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Teodomo, (edited )

1) Hybrid visual novels (ie visual novels with some gameplay element, be it some basic adventure/exploration/mystery mechanics like the Ace Attorney series, RPG or Tactical RPG elements, management, deckbuilding or whatever) that have very good writing (think something like Roadwarden or Citizen Sleeper) and/or a loveable cast of characters (like Ace Attorney).

2) Sci-fi and/or fantasy books that have good writing (by which I mean not that hollow, mass-produced, repetitive, overly simple YA-style prose —don’t want to offend YA lovers, I’m just tired of it). Bonus points if they have some elements of social criticism, and even more bonus points if they have very compelling worldbuilding and characters. I’m thinking of stuff like Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Dispossessed, The Left Hand of Darkness and Rocannon’s World, Susanna Clarke’s Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Ted Chiang’s short story “Story of Your Life”, most of Jorge Luis Borges’ short stories, Angélica Gorodischer’s Kalpa Imperial, Ann Leckie’s Ancillary Justice, Dino Buzzati’s short story “The Seven Messengers”, Ursula Vernon’s webcomic Digger, Winston Rowntree’s webcomic Watching, Italo Calvino’s If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler, etc.

3) Logical puzzle games that have the same quality of atmosphere and setting as Return of the Obra Dinn.

4) Turn-based videogames (they can be RPGs, roguelites, management games, visual novels, text adventures or whatever else as long as it’s not action-focused, based on reflexes or time-sensitive without pause) that have very strong setting, atmosphere and writing (if they don’t have a traditional story, at least good writing in the occasional dialogue lines). Some preferred settings are:

  • Decadent worlds (like Darkest Dungeon, Dredge, Fallen London, Sunless Sea, Cultist Simulator, Book of Hours, The Shrouded Isle)
  • 18th to 20th century history/alternate history (like The Great Ace Attorney, The Lion’s Song, The Last Door, Amnesia: Rebirth, Return of the Obra Dinn)
  • Sci-fi in general —can be cyberpunk but not necessary— (like Citizen Sleeper, Tacoma, Soma, The Talos Principle, The Red Strings Club, Chrono Trigger, 2064: Read Only Memories, Subnautica, Stellaris)
  • Very current (as in 2020s or close) focused settings (like Unpacking, Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You, one night hot springs, missed messages., What Remains of Edith Finch)
  • Traditional and/or generic fantasy but well written (like Roadwarden, Wildermyth, Final Fantasy Tactics, Legend of Mana, The Banner Saga, Suikoden II, Terranigma, Grandia, Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete, Alundra… many of these I played young so their writing might not be as good as I remember)
  • Other historical/alternate history settings previous to 18th century as long as they’re well written (like King of Dragon Pass, Landnama)

But I’m also open to anything I’m not used to in videogames as long as it has those elements (strong writing, setting, atmosphere), like urban fantasy/new weird/fantastic realism type of stuff like Disco Elysium, whimsical settings a la Undertale/Deltarune or ambiguous mindscapes like in Celeste and Gris.

5) Mechanically speaking, something that reaches the same heights as Slay the Spire. I don’t know what it is, I’ve played many other deckbuilding roguelites and/or roguelites with a tree-style map chasing that same high. And some were better than others (I guess shout-out to Monster Train, FTL, Pirates Outlaws, Griftlands, Roguebook, Iris and the Giant, Dicey Dungeons, Star Renegades). But none have absorbed me like it did despite it having uninteresting (to me) writing and visuals. Maybe it was just because it was my first with those ideas.

6) I was exposed to a lot of anime/manga when I was a teen and even if I never feel like I want to watch/read most of them these years, I still have some lingering weakness for some of its tropes and aesthetics when applied to videogames. I’m talking about trainwreck-style games that are awful and strangely compelling at the same time, like Danganronpa and Zero Escape. Or, to speak of one that feels much higher quality while still having some puzzling choices, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. It’s hard to describe this vibe (maybe “anime aesthetics, very ambitious in some ways but messy and still beholden to certain clichés, occasionally managing to be deep but usually just coasting on pseudo-philosophical anime bullshit”) and I really never feel like actually playing these games but once a year or so when there comes a day I just don’t feel like doing anything I don’t mind laying in my bed watching full no-commentary gameplays of these kinds of games. So if you know of something similar to those I’d like to bookmark that for the future.

Are PeerTube videos watchable from Piped? + recs asked

I’m new at both PeerTube and at Piped/NewPipe frontends. I’ve always wanted to support PeerTube but every time I browse instances I see very little content and it’s especially barren for the type of stuff I like. Not really a tech guy, even though I’m learning some programming my background is that of a Literature...

What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises?

What I mean is… sometimes people are very loyal to a videogame franchise or a company because they loved a game they released years ago (Silent Hill/Konami with Silent Hill 2, Blizzard/Bethesda with their respective golden eras, some could argue this happens too with Pokémon and Final Fantasy, etc). Ethical/consumer reasons...


I didn’t took it to mean “Israel will be erased” but “Israel and Palestina will be fused”. So maybe it won’t be named Israel but Israel-Palestina (kinda like Bosnia-Herzegovina) or something like that. Of course that seems impossible today but who knows, maybe there’s a timeline where that’s the name of the country 500 years into the future.


Yep, I know antisemitism has a long long story, my great grandparents came to my country running away from it at the start of the last century. And islamophobia is going really strong right now too. But I do think there’s higher chances of things like that happening between the years 2000-2500 than between 1000-2000. If the recent pattern with Christianity also happens to Islam and Judaism, fervent religious feeling might diminish in the long term (even if there’s occasional flare-ups here and there) and that coupled with sheer time/centuries might help ease the tensions.


Huh, I felt the 12/20 was a bit low but I guess not so much. As someone that has never used an image generator (or an LLM for that matter, chatGPT not even once baby) nor has actually worked at tech (though I have been learning programming on my own) and doesn’t even know how to draw… I guess I didn’t do too bad.

Teodomo, (edited )

Not proud nor ashamed, and you seem to imply LLMs are needed in all human fields

Teodomo, (edited )

I’m playing Stellaris right now and one of the things I miss the most about Sid Meier 's games is it being 100% turn-based vs real time with pause (over long sessions it tires my hand a lot for some reason)

Now that we're finally out of reddit, can we finally get different tag for NSFW and NSFL?

For the uninitiated, generally NSFW is for sexual contents and NSFL is for gory contents. People may want to see one but not see the other at any time for any reason. I have seen this feature requested over the years in Reddit but it never happens. Maybe now some instance can finally implement it?

Teodomo, (edited )

I don’t care about Reddit (or about growing Lemmy) as much as the average post I see in Lemmy, but if you wanted to migrate people from the former to the latter this is one of the easier ways to help do it. It’s one of those small quality of life things that are asked for periodically. If Lemmy had it it’d be mentioned in Reddit every time people are pissed with the site (which is every day for most sites, including Reddit). It’d be free mouth to mouth word of mouth (being ESL is funny sometimes) publicity for Lemmy

Powell’s Essential List: 25 Best Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books of the 21st Century (So Far) (

I’m not sure when it was written, but I ran across this list of the best science fiction and fantasy books this century, and I resonated with the ones I’ve read, so I thought I’d see what others thought of it. Have you read many of them?


I’m over 2000 books read (a mix of classics, literary and genre fiction) and the more I read the more fantasy and sci-fi feel similar. Despite one having a reputation for escapism and the other for (indirect) social commentary, in my experience any given book of either can fall anywhere between those two poles. Any sufficiently advanced technology, etc.


I mean, nowadays I assume almost all C-suite execs (which make these decisiones) to be conservative (or “apoliticals”/“insert other tag” that act like conservatives)


I don’t agree with “every waking second” of their lives (it’s just paralyzing to live like that, wouldn’t be productive to help solve the current situation) and maybe other details of your wording but I do agree with the general gist. Once you start critically reading history and looking at the present it’s hard not to do that math.

At the very least I would love if I hadn’t to periodically suffer some online European conservative (particularly common seem to be the Spaniard and British ones) gloating about their perceived superiority, wealth, civility, etc. Or parroting their learned Official Histories.

Are you able to read in your dreams?

I ask because it’s considered common knowledge that you can’t but I regularly have dreams where I continue books I’m reading irl (they usually devolve into naritive nonsense over time and then sometimes to blank pages, but the actual text is definitely deciferable), text messages, computer screens, and road signs, in both...


It’s somewhat common for me to read in my dreams but I can barely see the text for a second (it is decipherable though): My perspective instantly shifts “inside” the book, or rather the story it’s telling becomes the new focus of my dream and I can visualize it just fine (sometimes I don’t even come back to the previous world, my dream is now about this new story). Same thing if i’m playing a game: for a second I see the frame of the monitor on the borders of my vision but quickly it disappears and all I see is the content of the screen. Sometimes it keeps looking like the game (like, Civ always looks like Civ) and others it becomes more flexible and cinematographic I guess, a new story that can go anywhere.

What are your morning routines and reset routines?

After having success with a sleep routine (that starts 1 hour earlier from when I want to fall asleep) and seeing someone mention morning routines and reset routines (“A reset routine is something you do when you’re feeling super unfocused”) I wanted to know yours, so that I can better craft and tailor mine.


What’s your reset routine?

I don’t have one either but the place where I saw this gives this example: “meditation, exercise, journaling, playing music and making some tea”


I used to do that but as I get older it’s harder to stay awake and just brute force it. I started using a sleep routine I found online that’s basically: 1 hour before the time I want to fall asleep at I’ll turn off all screens (computer, cellphone). Have a warm, relaxing bath. Optionally write in a paper whatever is in my head (like stuff to do tomorrow) so that I can take it out of my mind. Dim the lights if you can. Optionally meditate. Then read a book until it’s the time I want to fall asleep at. Go to bed, if I didn’t fall asleep in 20 mins then read for 30 min more and try again until eventually you fall asleep. Works pretty well and fixes my sleep schedule in a couple of nights (something unthinkable for me for most of my life).

But having that fixed doesn’t magically help everything else. I find out that when I wake up at morning it’s still dreadfully difficult to do whatever I’m supposed to do. That’s why I’m looking for morning routines to help me just start doing it without getting distracted. And reset routines in case I do become unfocused so that I don’t just straight up lose the rest of the day if possible.


Sadly I have never felt any effect drinking coffee, so I haven’t drank much all my life. I recently tried it again too after reading so many people with ADHD swear by it. Once again, felt nothing during or after, and I was pretty attentive to its possible effects that whole day.


I know that you can’t really answer this perfectly since you (or any of us) don’t have that omniscient smartness, but if you were tasked to do this but with your current intelligence: in what ways would you transform humanity to better reach that goal?

Funnily enough, this is the sort of stuff I half-assedly think about when I can’t fall asleep (i.e. all of my life). Through the years I fine tune it or even change it completely. For some years now the current idle thought has been something like “How would you make life as fair as possible for everyone if you had unlimited power?”. IIRC current thought is something like:

  • All sicknesses and illness are no more. People (and animals) can’t get sick anymore. This also eliminates getting old and dying of old age (more on this below). If they so desire, people can regrow lost limbs or part of their bodies or heal lost capabilities (covers current and future losses). One’s own brain can’t be involuntarily destroyed, which means you can always regenerate back to full no matter what happens to you. The idea is to make people functionally immortal (brain is also immune to degradation, dementia, etc).
  • Since people don’t get old and can’t die, the fail safe for those that do wish to finish their own existence (I know I probably would want to eventually, be it after 70 years, 200 or a million) is that anyone can voluntarily die. I’d say it’s not instant though. They must maintain a firm and constant will to die for a long period of time (maybe a year? maybe that’s too long). If they have maintained a will to stop existing for that long, they do die. No one can kill other people, only each person can decide if and when to die. It’s painless.
  • It is no longer necessary to eat, drink, breath, sleep, etc. This goes for all humans and animals. People can still do it of course for the pleasure of it but it’s not needed.
  • People can alter their body in whatever way they want. They can change body types, including bone and muscle, can change (or add or delete) genitals, can gain or get rid of bodily functions (e.g. you can get rid of periods but still be able to be pregnant, or gain the capability to be pregnant if you already didn’t have it). And yes, you can grow furry ears and whatever.
  • But at the same time, since everyone is now a shapeshifter, people now also have the ability to identify other people no matter what their appearance is. You suddenly went from being a 3 meter hulking alligator man to a little 50 cm fairy girl? I can still instantly tell you are my sibling.
  • There are different ways of conceiving a new human. It occurs whenever 1 or 2 or more humans intentionally will it. All parties must maintain a firm and constant will for it to happen for a long enough period of time (maybe 9 months). If at some point any of the parties has doubts, it will not happen. Sex isn’t technically required (though it can absolutely happen for those that enjoy the tradition). The new baby will automatically share the DNA of all the parties. If the parties want the actual pregnancy to actually occur in the body of one them, they can will it so and it will be so (again, as long as everyone keeps willing it for the whole time). If no one wants to actually carry the baby in their body, the baby will simply pop into existence in the hands of one of the parties after the necessary time period passes.
  • All humans have now the same baseline strength regardless of their bodies. When a being attempts to do something to another being against their will, they instead become paralyzed for an hour. For kink enjoyers, don’t worry, if deep inside you want to get roughed up for some fetish reason the paralysis will not occur, since it’s not actually against your will. In general, this should mean no more rape and unwanted violence.
  • With no illnesses and functional immortality, the planet might become overpopulated eventually. Humans can now more easily go to space of course (since they no longer require breathing and all that). But since many might prefer to stay on Earth, from now on Earth (and every planet) is functionally infinite. That is to say, the planets occupy a defined mass in space, but once you set foot on the planet, it becomes a plane that infinitely expands in all directions. There will always be enough Earth for everyone as long as they are willing to travel it and explore. Same goes on for every planet. Think of them like magical tents that occupy a small space but once you are inside it contains an infinite world. So for Earth the “center” of the plane would be our current 2D world map but from then it would expand with new lands and seas. So yeah, while you are in a planet it is flat, once you leave it from your perspective it becomes a sphere again.
  • I’ve talked about physical illnesses, but what about mental ones? Well, the spectrum is too ample and varied and I don’t feel qualified to sort out which ones are 100% harmful vs which ones are harmful some of the time vs which ones are simply neuro-atypical. So I’d say I’d give every person the ability to switch from neural state of mind to another. If you have down’s syndrome and you want to keep living like that, by all means. If you want to change it, you can too. And if you want to switch on and off between those states, then that too. The only thing I’d “change” is that you always have some level of intuitive understanding that this is a possibility, that you can switch. The same goes for every personality disorder, for every mental condition, for every mental illness, for every personality feature, for every compulsion, for every trauma. You can even switch on and off for remembering certain things.
  • All these points serve to try to make it more fair for every current and new human that exists and will exist. But what about the humans that are already dead? What about the babies that died of sickness, the kids that were murdered, the victims of sex trafficking that endured a life of horror, and at the end of the day what about every single human and animal that ever lived and was shaped by an unfair world even if they in turn hurt or even killed? So… since the world’s infinite and space is not a problem anymore, every single being to have ever existed is revived. The previous points apply to them too.

Sci-fi books which don't involve too much space travels and massive world builds?

Don’t really know how to explain this. I like sci fi and would love to dig deeper into it. Am avid reader and enjoyed Project Hail Mary (though set in space, this book is just amazing), Dune, short stories by Ray Bradbury and TV shows like Raised by the Wolves, Westworld, From (love From!). But e.g. Foundation I really...


Ursula K. Le Guin is an example of a writer that does deep but focused worldbuilding. Her sci-fi books tend to be about a single planet, sometimes two like in The Dispossesed. You could try that one or even better start with The Left Hand of Darkness. I like how she sets up various unusual alien factors (geopolitics, biology, society, natural environments) and lets them interplay but also without forgetting a plot.

What are some YouTube channels which follow pre-monetisation ethos?

I’m looking for some small content creators who’s content has not been influenced by the potential of making money. In the early days of YouTube there was mostly trash, but then a few small channels started using formats, using specific styles and actually standing out above a pile shit....

Teodomo, (edited )

For videogame gameplays, I like 2BSkyen. It’s a secondary channel of his (his main ones being TBSkyen and TBSkyenShorts or something like that) and I tend to find that secondary channels are the ones that are usually less plagued by chasing trends and sponsored stuff. In his main channels he has a focus in character design but I like him because he’s sort of an all-rounder: he’s insightful, knows a bit about everything and is much more eloquent than the average youtuber. I also like that he wears his progressive politics on his sleeve and that he’s not scared of playing like a patient gamer and reading the lore. He’s also a bit of an insider in the videogame industry and sometimes shares interesting stuff regarding that.

If you like to discover indie games, I have two channels for you: Wanderbots and Splattercatgaming. The first one is a progressive guy that explores all kinds of indie games (but I do think he likes bullet heavens and turret defense games because there’s a lot of those), he also sometimes plays with his wife and friends. The second one has quite a high quality channel and he periodically revisits what feels like every single RPG and/or strategy and/or roguelite and/or space related indie game out there giving his insights on each version of them along their development. Both of these channels tend to play just a bit of the game, not full walkthroughs: that way you can choose if you’d like to play the actual game yourself and support indie devs.

My last gameplay channel recommendation would be MKIceAndFire. Now I don’t know if this fits your criterium exactly because he does very much upload the latest mainstream games the second they come out, and very often before they do because game companies seem to give him early access. The reason for that is that it’s the biggest no commentary gameplay channel in YT. So… it kinda feels like and old school YT channel if you used to watch no commentary let’s plays on YT, which is something that I did. And if there’s a mainstream game I want to watch that I know I won’t find an insightful letsplayer playing it… then I know I can watch it in MKIceAndFire. It’s not often that I need him, but he’s always there. He also has a lot of Mortal Kombat and fighting game videos if that’s your thing.

For non gameplay channels, there’s a number I follow that do their own thing and disregard the algorithm:

  • Brian David Gilbert: He just does weird song videos, his humor is kinda 2000s YT.
  • Errant Signal: He does good video essays analyzing videogames, usually indie ones. He also has a phenomenal series he has been slowly building lately called Children of Doom which I absolutely recommend if you like videogame history. I don’t even like FPS games and I found it entrancing.
  • New Frame Plus: The guy does video essays on videogame animations. I particularly like his Final Fantasy ones, where he goes through the animation of every FF game starting from the first one, and the Best Game Animation of the Year where he shoutouts a lot of noteworthy animation in videogames for the whole year. I like how it feels he loves and relishes every single detail of animation work.
  • Innuendo Studios: This one doesn’t upload very often but he does interesting political essays on the alt right from a leftist perspective.


BTW anyone reading this that made it to here: if you have channels you would recommend me based on the things I’ve said I like I’d love to hear it.


Oh I think I just worded it poorly. English is not my native language. I took it out now, but basically I meant that while Wanderbots has shown to be explicitly progressive a couple of times, Splattercatgaming has not. Actually now that I think about it when there’s explicit moral/ideological decisions in-game he does tend to pick the most “right-wing” ones, but I know that shouldn’t be posited as indicative of anything IRL. Like in this one (link to the video but also to a comment from someone else highlighting how he usually does just that).


Why choose one over the other when you can use something like Playnite or similar to track all your collections across multiple services?


The things that annoy me about some Lemmy users are the same things that annoyed me about some Reddit users (lots of frequently upvoted meme subs that don’t work for me, posting ragebait, political compass subs, etc) and I’m dealing with them the exact same way I dealt with them at Reddit throughout 10 years: block and move on. The best thing about this type of forum is that you can heavily personalize your feed by filtering/blocking/muting and you’ll still have some reasonably good quality content (which includes both your niches and the potential to discover either general or specific stuff you’ll like) thanks to the upvote system.

As far as public support goes, why aren't disabilities and chronic illnesses treated in a similar manner to LGBT issues?

I’m just curious about this. As someone with a chronic illness, I pretty much never hear anyone talk about things related to the sorts of difficulties and discrimination I and others might face within society. I’m not aware of companies or governments doing anything special to bring awareness on the same scale of say, pride...


If it’s worth anything, all the visibilization, representation and positive portrayal of disability and chronic illness I’ve ever seen (and it has steadily grown in the past 10 years in my experience) has come through LGBT+ or LGBT+friendly spaces or hand in hand with them (once again, in my experience). I don’t known how mainstream it is though, since my browsing habits are not that mainstream


Is there a way to insulate apps in my phone from looking at stuff they shouldn’t? Kinda like Firefox Multi-Account Containers.


I watch a few, but the first worthy one that comes to mind is TBSkyen.


Let’s see who gets this one:

Find your 107 pals (if you bother to do it), build up your castle and go up against that psycho dude weirdly fixated with porcine epithets.


Yep! The second one


FWIW I just read the first book and while I found the world interesting I got tired of the book jerking the main character off so much.

Teodomo, (edited )

I noticed this basically stopped happening once I made an effort to erradicate all ragebait content from my internet diet

Do people just not use the YouTube subscription feed?

I consistently hear people on YouTube complain that the subscribe button doesn’t do anything for viewers, now that channel notifications are controlled by the bell. But it does do something: it puts the videos from that channel in your subscription feed, which is readily accessible on all versions of YouTube. So why do people...


I use the suscription feed, when I’m no longer interested in a channel I unsub and move it to my bookmarks so that I can keep track of it if I want to check it or even sub again for some reason. This way I have 2 feeds: a slow one (subscription feed) which I check daily and the home feed where the algorithm might recommend me something interesting if I want something else to watch. I might check that one many times a day or sometimes not check it for weeks or even months at a time.

I sometimes also unsub from channels I would like to keep being subbed too but they are just too spammy (e.g. Northernlion would just clutter my sub feed so I moved him to bookmarks and I still check him a couple of times a week).

As for the bell I don’t use it because I don’t like notifications for most things.


For people with Letterboxd I found some lists where it’s easier to compare with your watched movies (by hovering):…/good-movies-with-bad-rotten-toma……/good-ratings-on-letterboxd-bad-r……/good-movies-with-bad-rotten-toma…

Now personally I’ve watched very few of the movies in those lists and almost all of those I’ve given very bad scores or have abstained to. The best one was 3/5 for Star Wars Episode I, which I though was fine.


I think it’s what you say but since he took over the “he is doing it on purpose” theory has been grown and been repeated so much that he’s gotta be aware of it (especially with how too online he seems to be) and will probably endorse it in the future to shield himself behind it.


But if that logic held wouldn’t religion tend to increase instead of decrease?


+1 for jumping to Suikoden II. If you love it you can check III and I

EDIT: I tried the BoF and Wild Arms sagas years ago too. The one that stood the most to me was BoF4

Teodomo, (edited )

What’s your alternative?

EDIT: Oh I just found in the profile. It’s Brave. I used it for half a year before I got tired of the crypto ads sneaking into my home page’s links no matter how many times I deleted them and of some other stuff. I prefer Firefox’s UI. Also I don’t expect any browser to be 100% ethical but Brave is below Firefox in that list for me


I tried to import my books from Goodreads but it gives me a ‘413 Request Entity Too Large’ error message. I could import them to Storygraph a couple of weeks ago with no problem though. Does anyone know a way?

Teodomo, (edited )

No, I’m genuinely asking. Having read more books doesn’t make you better in any way, it just means you sank more time into them. But I guess I understand how some would see my comment like that, since there’s a lot of snobs and elitism among readers (at least, among the vocal ones)


Thanks, will do that


I don’t understand why some people have an issue with this but maybe is due to the way I have browsed Reddit for years, do with Mastodon now and plan to keep doing with Lemmy though I still haven’t finished setting it up. I like having different “home pages”, much like in Mastodon I can browse my following feed, the instance feed and the federated feed depending on the kind of content I want to look at that moment. Or all of them in succession if I want to check it all. When I was in Twitter I had to use lists to resemble something like this.

Reddit was even better for this if you took the time to set it up: if you suscribed to every single thing that caught your attention no matter your level of interest in it your suscribed feed ended up being clogged by the most popular subreddits among your suscribed communities, so you wound up missing out on some interesting posts in your more niche, slow communities. My solution was to only suscribe to the smallest communities where I didn’t want to miss a single one of the posts (for example staples like GameDeals or some other minor communities I was temporarily fixated into, like say a specific videogame or themed subreddit -I unsuscribed from those when I got tired of them). Then, slowly and naturally while I browse keep heavily heavily curating the general feed by using the filter/block function, getting rid of anything that didn’t interest me or wasn’t good for me (in whatever way you want to interpret it, for example filtering ragebait subs) or often innocuous big subs I was tired of seeing or whose whole shtick had grown old. The result was a smaller suscribed feed I could quickly check daily with the reassurance that I wouldn’t miss out on anything from those communities and a general feed that was always interesting to me but with the potential to show any kind of new community for me to decide to keep or filter away.

What video game have you played the most, that you think is garbage and no one else should ever play?

I have played Eve Online so many hours, and it’s a bad game. Don’t do it. you will spend hundreds of hours dreaming about the cool thing you’ll do later, but for 99% of players the cool thing will never happen. You will be part of the one percent’s cool thing....


Shop Titans (played on PC). It’s just predatorial and I got caught in its addictive gameplay loop for every waking hour of 2 days. I’m lucky that it was only 48 hours (compared to other people) and that I hate playing on mobile unless it’s short sessions of non-mechanical stuff because it seems mobile is full of games like this.


My main question is how do I stop the feed from autorefreshing. I've tried switching all the knobs for feed types but the autorefresh is insane. Like I try to see the most popular posts and I can't even read their titles before it's flooded with new posts with 1 upvote.

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