamed by SEO. Duckduckgo has been my default for years, but now it’s consistently returning better results than big G.

If they managed to correct course tomorrow, it would take multiple years for me to even begin to trust them again.


TNG had some pretty misogynistic and racist bits, though.

Lower Decks is a delightful show with the intelligence of TNG and the inclusiveness of Our Flag Means Death.


They were fantastic as well!

The series with Mike Wozniak should be avoided unless you’re okay with passing out laughing.

The New Zealand version has a different dynamic, but I enjoy it as least as much as the OG.


Farscape is problematic as well.

Humans! Are! Superior!

I joke. But Farscape got me through more than one breakup. Very queer friendly. It didn’t shy away from being fetish friendly as well. Rigel in a dominatrix suit still delights me. Described by one critic as, “One American’s introduction to the Australian S&M scene.”

Since most of the effects were practical, they aged far better than my other faves, DS9 and Babylon 5.

The Expanse is the best television I have ever seen and is extremely queer friendly. It’s dark, but so was Farscape.


I’m sure you’ve already been through the usual suspects. So here’s my list. Hopefully some more esoteric ones will help out.

  • Our Flag Means Death
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks
  • Los Espookys
  • Good Omens
  • Killjoys
  • Black Mirror
  • The Magicians
  • The Umbrella Academy
  • Sandman
  • The Orville
  • Farscape
  • Love, Death, and Robots

Can I expect similar protections for The Satanic Verses, or is this another instance of religion being afforded a special status with the power to control non-adherents lives?

I always get the two mixed up.


From a human experience standpoint, Fahrenheit is more meaningful than Celsius.

0°F - Too damned cold 100°F - too damned hot

0°C - Jacket weather 100°C - He ded


Base 60 was good enough the Babylonians and it’s good enough for me!


An America-centric one. I’ve stopped tipping altogether. When the credit card reader at my grocery store deli suggested 15% I snapped.


I’m doing my part!

64Tib from the Tumblr and Reddit pornageddon. Most was legitimate cultural archiving, but a lot of other stuff got caught up as well.



I’m an atheist. But I’d be willing to listen to any door to door Jesus salesman who talked about the salvation of bigfoots.


Depends on how you interpret the Golden Age text. But you’re correct that the former is the light bringer and the latter is adversary/legal opponent.

But the silver age crap messed with that canon.

My head canon is that Lucifer was a member of the Q Continuum while Satan was a misunderstood Time Lord.

The Pope needs to have a sit-down with the folks at Disney to learn how to properly manage a shared imaginary universe.


I was sexually assaulted multiple times at multiple churches.

Fuck you and fuck your trivializing.


Old archaeologist joke:

Q. Why are the Great Pyramids in Giza?

A. Because they wouldn’t fit in the British Museum.


In my CRV I’ll often initiate attack plan omega.

Broke a partition. Is there any way of saving it?

While I was switching distros, I accidentally broke a partition. I’m almost certain that all the data is there, but it doesn’t have a filesystem (I used ext4). Is there anything I can do to fix it, similar to changing the file extension without changing the contents. PS: It’s a data partition. I was trying to resize it,...


Depends on how you “broke” it.

First step is to back up whatever data is there. Boot into a rescue distro like GRML dd the block device to an external hard drive.

If you nuked the partition table, there may be additional work to rebuild it if you used GPT rather than MBR. But gdisk should also tell you if there are backups, which would make your life way easier.

If you still have a partition (like /dev/sda1) but the mount command claims that it cannot find a valid ext signature, you might be able to simply use mkfs.ext4. It’s counterintuitive, but this isn’t destructive and will recreate the filesystem leaving the data alone. And if it does turn out to be destructive, that’s why you have your backup.

To recover from the backup, you can use scalpel or photorec from the testdisk package. Photorec holds your hand and can be run in read-only mode. Caveat: These tools work by looking for specific file headers and makes a best guess as to where it’ll end (if the format doesn’t have a defined footer).

In the car now, but I can respond with more detailed steps if your other options don’t pan out.


Oooh! Let me guess!

Every library involved in rendering the screen will now be in its own Snap?


So Alfred Hitchcock predicted DDOS attacks decades before they were a thing?


Montana, here.

Nothing quite like when it hits -45°F and you have to start closing off rooms and stuffing blankets into registers and doorway cracks.

Any kind of outdoor airflow can burn so bad that skin necrosis can begin in just 5 minutes.

Summer in Arizona is shitty. Winter in the Northern Rockies will straight up murder you.


Once I made the mistake of looking up how to change the oil on my Kawasaki Vulcan without being in incognito. Now half of my recommendations are how to perform maintenance on motorcycles that I’ll never own. And ads for Harley Davidson. A company whose business model is converting gasoline into noise.

I just use youtube-dl now and have it go to my NAS. It’s not easier then going to the website, per se. But now the video lives on my storage and it won’t go away after a corporation’s billionth DMCA claim that hour.

Genuinely wish I had done this a decade ago on my favorite articles. Link rot is getting worse and worse and YouTube is the absolute worst.


I had a very similar situation.

I have to use Rhino 3D for work but refuse to give up my Arch daily driver.

I’ve been a sysadmin since Red Hat came on floppies.

And getting PCIe passthrough, accelerated network and disk drivers, and a whole plethora of other odds and ends working to the point where I could even boot Win11 took two solid days of work.

I’m still not even sure how I did it. I wouldn’t expect anybody else to figure it out.

Next time I plan on experimenting with the Photon libraries.

I’ve been using Linux as my (mostly) sole desktop since 2005. We’ve come such a long way! But CAD/CAM software has always been anemic.


And this hits another topic…

Emotional expression is culturally derived.

A raised eyebrow can mean very different things to different groups. Giving a thumbs up in Turkey or an okay sign in northern Africa will have radically different messages.

I seriously hate emojis.

They tell me nothing except that the sender is too lazy to give me a hint.

Masimatutu, to memes avatar


h/t to @StefanThinks


«Me plugging my ears as I walk by crazy right wing protestors»

“Ahhh! You’re not listening to me! You’re not respecting my freedom of speech! And if you tell your friends that I’m an asshole and to avoid my ramblings, then you hate free speech!”

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Committing Fully To Netplan For Network Configuration (

The Canonical-developed Netplan has served for Linux network configuration on Ubuntu Server and Cloud versions for years. With the recent Ubuntu 23.10 release, Netplan is now being used by default on the desktop. Canonical is committing to fully leveraging Netplan for network configuration with the upcoming Ubuntu 24.04 LTS...


Ubuntu: If it wasn’t created here, we want nothing to do with it.


People in my neighborhood put their Christmas lights up immediately after Halloween and might take them down before February.

Now I’m no mathetologist, but that’s 1/4 of the goddamned year! It’s not Christmas. It’s sad nostalgia for an aging generation, trying to recreate their own half remembered childhoods, and, like everything else in modern life, late stage capitalism is more than happy to take advantage and milk it for all that it’s worth.

On a serious note, doesn’t having a holiday season take up 1/4 of the year detract from its specialness and solemnity?


Zep had a few good albums. Jethro Tull. David Bowie. Pink Floyd.

But there are also a finite number of times you can listen to the same album before you start craving new stuff.


The accuracy required for the ink droplets just isn’t there for prosumers.

I can (and have!) built multiple extruders for a variety of 3D printers. Some of my own design.

Sadly, the tolerances for an inkjet are at least an order of magnitude greater.

I have zero doubt that a few clever hardware hackers could design an open source inkjet printer. But A: They’d get sued back to the mesolithic by every printer company with a patent. And B: the process would likely involve micro machining your own hardware.

I’ve just said, “fuck it” to the entire industry. I’m in my early 40s and I’m reasonably sure that my Brother laser will outlive me. And possibly the heat death of the universe.


If you thought you hated Ubuntu, lemme introduce you to Ubuntuce!

The same shitty, anti-FOSS hyperfocus on Snaps, but now bundled with your favorite evangelical nuttiness!

I’m guessing that zombie processes automatically get born again.

I think the Venn diagram between Christofascists and Linux OS developers is one person.


Ordered the iFleshlight. Looking forward to seeing the jealous looks I get at the coffee shop.


I’m two states away from Utah. But because my data terminates to L3 in Salt Lake, half of the porn sites that my wife and I frequent want our Utah driver’s license or passport. For a state that claims to hate stepping on sneks, they do love forcing their “morality” on everybody else.

No. Just fucking no. If I want my morality policed, the last place I’ll go is to a religious institution.

Thank jeebus for VPNs.

Random thought: Windows is largely successful because of Piracy

Windows as a software package would have never been affordable to individuals or local-level orgs in countries like India and Bangladesh (especially in the 2000’s) that are now powerhouses of IT. Same for many SE Asian, Eastern European, African and LatinoAmerican countries as well....



I once destroyed a CRT monitor by misconfiguring X11.

Nowadays Linux just works to the point where my 72 year old mother is able to deal with Pop_OS without issue.

But man, those early days of unstable drivers, slow dial-up internet, and navigating through Usenet and IRC for decent support was a nightmarish labor of love.

The silky smoothness that we have now was built on caffeine and the backs of millions of greybeards.

(For the record: “Greybeard” is a nerdy term of endearment that I’ve seen adopted by people identifying all across the rainbow. Kinda like dwarfs on Discworld).


Pinterest can eat every dick or dick-shaped object that has ever existed in the multiverse.

I would happily, happily give up months of my life to build a robotic body for each of their servers so they could dig their own shallow graves. Where a line of image searchers will kick them unceremoniously into their unmarked holes.

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